In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good. The Christian Herald - Էջ 3231816Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին
 | Sarah Martin - 1799 - 152 էջ
...; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth," Eccl. xi. 1, 2. "In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand : for...knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that," Eccl. xi. 6. " They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament ; and they that turn... | |
 | Sacred hours - 1804 - 500 էջ should find nothing after him. In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good. Remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil from thy... | |
 | Timothy Kenrick - 1805 - 396 էջ
...will forbear; whether Providence give it a greater or less degree of success. " In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand ; for thou knowest not which shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they shall be both alike good." If any great change... | |
 | Job Orton, Robert Gentleman - 1805 - 476 էջ
...duty, and leave the event to God. In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand : for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both [shall be] alike good ; in youth and age, in prosperity and adversity, be always... | |
 | Benjamin Abbott, John Ffirth - 1805 - 264 էջ
...glary of God, and good of souls. In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand : for thou knowest not whether shall prosper either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike £-0o</,Eecles. xi. 6. He was, after this, a few times able to... | |
 | David Tappan - 1807 - 446 էջ
...exhortations and reproofs, hoping and praying for a divine blessing to attend them. " In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand ; " for thou knowest not but this good seed may at length take root, and spring up into a plentiful harvest. Finally, some neglect... | |
 | Timothy Kenrick - 1807 - 684 էջ rely principally upon God, and not upon our own exertions. " In the morning, therefore, sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand : for thou knowest not which will prosper, whether this or that; or whether they shall be both alike good." Matthew xxi. 33.... | |
 | Sharon Turner - 1807 - 498 էջ
...the saying of the wisest man, " In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand; for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that." To do this hath been the most delightful employment of my v. hole life. In my youthful years, I sowed... | |
 | Joseph Hall - 1808 - 568 էջ
...he will do in time to come. XI. 6 In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evemng withhold not thine hand : for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether Kc. Be thou constant and assiduous in doing 'good, and desist not at ' any time : if one... | |
 | Joseph Hall (bp. of Norwich.) - 1808 - 574 էջ
...never find opportunity to sow. XI. 6 In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether Kc. Be thou constant and assiduous in doing good, and desist not at anv time: if one of... | |
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