their fathers; and the Lord shall be their God, and they his people. But the church of Christ shall, by his own blood, be redeemed to God, out of EVERY kindred, and tongue, and people, and NATION; and believing Israelites should feel it a privilege to join that form of it, which may be established in a country where, during their dispersion, they may happen to dwell. To neglect present duties, or to despise present privileges, in consequence of looking forward to some that are future, and which the present generation may not live to enjoy, is to run before the Providence of God, and prescribe to Him, who is infinite in wisdom, and who will perform all his pleasure, not urged by man's impetuosity-not impeded by man's unbelief. The Christian church having been first established at Jerusalem, that was considered as the mother church, and appeal was made to it when necessary; but after the church was driven from Jerusalem by the destruction of the city, no church which existed had any supremacy over the rest. Each church, (that is, the church in each place where it was set up) having been founded either by the apostles, or on apostolical authority, had its government within itself; and where the ruling powers believed in Christ, the Christian religion became the established religion of the country. To deny that the holy Catholic church exists, wherever there are apostolic churches founded, is to fall into the error of the Romanists, who claim a supremacy for their church; which claim of supremacy, among other evidences, proves it to be an apostacy. To set up a Hebrew church, with self-constituted, or lay-constituted ministers, is the schism most of all to be deplored. Every professed believer, who separates from the church of apostolic descent, established in his own land, refuses to keep "the unity of the Spirit, in the bond of peace; " but any of the Hebrew nation who believe, and who will not come into the church, not only do this, but in effect they say, "We will not be grafted in again; we have been broken off, and we will see if it be not possible to strike fresh root, and thrive alone." Christ established the Christian church in his own person, breaking down the national barrier which existed; and until He appears the second time, himself to reconstitute his church, disobedience to its laws, as now existing, and disregard of its ministers and ordinances, as now appointed, even in the slightest de. gree, is disobedience to Him, and disregard of Him, its only HEAD. THE END. APR 15 1915 J. DAVENPORT, PRINTER, LAWTON-STREET, LIVERPOOL. SERMONS ON THE SECOND ADVENT, preached in St. Jude's, Liverpool. Fourth Edition. Price 4s. 6d. cloth. AN ORDINATION SERMON, preached in the Cathedral of Raphoe, and published by desire of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. - Price 1s. sewed. A VOLUME OF SERMONS, Royal 12mo. - Price 7s. Third Edition. Originally 8vo. - Price 12s. THREE SERMONS, preached before the Judges of Assize, in the County of Surrey, and published by desire of the High Sheriff. -3s. sewed. LETTERS TO A FRIEND, who has felt it his duty to Secede from the Church of England, and who imagines that the Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Ghost are revived amongst the Seceders. -3s. boards. SERMONS ON THE TRINITY, preached in St. Jude's Church, Liverpool, on Trinity Sunday, 1835.-ls. sewed. SERMON OF THE PRINCIPLE AND USES OF A CHURCH ESTABLISHMENT. LETTERS ON THE IRISH EDUCATION BOARD; addressed to the Town Council of Liverpool. PROTESTANT AND EDUCATION SPEECHES. LETTER ON SLAVERY AND POPERY, addressed to Edward Cropper, and Thomas B. Horsfall, Esquires.Second Edition. ADDRESS TO THE IRISH CLERGY.--Second Edition. *** The Author avails himself of this opportunity, to protest against any responsibility for certain Sermons and Lectures bearing his name, which are re-published from the pages of "The Pulpit." They were printed without any . consent or correction on his part, and contain gross misrepresentations (sometimes amounting to actual contrudictions) of what he said on the occasions referred to. |