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He would not have them attached to any secular interest; 262


expect to be heard with some peculiar regard. SECT. 26 I suppose there- I apprehend this therefore to be right and good fore that this is good in the present exigency and extremity of affor the present disfairs, while the church is in such a state of per- vii. 26 tress. I say that it is good for a man so secution, that [it is] best for a single man to continue as he is. "Art thou indeed bound to a 27

to be

unto a wife? seek not

27 Art thou bound wife already? my advice affects not thee; in to be loosed. Art that case bear patiently whatever burdens may thou loosed from a occur, and seek not to be loosed from her by an wife? seek not a wife. irregular and scandalous divorce or separation.

28 But and if thou turn.

1 Cor.

But on the other hand, art thou loosed from a wife? Hath Providence never led thee into those engagements, or has it broken the bond by the death of thy former companion? If thou canst conveniently and virtuously continue as thou art, seek not a wife at present, till the storm which now hovers over the church be a little blown over, and more peaceful times reYet if thou dost marry, thou hast not 28 marry, thou hast not thereby sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath gin marry, she hath not sinned; the marriage state is no doubt both not sinned. Never- lawful and honourable; yet such will have theless, such shall probably some additional affliction in the flesh; have trouble in the they will be encumbered with the burden of many temporal affairs: and the representation which I make to you of these things, is not out of severity, but tenderness; as I would fain spare you, and speak on the whole, in this gentle and cautious manner on the subject, to avoid extremes either the one way, or the other.

sinned; and if a vir

flesh but I spare :


29 But this I say, But this I say, brethren, with great confi- 29 brethren, the time is dence; and desire you would hear it with due short. It remaineth that both they that attention; that the whole time of our abode in have wives, be as this world is contracted within very narrow though they had limits; it remains therefore, that we guard against too fond an attachment to any relation or possession in life; so that they, who have. wives, be in a manner, as if they had none;


Present exigency.] This must certainly observed,) a metaphor, taken from furling refer to the prevalence of persecution at or gathering up a sail. Dr. Hammond, that time; for nothing can be more absurd, and some others, would render this, it is than to imagine, that an inspired apostle but a little while, and they that have wives, would, in the general, discountenance shall be as though they had none. That is, "I marriage; considering that it was ex- see those times of persecution rising, which pressly agreeable to a divine institution, will put men out of a capacity of enjoying and of great importance to the existence those temporal delights which they may and happiness of all future generations. now be fondest of." But this does not Contracted.] The word cuvesaλμ, seem an exact translation, though L'Enproperly imports this, being, (as many have fant mentions it with considerable regard.


1 Cor.

vii. 30

That they might without anxiety serve the Lord.

SECT. And they that weep, as not weeping in streams 30 And they that xiv. of inconsolable sorrow, though nature may be weep, as though they allowed to drop its moderate tear; and they that rejoice, wept not; and they that rejoice, as not rejoicing in dissolute and though they rejoiced confident sallies of mirth, as if secure from not; and they that any distressful revolution; and they that pur- buy, as though they possessed not; chase, as not possessing by a certain tenure 31 what they must shortly resign; And they who 31 And they that use this world, as not carrying the enjoyments use this world, as of it to an unbridled excess; for the whole the fashion of this not abusing it; for scheme and fashion of this world passes off world passeth away. and is gone like a scene in a theatre that presently shifts; or a pageant in some public procession, which, how gaudily soever it be adorned to strike the eyes of spectators, is still in motion, and presently disappears, to shew itself for a few moments to others. So transitory are all our enjoyments, and afflictions too, and worthy of little regard, when compared with the solid realities which are soon to open upon us, and never to pass away.


32 But I would

carefulness. He that

the Lord:

But I would have you without anxiety, while you continue here amidst all these uncertain- have you without ties; and therefore it is, I advise you in pres- is unmarried, careth ent circumstances to decline marriage, if you for the things that conveniently can. For an unmarried man car. belong to the Lord, eth for the things of the Lord Jesus Christ, how how he may please he may please the Lord, and is in a great degree at leisure to employ his thoughts, and schemes, and labours, for the advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom among men ; and sure there is no other employment so honourable, so delightful, and when remote consequences are 33 taken into account, so profitable: Whereas he 33 But he that is who is married, careth for the things of the married, careth for world, how he may maintain his family, and of the world, how he the things that are how he may please [his] wife, and so accommo- may please his wife. date himself to her temper, as to make her easy 34 and happy. On the other hand, there is just 34 There is differsuch a difference between the condition of a wife wife and a virgin: and a virgin. She who is unmarried, is careful the unmarried wo

Fashion of this world passes off.] Ex ragazu. Compare 1 John ii. 17.

ence also between a

his thoughts, or distracted with a variety of anxieties." But this would occasion an unnecessary ellipsis in the beginning of as this verse, and destroy the resemblance between the conclusion of the two verses, when it is evident the apostle meant to say the same of both the husband and wife,

There is just such a difference, &c.] Some would connect the word with the close of the preceding verse, and render it, "He that is married, cares, &c. how he may please his wife, and is divided in

Now they that are married, care for the world.

that she may be ho

the world, how she



man careth for the about the things of the Lord, that she may be ho- SECT. things of the Lord, ly both in body and in spirit. She has leisure xiv. ly, both in body and to attend to the higher improvement of relig 1 Cor. in spirit: but she ion in her own soul, by the more abundant ex- vii. 34 that is married, car- ercises of devotion, as well as to do something eth for the things of more for the advancement of religion among may please her hus- others; whereas she that is married, careth for the things of the world, how she may please [her] husband, and the diversity of humours both in men and women, and the imperfection of even the best tempers, make this sometimes on both sides a difficult task; on which account single persons have always some considerable advantages, which are especially apparent in these times of public danger.

35 And this I speak for your own profit; not that I may cast a snare up

But all this I say for your own benefit, with 35 a sincere desire to promote your happiness; and not that I may throw a snare upon you, and on you, but for that bind you from that which God for wise reawhich is comely, sons instituted, and allows, and which the state and that you may at- of human nature generally requires; but out of tend upon the Lord without distraction. regard to what is to be sure very comely and decent in the Lord, without any violent constraint, by which I into a state of life, continually uneasy: its gracefulness as might plunge you into much greater inconveniences another way.

36 But if any man

might seem to drag you which should make you for that would quite spoil well as acceptance, and

But, on the other hand, if any on mature 36 think that he behav- deliberation apprehend that he acts an unbe

Comely: voxμov.] This seems to intimate, that they were now in a circumstance in which God did, as it were, exact a peculiar severity from all their thoughts; and that it was a time to think of the trials of martyrdom, rather than the endearment of human passions.

How she may please her husband.] The of Bgoxov UMI can. Mr. Locke thinks apostle, in this text, and the counterpart the word goxor, which signifies cord, alto it, seems to declare, that single persons ludes to the Jewish phrase of binding what of either sex, have generally opportunities was declared unlawful. for devotion beyond those that are mar ried, even in the most peaceful times of the church; and that a diversity of humours, both in men and women, makes it difficult for them to please each other so thoroughly as is necessary, in order to make a married life delightful. So that it intimates a counsel to single people, to value and improve their advantages, and to married people, to watch against those things that would insnare them, and injure their mutual peace and comfort.

Not that I may throw a snare upon you] This is the most literal version I could give

i Without any violent constraint.] Ame grasas, is rendered in our translation by the addition of several words, that ye may attend on the Lord without distraction. But Sir Norton Knatchbull has convinced me, that the version, here given is much preferable to ours.


He that gives a young person in marriage, does well:


1 Cor.

he sinneth not let

SECT. coming part towards his virgin daughter, or eth himself uncome. any other maiden, that may fall under his y toward his virgin, if she pass the flow. guardianship and care, if she pass the flower of er of her age, and vii. 36 [her] age in a single state; which, I know, is need so require, let an opinion very prevalent among the Jews; him do what he will, and if he think that it ought to be so, let him do them marry. what he will in this respect; he sinneth not in his intent of letting her change he present condition; and therefore let him seek out a proper partner in life for her, and let them marry. 37 But he that hath hitherto stood steadfast in his 37 Nevertheless, heart, having also on her side no apprehension he that standeth


of any necessity, in consequence of what he steadfast in heart, having no ne

and hath so decreed

discerns of her dispositions, and no engage- cessity, but hath pow
ment subsisting which might give another a er over his own will,
just claim to her, but hath power over his own in his heart, that he
will, being at liberty to act as he pleases; and will keep his virgin,
hath in such circumstances determined in his doeth well.
own heart that he will keep his maiden still sin-
gle, he does well, and the part he acts is so
far from being blameable, that in present
circumstances it is much to be commended,

38 So that on the whole, the conclusion of the 38 So then, he that matter is this; he, that in such troublous

Pass the flower of her age, &c.] There with most of those I have had an oppor is hardly any passage in the epistle, about tunity of consulting. And if this be adthe sense of which I have been more per- mitted, I think it must be taken for grant. plexed than about this; and I am still far ed, that when the apostle speaks of this from being satisfied concerning it. I had man's having no necessity, he means to take once translated it," If any one thinks that in whatever might urge him to dispose of he acts an unbecoming part, by continuing in her in marriage, whether in her temper his single state, till he be past the flower of and inclinations, or in their domestic cir his age,―let them marry,—he that marries cumstances. As for Heinsius's opinion, does well," &c. and had paraphased the that "aoxnμover exi Thy #apterov, signifies, words accordingly. And what induced to incur shame by reason of his virgin;" me to this, was, that, verse 37, the apostle meaning, if a man apprehend that his puts the issue of the matter on the stead- daughter will dishonour his family by forfastness of his own mind, the power he had nication, he will do prudently to marry her: over his own will, and his having no necessity; I think the abovementioned objection lies whereas if a daughter, or a ward, were equally against this interpretation. But if in question, her inclinations, temper and the Alexandrine reading of jaar, inconveniency were certainly to be consult- stead of xyaμlay, be admitted, it may ed; and it would be the same, if the vir- deserve consideration, whether the whole gin spoken of, was one to whom the man passage may not refer to the case of was himself engaged. But it is really a contract between a man and a young doing such violence to the original, to ren- maiden, the accomplishment, or dissoluder Tng Thy sale wagterov, keep himself tion of which, might, in some imaginable single, or keep his own virginity? and to circumstances, depend very much on the render exaμwv, he that marries, that conduct of the man, as he seemed to after long deliberation I chose to abide by urge, or decline, the bringing it into our own version; especially since it agrees effect.

Though he that does not, does better.



giveth her in mar- times as these gives [her] in marriage doeth SECT.
riage, doeth well well; she may find opportunities in that rela-
but he that giveth tion both to adorn and serve Christianity; but

her not in marriage, doeth better.

39 The wife is

be married to whom

1 Cor.

as things are circumstanced, I must needs de- vii. 58
clare, that were a man is under no necessity of
doing it, he that gives [her] not in marriage,
doeth better; and more effectually consults
both his comfort and safety.



This however is beyond controversy certain, 39 bound by the law as that the wife is bound by the law to continue long as her husband liveth: but if her with her husband, and submit herself to him, husband be dead, as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband she is at liberty to be dead, she is in that case free, and she will; only in the ry to whom she will; only let her take care that she marry in the Lord, and that, retaining a sense of the importance of her Christian obligations, she does not choose a partner for life She may, 40 But she is hap- of a different religion from herself. pier, if she so abide, I say, lawfully act thus; but I would not be after my judgment: and I think also, that understood to advise it; for she is happier acI have the Spirit of cording to my sentiment, if she continue as she




is: and I may modestly say, that I appear to
have the Spirit of God to guide me; and not
merely some degree of experience, arising
from the many observations which for a course
of years I have made on human affairs. I may
therefore reasonably suppose my judgment
will have its peculiar weight, even where I do
not pretend to decide with such an authority
as should bind the conscience as by an apostol
ical dictate.



LET us observe the humility of the excellent apostle with pleas- verse When he speaks of his fidelity in the ministry, he tells us, 25 he obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful. Edified by such an example, let us ascribe to Christ the praise, not only of our endowments, but our virtues; even to him who worketh in us both to will and to do of his own good pleasure.

Let us seriously contemplate the affecting lesson which the apostle here gives of the shortness of time; and infer how much 29

! I appear to have the Spirit of God.] It ex. Compare Luke viii. 18; with Mat. is very unreasonable for any to infer from xiii. 12; 1 Cor. x. 1, 2, chap. xiv. 37. And hence, that St. Paul was uncertain wheth- the ambiguity in the expression, appear to er he was inspired or not. Whereas this have, seems exactly to correspond to thẹ is only a modest way of speaking; and ambiguity of this original phrase. xuv, often signifies the same with 35 VOL. 4.

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