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rector General may present to these agencies such recommendations or objections in respect of these requirements or programs as he may deem necessary to obtain a fair distribution of relief and rehabilitation supplies to and among the various areas liberated or to be liberated.

3. In determining what requirements he should present to the intergovernmental allocating agencies in respect of countries for which the assistance of the Administration has been requested, and what recommendations or objections he should make in respect of requirements presented by member governments directly to such agencies in order to obtain a fair distribution of relief and rehabilitation supplies, as provided in paragraphs 1 and 2 immediately preceding, the Director General shall pay due regard to the degree of urgency of particular relief and rehabilitation requirements and to the extent of damage suffered by member governments in a part or the whole of their respective areas as a result of hostilities or of occupation by the enemy.

4. It is expected that the Director General will be fully consulted by the intergovernmental allocating agencies when any matter touching the interests of the Administration is under discussion, and where necessary the chairman of the Committee on Supplies will likewise be consulted.

III. Procedures for Obtaining Supplies

1. Subject to Article I, paragraph 2, of the Agreement, the Director General, after consultation when necessary with the appropriate intergovernmental agency, will make use whenever possible of the established national agencies concerned with procurement, handling, storage, and transport of supplies; such use to be subject to the general agreement of the government concerned. By consultation with the government concerned, or otherwise, every effort will be made to prevent any dislocation of the economy of a supplying country resulting from procurement by or on behalf of the Administration. 2. The Director General will consider it one of his first and most important tasks to seek, through the appropriate national and intergovernmental agencies, to arrange for necessary allocations and procurement of supplies and their storage, shipping, and handling, so that there shall be created as promptly as possible balanced reserves which shall be available at the request of the Director General whenever and wherever the need arises.

3. Member governments having administrative authority in a liberated area will keep the Director General and the appropriate regional committee fully informed as to any surplus of supplies from time to time available in such area, to meet, when circumstances

permit, relief and rehabilitation import requirements of other liberated


4. The Director General will consult with the military command or other established control authorities responsible for enemy or exenemy territories, with a view to securing information as to any surplus of supplies from time to time available in such enemy or ex-enemy territories, from which relief and rehabilitation import requirements of liberated areas might be met.

B. Recommendations Relating to Period of Military Responsibility for Civilian Relief and Rehabilitation

With regard to the period when a liberated area is under military control, the Council recommends to member governments that:

1. The military authorities be invited to advise the Administration, to the fullest extent consistent with military security, of conditions found in the area affecting civilian relief and rehabilitation requirements and supplies, so that planning and estimating may be as accurate as possible.

2. Representatives of the Administration enter the area at the earliest possible date to assist in preparations for the transition from military to civilian responsibility, after having first secured the permission of the appropriate military command, and, whenever practicable, after consultation with the national government or recognized national authority concerned.



Resolution No. 18

A Resolution Fixing the Composition of the Committee of the Council for Europe


(Reception No. 322)

In paragraph 5 of Article III of the Agreement there is established a standing Committee of the Council for Europe and,


The Agreement further provides that the said Committee "shall consist of all the members of the Council, or their alternates, representing member governments of territories within the European area and such other members of the Council representing other governments directly concerned with the problems of relief and rehabilitation in the European area as shall be appointed by the Council"; and,


The terms "Europe" and "European area" are not defined in the Agreement; it is therefore


1. That for the purposes of the Committee of the Council for Europe, the terms "Europe" and "European area" shall be construed to include the entire continent of Europe, the British Isles, Iceland, and all islands in the Mediterranean.

2. That the Committee of the Council for Europe shall consist of the members of the Council or their alternates representing Belgium, Czechoslovakia, the French Committee of National Liberation, Greece, Iceland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom, and Yugoslavia, being countries included within the European area, and in addition the members of the Council or their alternates representing Brazil, Canada, and the United States of America.

3. That the Central Committee is authorized to appoint additional members to the Committee in cases of emergency between sessions of the Council, such appointments to continue until the next session of the Council.

Resolution No. 19

A Resolution Fixing the Composition of the Committee of the Council for the Far East

(Reception No. (282) 322)


In paragraph 5 of Article III of the UNRRA Agreement there is established a "Committee of the Council for the Far East"; and, WHEREAS

The Agreement further provides that the said Committee "shall consist of all the members of the Council, or their alternates, representing member governments of territories within the Far Eastern area and such other members of the Council representing other governments directly concerned with the problems of relief and rehabilitation in the Far Eastern area as shall be appointed by the Council"; and, WHEREAS

The terms "Far East" and "Far Eastern area" are not defined in the Agreement; it is therefore


1. That for the purposes of the Committee of the Council for the Far East the terms "Far East" and "Far Eastern area" shall be construed to include eastern continental Asia, the East Indies, Philippine Islands, Australia, New Zealand, and the islands of the eastern Indian and western Pacific Oceans.

2. That the Committee of the Council for the Far East shall consist of the members of the Council or their alternates, representing Australia, China, the French Committee of National Liberation, India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippine Commonwealth, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America; and

3. That the Central Committee is authorized to appoint additional members to the Committee in cases of emergency between sessions of the Council, such appointments to continue until the next session of the Council.

Resolution No. 20

A Resolution Relating to the Functions of the Committees of the Council for Europe and the Far East


(Reception No. (282) 322)

That the functions of the Committee of the Council for Europe and the Committee of the Council for the Far East shall be:

1. In the light of conditions prevailing in Europe and the Far East, and with the advice of such technical or special subcommittees as may be created, to recommend from time to time, as policies to be adopted by the Council, whatever basis or bases for over-all requirements the committees think appropriate for the whole or parts of their respective areas; and to advise the Director General with respect to the computation of over-all requirements for their respective areas in conformity with the bases and policies approved by the Council.

2. To advise the Director General with respect to the fair and equitable apportionment of relief and rehabilitation supplies available to areas within the European and Far Eastern regions respectively where the Administration may operate; and to assist him in securing the maximum production and interchange of any surplus supplies which can be made available within each region, by promoting appropriate national or intergovernmental action on the part of member governments.

3. To receive and discuss the periodic reports covering the programs and activities of the Administration in Europe and the Far East, respectively; and to advise the Director General on the organization of measures to assist displaced persons and the coordination of national action in regard to medical and other relief and rehabilitation problems common to each region; and

4. Generally to consider relief and rehabilitation policies in Europe and the Far East, respectively; to formulate recommendations on such policies,2 and to discuss such recommendations with the Director General or his representative; and to transmit such recommendations to the Director General for distribution to the Council and the Central Committee.

Resolution No. 21

A Resolution Fixing the Composition of the Committee on Supplies RESOLVED

1. That the Committee on Supplies shall consist of members of the Council or their alternates representing Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, the French Committee of National Liberation, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.

2. That the Central Committee is authorized to make emergency appointments between sessions of the Council, such appointments to continue until the next session of the Council.

"So in original.

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