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made known with violence; it is rather an interpretation of the divine will and of the true worship of God, an explanation of the Scriptures, a sermon of the word of God, namely, the gospel of Christ. Now he is united with the prophets, of whom he loved to talk; now they greet him as their fellow-laborer, and with him thank the Lord who collects and maintains his Church."

Three times has the centenary festival of his death been celebrated in Wittemberg; but still Germany and the German Evangelical Church await a second Luther. To many has been given the power to develop in an equal or a higher degree some one single feature of his sublime being; but where find a second time that inexhaustible depth of faith, with the same irresistible command of the popular language, united to the same strength of will and readiness for action? where this blessed absorbing in God, with the power of ruling mankind? where find once more that union of qualities, the non-existence of which as thus united has constituted for centuries the hereditary want of Germany? Even to-day we still ask this at the grave of the German reformer.

WE close this series of articles with a
beautiful engraving of Campbell's picture
"Martin Luther's first view of the Bible."
Luther, it will be remembered, entered the
University of Erfurt in 1501, being then
in his eighteenth year. It was here,
while in quest of knowledge, that the
grand episode of his life occurred the
opening of his mind to the blessed truths of
Christianity as they exist in the Bible.
Here he first distinguished himself, and
formed the principles which had after-
ward so much effect upon the Christian

a book which was then seldom to be met with, and almost unknown. It excited his liveliest interest; he was utterly astonished to find that the book contained something beyond the fragments from the gospels and epistles, which were selected by the Church, for people to read at public worship on each Sunday in the year. He had always thought that in these was comprised the whole word of God; but here he found pages, chapters, entire books, of which he had never an idea before! His heart beat high as he held in his hand the whole of that Scripture which is divinely inspired. With an eagerness and interest that no words could express, he ran over all those leaves of the Book of God. The first page that caught his attention, told him the story of Hannah and the boy Samuel, and in reading it he could with difficulty control his emotions. That child, lent by his parents to the Lord for the whole of his life; the song of Hannah, in which she declares that the Lord raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar out of the dunghill to set him among princes; the boy Samuel growing up in the temple before the Lord-the whole history-the whole word then discovered, made him experience feelings before unknown to him. He went home with a full heart, thinking, "O that God would give me such a book to be my own!" Luther did not yet know Greek or Hebrew. There is little probability of his having studied those tongues during the first two or three years of his university course, and it was a Latin Bible that had thrown him into such a transport of joy. He was not long in returning to his treasure in the library; he read and read again; and with mingled surprise and delight he still returned to read. It was then that the first dawn of a truth, entirely new to him, gleamed upon his mind.

Every moment that could be spared from his academical labors, the young student spent in the university library. What a blessing to mankind was this Books were as yet hard to be had, and ac- simple but wonderful discovery of the poor cess to the treasures brought together in student of Erfurt! Throughout all time, that vast collection was to him a great wherever the light of the gospel shines, privilege. After having been two years the name of Martin Luther will be reat Erfurt, and being then about twenty, vered. When monarchs, warriors, and he happened one day to be turning over a statesmen are forgotten, and the laurels number of books in the library, to see who they won shall have faded away, the their authors were, when a volume, which narrative of his glorious deeds and selfhe opened in its turn, struck his attention; sacrifices will be related with the same until that hour he had seen nothing resem- enthusiasm that they are now, and, we bling it; he reads the title-it was a Bible! | trust, with equally good results.

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A TRIP FROM ST. PETERSBURGH TO The sight of any object upon these dreary




HAVE at last reached Bucharest; the journey from Jassi, over the monotonous plains which separate the two capitals, was more wearying than I can possibly describe. If one could only forget his troubles in slumber during the entire route, it would be a relief; but it would require a Rip Van Winkle sleep to produce insensibility to the jerks and plunges of eight or ten horses, driven at their utmost speed, by postillions whose shouts and cries are enough to wake the dead. I made many efforts to isolate myself in a world of thought, less noisy and disturbed, while sweeping over the dreary sameness of the way; but the hurrahs of the driver, or a frequent ascent of some two or three feet into space, effectually ended my meditations. The only incident which varied the journey was our arrival at the posts where we change horses. Nothing could be more primitive than these same post stations. The cabins consisted only of branches of trees, and the stables were of the same material: the horses were never found in the latter, however, as they had the good sense to prefer the grass of the surrounding plains. Upon reaching the post, two men on horseback drive at full gallop into a herd of thirty or forty grazing animals, which, thus disturbed, are driven in a straight line, like a squadron of cavalry, with loud cries and whip-crackings, toward the waiting vehicle; the necessary number are forthwith attached to it, and as we start off in triumph, the whole remaining troop again betake themselves, neighing and kicking their feet into the air, to their green pastures.

The level and mountainous regions of the Principalities are entirely distinct, and unfortunately for me, with my passion for mountains, the three hundred miles which separate Jassi from Bucharest were entirely through the dead plains; which, notwithstanding the rapidity of the horses, seemed to stretch themselves further and further, as we passed over them. An entire day's journey is frequently unrelieved by a hill or even a tree.

and desolate wastes is as interesting as the appearance of a sail at sea; the horizon has all the monotonous sameness of that of the ocean.

It was a repetition of my Russian posting, and you may imagine the weariness with which I was hurried over these distances, nearly as destitute of all signs of animal life as of vegetation and of relieving inequalities of surface. The villages are very few, and entirely unlike any picture your imagination would draw from the word. Here a few miserable hovels, partly underground and built of clay and straw, are dignified with the name of a village, though on account of the pastoral habits of the people, and the uncertain government of the country, it is not unfrequent for whole towns composed of these perishable and valueless structures, to disappear entirely from one spot and rise up in another many miles distant. Indeed, a town or village is no more a fixture to be determined by latitude and longitude in these provinces, than the locality of a flock of birds. itself, is rivaled in the facility with which cities are created here out of the smallest capital. A collection of wooden houses immediately becomes a city; if a few of them are brick or plastered with lime, it is a chief place of the district or perhaps a bishopric.


After my wearying and painful journey, you may imagine my dismay upon arriving at Bucharest, to find that there were absolutely no hotels or even public-houses in the place. There are some vast buildings or caravansaries, designated as the red khan or the yellow khan, in which straw takes the place of furniture; tumbled upon this in picturesque confusion are found Wallachians, Moldavians, Hungarians, Transylvanians, Germans, Albanians, Turks, and Greeks. The scene, with its contrasts and clamors, would afford the very best suggestions for an Ostade or Teniers.

The hospitality of the inhabitants is, however, proverbial; the yellow khan, especially, is a kind of ambush, where any respectable traveler may be seized and carried to some private residence to be made comfortable; the generous-hearted citizens disputing with each other for the possession of the guest. I was fortunately furnished with letters of introduction,

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