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scientious, and alike prepared to endure or to inflict punishment, even to death, if thereby their opponents might be silenced. The high Church party had the advantage of numbers and of entrenchment in royal favor; but the Puritans had an indomitable firmness, and a scathing zeal, which enabled them to dare their prelatist foes, and set themselves as one against a thousand.

Fines, prisons, and death, were the portions of the Puritans during the reign of Elizabeth. James had been educated a Presbyterian, and had written in defense of the doctrine, and the Puritans expected toleration, at least, from his ascendency of the throne; but they were destined to disappointment. He had suffered at the hands of both Puritans and Presbyterians, and hated both alike-he saw the principles of Knox and Calvin tended to republicanism, and that the bishops were allied to monarchy. The Puritans became Separatists, assuming, day by day, a gloomier and more austere demeanor, and receding in politics as well as religion further and further from the Established Church. At length the Separatists began to contend for larger liberties—the power of appointing their own officers, and performing all the functions of self-government with absolute independence of all foreign control.

Worn with toil and suffering, a society composed of artisans, whose names are still preserved in authentic documents, met toward the close of the sixteenth century, in the house of one Roger Ripon, in Southwark, to spend their Sabbaths in expositions of the Bible and in prayer. The names of the martyrs, Henry Barrow, John Greenwood, and John Penry, are connected with this society. At one time, a majority of the members of the Church being in bonds, meetings were held in prison, through the connivance of the jailor.

Other associations of similar character, were at the same time in other parts of the kingdom, reading and exhorting by stealth. At the dying request of the martyr, Penry, a conference was held among the brethren to take measures for some plan whereby they should depart in a body to some distant country; but with no immediate success. Subsequent sufferings, however, resulted in the May-Flower, which landed at what is now the pleasant little town of Plymouth, on a bay of the same name, about forty miles from Boston,

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some men and women, who received their principles from the Pilgrim martyrs, and were "seasoned with the seeds of grace and virtue." There a solid groundwork received them, and the greatest commonwealth which the world has ever known was established, but not without the encounter of new difficulties.

Formidable enough was the aspect of things to those weary men and women come to seek shelter and repose. "The ground (I quote from White's Brief Relation) was covered with snow a foot deep, and they being without habitations, and having among them divers women and children, no marvel if they lost some of their company; it may be wondered how they saved the rest." "After having passed over the difficulties that usually encounter new planters, (says the same author,) they began to subsist in a reasonably comfortable manner, and after a year's experience or two of the soil and inhabitants, sent home tidings of their well-being there, which occasioned other men to take knowledge of the place, and to take it into consideration."

It is hard for us to estimate the "deep and bitter concern" it must have cost our conscientious ancestors to leave their ironbound wains and yokes of oxen, friends and kindred; everything but rectitude, and faith in God-that was best and dearest to them and especially with no prospect of bettering their condition in anything but religious liberty. So far from amendment, they had prospectively the severest poverty, the hardest toil to encounter, the cruelty of a savage foe, and the famine and sickness incident to a strange and uncultivated land. These things awaited them so surely as the perils of the ocean were overpast. Our steam-vessels, with all their splendid appointments and ingenious contrivances to master time and subdue danger, give us very inaccurate notions of the old ships known to the colonists. "At James's accession, there were not above four hundred vessels in England of four hundred tons burden. In their build, though very picturesque, they were tub-like and clumsy-the shape of the hull being very broad-bottomed and capacious, while the lofty cabins, built up fore and aft on deck, must have caused them to roll heavily in bad weather. This style has now become obsolete in Europe, but may still be seen in the Arab vessels


in the Red Sea and the Levant." The cut which we give is supposed very nearly to resemble the May-Flower.

As long as our language exists, the name of this little vessel will live too, and so will the names of some of those who adventured in it life, and all that was dearer than life, and sought in the great strange wilderness freedom to worship God, and ground wherein their bones might be buried.

tempered to their shorn lambs, and the stony hills of New-England, under their culture, speedily blossomed as the rose.

Theirs was no half-way trust, and theirs were no shivering souls that sought to wrap themselves in the pious mantles of Papal pretensions-warmed by the fire of zeal, they encased themselves in what seemed to them the armor of righteousness, and did battle mightily against the arch-enemy in whatever shape he appeared to them to assume. If they met his pride in the starch of a ruff, it was straightway broken-if they recognized his lures in the pranking of a Maypole, they stripped off the garlands, mindless of the sharp pricking of their own fingers; for they were no less brave in endurance than severe in infliction. They would have dashed themselves on the stones which they cast at dissenters, if they could have thought themselves other than instruments in the


hands of God.

Having put their hands to the plow there was no looking back-only a steady and firm going forward; and whatever objects opposed, must be torn up root and branch, or wrenched away, or burned up in the fire. No matter what cares oppressed them, or what enemies beset them, the main object of their lives, the propagation of the gospel, was never lost sight of. "Only let us not be wanting on our The annexed description of his own parts, now that we are called to this work feelings on leaving home, and of the wonof the Lord's," writes Cradock, Governor der of his neighbors, is quoted from Bradford himself, the early governor of Ply- Massachusetts Bay," to his worshipful of the "Company for the Plantation of mouth colonyfriend, Endicott. I cannot but wish this good governor's estimate of tobacco were a little more popular in our day. If it could have been foreseen that in after times even the meeting-houses would be defiled by reason of it, doubtless the growing of it would have been prohibited altogether, even with the "necessity consideration" involved. In the letter already quoted from, Governor Cradock says:—

"Being thus constrained to leave their na

tive country, their lands and livings, and all
their friends and familiar acquaintance-it was
much-and thought marvelous by many.
to go into a country they knew not but by hear-
say, where they must learn a new language,
and get their livings they knew not how, it
being a dear place and subject to the miseries

of war,
it was by many thought an undertaking
almost desperate-a case intolerable, and a
misery worse than death-especially seeing they
were not acquainted with trades nor traffic, (by
which the country doth subsist,) but had only
been used to a plain country life, and the inno-
cent trade of husbandry."

And he concludes by saying:

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"These things did not dismay them, for their desires were set on the ways of God, and to enjoy his ordinances; they rested in his providence, and knew whom they had believed."

And what a beautiful example this resting of theirs in divine protection has bequeathed to us! Softly the winds were

"The course you have taken in giving our countrymen their content in the point of raising tobacco there for the present (their necessity considered) is not disallowed; but we trust in God other means will be found to employ their time more comfortable and profitable also in the end; and we cannot but generally ap prove and commend their good resolution to desist from the planting thereof, whenas they shall discover how to employ their labors otherwise; which we hope they will be speedily induced unto by such precepts and examples as we shall give them."

But though averse to the raising of tobacco, and provident in the wisdom of the serpent as regarded trust in the fidelity of the "salvages," mere worldly interests were a secondary thing; and while wary in their trust of the "salvages," they were careful to make plentiful provision of good ministers; by whose faithful preaching, godly conversation, and exemplary life, they trusted to reduce them to obedience.

To reduce, and not to persuade, was the method of procedure at the planting of the colonies, and we find the council styled the "Council of the Mattachusetts Bay," authorized to exclude from certain privileges which had been obtained, from the "especial grace of His Majesty, with great cost, favor of personages of note, and much labor"-" all persons, but such as were peacemakers, and of honest life and conversation, and desirous to conform themselves to good order and government." The annexed quotation from the aforementioned company's letter of general instruction to Endicott and his council, shows how strictly the growth of religious difference was guarded against. Thus:

“Mr. Ralph Smith, a minister, hath desired passage in our ships; which was granted him before we understood of his difference in some

things from our ministers. But his provisions for the voyage being shipped before notice was taken thereof, through many occasions wherewith those intrusted with this business have been employed; and forasmuch as from hence it is feared there may grow some distraction among you if there should be any siding, and that the worst may grow from different judg ments; we have, therefore, thought fit to give you this order, that unless he will be conformable to our government, you suffer him not to remain within the limits of our grant."

It further appears from the colony records of the court proceedings of the time, that "Ralph Smith was required to give, under his hand, that he would not exercise his ministry within the limits of the patent without express leave of the governor upon the spot." With regard to Sabbath keeping, we quote from the same letter of instruction:

"And to the end the Sabbath may be celebrated in a religious manner, we appoint that all that inhabit the plantation, both for the general and for particular employments, may surcease their labor every Saturday throughout the year at three of the clock in the afternoon; and that they spend the rest of that day in catechising and preparation for the Sabbath, as the ministers shall direct."

Mather informs us that John Cotton began the Sabbath the evening before, for which keeping of the Sabbath from evening to evening, he wrote arguments before his coming to New-England-so the practice appears to have been introduced from abroad. It doubtless originated in the injunction in Leviticus-" From even unto even shall you celebrate your Sabbaths." The Jewish Sabbath (Saturday) began at six o'clock of our Friday, and the preparation for it at three in the afternoon. There appear to have been different opinions as to the length of time to be kept sacred, and in reference to it Hooker says:

"The question touching the beginning of the Sabbath is now on foot among us, hath once been spoken to, and we are to give in our arguments, each to the other, so that we may ripen our thoughts concerning that truth, and if the Lord will, it may more fully appear."

We find no record of summer vacations among the ministers of those times. No time was out of season, and sometimes no choice as to the field of their labor seems to have been given them; and that there might be no difference about the appointing one to be minister to those sent to inhabit at Massachussetts Bay, we will have you (say the instructions) "make choice of one of three by lot; and on whom the lot shall fall, he shall go with his family to perform the work."

The professions appear to have been less accessible in the olden time than

now-a-days, inasmuch as the wholesome requisite of some sort of capability was desired on the part of the applicant. The following, throwing some light on this matter, is extracted from the "Letter of General Instruction to Endicott and his Council," previously quoted from:

"We have entertained Lambert Wilson, chirurgeon, to remain with you in the service of the plantation; with whom we are agreed that he shall serve this company, and the other planters that live in the plantation, three years, and in that time apply himself to cure not only of such as came from hence for general and particular accounts, but also for the Indians, as from time to time he shall be directed by yourself or your successor, and the rest of the council. And, moreover, he is to educate and instruct one or more youths in his art, such as you and said council shall appoint, that may be helpful to him, and if occasion serve, suoceed him in the plantation; which youth or youths, fit to learn that profession, let be placed with him; of which Mr. Hugeson's son, if his father approve thereof, may be one, the rather

because he hath been trained up in literature; but if not he, then such other as you shall judge most fittest."

John Hugeson became a minister, and not a chirurgeon," and died in Salem,


done by each member of the family might show for itself, and be a help to them, or a remembrance of good works to posterity.

It is to be regretted that none of these

in 1780, aged ninety-two years, and hav-registers have been preserved-it would ing preached more than seventy years.

That "ill weeds might be nipt before they took too deep a head,” Endicott was directed to take special care in the settling of families, that the head of each should be grounded in religion, and to have a watchful eye to the performance of morning and evening family duties. It was esteemed a business worthy of his best endeavors to look into this, and, if need | were, make some an example to all the rest; else, say the advisers, our government will be esteemed a scarecrow." "Our desire," they continue, "is to use lenity all that may be, but, in case of necessity, not to neglect the other, knowing that correction is ordained for the fool's back."


The necessity of labor, which should be the privilege, as well as duty of us all, but which has sadly fallen into disrepute in modern times, is enjoined thus urgently

"And we heartily pray you that all be kept to labor, as the only means to reduce them to civil, yea, a godly life, and to keep youth from falling into many enormities, which by nature we are all too much inclined unto."

"And God, who alone is able and powerful, enable you to this great work, and grant that our chiefest aim be his glory."

So endeth the first Letter of Instruction from the loving friends of Endicott, "the Governor and Deputy of the New-England Company for a Plantation at Mattachusetts Bay."

In a subsequent letter of instructions from the London company to the planters, they are put in mind to be very circumspect in the beginning to settle some good orders, whereby all persons resident in the colony should apply themselves to some calling or other, and no idler be permitted to live among them; for if care was taken at the first, it was thought a world of disorders would be prevented, and many grievous sins and sinners kept out of the world.

Ay me, even with their severe regulations, they found it a hard task to keep drones and idlers out of their midst. The keeping of a daily register in every family was prescribed, so that what was

be curious to the fashionable ladies now-adays to note the daily employments of the women of the olden times. For all derelict in duty, severe punishments were proposed, and those to be inflicted at once and in public.

Among other sins, say the advisers, "we pray you make some good laws for the punishment of swearers." This was enjoined, if comfort or blessing from God was expected on the plantation. Many who sought of the company to come over were refused, even when they had been at "great charges" with them, on account of their pernicious practices. But over and beyond their temporal comfort, they looked steadily to the glory of God.

Some temperance measures appear to have been taken chiefly with regard to the salvages, as to the strong waters sent for sale. Public and exemplary punishment was recommended for him who exceeded in that inordinate kind of drinking, so much as to become drunk. As to the raising of tobacco, we find repeated instructions for its discouragement. was advised to be taken that none was planted by new planters, unless in small quantities for mere necessity and for physic, and for preservation of health; and that the same were only taken privately by ancient men.


Notwithstanding all the hardships and trials which accompanied the new heritage, and all the sacrifice of accustomed comforts, the planters seem to have been more than satisfied. From Francis Higginson's account of "the earth of NewEngland, and all the appurtenances thereof," I transcribe the following :—

about Massachusetts Bay, and at Charles River "It is a land of divers and sundry sorts all is as fat black earth as can be seen anywhere; and in other places you have clay-soil and sandy soil. The form of the earth here in the superficies of it is neither too flat in the plainness, nor too high in the hills, but partakes of both in a mediocrity, and is fit for pasture or for plow, or meadow ground, as men please to employ it. Though all the country be, as it were, a thick wood for the general, yet in divers

places there is much ground cleared by the Indians; and I am told that about three miles from us, a man may stand on a little hilly place

and see divers thousands of acres of as good ground as need to be, and not a tree in the same. It is thought here is good clay to make brick, and tiles, and earthen pots, as need be."


The author goes on to say there was plenty of slate in the Isle of Slate, and lime-stone, free-stone, and smooth stone, and iron stone, and marble stone, in such store that they had great rocks of it. expresses great hope too of minerals, though no trial had been made in the soil, the fertility of which, he says, "is to be admired at in the abundance of grass that groweth everywhere, both very thick, very long, and very high, in divers places." "It is scarce to be believed," he continues, "how our kine and goats, horses and hogs, do thrive and prosper here, and like this country." It is strange that we find no despondency for the hard portion they found-no regret for all they had left-all they saw was good, and they believed

that greater blessings which they did not see awaited them. "Our plantation," writes the same author, "already yields us a quart of milk for a penny, and the abundant increase of corn proves the country to be a wonderment. Yea, Joseph's increase in Egypt is outstripped here with us."

The cheerful, the almost exultant spirit in the records of these devoted worthies affords a pleasing and faith-inspiring contemplation. We cannot read their history without having our belief in the efficacy of prayer increased, our religious trust strengthened and elevated. God seems everywhere to have met the measure of their faith-in the perils of the sea and the famines of the land; pledging us anew, as it were, in their faith, that he walks with us still, and answers those that call on him. But of these things presently. I quote further from Francis Higginson's New-England, and the appurtenances thereof. In one place he says:"Our governor hath store of green peas growing in his garden, as good as ever I eat in Eng


And in another :


"This country aboundeth naturally with store of roots of great variety, and good to eat. Our turnips, parsnips, and carrots, are both larger and sweeter than are ordinarily to be found in England. There are also store of pumpkins, cucumbers, and other things of that nature Also divers excellent potwhich I know not. herbs grow abundantly among the grass. Strawberries in their time, and penny-royal, wintersavory, sorrel, brooklime, liverwort, carvel, and water-cresses; also leeks and onions, and divers physical herbs. There are also abundance of sweet herbs, delightful to the smell, which I know not; plenty of single damask roses, very sweet, and two kinds of herbs that bear two kinds of flowers, very sweet, which they say are as good to make cordage and cloth as hemp and flax. Excellent vines are here up and down in the woods."

The accompanying cut is designed to illustrate the beautiful may-flower, the pioneer of the sisterhood of blossoms. It answers to the primrose in Old England, starting first to life, and being regarded with a similar affection-the securing of its earliest blossoms bringing, or being supposed to bring, good fortune. We can imagine the children about Plymouth, with a sort of pious superstition, gathering in subdued merriment armfuls of these pretty and fortunate flowers-doubtless

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