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" Jacob) — the structure commenced in our own land by Horace Walpole, Monk Lewis, Mrs. Radcliffe, and Maturin, but left imperfect and inharmonious, requires, now that the rubbish which choked up its approach is removed, only the hand of the skilful architect... "
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Էջ 506
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Rookwood [by W.H. Ainsworth]. Revised. By W.H. Ainsworth

William Harrison Ainsworth - 1837 - 466 էջ
...Paul Lacroix (le 'Bibliophile Jacob) — the structure, commenced in our own land by Horace Waipole, Monk Lewis, Mrs. RadclifFe, and Maturin, but left...architect to its entire renovation and perfection. I have not included the great name of WAL-TER SCOTT in this list, because, in the sense to which I...
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The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, Հատոր 65

1837 - 608 էջ
...Paul ' Lacroix (Le Bibliophile Jacob), the structure commenced in ' our own land by Horace Walpole, Lewis, Mrs Radcliffe, ' and Maturin, but left imperfect...architect to its entire renovation ' and perfection. I have not included the great name of Walter ' Scott in this list, because, in the sense to which I...
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Rookwood: A Romance

William Harrison Ainsworth - 1849 - 422 էջ
...Lecroix (le Bibliophile Jacob) — the structure commenced in our own land by Horace Walpole, Monk uewis, Mrs. Radcliffe, and Maturin, but left imperfect and...architect to its entire renovation and perfection. And now, having said my say, 1 must bid you, worthy reader, farewell. Beseeching you, in the words...
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Rookwood [by W.H. Ainsworth]. Illustr. libr. ed

William Harrison Ainsworth - 1878 - 676 էջ
...and French writers — by Hoffman, Tieck, Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Balzac, and Paul Lacroix — the structure commenced in our own land by Horace...architect to its entire renovation and perfection. And now, having said my say, I must bid you, worthy reader, farewell, beseeching you, in the words...
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The Tale of Terror: A Study of the Gothic Romance

Edith Birkhead - 1921 - 262 էջ
...Hoffmann, Tieck, Victor Hugo, Alexander Dumas, Balzac and Paul Lacroix — the structure commenced in our land by Horace Walpole, ' Monk ' Lewis, Mrs. Radcliffe...architect to its entire renovation and perfection." In Rookwood, Ainsworth disdains Mrs. •Radcliffe's reasonable elucidations of the supernatural, .and...
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The Mysteries of Paris and London

Richard Maxwell - 1992 - 454 էջ
...French writers — by Hoffmann, Tieck, Hugo, Dumas, Balzac, and Paul Lecroix (Le Bibliophile Jacob) — the structure commenced in our own land by Horace...architect to its entire renovation and perfection" {Rookwood, in Ainsworth, Collected Works, xxxviii). To get a sense of how much Dickens shares with...
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To Kill a Text: The Dialogic Fiction of Hugo, Dickens, and Zola

Ilinca Zarifopol-Johnston - 1995 - 276 էջ
...by the German and French writers, — by Hoffman, Tieck, Hugo, Dumas, Balzac, and Paul Lacroix — the structure, commenced in our own land by Horace...up its approach, is removed, only the hand of the skillful architect to its entire renovation and perfection.23 He thought no doubt that he was "the...
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Gothic Readings: The First Wave, 1764-1840

Rictor Norton - 2005 - 788 էջ
...French writers, — by Hoffman, Tieck, Hugo, Dumas, Balzac, and Paul Lacroix (le Bibliophile Jacob) — the structure, commenced in our own land by Horace Walpole, Monk Lewis, Mrs RadchfTe, and Maturin, but left imperfect and inharmonious, requires, now that the rubbish, which choked...
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The Lancashire Witches: Histories and Stories

Robert Poole - 2002 - 244 էջ
...Modified by the German and French writers - by Hoffman, Tieck, Hugo, Dumas, Balzac and Paul Lacroix - the structure, commenced in our own land by Horace...the skilful architect to its entire renovation and perfection.48 This was the form he chose in which to tell the story of the Lancashire witches. Belief...
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