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death of this illustrious and most excellent Princess an unspeakable loss to the whole nation." Letters were sent off by the government bags; for as it was post-night there was no necessity for sending messengers to all the different branches of the Royal Family now abroad. Mr. Vicke, the King's Messenger, was the only one who was sent abroad with the melancholy tidings; and he was ordered to Aix-la-Chapelle.

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At the moment when all human connexions with our lamented Sovereign are dissolved by death, it cannot be uninteresting to revert to the circumstances which, fifty-seven years ago, first connected her Majesty with the British empire.

mont, and accompanied by her two daugh ters, with little or no appearance of parade; and where, from the freedom of communication usual at those places, and the ready means of observation, &c. it was no difficult matter to become fully acquainted with their characters and daily habits. Their Serene Highnesses frequented the rooms, the walks, and partook of the amusements without any distinction that should prevent Colonel Græme from being an unsuspected attendant on their parties. Here, it seems, he fixed on the Princess Sophia Charlotte Caroline, as best according with his matrimonial instructions. She was the youngest daughter of Charles Lewis, brother to Adolphus Frederick, third Duke of Mecklenburgh-Strelitz, by Albertine Elizabeth, daughter of Ernest Frederick, Duke of Saxe-Hilbourghausen, and was born on We are told by the public and private the 19th of May, 1744. Her father, howrecords of the times, that a suitable mar- ever, though in the immediate line of inhe riage for his Majesty was an urgent (as it ritance, as his brother the reigning Dake was a natural) object of state policy, imme- || had no issue, and was unmarried, did not diately on his coming to the crown; but succeed to the principality; he died before his knowu and ardeut attachment to Lady his brother, and thus, upon the death of Sarah Lenox, sister of the Duke of Rich Frederick, the succession devolved upon moud, with some manœuvres of Mr. Fox, his nephew, Adolphus Frederick the Fourth, afterwards Lord Holland, set on foot to brother to her Majesty. The reasons which foment that youthful passion, hastened the induced the union between our venerable designs of the Princess Dowager of Wales and afflicted Sovereign and the Princess and of the Earl of Bute to bring about the of Mecklenburgh-Strelitz could scarcely royal marriage. The Princess is said to have been with any political view-with have had in view a niece of her own, at any hope of strengthening the English in least some Princess of the Saxe-Gotha fa- fluence on the Continent, since the territory mily; but as the house of Saxe-Gotha was of the Dukes of Mecklenburgh was exsupposed to be afflicted with a constitu-tremely confined; and, indeed they had tional disease, that wish was overruled by the cabinet. Lord Bute then sent a confidential dependent, a Scotch officer, re*ported to be Colonel Græme (who was afterwards appointed to be Master of St. Catherine's, near the Tower, an excellent place, in the peculiar gift of her Majesty), to visit the inferior German courts, and to select from amongst them a future Queen for England. The instructions were said to be, that she should be perfect in her form, of a pure blood, and healthy constitution, possessed of elegant accomplish ments, particularly music, to which the King was very much attached, and of a mild and obliging disposition.

Colonel Græme found the reigning Princess of Strelitz taking the waters of Pyr-"

little else to boast of than an ancient name. It is, however, said, that his Majesty first formed the idea of demanding the hand of the Princess in marriage, in consequence of a letter which was generally supposed to have been addressed by her, about the year 1758, to the King of Prussia, who had caused contributions to be levied on her father's territories. We subjoin the letter, which does infinite credit to the feelings that dictated it, and to the taste that was consulted in its composition, leaving it to our readers to judge whether it is not more fike the production of a matured understanding, than the offspring of the mind of a female, who, at the time, was scarcely fourteen years of age. The cause of the appeal was this:-In the latter end of 1757,

the King of Prussia, assisted only by England, was assailed by a host of enemies. The Courts of Versailles, Warsaw, Vienna, and St. Petersburgh were leagued against him. The King of Sweden, Frederick's brother-in-law, thought this was a favourable opportunity to invade his dominions --and, the Russians having obtained a footing in Pomerania, he raised an army, the command of which was given to Count Hamilton, in order to co-operate with them. Frederic succeeded in driving both Swedes and Russiaus from his territoriesbut as he had been informed that the Duke of Mecklenburgh was to have assisted the Swedes, with all the troops he could raise, in case they had been joined by the French or Russians, and that several magazines had been formed in his country for that purpose, the moment he had driven them into Stralsund, he sent a detachment of Prussian troops into the Duchy of Mecklenburgh, who not only seized the magazines, but raised contributions as if they had been in an enemy's country, the Duke himself having, upon their approach, retired to Lubeck. The Princess Charlotte, afflicted by the distresses of her country, is stated to have written in these terms to the King of Prussia :


"MAY IT PLEASE YOUR MAJESTY,-I am at a loss whether I should congratulate, or condole with you on your late victory: since the same success which has covered you with laurels, has overspread the country of Mecklenburgh with desolation. I know, Sire, that it seems unbecoming my sex, in this age of vicious refinement, to feel for one's country, to lament the horrors of war, or wish for the return of peace. I know you may think it more properly my province to study the arts of pleasing, or to inspect subjects of a more domestic nature; but, however unbecoming it may be in me, I cannot resist the desire of interceding for this unhappy people.

It was but a very few years ago, that this territory wore the most pleasing appearance. The country was cultivated, the peasant looked cheerful, and the towns abounded with riches and festivity! What an alteration, at present, from such a charming scene! I am not expert at description-nor can my fancy add any horrors to the picture; but sure even conquerors themselves would weep at the hideous prospects now before me. The whole country, my dear country, lies one frightful waste, presenting only objects to excite terror, pity, and despair! The business of the husbandman and the shepherd are quite discontinued; the husbandman No. 116.-Vol. XVIII.

and the shepherd are become soldiers themselves and help to ravage the soil they formerly cultivated. The towns are inhabited only by old there a warrior, by wounds, or loss of limbs, ren-' men, women, and children; perhaps here and dered unfit for service, left at his door; his little children hang round him, ask an history of every wound, and grow themselves soldiers before they find strength for the field. But this were no

thing, did we not feel the alternate insolence of in pursuing the operations of the campaign. It either army, as it happens to advance or retreat, is impossible to express the confusion, even those, who call themselves our friends, create. Even those from whom we expect redress, oppress us with new calamities. From your justice, therefore, it is, that we hope relief; to you, even children and women may complain, whose humanity stoops to the meanest petition, and whose power is capable of repressing the greatest injustice,-I am, Sire, &c."

This appeal, which soon found its way to sation at the time. It was justly viewed as every court in Europe, created a great senfrom one so young and so inexperienced. a very extraordinary production, coming Rumour says, that, on his Majesty, it made a deep impression. On the 8th of July, 1761, his Majesty caused his Privy Council to be specially summoned. The Council was attended by all the great officers of state-and to them his Majesty declared his intentions in the following words :--

"Having nothing so much at heart as to procure the welfare and happiness of my people, and to render the same stable and permanent to posterity, I have, ever since my accession to the

throne, turned my thoughts towards the choice of a Princess for my consort; and I now, with great satisfaction, acquaint you, that, after the fullest information, and mature deliberation, I am come to a resolution to demand in marriage the Princess Cha lette of Mecklenburgh.Strelitza Princess distinguished by every eminent virtue and amiable endowment, whose illustrious line has constantly shewn the firmest zeal for the Protestant religion, and a particular attachment to my family. I have judged proper to communicate to you these my intentions, in order that you may be fully apprized of a matter so highly which, I persuade myself, will be most accept. and to my kingdoms-and important to me, able to all my loving subjects.”

It will be remembered, that, at this period, the King was little more than twentythree years of age, and the Princess, whom he had chosen for a consort, was but a few months past seventeen. Immediately after the notification to the Privy Council, his

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Majesty gave directions for demanding and bringing over the Princess in a manner suitable to his own dignity, and the respect due to her Serene Highness.

Lord Harcourt was named to make the demand of her Serene Highness: the Duchesses of Ancaster and Hamilton (the two finest women of the British court), and the Countess of Effingham, to take care of her person and Lord Anson to command a fleet that was to convoy her over to the English shore.

The fleet put to sea on the 8th of August, and, on the 14th, Lord Harcourt, and the other Lords and Ladies sent on this important embassy, arrived at Strelitz.The next morning, at eleven o'clock, the Earl of Harcourt performed the ceremony of asking in form her Serene Highness in marriage for the King his master. The moment the contract of marriage was signed, the cannon fired. Her Royal Highness || was afterwards complimented by the states of the country, and the deputies of the


On the 17th, her Highness, accompanied by the reigning Duke, her brother, set out for Mirow, amidst the tears and prayers of all ranks of people, the poor in particular, whose zealous patroness she had always shewn herself. The 18th she arrived at Perleberg, where she was complimented by the Count de Gotter, in the name of his Prussian Majesty.

On the 19th, her Most Serene Highness continued her journey, by Leutzen, for Ghorde, where she dined twice in public, and walked in the afternoon in the park. On the 22d, at seven o'clock in the evening, she arrived at Stade, under a general discharge of the cannon of that place, and amidst the acclamations of a vast number of people, both citizens and foreigners.The burgesses of Stade were assembled under arms, and lined the streets through which her Most Serene Highness passed, Some of the principal ladies of the town presented her with verses, on her Majesty's approaching nuptials, on velvet cushions. At nine o'clock the whole town was illu minated, and several triumphal arches were erected in the principal streets; on which were placed many small lamps and inscriptions, analogous to the feast. The same night their marks of public joy were

reiterated. Next morning she set out for Cuxhaven; and about ten, her Most Serene Highness embarked on board the yacht, amidst the acclamations of the people, accompanied by the Duchesses of Ancaster and Hamilton, the Earl of Harcourt, and Lord Anson. She was saluted by the whole squadron destined to convoy her to England. They were ranged on each side of the yacht. The moment she entered her cabin she saluted the officers of the different ships, who had crowded the decks in order to have the pleasure of seeing her, and were all charmed with her affable and polite behaviour.

On the 28th, the fleet, having on board her Most Serene Highness, put to sea, but as no dispatches were received from it from that time till its arrival at Harwich, the court was in some concern lest the tediousness of her voyage might affect her health; besides, the day fixed for the coronation of his Majesty, by a proclamation issued from the said council, in which his Majesty had declared his intentions to demand her Serene Highness in marriage, was drawing near, bis Majesty was desirous that the ceremony of the nuptials might precede that of the coronation, so that fresh instructions, it is said, were dispatched to the Admiral to sail at all events, and to land his charge at any of the ports of Great Britain, where it could be done with safety. At length, after three different storms, aud being often in sight of the English coast, and often in danger of being driven on that of Norway, the fleet, with her most Serene Highness on board, arrived at Harwich, September 6th. Her Most Serene Highness, during her tedious passage, continued in very good health and spirits, often diverting herself with playing on the harpsichord, practising || English tunes, and endearing herself to those who were honoured with the care of her person.

As it was night when the fleet arrived at Harwich, her Most Serene Highness slept on board, and continued there till three in the afternoon the next day, during which time her route had been settled, and instructions received as to the manner of her proceeding to St. James's. At her landing, she was received by the Mayor and Aldermen of Harwich, in their usual formalities. About five o'clock she came

to Colchester, and stopped at the house of Mr. Enew, where she was received and waited upon by Mrs. Enew and Mrs. Rebow; but Captain Best attended her with coffee, and Lieutenant John Seabear with tea. Being thus refreshed, she proceeded to Witham, where she arrived at a quarter past seven, and stopped at Lord Abercorn's, and his Lordship provided as elegant an entertainment for her as the time would admit. During supper, the door of the room was ordered to stand open, that every body might have the pleasure of seeing her Most Serene Highness; and on each side of her chair stood the Lords Harcourt and Anson. She slept that night at his Lordship's house and a little after twelve o'clock next day, her Highness came to Rumford, where the King's coach and servants met her; and after stopping to drink coffee at Mr. Dutton's, where the King's servants waited on her, she entered the King's coach. The attendants of her Highness were in three other coaches. In the first were some ladies of Mecklenburg, and in the last was her Serene Highness, who sat forward, and the Duchesses of Ancaster and Hamilton, backwards.

On the road she was extremely courteous to an incredible number of spectators on horse and foot, gathered on this occasion, shewing herself, and bowing to all who seemed desirous of seeing her, and ordering the coach to go extremely slow through the town and villages as she passed, that as many as would might have a full view of her.

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her Highness was pleased to shew herself with his Majesty in the gallery and other apartments fronting the Park. About eight o'clock in the evening, the procession to the chapel took place.

The bride, in her nuptial habit, was supported by their Royal Highnesses the Duke of York and Prince William; her train borne by ten unmarried daughters of Dukes and Earls, viz.-Lady Sarah Lenuox, Lady Ann Hamilton, Lady Harriet Bentinck, Lady Elizabeth Keppel, Lady Eliz. Harcourt, Lady Caroline Russel, Lady Elizabeth Ker, Lady C. Montagu, Lady L. Grenville, Lady S. Strangways.

The marriage ceremony was performed by the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. The Duke of Cumberland gave her hand to his Majesty, and immediately on the joining their hands, the Park and Tower

guns were fired.

Their Majesties, after the ceremony, sat on one side of the altar on two state chairs under a canopy: her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales sat facing them on a chair of state on the other, all the rest of the Royal Family on stools, and all the Peers, Peeresses, Bishops, and Foreign Ministers (including M. Bussy), on benches. There was afterwards a public Drawing room, but no persous presented. houses in the cities of London and Westminster were illuminated, and the evening concluded with the utmost demonstrations of joy.


Her Majesty's figure was very pleasing, but her countenance, though not without attraction when she smiled, could not boast any claim to beauty. It was, however, a well-known fact, that the King declared himself satisfied with his connubial fortune. She entered at once upon the royal offices of the drawing-room, with a most becom ing grace and easy dignity. It was a singular occurrence, that the first play she saw was the Rehearsal, in which Mr. Garrick, in his inimitable representation of the cha racter of Bayes, kept the King, the courtiers, and the audience in a continual roar but which, from the construction of the piece, it was not possible to explain to her Majesty.

Thus they proceeded, at a tolerable pace, to Stratford-le-Bow and Mile-end, where they turned up Dog-row, and prosecuted their journey to Hackney turnpike, then by Shoreditch church, and up Old-street to the City-road, across Islington, along the New-road into Hyde-park, down Coustitution-hill into St. James's Park, and then to the garden-gate of the Palace, where she was received by all the Royal Family. She was handed out of the coach by the Duke of York, and met in the garden by his Majesty, who, in a very affectionate manner, raised her up, and saluted her, as she was going to pay her obeisance, and then led her into the Palace, where she dined with his Majesty, the Princess Dow- She was popular when Lord Bute's adager, and the rest of the Royal Family,ministration had rendered the King very except the t the two youngest. After dinner, much the reverse. She gave beautiful

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Windsor. Happy to contemplate the en. joyment of the common people, she, on that occasion, walked into the midst of the jocund scene. She approached the fires by which the ox and the sheep, distributed amongst the populace, were roasted-surveyed the whole of the arrangements—and graciously received and partook of the meat and the pudding, which the ambitious loyalty of the Bachelors presumed to offer to the consort of their monarch. The cheerful good-humour with which she viewed the whole of the proceedings, completed the triumph of that memorable day; and her grand fête given at Frogmore the same evening, to which the inhabitants of the town of Windsor were generally invited, closed the festive scene with appro priate splendour, and a truly noble display of royal munificence.

One of the first acts of her Majesty's benevolence was the forming an establishment for the daughters of decayed gentlemen, or orphans. A house and grounds were purchased in Bedfordshire, and a lady, of high attainments, placed therein, at a salary of five hundred pounds per annum, to instruct the pupils in embroidery, &c. They were taken in at fifteen years of age. The produce of their labour was converted into ornaments for window-curtains, chairs, sofas, and bed-furnitures, for Windsor Cas tle and her own palace.

companied every act of benevolence on the It was an express injunction, which acpart of her Majesty, that it should be kept secret. To each nurse of her children she gave a pension of two hundred pounds a year, as well as to several of their sons. Among the many instances of her charity, we may select the following:-Her Majesty took charge of, and educated the orphan child of an officer who died in the West Indies. The child was brought to England by the serjeant of the regiment. The Queen's notice was attracted by an adver tisement in the public papers, from the serjeant. Her Majesty not only educated this child, but caused him to be amply provided for. It is a fact, equally known, that the Queen took under her protection the widow of an officer killed at Bunker's hill, aud educated the son.

On one occasion a female presented a pe tition to her Majesty: she was a stranger.

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