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ficent style, if you will only furnish the cash.-ral journalists, and that many cultivators and He knows the fashions better than you, and is en-amateurs are engaged in this interesting and titled to all the credit of the show, after all. promising department. The success which has crowned their exertions affords great encourageBut a nice perception of the fitness of things, ment to perseverance. Witness, for instance, which is good taste-the faculty of producing har- thirty or more varieties of the cherry, by Dr. mony between the occupants of the house and the Kirkland, of Ohio, which appear adapted to our house itself, and between the house and its furni-eastern climate, and some of them of superior excellence. Witness the numerous varieties of the ture and surroundings, this is what you do not raspberry, by Dr. Brinckle, Ex-President of this buy at the upholsterers, this is beyond price, and society, of which, some have endured, without a matter, madam, in which it is your province to covering, the severities of the last winter in the excel. Let the furniture say, as plainly as things New England States, and which also promise to can speak, this house is for the comfort of those In addition to these, how many new varieties of be valuable contributions to American pomology. who live inside of it, and not for mere callers and the apple, the pear, the plum, and the grape strangers. This carpet is not too good for the have recently been added to the list of American children to roll on, this arm-chair will not be fruits. How many new and excellent varieties soiled by being occupied, and the bright sunlight of the strawberry have appeared since the intromay visit the inmates, in the morning, bringing These are sure indications of the success which duction of Mr. Hovey's Seedlings. health and cheerfulness, without fear that it will will reward future efforts to obtain valuable and fade the brilliant colors of the silk and velvet. native varieties of fruit; and they point to the If when your house is built, and thus furnished, fulfilment of the prediction of the celebrated Van you have money to spare for articles of mere taste Mons, "that the time will come when our best fruits will be derived from seedlings." He gives and luxury, the world is full of books and pic- the following sage counsel to his correspondents, tures, and a thousand other things, which will to whom he had sent trees: "Sow your seed afford to a refined and cultivated mind far more and persevere without interruption, and you will rational enjoyment than a whole warehouse of obtain even better fruit than mine.

gilded mahogany. Among pioneers in this department, I am happy to notice a gentleman, (now residing among On the whole, we think the ambition which is us) the pupil and friend of Van Mons, one who so common among all classes, to live in large has adopted our country as his future home, and houses, elegantly furnished, is leading us daily who has already transplanted to our soil many into embarrassments and discomforts, which as a thousands choice seedlings of the pear which thoughtful and rational people, we ought no lon- of that gentleman and the celebrated Esperen. have come into his possession from the collections ger to suffer.


As to the best method of producing fine varieties from seed, the opinions of distinguished po

AMERICAN POMOLOGICAL SOCIETY.mologists are not uniform. Through the polite attention of the President DUHAMEL, among the French, from causes of the Society, the Hon. MARSHALL P. WILDER, which seem to us irreconcilable with nature and we have before us a copy of the proceedings of experience, entertained serious doubts of the the third session held in the city of Boston on the and valuable varieties from seed, especially of practicability of any method for obtaining new 13th, 14th, and 15th of September, 1854. We the pear, because he had tried various expericopy below, from the President's Address at ments without success, for fifty years. opening of the Session, that part of it which reDR. VAN MONS, of Belgium, instead of saving lates to the production from seed of new varieties of inferior sorts, upon the principle that a kind havthe seed of the finest varieties, selected those of fruits adapted to particular localites, or to general ing arrived at the highest state of perfection, must cultivation. Other extracts will be given under deteriorate, while an inferior one would improve the head Horticulture, in our next number, to- by successive reproductions. He also held that gether with notices of Reports from different hybridization tended to degeneracy and imperfecStates on the subject of growing and preserving fect variety necessarily deteriorates, and also overtion. Thus he assumes the doctrine that a perlooks the fact observed by other distinguished "The immense loss to American cultivators, from men, that the improvement or deterioration of the importation of foreign varieties, in many in- which he speaks, may result from natural imstances not well adapted to the countries from pregnation by the pollen of other varieties conwhich they come, and often still less adapted to veyed by the air or insects, and therefore that our soil and climate, suggests the importance of the seed of a good variety may produce either a aising from seed, native sorts which, in most in- better or a worse, and that of a bad either a stances, possess peculiar advantages. It is now worse or a better.


generally conceded that the trees and plants of a Mr. Knight's system of obtaining new and imgiven country, like its aboriginal inhabitants, will proved varieties, depended entirely on hybridizaHourish better at home than in most foreign lo- tion or artificial impregnation so lightly esteemed calities. by D. Van Mons. This is somewhat difficult to

We rejoice that public attention has been practice on account of natural fertilization by inturned to this subject by some of our horticultu- sects and the wind; but it has the merit of de

pending on a truly philosophical principle, and a word, whether this doctrine of deterioration is with very particular attention may yet prove as as applicable to the native as to the foreign fruit available for the improvement of our fruits as it of a country?

has for the production of fine varieties in the veg- Why may we not expect to obtain natural vaetable and floral kingdom, or as the correspond-rieties of the apple and other fruit as durable ing principle has in the crossing of the breeds of and far more valuable than those which have domestic animals. passed their second centennial, as the Endicott The results of Mr. Knight's experience disprove and Stuyvesant Pears? From meteorological or the tendency to degeneracy, inasmuch as many other causes, which we do not at present underof his fruits, obtained by hybridization, are stand, particular varieties may deteriorate in a among the most durable and hardy varieties, as given locality, for a season, and afterwards rethe Eyewood and Dunmore Pears; the Black vive; or, they may show signs of decay in one Eagle and other Cherries. locality and flourish well in others not very reMany cultivators, as Esperen, Bivort, Berck-mote, as the White Doyenne, which has been mans, and others, both in this and foreign coun- considered, for many years, by some in this vitries, have sown seeds in variety, and have ob- cinity, on the decline, while it is perfect in sevtained some valuable sorts. But I am confirmed eral places in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, in the opinion, that the best means of producing and other States. Fruit-bearing may exhaust new and excellent varieties, suited either to gen- the vital energy of the tree, and hasten decay, eral cultivation or to particular localities, is to but still the variety may remain. We have, plant the most mature and perfect seed of the most among fruit trees, no example of longevity equal hardy, vigorous ard valuable sorts; on the gen- to that the new Taxodium, found in Califoreral pathological principle that like produces nia, supposed to be three thousand years old. like, and upon the conviction that immature Our object is not to controvert the opinions of seed, although the embryo may be sufficiently those who believe in the running out of varieties, formed to vegetate, yet not having all its ele- whether their duration be limited to one hunments in perfection, it will not produce a vigor-dred or one thousand years, but to enforce the ous and healthy offspring. Dr. Lindley, com- importance of raising new varieties from seed, menting upon this practice, justly remarks-"All especially adapted to our own location. experience shows that in every kind of created

thing, be it man or beast, or bird, the myste


We have received the volume of the Transac

rious principle, called life, remains during the NEW HAMPSHIRE AGRICULTURAL whole period of existence what it was at first. If vitality is feeble in the beginning, so it remains. Weak parents produce weak children, and their children's children are weaker still, as tions of the New Hampshire Agricultural Society, imperial dynasties have sadly shown." With for 1855. This volume is well got up, and filled, him we believe this theory as applicable to the from beginning to end, with interesting facts and vegetable as to the animal kingdom. May not a disregard of this doctrine account for the great suggestions. The various reports, essays and number of feeble, sickly, early defoliated trees communications which it contains, partake in a often found in our grounds by the side of those very marked degree the character of the people that are vigorous, healthful, and persistent in fo- of the Granite State; they are eminently pracliage? Is not the theory we advocate as impor- tical. The volume contains copious extracts from tant in the production of fruit trees, as in the

raising of cereal grains? The skilful agricul- the speeches made on the occasion of the annual turist saves the best seed of his various crops, meeting. These speeches were not dull, prosy and selects the best animals from his flocks and affairs-speeches made against time-but they herds for breeders. Why should not this law of exhibit a life and fervor that must have stirred reproduction regulate the practice of the pomo- the souls of those who were fortunate enough to logist as well as of the farmer? Has the Allwise and Infinite enacted several laws where one hear them. The affairs of the society are eviwould subserve the purpose? dently in the hands of earnest, working men—

To the doctrine of Van Mons, and other dis- men who have undertaken the not easy task of tinguished writers, respecting deterioration by making their mark on the hard soil of New age, and after a variety has reached its perfec- Hampshire. When such men rest from their tion, there seem to be some exceptions. From

the accounts of oriental travellers, may we not labors, "their works do follow them."

THE GRANITE FARMER.-This paper-the only

believe that the grapes of Eschol are as perfect now as when the chiefs of Israel plucked their rich clusters three thousand years ago?-and that the same variety of the fig, the olive, and agricultural paper, we believe, in New Hamp the pomegranate are as perfect in Syria to-day shire-is a large and handsome sheet, and pubas in the period of David and Solomon? It is lished weekly at Manchester, at $1,50 per anworthy of inquiry whether the native grapes, on num. It takes earnestly hold of the great work the banks of our rivers, have deteriorated since to be done; has active and intelligent Editors, and the day when the red men of the forest refreshed themselves with fruit from those vines, and practical, judicious correspondents. It would whether the orange, the lemon, the bananna, and not only be a matter of profit, but it seems to us the fruits of southern latitudes, evince any more to be the duty of every farmer in New Hampshire signs of decay than they did centuries ago? In to do something to sustain it by subscription and

contributions to its columns; and when they Henry S. Morse, Henry Keyes, Solomon W. Jewhave done this, they will be all the better able to ett. Corresponding Secretary-J. A. Beckwith, take another paper out of their own State. Our of Middlebury. Recording Secretary-Charles New Hampshire friends are holding some of the Cummings, of Middlebury. Treasurer-Edward Seymour, of Vergennes. most useful meetings that are taking place in New England, and we only regret that our space will not permit us to spread their reports before the reader. Hillsboro' county gives examples worthy of imitation by all.

For the New England Farmer.

Of all fevers to doctors known,
The worst infects the brain;
And he who has this dread disease,
Is seldom well again.
Although the patient long may live,
Nor be confined to bed;
Yet ever and anon you'll say,

"There's fever in his head."

Sometimes he'll rave for shiny gold,
From Sacramento's breast;
And oft he'll start for Oregon,
To get him farther West.

In Yankee land, where summer's hot,
And winter cold and drear,
This fever runs in madness on,

Through each successive year.

Some spend their silver and their gold
To buy Shanghai hens,

While others choose the Bolton Grey
To fill their fancy pens.

But the worst form this fever takes,
Among the farmer band,

Is purchasing special manure

To fertilize his land.

For he can buy Guano cheap,

If purchased in the fall;

And as for farm-yard, wet manure,
It will not pay to haul.

No compost heaps are round his barn,
No muck spread in his yard;
No wonder then that oft he thinks
The farmer's lot is hard.

I laid me down and took a nap,
Nor woke for ten long years;
The farmer sat with drooping heart,
His wife was bathed in tears;
A poor old cow, with stinted calf,
Was watching round the barn;
A pig was squealing in the pen
To get one ear of corn.

His house did sadly need repair

The panes were stuffed with rags;
His barn-yard shed was covered o'er
With old Guano bags!

The farmer's fever now has turned,-
A ruined man is he;

For the New England Farmer.



* In the little investigation I have been able to give this subject,nothing has been more strongly impressed on my mind, than that the wisdom of the fathers, and of the brothers too, as exemplified in theories of agriculture, needs to be very carefully sifted by every one, before he makes it a rule for his own government. And even theories which, in their origin, have a strong foundation in truth, and as applied to the circumstances that gave them birth, are really and indisputably sensible and valuable, must to a great extent be modified to adapt them to the peculiarities of our own circumstances. For instance, in the matter of milk: Mr. A. may turn his attention to the making of milk for the Boston market. He selects a stock of cows that will give the largest quantity; he gives such feed as will cause the milk to flow like water, I almost said-at any rate, it flows abundantly, and of such quality as ought to satisfy any city customer, even the most enthusiastic admirer of thin milk, without any addition of the fragrant waters of the Cochituate. This man succeeds in his object. His stock, his mode of feed, do what he wants them to do, and he can strongly recommend them to his friends. Now Mr. B. comes into the neighborhood, intending to turn his attention to the making of butter. He has read of Mr. Somebody who obtains a pound of butter from 4 quarts of milk. He thinks to himself, "What man has done, man may do." He becomes acquainted with the great flow of milk from Mr. A.'s stock, and proceeds at once to get some of the same breed, and feeds in the same way. The milk comes, is daily put away in pans of the newest style, in a milk room built after the most approved pattern. But the cream is thin; and as to the butter, dividing the number of quarts of milk by 4 does not give the number of pounds correctly. This man does not succeed. His stock, his system of feeding, are not adapted to accomplish his intentions, and they are not profitable to him.

But the question of chief importance to us is, by what means available to common farmers, can the quantity of milk be increased, or its quality improved, so as to make its production more profitable. I shall not meddle with the question, which is the best breed of cows? Where the doctors disagree so widely, I may be excused from offering an opinion. But I have no hesitation in saying, get the best cows you can, of whatever breed, even if you are obliged to pay a good round price for them. A cow that will give an averVERMONI STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.-At age of seven or eight quarts a day for the whole the annual meeting held at Middlebury, on the year, on feed that costs $60, is better worth $75, 11th inst., the following gentlemen were elected than one that gives but 4 quarts a day for the officers:-President-Fred'k Holbrook, of Brat-year is worth $25, though it may not cost more tleboro'. Vice Presidents-Edwin Hammond, than $40 to keep the latter. It must be evident,

For if he should survive, he'll show
Signs of insanity.

Westford, Ct., Jan., 1855.


however, that the market cannot be supplied from lieve that turnips and beets of the different vari cows of the first class only; and it behooves us to eties are preferable; to improve the quality, I inquire what sort of feed given to such cows as would give carrots and parsnips. But in this, I we can get, will most economically produce milk. do not desire to be understood as speaking with From the best guesses I can make, I believe a cow any great degree of authority, as one who knows. will eat about two tons of English hay during the It seems to me highly desirable that a series of winter. At present prices, this is worth nearly thorough and carefully conducted experiments $40. The expense might be considerably re- should be tried by some competent person, who duced by feeding for a portion of the time with would not be hampered by any previous theofodder of less market value, in the case of cows ries of his own or of others, to ascertain as accugoing dry. It might not be profitable, on the rately as possible,

whole, to reduce the quality of their feed very 1st. How much good English hay will it take much; and if we allow them one ton of English to keep a cow, giving milk for the six winter and one ton of meadow hay, and thus bring the months?

winter feed to a cost of about $30, perhaps we 2. Is it more expensive to feed partly on grain, make it as low as a wise economy will permit. cob-meal, shorts or oil meal? If so, is the inThen add the summer feed, and the annual cost crease of milk sufficient to pay the increased exof keeping a cow on hay and grass will not come pense?

4th. Which of these roots, in proportion to its cost of production, will produce most milk? 5th. Which will produce the richest milk? 6th. The comparative economy of different

much short of $40. Possibly it might slightly 3d. Can either, or a variety of the root crops— exceed that sum. An average of 4 quarts of milk carrots, parsnips, beets, turnips, be raised and a day for the whole year, or 1460 quarts, at 3 profitably used for a feed to milch cows? cents a quart, will pay $43,80. This would allow but $3,80, for interest on the value of the cow, and for depreciation, and the manure is supposed to pay for the care of the animal. So, to make the business profitable, we must either re-feeds. ceive a higher price for the milk, or charge our- In regard to the summer feed of cows, it seems selves with a lower price for the hay. For a win- to be highly desirable for those whose pastures ter cow, I presume the increased price of milk are not to be relied on for the whole season, that will pay the necessary increase of cost for feed, preparation should be made by some cultivated so as to bring the profit or loss to about the same crop to furnish an ample supply of green food figure. If you can get cows that will give more during the season, which is so likely to cut short milk, then of course you may make a more de- the feed on our upland pastures. For this purcided profit; but I believe more cows come under pose, on account of its great productiveness and this estimate than over it. ease of culture, I know of nothing superior to

In the economical manufacture of milk, it is the Southern flat corn. Perhaps oats, barley, a matter of great importance to have a warm clover, of equal weight, would give more milk; barn. My own is not of this character; and I but so much larger crops of the corn can be obconsider my milk-pail a pretty good thermometer. tained, that it seems to be entitled to a decided A sudden change to severe cold weather, very per-preference. But I would for summer as well as ceptibly diminishes the yield of milk; and a for winter, have as great a variety as possible; change back to mild, increases it again. for cows as well as men, dislike to be confined for

I have no doubt that a liberal supply of the a long time to one article of diet, however palroots, carrots, parsnips, the different varieties of atable it may be at first. In sowing corn for beets and turnips, would be a means of economy this purpose, judging from my own limited and in feeding cows. With these, not only will less imperfect experience, I am inclined to believe that hay be eaten, but cows will have an appetite for too much seed is often used. Where the plants hay of a poorer quality than they would other- are very much crowded, the stems lack that rich wise willingly accept. Though some of these sweetness which we find in them when they have roots are undoubtedly more nutritious than oth- more room, and a freer exposure to the sun and ers, I believe it better to have a variety, and not air; and my own cows more readily eat the sweet confine the animal to any one kind. It was wise-coarse stems that have had room enough, than ly said of old, "Man shall not live by bread alone;" the smaller but insipid stems of the more crowdand the spirit of the remark may be as applica- ed, shaded plants. ble to the physical well-being of cattle, as to the spiritual well-being of man. For the production of milk, I have not much faith in carrots; but

there seems to be strong testimony in favor of

Concord, Feb., 1855.

For the New England Farmer.


parsnips, beets and turnips. A hundred bushels HOW TO MAKE GOOD BUTTER IN FALL

for each cow would save much hay, besides adding largely to the quantity of milk We often hear that turnips will make themselves rememScald the milk when strained, and keep it from bered in the milk; but I have fed them freely freezing as little as possible until the cream is this winter-a half bushel a day-and have not taken off. When churned, warm the cream as perceived any turnip flavor either in the milk or warm as new milk, and grate one middling-sized butter. Years ago, I was told that if turnips orange carrot, for one gallon of cream, into one were fed to the cow immediately after milking, pint of new milk, and strain into the churn with the flavor would pass away before the next milk- the cream through a cloth; when churned, the ing. But I have given them at different hours, butter will be nearly as good as when made in and the same absence of flavor has resulted. When warm weather. quantity of milk is desired, I am disposed to be

Woodstock, Vt., Jan., 1855.

0. S.

enumerating some signs, and producing statistics
to disprove their validity.

Bloomfield, C. W., 1855.

For the New England Farmer. LUNAR INFLUENCE---No. 1. FRIEND BROWN-I have for a long time been desirous to see the influence of the moon upon terrestrial objects, written out and explained for the benefit of those who are ignorant of it. Failing, The following letter is from a little boy only however, to see an article upon that subject, and ten years of age, in Waukesha, Wisconsin, and thinking instruction in a branch of knowledge so


intimately connected with vegetation, and with we give it just as he wrote it, with the exception many of the manipulations of husbandry, as this of adding the heading, and a single letter in one is said to be, should be circulated as widely as of the words. This boy, and the sister he speaks possible amongst farmers, I have undertaken to of, are under the right training, to become useful point out some of the more noted effects of our sa- and distinguished persons. We wish there were tellite, based upon the "observation" of certain very observing individuals. more like them.

[ocr errors]


MR. EDITOR: :- Some time since I saw in the

I will first notice its effects upon vegetation, and upon some kinds of farm labor. In spring it is asserted that sap flows most freely at N. E. Farmer an engraving of the American crab the time of full moon, and sugar-makers are duly apple, with a description. We have a great manotified to prepare for a good run of sap "on the full." Peas must be sowed" on the full moon, in our woods; my father says they do not though some people think it best to sow them on grow in New England. It is a small but handsome shaped tree, and the earth. Onion and most other kinds of garden would look pretty in a door-yard. The flowers seeds must be sown on the increase of the moon, to are beautiful, large, pink, and so sweet they perinsure a plentiful crop, and all kinds of roots and fume the air. The fruit is larger than the Sibeherbs must be gathered before the full, if you rian crab. It does not get ripe till mid-winter, would preserve their medical properties, and keep then it is a greenish yellow. They can be grafted them from shrinking by drying. Apples must be on a common apple seedling. picked on the decrease of the moon, otherwise bruised places will rot. Some say wood and tim- I will send them some grafts, if they will write If any one would like one of these pretty trees, ber must be cut at the time of full moon in midsummer to render it durable; others say that fuel I can prepay the postage for them. The scions me a plain direction; and if they enclose a stamp cut in mid-winter is best, at any rate the moon must ought to be sent soon. be consulted. A neighbor informs me that he once knew a man who had a particular time in the write you how to make nice sauce of the apples, My sister, who is younger than I, wants to moon in which to build rail fence! It is said a potential influence is also exerted had better wait till you get the apples. as she has helped me prepare them. But she upon the condition of animals intended for meat. If you would have your pork " spend well," kill we are trying to raise new kinds of fruits. I My sister and I have a nursery and garden, and your hogs upon the increase of the moon, other- learned to bud last summer, and will learn to wise it will shrink in cooking, and the fat will all try out. Admitting this, would it not be well Farmer I can understand. graft this spring. I like to read anything in the for the Legislature of each State to enact a law reqniring all people who raise pork for market, to kill their hogs during the first and second quarters of the moon?

Again, if you have bushes or thistles to cut, it must be done at the time of full moon, and you are certain to destroy them.

All these, and many more whims of a similar nature, are unworthy of belief in this enlightened age, yet there are those who pertinaciously adhere to the tradition of their ancestors, who believe in signs, wonders and witches, only because they have no inclination to learn a few of the simplest laws of Nature.

Waukesha, Wis.



I wish to inquire about raising carrots. I have ed to carrots, turnips, &c., the coming season. I a lot of sandy loam, which I intend to have plantpurpose to put on the lot, (about an acre,) 100 bushels leached ashes, 4 cords rich manure, if I can get it; but if not, I think of trying guano with the ashes. I would like to get your views respecting it, how much guano should I put on, and how shall I apply it to the soil? I wish you would give directions as to the management of said crop throughout, as fully as you can.

Scituate, Jan., 1855. JEREMIAH POTTER. REMARKS.-Drain thoroughly, if water ever stands upon the land, even if it is a "sandy loam." Manure the surface before plowing as liberally as

Now, ye observing sages, answer, if ye can, a few plain questions. In what manner is this lunar influence exerted on plants? If they are more easily killed by cutting at the time of full moon,-which I doubt,-why is it? Does the full moon eause the sap to flow more abundantly in spring than it does at the change or quarter? you can with such barn manure as you have, and If so give us the reason. We all know it some- plow it under eight or ten inches; then add fine times fails, hence moonshine is not a certain cause. composted manure, or not having that, 300 lbs. Which has the greater influence on meat, the of guano per acre, pulverized and sown broadcast, moon or the food upon which the animal is fattened? and cultivate, harrow and rake until the surface

In my next I shall notice the lunar inflneuce is fine and pretty smooth. Sow with a seed sowupon the weather, referring to the popular belief, er, having a boy hitched on forward to assist, as

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