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efforts of Massachusetts farmers to improve their who do not attend, that our discussions are not farm stock, would prove a more profitable un- practical, said he would confine himself to two dertaking.

or three particular points, each of importance, Mr. KNOWLES, of Eastham, followed, discussing and in which most farmers are immediately inbriefly the subject for the evening-Farm Stock. terested. With regard to oxen, it used to be the Mr. COPELAND, of Lexington, endeavored to habit to keep a good pair of workers until they have the discussion for the evening directed to a were eight or nine years of age, depending upon single point-What are the prominent qualities them to perform the principal team work of the to be sought for in securing an American race of farm, and then make a business of fattening them cattle?-in order to arrive at some definite re- for the market. Having reached this age and sults; but objection was made to limiting the passed the period when they take on flesh and fat latitude of debate, and the subject of Farm Stock rapidly and naturally, the process is a slow and exwas thrown open to the meeting in all its length pensive one, and the profit was found to be small. and breadth. Now, the farmer selects the finest steers, matches Mr. KNOWLES, of Eastham, spoke briefly, say them, feeds liberally, keeping them clean and ing that the experience of farmers had demon- warm, subjects them to the yoke and handles strated that native stock was infinitely preferable them when young, and by careful and judicious to foreign, not only in cattle, but in horses, sheep management, makes them do the team work of and fowls. Practical farmers, he found, placed the farm while they are growing rapidly, and by their chief confidence in native breeds. the time they are five or six years old, they have

Mr. PROCTOR, of Danvers, followed. He said come nearly to maturity, and without a special he was one of those who believed that we have a stall feeding of two or three months, and when native stock of cattle, for he considered that slaughtered make tender, juicy and rich beef, whatever was born upon our hills, whether commanding the highest price. It is difficult to originating from foreign stock or not, was enti- make cattle take on fat and flesh rapidly that tled to be called native; but he did not think have passed the natural period of growth and them "infinitely better" than all others. For physical activity.

beef cattle, he was satisfied that a cross of the In breeding cattle, he thought there was a Durhams or Devons was superior to any thing misunderstanding in the minds of some in regard else, yielding more pounds of beef, and growing to the axiom, "like begets like." If a heifer of faster, larger and fatter. For the yoke, how- any particular breed, say Durham, for instance, ever, nothing can excel our native cattle; he is coupled with a Durham bull, a pure Durham asserted this from his own experience and obser- calf will be the certain result; but let her go the vation for a long series of years. When speaking next year to a Devon male, and so year after year of working cattle in connection with English to mixed breeds, and there will be no certainty breeds, it should be borne in mind that in Eng- as to the character of her offspring--she will be land they do not know any such thing as oxen quite as likely to go back to the first type. It is for work; they use horses. With us oxen are asked why our native cattle will not produce used on all kinds of farm work, and, after a few certain characteristics in their progeny. It will, years, are killed for beef, a fact which is quite as surely as a Baldwin apple stock will produce important in considering their value. As for that variety of apples, if the stock taken is pure animals for milk, the Jerseys produce a quality and kept pure. Mr. Brown said he could comof milk which cannot be equalled anywhere; municate to the farmers of the State a plan by but for dairy purposes-whether butter, cheese which they could add to their annual income the or milk--he had yet to learn that any thing sum of two millions of dollars, and he thought better could be got than from a cross of the best they would readily admit that it was a practical bulls with the best cows of the native stock. He one. There are in the State 150,000 cows, whose knew of a dairy of native cows in Danvers, average yield of milk for the year does not exceed which yielded as good products as Ex-Governor four quarts per day. Now, from experience and Lincoln's fine blood stock; and another case in observation, he was confident that in two ways— which a native cow, five years old, belonging to either by improving the breed, or by taking a widow lady, made 50 pounds of butter in 30 better care of stock, sheltering them and feeding days, besides supplying milk for a family of four them more liberally and systematically with roots, persons, and in addition another quart per day, &c.-their milk may be increased one quart per divided between two poor families. And this day, which, at four cents per quart, would give with nothing but pasture feed, which he consid- the sum of $2,190,000-an addition to their anered an important circumstance. nual income which was certainly something of an

Mr. BROWN, of the New England Farmer, next object. spoke, and alluding to the complaint of those

Hon. B. V. FRENCH, of Braintree, gave it as his

opinion that we have no pure Durhams here, as enough, and then vigor or certain qualities may they have in England, Ohio, Kentucky and Illi-be infused by crossing. There is no danger of vinois. Ours are crosses. The treatment of cattle tiation after this fixity of type is attained. To is a very important matter. His man had told counteract the deterioration which supervenes in him that when his cows had been turned out for animals at certain periods, a pure blood cow a couple of hours during the late cold weather, should not be used for crossing, but a good one they gave two quarts less of milk-that is, they whose blood is mixed as much as possible, and an gave only 30 quarts where they gave 32 quarts animal as perfect as the male will be obtained. previously. Cattle should be kept warm, in a The hardiness or other quality of this cow will temperature of 40 degrees. In feeding cattle, be imparted without affecting the blood race. It turnips, which can be raised cheaply, are very is the predominance of one blood over another advantageous, saving a good deal of hay, and which makes a race. If a bull's pedigree goes bringing the animals out in better condition in back only for a short distance even, and he is put the spring. As to the breeds of cattle, he hoped with a mixed cow, a good race will be propathe day would come when the State or some be- gated.

nevolent individual would make minute and sys- Col. NEWELL, of Essex, remarked that his extematic experiments, which would point out the perience accorded precisely with the views adrace of cattle best adapted to the peculiar wants vanced by the last two speakers. He avowed his of New England. disbelief in the notion of a stock of native cattle.

Hon. SETH SPRAGUE, of Duxbury, followed. We have none, and the reason is that no one has He remarked that he was not certain that he un- attempted to take so-called native cattle and bring derstood any thing about the subject; still, he out their peculiarities. Col. Jaques used a forhad his opinion in regard to the matter, founded eign bull in attempting to get up a native stock. upon the results which eminent herdsmen had

Mr. SPRAGUE said he would admit that a breed attained in other countries. He believed that the of native cattle of a certain type might be raised, laws which govern the reproduction of animals, but it would be a matter of much difficulty and were as fixed and determinate as those which expense. Suppose a couple of cattle are taken, control plants, or other natural productions, and as nearly what is desired as possible, and in a are as capable of actual experiments as chemistry year or two the head will be found too large, the or any other science. The breeding of cattle body too short or too long, or some other defect commenced in England seventy-five years ago, appear, and it will be necessary to begin anew. upon certain rules, and the fact has there been The task would require a man peculiarly fitted established that any kind of cattle desired can be for it by education, judgment and experience, raised, and with a certain result. Can a pair of and would be the work of twenty or thirty years. cattle be obtained in New England which will Mr. FAY remarked that the work of rearing a produce offspring exactly like themselves? Col. new race should be commenced not with one cow JACQUES said he would breed cattle to order of and one bull, but with herds, and those young any form or color. If we take good bred stock, cattle. After obtaining the race best adapted to we may be certain of the progeny; but with our New England, with its small farms-which would native stock good offspring are the exception, and be one combining in the highest degree milk, beef poor prove the rule. They are the result of a and work-offshoots would appear which would mixing of two hundred years, without regard to excel for milk, for beef and for work, separately, the laws which make like produce like, and we and we should thus get far better cows than we cannot expect to produce from this mixed blood now have. In Switzerland, where mitch cows an animal of any certain size, form, color or are most prized, the bull's pedigree is closely scruquality. The English herdsmen have raised their tinized, to see if his mother was distinguished for noble stocks by breeding for fifty years without her milking qualities, as it is the bull which decrossing. If you put a Devon bull to any kind termines the character of the offspring. of mixed cow, the Devon blood will predominate. Mr. BUCKMINSTER of Framingham, said the Mr. FAY, of Lynn, commended the views of yield of butter in this commonwealth might be Mr. Sprague. He believed that a race of cattle increased from five pounds to ten pounds per cow could be obtained from native stock equal to any per week, because we can have a race which will in the world. It has been demonstrated that we give it. He also offered some very interesting rehave as good milch, working and beef cattle as marks in regard to "native" and foreign cattle, existed, and having all these qualities, a good which our limits will not permit us to sketch. breed can be obtained in twenty or thirty years. Pertinent remarks were also made by Messrs. It must be done by breeding in-and-in, until a HOWARD, of the Cultiaator, MERRIAM, of Tewks fixity of type is obtained; when the male produ- bury, and EMERSON, of Boston, but we have not ces a fixed type, the process has been carried far room for them.

We select the following from a large number of similar notices with which we have been favored from

time to time by our cotemporaries:

We improve this opportunity to call the attention of our agricultural friends to the New England Farmer, published in Boston, as one of the most valuable publications of the kind in the United States. There are few farmers so well informed that they might not derive advantages from its perusal, a hundred fold beyond its cost. It is published monthly, each number containing 48 large octavo pages, at only $1.00 a year.-[Hampshire Gazette, Mass.

NEW ENGLAND FARMER.-The August number, as usual, is filled with matter of great importance to the farmer. There are no better works reach the home of the agriculturist than this. Its articles are timely, able, and instructive-and its illustrations are fine.-[Telegraph, Penn.

NEW ENGLAND FARMER.-The New England Farmer is a first rate monthly, devoted to agriculture, horticulture, and their kindred arts and sciences, which we unhesitatingly recommend to our farmers and reading community. Each number contains about forty pages, and the last two we have read with pleasure, finding them filled with practical, valuable and Instructive articles. Several who have exainined the numbers we have received were much pleased with them.-[Monmouth Inquirer,

N. J.

NEW ENGLAND FARMER-This is one of the best agricultural papers the farmer can find. It is well adapted to the wants of the farmers in New England, and should have an extensive circulation among them.-[Greenfield Republican, Mass.

We omitted last week to credit the article headed "Farm Work for September," as we should have done, to the best Agricultural paper in New England, the N. E. Farmer. It was so good we supposed all would know where it came from.-[Amherst Cabinet, N. H.

The NEW ENGLAND FARMER, a monthly devoted exclusively to Agriculture and kindred subjects, making a fine volume of 576 pages a year. The Farmer is edited by Simon Brown, assisted by Frederick Holbrook and Henry F. French, published by Joel Nourse, Quincy Hall, Boston, at $1.00 a year in advance. The Farmer continues to maintain its high and well-earned repu

tation.-Ohio Farmer.

[blocks in formation]

NEW ENGLAND FARMER.-The April number of this useful agricultural work has been received, and merits the praises that have been so universally bestowed upon it. It is, in fact, the cheapest agricultural work in the Union. It is published monthly at Boston on the first of each month, in book form-devoted, exclusively, to agriculture, horticulture, and their kindred arts and sciences. Each number contains 48 pages, making at the end of the year, a neat volume of 576 octavo pages: Terms $1 per annum in advance. All orders and letters should be addressed to Joel Nourse, Quincy Hall, South Market Street, Boston, Mass. -[Norristown Register, Penn.

The New England Farmer, for March, has come to hand in good season, and this number fully sustains the excellence of those preceding it. It presents a valuable index for the farmer's use, besides a great variety of valuable miscellaneous reading, which cannot fail to interest those pursuing other vocations than the tilling of the soil.-[Statesman, Vt.

The New England Farmer, from the columns of which our readers have seen many good articles in the Mail, is one of the best agricultural papers, for the common farmer, that comes to our table. It has recently been much improved, and in addition to the weekly is now issued monthly, at $1 a year. Mr. Simon Brown, the editor, successor to the late Mr. Cole, seems to have caught the full idea of the actual wants of the farmer. [Eastern Mail, Maine.

In the paper of this week will be found a finely written article upon "The Farm in November," which is the leading article of the November number of the New England Farmer, which has just come to hand.

Those of our farmers who do not subscribe for this work, we recommend to do so. It is among the best monthly publieation going. [Suffolk Gazette, N. Y.

NEW ENGLAND FARMER-This excellent agricultural periodical, under the editorial charge of Simon Brown, Esq., assisted by Frederick Holbrook and Henry F. French, is a work which recommends itself to the attention of every farmer. This monthly cannot fail of a good support under its present management, and we hope it will meet with the success it so much deserves.-[Dover Gazette, N. H.

NEW ENGLAND FARMER.-This valuable weekly paper, chiefly devoted, as its name indicates, to practical farming intelligence, has no superior in the excellence of its agricultural essays, and in the general tone of its news and miscellaneous departments. The two selections on our outside of last week, under the caption of "Farm Work for May," and the "Garden," should have been credited to the New England Farmer, and are fair samples of the ability and good taste exhibited in the management of the paper. It is edited by Simon Brown, Esq., formerly of Newport, in this State. Many of its best correspondents are also from New Hampshire.-[Manchester (N. H.) Democrat.

tions of cordial brotherhood with this excellent agricultural NEW ENGLAND FARMER-We are happy to renew our salutaand miscellaneous newspaper, with its first issue for the new year. And there is no paper out of the State that furnishes more reliable and valuable information, and we are always happy to see it on the farmer's table with our own sheet. The New England Farmer is edited by Simon Brown, Esq., with Hon. Frederick Holbrook and Henry F. French, Esq., as associates, $2.00 per annum.-[Granite Farmer, N. H. (a strong team,) and is published by Joel Nourse, Boston, at

We exchange with a goodly number of Agricultural papers, most of them of established merit and usefulness; but among them all we peruse the columns of none with more interest and comfort than those of the New England Farmer. There is a good deal of old-fashioned home fire-side feeling infused into its language, which reminds us of the capacious hearth and glowing winter fires of long ago, while in the elements of progression and practical usefulness it ranks among the first journals in the land.-[Čarlisle (Pa) Herald.

NEW ENGLAND FARMER.-An Independent Journal, devoted to Agriculture and General Intelligence. Terms $2 per annum in advance-Joel Nourse proprietor, Boston, Mass.

This is the best paper for a farmer we have on our exchange list, and most cordially do we recommend it. To the intelligent, enterprising young man, just beginning the world, this paper may be the means of saving fifty dollars a year, independent of the pleasure derived from reading it. To such we say, don't fail to send your two dollars for the New England Farmer. [Ellsworth (Me.) Herald.

Every farmer in Vermont, besides patronizing the papers Farmer. We have known it from its youth up," and know it of his own State and vicinity, should take the New England to be a first-rate paper; always filled with choice and important matter for the man who would cultivate his farm and his mind at one and the same time, and do it in the best manner. shall treat our readers to many articles from its columns.[Vermont Watchman and Journal.


NEW ENGLAND FARMER.-We consider this broad and beautiful sheet among the best, if not the very best family journal in the United States. The bold and manly tone evinced by its conductors upon all questions of State and National polity, renders Its opinions worth adopting, whilst as a newspaper, its columns afford as abundant a supply as is needed by any family. In the immediate vicinity of its publication, its markets and local news must be particularly valuable, but the world-wide importance of its agricultural statistics is what will specially recommend it to our readers. The price is only $2 per annum, which, for a paper of its size, style of print, and manner of getting up, is exceedingly low.-[Louisville (Ky.) New Era.

The New England Farmer, we would remind our readers, is an excellent agricultural paper, and now is just about the time to make the editor a "New Year's Gift," of renewed subscriptions and some new subscribers.-[Greenfield (Mass.) Republic.

We know of no better agricultural paper in the Union, than the New England Farmer, published at Boston. It should be in the hands of every farmer who would know how to farm. -[Banner of the Union, Phila.

NEW ENGLAND FARMER.-We call attention to the advertisement

of the New England Farmer. This is probably the best weekly agricultural paper in New England. Its editor, Simon Brown, Esq., is a practical farmer, and its other writers are men who write from practical knowledge of the great branch of industry to which the paper is mainly devoted. Those of our people who wish for an agricultural paper published out of the State, will not find a better one.-[Concord (N. H.) Patriot.

NEW ENGLAND FARMER.-This is another good agricultural paper, and we take pleasure in recommending it to the public, It is devoted to agriculture, horticulture, and their kindred NEW ENGLAND FARMER.-This is one of the best agricultural arts and sciences, embellished with numerous engravings. The journals in this country, and should be in the hands of every matter is mostly original, and from the best agricultural writ-person engaged or interested in any one of the various branche ers of the day.-[Expositor, Mich. of agriculture.-[Exeter (N. H.) News-Letter.



For 1855.

THE present number commences the Seventh Volume of the NEW ENGLAND FARMER, MONTHLY, and it is the intention of the publisher that it shall exceed the former volumes in the value and variety of its contents and the beauty of its illustrations.

It is designed to make the NEW ENGLAND FARMER the LARGEST AND BEST MAGAZINE of its clase in New England, and to supply such an amount of information on all subjects connected with


As to furnish the Farmer with a complete Encyclopædia of his profession. For this purpose no pains will be spared in studying the wants of the Agriculturist, and everything that will aid his occupation and increase his prosperity will be carefully noticed. Besides the reading matter, BEAUTIFUL ENGRAV


TERMS.-$1.00 per annum, in advance. Single copies, 10 cents.




Is published at the same office, every Saturday, and contains, besides the Agricultural matter, a large amount of MISCELLANEOUS READING, NEWS ITEMS, FULL AND CORRECT MARKET REPORTS, AND A VARIETY OF LITERARY AND GENERAL READING, adapted to the wants of the farmer and his family.

TERMS.-$2.00 per annum, in advance.

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JOEL NOURSE, Publisher,


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