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graft is usually a fine, large, beautifully colored Injurious to Vegetation; Youatt and Martin on marron, about the size of our buckeyes. They Cattle, by Stevens; and Farm Implements, by J. are much more delicate in texture and flavor than J. Thomas. our own wild chestnut. They are never eaten without being cooked. The tree is very beautiful.



Begin with these, and as opportunity offers read Loudon's works-especially his Arboretumwhich are a library in themselves, Downing's, Stephens', Lindsley, Sinclair's Code, &c. &c. We can boast now of an elegant agricultural litera

MR. BROWN-You will greatly oblige a con- ture, and you will find pleasure in perusing these stant reader of the Farmer, and a tyro in agricul- works, as well as profit. tural matters, if you will answer the following questions.


Can the "Valparaiso squash" seed be obtained


I have six acres of land, and intend making it MR. BROWN:-I had a fine cow, eight years a market garden. I wish a select list of the earliest and best varieties of vegetables,as follows:old, tough and hearty, who was apparently well Best early peas for market; early cabbage; dead. She lay in her usual position, as though at nine o'clock at night, and in the morning late cabbage; early cucumber; early sugar corn; there had been no struggle. On an examination early potatoes; early squash. the stomach appeared blistered and highly inflamed, and the blistered part slipt off. There were no other symptoms to describe. Can you or Doct. DADD throw any light on this case? Bethel, Vt., 1855. A YOUNG FARMER. REMARKS.-We cannot enlighten you. Will Dr. DADD?

in Boston?

J. R.


Can the "top onions" be obtained in Boston? At what seed store can I best obtain a supply of the above seeds together with others? Saco, Me., 1855. REMARKS.-For peas take the early Kent-cab-| bages, early York-late cabbage, the Drumheadfor cucumbers, the "frame"-sugar corn, eightIf you could give us in the Farmer a list of rowed sweet potatoes, early white blue-nose-for pears hardy enough for this locality, you would squashes, early summer crook-neck. We cannot do us a great kindness. I have tried the Barttell you where the Valparaiso squash seed is to be lett, and several other kinds, but they are not found-but it isn't worth raising. The "top on- hardy enough; they grow well in the summer, ions," and all the other seeds you desire, may be the snow is dead. but the next spring every twig that stood above JOHN H. CURRIER. found at Ruggles, Nourse, Mason & Co.'s seed store, at Quincy Hall, and probably at the other seed stores in Boston.


SIMON BROWN, Esq. :-Dear Sir, I have a desire to study the science of agriculture, and request you to furnish, a small list of the very best primary works for me to commence with-say to the extent of from $10 to $25.

Several of my country friends wish a plain work on agricultural chemistry, and have spoken of Chaptal and also of Johnston. Please name the best works on that special subject. I am willing to devote my leisure hours for three or four years to a preparation for farming. I wish to understand the theory and the practice of true agriculture.

Western Christian Advocate office,

Cincinnati, Feb., 1855.


McIndoes Falls, Vt.

REMARKS.-The English Jargonelle, Dunmore, Louise Bonne de Jersey, Urbaniste, Seckel, Buerre Diel, Vicar of Winkfield, Winter Nelis and St. Michael, are hardy varieties. These should be on the quince, except the Jargonelle, Dunmore and Seckel, which are best on the pear stock. The Bartlett is a noble pear, and will do well, we think, if grafted on a hardy pear tree.

For the New England Farmer. PATH-BREAKER.

MR. EDITOR-In these days of snow, take two widths of plank (hard wood is the best) 18 inches wide, shape in the form of a harrow (triangle) with an iron to hook the chain-board over the top, to pile on the boys, and with one yoke of oxen, you break your own paths and can do much for the village.s who do not pay particular attention to these small matters of comfortable sidewalks. The cost is a mere trifle, and they last for years if kept under cover. Yours respectfully, Brooklyn, New York, Feb. 26, 1855.

H. P.

REMARKS.-We reply with pleasure to our correspondent. The book which we shall first recommend is the Farmers' Encyclopedia, adapted to the United States by Gouverneur Emerson. It is a royal octavo of some 1200 pages, and treats both in a scientific and practical manner, of nearly all the topics coming under the farmer's care. Then Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology, by James F. W. Johnston; Davy's Agri- ing old orchards is late in autumn, or in winter, cultural Chemistry; Farmer's Companion, by Bu- or at mid-summe; but not in spring, when the ell; Downing's Fruits and Fruit Trees; Ameri- flow of sap is apt to injure and cause the decay can Muck Book, by D. J. Browne; Harris' Insects of the wood at the wounds."

PRUNING. THOMAS says "The season for prun

For the New England Farmer.

The gentleman refers to the four hornless, illlooking cows, that average one and a half pounds of butter each, for a period of forty days from I noticed in some numbers of the Horticulturist, June 1st to July 10th, for which the 1st premiof 1853, some account of a China peach, raised um of the Essex Society was awarded, Mr. John in one of our southern States. It was spoken of Stowe, Jr., of Marblehead, was then the owner of as probably or undoubtedly the only tree in this these cows; he can tell all about the quality and country from such a source. weight of their butter, and whatever he may say

There are in the grounds adjoining my own about it, is worthy of entire confidence. some peach trees, imported from Shanghai, in The gentleman from W. appears to be quite China, several years since. They were rooted in sensitive, as to the use of the term native, when tubs, and the owner of the vessel for whom the applied to animals, as do many other gentlemen captain obtained them, sent them to his natural of distinguished intelligence. I presume it is not home in this town. The original trees have not in my power to enlighten him on this topic. A proved good bearers. But other trees budded gentleman, so entirely conversant with the best from them have yielded very good crops. One of farms in the best county of the commonwealth, my neighbors has had trees in bearing (budded nine-tenths of the stock on which are natives, and from these) for four or five years. I also have nothing different from natives, if he does not know some, which bore last fall for the second time. what is meant by the term native, I would not It is a very large peach, above the usual size, but presume to instruct him. My idea of the meanby no means so large as to prove the truth of the ing of the term, is the same as that of the great dictum of the captain who imported them, who mass of the yeomanry of the commonwealth. I said that he had seen them in China as large as have no patience with gentlemen when they unhis head. The skin and flesh is pale; and, with- dertake to mystify this matter. There is an affecout being at all deficient in juice, it is a very tation of learning in so doing, which is not to meaty peach, the flesh seeming to have more be commended.

substance than is usual. I consider it a superior I repeat, sir, that I feel under great obligapeach, much above a medium quality; yet there tions to the gentleman from W., for his careful are others I should prefer if mature at the same and accurately stated management of his dairy; time. This, ripening just as the best peaches are and am glad to know that his success was mainly leaving us, becomes a superior variety at that to be attributed to the skill and fidelity of his time. If you would like, I would be happy to excellent wife. I was quite sure that no bachelsend you a specimen next season. The leaves are or could ever have earned or merited such a presubject to the mildew; the fruit has unequal mium, as he obtained, and I am equally well sides, forming a marked ridge around it.

Yours, &c., LEWIS S. HOPKINS. Northampton, Feb. 15, 1855.

REMARKS.-We should be gratified with a sight and taste of this peach.

For the New England Farmer.

pleased to know that our own New England breed of cows (by whatever name they may be called) with the same care and the same feed, are as good (to say the least) as any others.


For the New England Farmer.


SIR-I noticed in one of the late numbers of the Farmer, that you say that quinces are used FRIEND BROWN-I am most happy to notice only as a preserve. It is, perhaps, unknown to by your paper of this morning, (March 10th,) your readers that they make a very agreeable that the rappings of the spirit of the "old Oaks pickle, if boiled in vinegar, with brown sugar, to cow" have not in the least impaired the wits of which are added cloves, cinnamon, &c. Even the gentleman from Worcester, and although he when they have been unluckily hard frozen, they may not be able to milk as freely as he could be- will answer for this purpose---only less sugar will fore his hand was lame, he certainly writes with- be then required. They are quartered and pared out any perceptible impediment. and the cores cut out. Ten pounds of fruit are If the gentleman had charged me with partial- boiled, to which add five pounds of sugar and ity, instead of prejudice, I should at once have from three to five pints of vinegar, one ounce of owned up-f -for I must confess, other things being whole cinnamon, and half an ounce of whole equal, I do like our own, better than I do foreign cloves, and boil down, place in a jar and pour the breeds-whatever description of animals they may hot syrup upon it. With many the quince, be. I am in spirit a native American-though baked like an apple, is a favorite, adding syrup not in the modern use of the term, professed by or molasses and water to the dish in which they such. I detest secresy and double-shuffle, wher- are baked. Those fond of a tart baked apple, ever it may be found. In truth, I am a plain will probably be pleased with the baked quince, Yankee, neither more or less. and much prefer it. Yours, &c.,


Northampton, Feb. 15, 1855.


The gentleman from W. charges me with being unfair. I certainly did not intend to be unfair, either towards himself or his stock. He would represent his pastures as being of an inferior order. I had no suspicion of this. I supposed they were ordinarily very good pastures, only a little length-breadth and height of the hay into each shortened by the extraordinary dryness of the sea-other, and if the hay is somewhat settled, ten son, as were all pastures that came within my ob- solid yards will weigh a ton. Clover will take servation. eleven to twelve yards to a ton.


For the New England Farmer. THE WHEEL HOE.

body who has handled an oyster shell, must have observed that it seemed as if composed of successive layers or plates overlapping each other. These are technically termed "shoots," and each Having some pear trees which started from seed of them marks a year's growth; so that by countlast spring, 1 tried in mid-summer the experiment ing them, we can determine at a glance the year of cutting the tap root of all of them a few inches when the creature came into the world. Up to below the ground, to make them throw out the time of its maturity, the shoots are regular lateral roots, having heard that it was very diffi- and successive; but after that time they become cult in our country to raise pear seedlings, be- irregular, and are piled one above the other, so cause of their being thrown from the ground by that the shell becomes more and more thickened the frost, and that this was attributable to the and bulky. Judging from the great thickness want of lateral roots. I took a rainy morning to which some oyster shells have attained, this for my division of the tap root, but, in an hour mollusc is capable, if left to its natural changes or two after the operation, the sun came out unmolested, of attaining a patriarchal longevity. clear and warm. I may have watered them once or twice subsequently, at evening. In two or three days the leaves began to look like leafblight; first the edges, or the edge on one side was discolored, and finally on some all the leaves MR. EDITOR-I have lately become a subscribbecame entirely black; on others, some leaves er for your truly valuable paper, and on the first were entirely destroyed, while some were but side I find much to interest, and learn. In a late partially affected, or escaped entirely. Out of number, in your remarks on Raising Carrots, you twelve or fifteen of these seedlings, but about say "the wheel hoe will save one-half the labor of one-half survived. I had cut off the main source cultivation." Now I have raised from a quarter of the supply of moisture from the ground, and to a half an acre, yearly, for a few years, with the leaves appeared to have the leaf-blight. Was pretty good success; but it requires so much lathe affection of the leaves a consequence of the bor to weed them, I almost resolved last weeding division of the root? (a.) It would look so, and time to quit them and try something else, but if if so, is a cessation or essential diminution of a I can find an implement that will save one-half supply of moisture to the roots, the cause of leaf- the labor of weeding, I think I shall try them blight to the pear tree? If I remember rightly, again. I wish to inquire of you through the it is almost or entirely unknown in the moist columns of the Farmer, how much does the climate of England. But if drought at the roots wheel hoe" cost? Where can it be obtained? and a rapid exhalation from the leaves under our How does it operate, &c., by answering the above hot sun is the cause, then we would find the questions you will greatly oblige me, and I doubt leaf-blight more than usually prevalent in such a not many of my brother farmers. summer of uncommon drought as our last. Was it more prevalent last summer than usual? I had no more of it than usual. And are pear trees, with a moist subsoil, less afflicted with the leaf-blight? Yours, &c.,

LEWIS S. HOPKINS. Northampton, Feb. 15, 1855.

REMARKS.--(a.) Pear seedlings are difficult to raise, seldom doing well except upon a soil peculiarly adapted to them. They are found to succeed best on a strong, rich soil, containing peroxide of iron, and which is moist, but not too



Caledonia Co., Vt., Feb. 27, 1855.

F. J. S.

REMARKS.-The wheel-hoe costs from $1,50 to $2,00, and may be found at Ruggles & Co.'s. We shall republish a cut of this hoe as soon as we can get a correct sketch engraved.

For the New England Farmer.

ABOUT CHERRIES AND PEARS. MR. EDITOR:-You will confer a favor by answering the following queries through the columns of the Farmer.

1. I have now the May Duke, Black Tartarean, Downer's and Honey Heart cherries, and wishing visable to get any other varieties, and if so, what to add to the number of my trees, would it be advarieties?

2. Has the Early Purple Guigne sufficient good qualities to entitle it to a place in a collection of a dozen trees?

To promote the formation of lateral roots, transplant from the seed bed when two or three inches high, and cut off the end of the tap root with a sharp pair of scissors. They should be mulched, to protect them from the action of the sun in summer, and should be protected from the 3. I have the Madeleine, Early Catharine, Fulattacks of the cut-worm in the seed bed; the ton, Bartlett, Jackson, Golden Beurre of Bilboa, best remedy I have found to be tobacco waste, Beurre of Aremberg, and Vicar of Winkfield strewed thickly over the surface of the ground. pears, and I propose to procure the Lawrence, Ashes and bone dust are the best manures. A Owen, Rostiezer and Seckel. partly shaded place is better than the full sun.

What alterations or additions would you advise me to make to this list, and particularly, is there any variety ripening at the time of the

AGE OF OYSTERS.-A London oyster-man can Early Catharine, which produces abundant crops tell the age of his flock to a nicety. The age of and of good quality.

an oyster is not to be found by looking into its

The soil is a rather compact loam, with "hard

mouth. It bears its years upon its back. Every-pan" at an average depth of about two feet, with

[blocks in formation]

REMARKS.-1 and 2. In addition to the four varieties named we would recommend the Napoleon Bigarreau and Black Eagle-the last we consider indispensable; the Early Purple Guigne is a good early cherry, and of course apt to be taken by the birds.

3. We should recommend as additions to the list of pears, the English Jargonelle, Beurre Diel, Glout Morceau and Winter Nelis.

4. The pear will not compare with the apple for bearing.

5. We consider the Hunt Russett to be the best late keeping apple. It is prolific, excellent, and may be kept through the year under favorable circumstances.




BEST BREAD.-The best bread is that made of unbolted wheat flour. In some cases a small portion of white bread may be desirable, but the brown, after a short time, will be found more palatable, and conducive to a more regular and healthy condition of the system. It has been ascertained that even dogs cannot live over fifty days fed upon fine flour bread and water; when fed upon such as contained the whole or a large portion of the bran, they are found in no respect

to suffer.-Water-Cure Journal.

TO MAKE FINE PANCAKES FRIED WITHOUT BUTTER OR LARD.-Take a pint of cream, and six newlaid eggs; beat them well together; put in a quarter of a pound of sugar, and one nutmeg, or a little beaten mace-which you please, and so much flour as will thicken-almost as much as an ordinary pancake flour batter; your pan must be heated reasonably hot, and wiped with a clean cloth; this done, spread your batter thin over it, and fry.

INDIAN MUFFINS.-A pint and a half of yellow Indian meal sifted. A handful of wheat flour. A quarter of a pound of fresh butter. A quart of milk. Four eggs. A very small tea-spoonful of milk. Put the milk into a saucepan. Cut the TREES.-Make all necessary preparations for butter into it. Set it over the fire and warm it transplanting; do not delay it until the trees are until the butter is very soft, but not until it melts. Then take it off, stir it well till all is swollen, for to remove a tree then, gives it a mixed, and set it away to cool. Beat four eggs shock which it will scarcely recover from through very light; and when the milk is cold, stir them the season. Be generous with the spade-loosen into it alternately with the meal, a little at a and pulverize the earth over a liberal breadth, time of each. Add the salt. Beat the whole working in a little well decomposed compost. very hard after it is all mixed. Then butter some Transplant early in April, if the ground is suit-muffin-rings on the inside. Set them in a hot oven, or on a heated griddle; pour some of the batter into each; and bake the muffins well. SPRING RYE.-More profit may be realized from Send them hot to table, continuing to bake while one acre thoroughly plowed, 10 inches deep and a fresh supply is wanted. Pull them open with well manured, than to skim over two acres of your fingers, and eat them with butter, to which old fields indifferently. A bushel and a half of you may add molasses or honey.-Farm Journal. good seed on the best land will be sufficient, while on the poor, two bushels will be required.


MODE OF MAKING YEAST.-The following mode, which was found very convenient in practice, was stated to us by a notable house-wife. One quart of hops is boiled about three hours with THE PEACH CROP.-The temperature falls in about seven gallons of water; after that the reConnecticut and Massachusetts to 12 and 15 deg. sulting liquid is passed through a cullender on below zero every few years, without injuring the three quarts of Indian meal, or so much that the peach crop. In 1834, at Windham, Conn., one mixture will be like batter. Half a tea-cup of morning, on the high hills, the thermometer in- salt is added, and when cooled to new milk dicated 18 deg. below, while on the plains and warmth, half a pint of yeast. After stirring valleys it was 22; yet there were plenty of well, it stands fifteen or twenty hours, and Inpeaches the following season on the hills, and dian meal added till of the consistency of dough, none in the plains and valleys. A year or two when cakes, three inches in diameter and half after, the temperature, one windy night, was ex- an inch thick, are made from it, and dried on a actly teversed. The next year there was not a board by the fire; much heat will destroy the peach on the hills, but a full crop in the val- yeast, and if not dried in two or three days, ferfeys; the tree buds were not injured. Who will mentation will proceed so far as to destroy it. inform the public where the exact frost-line of These cakes will be good for three months; one the peach is? Another question to the curious is, of them soaked half an hour in warm, not hot at what temperature the peach-tree is killed by water, will be enough for a large loaf. frost?

The particular attention of the reader is called to the article by Dr. REYNOLDS, on Reclaiming Swamp Lands.

When friends come to see you uninvited, do your best to entertain them, but make no apology or comment; it sounds to your guest like a reproach for taking you unawares.


We improve this opportunity to call the attention of our agricultural friends to the New England Farmer, published in Boston, as one of the most valuable publications of the kind in the United States. There are few farmers so well informed that they might not derive advantages from its perusal, a hundred fold beyond its cost. It is published monthly, each number containing 48 large octavo pages, at only $1.00 a year.-[Hampshire Gazette, Mass.

NEW ENGLAND FARMER.-The August number, as usual, is 6Hed with matter of great importance to the farmer. There are no better works reach the home of the agriculturist than this. Its articles are timely, able, and instructive-and its illustrations are fine. [Telegraph, Penn.

NEW ENGLAND FARMER.-The New England Farmer is a first rate monthly, devoted to agriculture, horticulture, and their kindred arts and sciences, which we unhesitatingly recommend to our farmers and reading community. Each number contains about forty pages, and the last two we have read with pleasure, finding them filled with practical, valuable and instructive articles. Several who have examined the numbers we have received were much pleased with them.-[Monmouth Inquirer,

N. J.

We omitted last week to credit the article headed "Farm Work for September," as we should have done, to the best Agricultural paper in New England, the N. E. Farmer. It was so good we We exchange with a goodly number of Agricultural supposed all would know where it came from.-[Amherst Cab-papers, most of them of established merit and usefulness; but inet, N. H. among them all we peruse the columns of none with more interest and comfort than those of the New England Farmer. There is a good deal of old-fashioned home fire-side feeling infused into its language, which reminds us of the capacious hearth and glowing winter fires of long ago, while in the elements of progression and practical usefulness it ranks among the first journals in the land.-[Carlisle (Pa) Herald.

The NEW ENGLAND FARMER, a monthly devoted exclusively to Agriculture and kindred subjects, making a fine volume of 576 pages a year. The Farmer is edited by Simon Brown, assisted by Frederick Holbrook and Henry F. French, published by Joel Nourse, Quincy Hall, Boston, at $1.00 a year in advance. The Farmer continues to maintain its high and well-earned reputation. [Ohio Farmer.

NEW ENGLAND FARMER.-We advise our agricultural friends who are in want of a work devoted exclusively to their interests, without being mixed up with the notions of old fogies on politics, to subscribe for the New England Farmer, which is published in a pamphlet form, monthly, at $1.00 per annum. Joel Nourse, publisher, Quincy Hall, Boston.-[Plymouth Rock,

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