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the entire season. In addition to a bountiful supWe have frequent inquiries for some plan of ply for his own use, Mr. Smith sells strawberries, cultivating small plots of ground such as are blackberries, plants, &c., enough to pay all extra owned by multitudes of mechanics, traders and labor employed, and for most of the manure he merchants, residing in the suburbs of our cities purchases.

and villages. We cannot well put down on one, that a single half acre, if rightly managed, is not After reading this enumeration, who will say or even on a hundred pages, all the minute directions these men require; we will, however, do capable of ministering greatly to one's taste and what we can to meet their wants. We give them comfort, as well as profit? What Mr. Smith ena list of what is one plot of ground of half an joys from his plot of ground, could not be puracre; and lest the statements may seem rather chased for many hundreds of dollars, if it could large we may as well say in advance, that we de- be purchased at all; while, as before stated, the scribe just what we saw on the grounds of Mr. cost is comparatively trifling. The time and labor J. H. Smith, at Norwalk, Conn.; and further, devoted to these grounds serve as a recreation, that although there is such a variety of trees, rather then a tax upon the labors of the day.fruits, vegetables, &c., there is no confused crowd-American Agriculturist.


Now that so many persons engage in the culti

ing or jumbling, but every thing seems to be ar-
ranged in perfect order. Mr. Smith showed us a
large sheet of paper, upon which he has marked
out the ground occupied by each tree, plant and
plot of vegetables or berries, with the name and vation of the root crops, it is important that all
variety written down. We should also say that labor-saving machinery that is valuable, should be
Mr. S. is a laboring mechanic, and that he does known and brought into requisition. The first
nearly all the work required in his garden with
Sower here represented we have not used, and
his own hands, and out of the usual hours of
suppose that it is intended merely for garden pur-
His lot is about 100 feet wide, and of course poses, such as sowing beds. No. 2, and No. 3,
extends back some 220 feet to make an acre. The we have used many times, and have found the
front half contains the house with front and side seed to come well after them. But any sower
plots-the house being upon one side of the lot. should be carefully tested on a board or floor be-
In this front area, in part covered with grass, are

quite a variety of fruit and ornamental trees, in- fore going to the garden or field with it.
cluding 14 cherry trees of different varieties, 4
standard and 10 dwarf pear trees, 3 dwarf apple
trees, 6 peach trees, 8 Norway spruce, 1 white
pine, 2 balsam firs, 1 horse chestnut, 1 mountain
ash, 4 common whitewash, (in the street outside
the fence) 4 common forest dogwood, 2 elms, 5
roses of Sharon, 2 wax plants, 12 varieties of roses,
beside flowering currants, sweet-scented shrubs,


Back of this ground commences the garden, which is not, as it should be, separated from it by any fence. In the rear is a cold grapery, 14 by 13 feet, with a grape-border in front, 18 feet wide. The rest of the ground is planted with This is a small hand drill, designed for the various fruit trees, and divided into plots containing each of the following: beets, two varie-garden. It is a cheap, light, pretty sower, well ties of onions, cabbages, potatoes, sweet corn, cu-adapted to the wants of those who cultivate root cumbers, peas, three varieties of beans, gherkins, and vegetable crops on a limited scale, and will summer and winter squashes, radishes, two varie-sow all such crops, excepting peas and beans. It ties of lettuce, nasturtions, eleven varieties of strawberries, five varieties of raspberries, several it at one operation or passing. opens the ground, sows the seed, covers and rolls vigorous hills of New-Rochelle and white blackberries, two varieties of gooseberries, and three varieties of currants. In addition to these, there are plants of hops, sage, parsley, pie plant (in abundance,) wormwood, and a variety of flow



On this ground are three apple trees, three plum trees, 20 peach trees, 75 dwarf pear trees of 42 varieties.

The cold grapery is new, and cost near $400. A plain one for common use may be built for onehalf, or one-fourth of this expense. This one has a cistern, with a simple and inexpensive force pump, to which is attached hose and pipe for throwing water into every part. It contains 24 grape vines of 13 varieties.


Seed Sower No. 2 is adapted to garden or field

The various vegetables and fruits are so selected sowing, is a size larger than No. 1, and is deas to furnish a succession for the table during signed for sowing the same kinds of seeds. The


cylinder and brush within the hopper go by gearing, and thus are always sure to operate.

some with steep rumps, big heads, and dull eyes, or sluggish gaits, that were called Morgans, and probably enough were gotten by them, but the characteristics of the dam were too potent to be subdued by a single cross. In conclusion we are compelled to say, that the true type of the Morgan horse is as desirable an animal for the road, whether our taste, or convenience, or pockets are concerned, as we have ever seen in harness; and success, say we, to the Vermont enterprise of rearing and maintaining a new and highly creditable family of horses."



There is practical wisdom in the following arti

Seed Sower No. 3, combines several important improvements upon the English Drill, particularly in those additions which fit it for sowing cle. Read and follow lead. large seeds. The brush and cylinder of No. 3, It is in the rear of our dwelling on State street, which distributes the seed, go by graduated rows five rods wide by ten rods long, skirted on both sides, and each end with apple, pear, plum, of iron cogs or gearings, which operate simply quince, and cherry trees, of numerous varieties, and uniformly, are durable, not likely to get out interspersed with currant, gooseberry, black and of order, and by which the speed of the dropping white raspberry bushes and flowers of numerous may be increased or lessened, large or small seeds tints and hues. It was well manured with a sown, in all their varieties, at any desirable dis- compost of muck and the droppings and drippings of the kitchen and barn, and plowed tances, in hills or drills, and the several necessary twelve inches deep in the fall of 1853. In the changes for the purpose are made with ease and following spring, it was again plowed eight expedition. The brush is used for small seeds, as inches deep, and harrowed until not a lump was turnips, carrots, &c., and the cylinder for corn, to be seen upon the surface. As soon in May as the earth was sufficiently warm, the seed was peas, beans, &c. Six tins, with different sized "cast in with a patent seed sower, drilling, dropholes through them, accompany each machine, to ping and covering the sced as fast as one could be used in connection with the brush, as circum- run a wheelbarrow over a smooth surface. The stances inay require. work of planting, cultivating and harvesting, was principally done with a light hoe in our own hands, before breakfast and after tea. The result is as follows:


[blocks in formation]

Blood Beets, 34...",

187 heads Cabbage, 4..

22 Acorn Winter Squashes, 20..

74 Black Pumpkins, 4..

2 bushels ears sweet Corn for seed, $1 00.

1 bushel Pop Corn, 50....

75 Melons, 10...

3 bushels Cucumbers, $1 00.


66 Currants, 2.00.

66 Gooseberries, 2 00..

..$2 25


.11 00


.39 21


.7 48

...4 40




7 50

...3 00 .4.00 ....1 00

$94 04

"One of our correspondents has recently characterized the Morgan horse a humbug. We wish there were more such agricultural humbugs. He has equally failed in characterising this fine family of horse flesh. He has evidently drawn his ideas from the throng of miscellaneous brutes that have been picked up by jockeys of every hue, and palmed off among the unsophisticated, wherever such customers could be found. Of course there With beans, pie-plant, early potatoes, peas, is no such thing as a pure Morgan horse, as their asparagus, &c., for the supply of one's family, to origin dates from a single animal, and less than say nothing of the stalks, cabbage leaves, turnip sixty years ago. But they have had about the and carrot tops, to make the cows laugh, give same period to form a peculiar race as the Ayr- milk and grow fat. He that will not cultivate a shire cattle, and their success is fully equal. good kitchen garden, "neither shall he eat" good They are not homogeneous in form, appearance, sauce nor fine fruit.- Watchman.

nor character; but they are enough so to be entitled to the possession of a distinctive family

"OUT OF WORK."-We ask all our readers,

name. There are wide departures from the gen- but especially all young men, to read, carefully, eral resemblance, in many of the progeny that are

bred from uncouth dams. We have seen some the article in another column from "A City Me-. over sixteen hands high and some scarcely twelve; chanic."

ELEVENTH LEGISLATIVE AGRICULTU- rich treatment, and a trench should be dug



Reported for the New England Farmer,


around them and filled up with rich manures. Mr. Grout also alluded to the effect of electricity on trees, their growth, &c.-and suggested


The eleventh Legislative Agricultural Meeting whether a tree could not be made a proper conwas held in the Representatives' Hall, at the ductor. For instance, attach a wire to the roots State House, on Tuesday evening, March 27, at of some tree which does not bear very well, and 74 o'clock. The subject for discussion was the carry it along to the water in some spring. same as at the last meeting-Fruit and Forest Mr. BROOKS, of Princeton, followed, and remarked that trees, which he pulled up in his ELIAS GROUT, Esq., of Ashland, presided. He pastures and wherever he could find them, would remarked that he had been so unexpectedly called grow much better when transplanted, than those upon to preside at the meeting that he had he obtained from nurseries, and were much less had no opportunity for preparation, and felt that infested by the borer. He thought this plan the his audience was better able to instruct him than most judicious in growing fruit trees,-take the he them. He alluded to the almost wanton de- natives and plant them, no matter what they are. struction of forest trees in New England, and He had some trees, which he obtained from a hoped that a reform would be effected in this nursery, that did not grow any for four or five matter. In cultivating forest trees, he thought years. He recommended digging five or six feet they should be allowed to grow as thick as possi- around trees, and applying manure and muck, ble, in order to secure handsome trees and good one-half of each, as operating exceedingly welltimber, and they should not be trimmed for a not only on dry, but moist, clayey lands. In renumber of years. In the West, the woods grow gard to the cultivation of forest trees, he thought up thick and prune themselves, producing fine it a matter of much practical importance to fartall trees with very few limbs. Coming to the mers, for besides beautifying an estate, if plantsubject of fruit trees, he remarked that it is ed around the farm buildings, they will break off sometimes asked why the old apple trees are the cold winds and make them warmer, and also wasted-why not graft them, as by so doing you protect them from decay by exposure to the can save time and trouble and get earlier fruit? weather. Mr. Brooks doubted the expediency of The answer is, they last but a few years, and if the suggestions of the Chairman in regard to they have grown up near stone walls, where they opening the tops of trees, because the sun will could not be cultivated, surrounded by bushes, be let in too much, which is a serious evil in our and have felt the axe or the saw but rarely, the hot, dry climate, inasmuch as the tree will be borers are found in them abundantly, and they burnt up and destroyed. He said he had had thus become nests of these destructive insects. good success in following up borers with a wire When, on the contrary, the trees are in an open when they are boring into the trees; and as to lot, it is a good plan to take as much green ma- washing trees, he had used ley of such a strength, nure as one horse can draw and place it around that an egg would just sink in it, and he could the tree, covering it with straw, and allow it to see no ill effects accruing from it. remain a year, after which plow it in. Ley is Mr. DARLING said he had washed his trees with often used with injury in washing trees, but if ley, (in the proportion of one pound of potash green manure is mixed with it the ill effects will to a gallon of water) during the month of July, be prevented. Upon stone fruit trees ley may be for three successive years, and by that means had used much stronger than upon apple trees. The got rid of the borers. speaker suggested that a wash of strong lime Mr. Fisk, of Framingham, remarked that he water, mixed with salt, would have a happy ef- considered it a good plan, in setting out trees, fect on the growth of trees. It is of no use to to set them a little to the south south-west, as dig about trees unless a considerable space is dug they thus receive the rays of the sun less direct. over. The ground should be deeply plowed Mr. FLINT remarked that nothing showed the about the roots at proper distances. In regard progress of agriculture for the last twenty years to trimming trees, they should be kept open, giv- better than the attention which is paid to the ing, say, a border of two to three feet of foliage. cultivation of fruit trees, and as an interesting It is the practice to allow trees too much foliage, historical fact, remarked that the first fruit trees particularly the apple. Fruit that is not shel- cultivated in this country were planted on Govtered by foliage will ripen quicker. (a.) Vigor-ernor's Island, in Boston harbor, by Gov. Winous shoots that come out after grafting, should throp. Mr. Flint also enforced the necessity of be cut down very close, because they will absorb great care in the process of transplanting trees. too much of the nutriment of the tree. As Mr. MERRIAM, of Fitchburg,made a detailed stateregards manuring fruit trees, pears will bear very ments in regard to an experiment which he tried

with one thousand fruit trees which he obtained ers (as they are very improperly called,) in order from a nursery at Duxbury, close by the sea, to supply leaves which may prepare the sap to and which he transplanted to Fitchburg and set carry on the usual work of the tree, that is to go out during the time between the 1st of May and on with its regular habits. Scions themselve s the 3d of June. The only remarkable thing will grow better where there are some "suckers," about it, he observed, was that they all lived. because the natural vigor of the tree is kept up. He also stated that by driving four or five nails into a tree infested by the borer, just below the surface of the ground, with some perhaps on parts of the tree most affected, he had completely destroyed these worms; and in his opinion, the iron would not injure the fruit in the least.

For the New England Farmer. EXPERIMENTS WITH POTATOES. towards the stock of general information on the MR. EDITOR:-Hoping to contribute my mite culture of potatoes, I send you my experience the past summer. I cultivated one patch of potatoes and assisted at two more patches.

Mr. DAVENPORT, of Mendon, said that in setting out an orchard it was best to apply manure, and dig about the roots. He would mix potash No. 1. Had raised potatoes several successive with muck and put it about the roots the pot- sheep manure, and refuse straw and hay unrotted, years-was covered slightly with chip, hen and ash being dissolved, and about a pound to six or land moist, plowed clean about 20th of June, eight bushels of muck used. To preserve trees and planted without harrowing; seed, smaller from borers, he recommended strips of common than fit for table use, dropped without any hill, tarred paper put around the trees near the ground. and from 12 to 16 inches in rows, and covered in rows far enough to plow between one way; Care should be taken in transplanting trees, to with hoe. A man may plant one-fourth of an have roots spread in all sides. In trimming, the acre in a day in this way; seed were Sand-Lakes; first limb to be cut is the top, in order to get a yield two hundred bushels to the acre. growth of limbs as near the ground as possible. No. 2. Plentifully covered,say 50 loads to acre, By this means a better crop of fruit is secured, the with stable manure; buckwheat on the ground tree is less liable to be injured by the wind, the rowed then ridged and hills made with hoe; year before with manure; plowed clean, harfruit is more easily gathered, and the tree is much planted about 1st of June, seed mostly Pinkless exposed to the effect of a drought, because the eyes; small and refuse potatoes; plowed shallow ground beneath is sheltered from the sun and re- and hoed once, hilled very small and steep; yield 250 bushels to acre. tains moisture longer. Land was wet, hilly land. Average weight of potatoes from 6 to 8 oz.; some of them weighed 1 lb. 3 oz.

Mr. FARNUM, of Boston, made some well-chosen remarks in regard to the great beauty which ornamental shade trees add to towns and villages,

and the enhanced value which estates derive from

them. He urged the formation of tree associations in every town in the commonwealth, whose object it shall be to adorn the streets with shade trees. Several such societies already exist.


No. 3. Half turf, half sowed to turnips year before, turfy, slightly manured, plowed clean, shallow furrow struck with plow; seed 34 feet 16 inches apart, and planted 16th of June at 14 apart; seed very small, dropped in furrows 14 to bushel of plaster to acre; variety of seed, SandLakes; plowed between rows and hoed once in very broad flat hills; yield 130 bushels to the Mr. BUCKMINSTER, of the Ploughman, followed It is my impression, if more plaster had been used a larger crop would have been se in some excellent observations in regard to apply-cured. I submit it to every one, which way of ing the principles of a correct taste to the matter tillage is superior? For myself, on good moist of setting out ornamental trees, as well as the ne- ground, with small-pointed hills and Sand-Lakes cessity of consulting the adaptation of the tree to the soil where it is to grow. He also referred to the subject of fruit trees, and spoke at length in regard to their management, varieties, &c.

for seed, I think I can get more potatoes to the acre, than of the other kind spoken of, although for goodness, I consider Pink-eyes equal, if not superior, to any other variety I am acquainted


Bristol, Ct., Feb. 17, 1855.


P. S. If your correspondent "W. D. B." is not yet "posted up," I can inform him that the peanut and popped corn supper referred to was a matter of fact, occurring in New Britain at the Humphrey House," and was a season of unusual hilarity.


H. B.

REMARKS.—(a.) If the tree-grower, everywhere, will always keep in mind a single fact, it will save him from the commission of many errors. Leaves are the lungs of the tree. To take away the leaves from a well-balanced tree so that the fruit shall ripen earlier and better, would be like cutting away a portion of the lungs of a well-pro- WHERE CORK COMES FROM.-Cork is nothing portioned boy, so that his body might be more more or less than the bark of evergreen oak, rapidly developed and matured. In this climate, growing principally in Spain, and other countries particularly, we need an abundance of leaves. bordering the Mediterranean; in English gardens it is only a curiosity. When the cork-tree is So after cutting away nearly all the small limbs in about fifteen years old, the bark has attained a grafting a tree, nature throws out numerous suck- thickness and quality suitable for manufacturing

purposes; and after stripping, a further growth light which these innocent creatures afford, the injuof eight years produces a second crop; and so on ry done to the farmer, and to the community at at intervals, for ten or twelve crops. The bark is large, by their destruction, is almost incalculable. stripped from the tree, in pieces two inches in I take this occasion, therefore, to entreat every farthickness, of considerable length, and of such mer, and every man who has any regard for the public good,to use his influence to put a stop to this pracwidth as to retain the curved form of the trunk tice, not only on his own premises, where he has an when it has been stripped. The bark pealer or undisputed right, but throughout his neighborhood cutter, makes a slit in the bark perpendicularly and town. Stringent laws already exist against the defrom the top of the trunk to the bottom; he struction of birds. Let every man see too it that these makes another incision parallel to it, and at some laws are rigidly enforced, and rest assured that he distance from the former; and two shorter hori- will be richly rewarded, not only by the consciousness zontal cuts at the top and bottom. For stripping of an act of mercy in preventing their annual and off the piece thus isolated, he uses a kind of knife rapid diminution, but also by the fulness of joy and with two handles and a curved blade. Sometimes song with which these sweet messengers of heaven after the cuts have been made, he leaves the tree will surround his dwelling, and testify to every passerto throw off the bark by the spontaneous action by that there is practical Christianity enough in its of the vegetation within the trunk. The detached owner to protect and save them. pieces are soaked in water, and are placed over a fire when nearly dry; they are, in fact, scorched to a little on both sides, and acquire a somewhat more compact texture by this scorching. In order to get rid of the curvature, and bring them flat, they are pressed down with weights while yet hot.


I will thank any man, in any section of the State, inform me of the extent of the violation of the laws of mercy and of the Commonwealth, in order that, if necessary, more effectual measures may be taken to protect the birds, and thus invite them and encourage them to live among us.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of the Board of Agriculture.

We have received the following circular from WHAT VEGETABLES ARE BEST FOR the Secretary of the Board of Agriculture, and heartily commend it to the attention of our read



Mr. Dewey is a careful farmer. He watches carefully the effect of his own methods of cultivation, and the value of his crops, and tries to improve every year by his own experience. He cannot fail to be emulous of improvement, for he is a constant and interested reader of the Granite

The wanton and indiscriminate slaughter of birds, at this season of the year, is becoming a serious evil, and if not speedily checked, the consequences will weigh heavily upon the farmers of the commonwealth. The laws of Massachusetts Farmer, and some other agricultural papers. A provide that a penalty of one dollar be paid for few observations of Mr. B., on the business of the destruction of every robin killed between the the farm, showed so much exact and valuable first day of March and the first day of September; knowledge, that we have not been satisfied without longer and more minute inquiries on various and every person shooting at or killing any birds matters, of which the following is one: "upon lands not owned or occupied by himself, Speaking of raising vegetables for stock, Mr. and without license from the owner or occupant Dewey took us into his cellar, where was heaped thereof, at any time between the first day of up nearly 200 bushels of beets, the large kind for March and the fourth of July, shall forfeit and stock, called the Mangel Wurzel, and not far off an ample store of turnips, carrots, potatoes, &c. pay to the occupant or owner of such lands the sum The beet yields bountifully, and after five years' of ten dollars in addition to the actual damages experience, Mr. D. is satisfied that the Mangel sustained, to be recovered by such owner or oc- Wurzel is by far the best vegetable to raise for cupant in an action of trespass.' We hope the stock. To satisfy our curiosity, he allowed us to penalties of the law will be rigorously enforced, measure the ground where the beets were grown this year, and ascertain the quantity produced. and that a stop will be put to this wholesale The piece of ground is about eight rods long by murder of the joyous, innocent and useful deni- five in width, containing almost one quarter of zens of the woods. The circular alluded to is as an acre. follows:



The rows run across and were about two and a half feet apart. Fvery other row was carrots nearly all the way, there being 30 rows of State House, Boston, March 26, 1855. beets and 24 rows of carrots in all. Every four DEAR SIR,-There is a custom, very prevalent in rows of beets filled a 25 bushel cart, giving in all many sections of the State, of regarding the Annual seven loads, good 175 bushels to the quarter acre, Fast as a holiday, and using it for gunning and shoot- (or 700 bushels per acre.) Besides, the 24 rows ing. Many thousands of our most useful and beauti- of carrots gave 1,760 lbs. or about 32 bushels to ful birds, to none more useful than to the farmer, the same quarter acre, (or 128 bushels or three since they destroy innumerable insects injurious to and a half tons of carrots to the same acre.) vegetation, are thus sacrificed to the wantonness and Mr. D. has planted the same piece of land with cruelty of those who know not what they do. Many beets and alternate rows of turnips or carrots for painful instances of this came to my knowledge a year six years, and with constantly increasing succes. ago, when robins, blue-birds, sparrows, and other varieties of birds, which occasionally visit us in the ear- The land is a clayey loam. Sand is added where ly spring, were shot down without distinction or it is too heavy. It is plowed as deep as can he conveniently done, say from eight to ten inches,


I need not say that apart from the pleasure and de- and barn-yard manure put on and plowed in

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