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by thorough and frequent plowing, I save more new root-it makes a bottom to work on, it prolabor than I expend. My second point shall be duces that herbage necessary to yield milk-not discussed at some other time.


For the New England Farmer.

to dry up the cow, as is now the case. The use of bones on the dairy farms of Massachusetts would double the yield of milk, instead of increasing it one quart per day. This is no theory.

I refer you to the cheese districts of England, MR. EDITOR-In No. 8 of your estimable is to her eastern coast, and to the midland counties sue is an article on guano, by Dr. Reynolds, in of that island. It is all folly to import fancy which he opens by saying "That the failure of cattle on to the present herbage; no improved guano to produce the beneficial effects expected breed will flourish. The best milk in Cheshire, from it the past season, seems to have destroyed England, I have seen produced on a boned farm, the faith of many farmers in its value as a fertil- from small Welsh or native cattle; to have seen izer," and then says, "that his faith was still un- the difference was astonishing; and I at once say, diminished.” In alluding to that article, I do if farming must pay the farmer must bone; then not wish the Doctor or others to consider me bi- he is out of harm's way but not till then. Now, ased by interest or prejudice, but impelled by a Mr. Editor, as it is asserted that eleven million desire to benefit my neighbors, in whatever lati- of dollars' worth of guano have to be landed in tude I may reside. To me it is nothing new to the States in 1855, which to me appears worse hear the farmer complaining of guano, after the than worthless, cannot something be done to land has recovered from its state of intoxication, awaken people to a sense of their own interests? the result of a few dressings of guano and other There are made on an average in the States, 250,chemical compounds; I should rather say villa-000 tons of bones; some find their way to Engnous; for, if the Doctor was as well acquainted land, Scotland, &c., where the farmers know how with the dealings of manure merchants as I am-to estimate them; and the people of these States even though it be guano from the vessel's side-pay for imported fertilizers which will not comit would have saved the labor of writing instruc- pare with fine, pure ground bone only. If I were tions for mixing with rich garden soil and other Doctor Franklin, I should be inclined to be satirbodies. ical at the expense of the State Agricultural Soci

The first view of guano, in my opinion, is erro-ety. It is a curious paradox to see Boston servneous; that a small quantity, a few spoonfuls to ing Virginia with ground bone and buying guano the hill, shall raise an unaccountable crop. In- for her own farmers, especially when the advanstances may be produced-exceptions, not rules. tage has over and over again been demonstrated. You may give your laborer alcohol; it will stim- Should these remarks cause the Doctor or any ulate; you may give your cows distillers' wash one else to test the difference; bone-versus anyand brewers' grains, but does the result justify thing else, this time next year I am confident your, in that case, foolish expectations? No, all they will be converts to the opinion of

Yours respectfully

Roxbury, Mass., 1855. HENRY KENYON.

For the New England Farmer.


MR BROWN :-I send you a few items upon dif


must accord we had better feed our laborers and animals substantially and without stimulant. Sc with all nature, vegetable as well as animal; you cannot over-force; so far you can go and no farther; therefore you must turn to mechanical and manual, as well as chemical aids, to wrench from mother earth the utmost she will yield; the farmer must never forget that by the sweat of his brow he must earn his bread. If he thinks a few ferent subjects, which you are at liberty to pubspoonfuls of a compound will do the work for lish, or not, as you think best. him, he will certainly have more faith than farmers as a class generally have; they must give the earth something substantial to eat, something that will satisfy her wants; then the farmer will The toad having become quite a favorite of reap a continuous increase. Experience and ob- mine, partly on account of its bright eyes, but servation convince me that until those require- more on account of its usefulness to mankind, ments are met, no land will yield to the wishes I have therefore noticed, with regret, that they of its owner or occupier. I have seen guano, su- have greatly diminished in numbers, for the last perphosphates, poudrettes, &c., &c. applied in ten or twelve years, in New Haven and vicinity; many districts with the same conclusions arrived indeed, they seemed to be almost exterminated. at, that head this paper, and now sum them up A few days ago, I was conversing with an intelas, one and all, a commercial speculation, kept up ligent farmer upon the subject. He said that at by puffs, interest and ignorance. or near the time the potato rot made its appear


Did Doctor Reynolds, or any one else complain ance, the toads disappeared; that last year, potaafter dressing their land with ground bone? No. toes were not affected by the rot, and toads were I have seen thousands of acres dressed with them, more numerous; and he infers from that circumwhose owners were rich, happy and able stalwart stance, that both may yet be restored to their yeomen; talk to them of guano; "We have tried former position. Upon inquiry, I find that others it, but we want no more of it;" and I defy any have observed the same facts. Now, the quesone to say that he regrets boning his land. There tions are, has it been so generally? And what is something in it more than etherial, vaporish relation do they bear to each other? To me, the air. Sir, it is there for ten or twenty years if you only idea suggested, is, that the potato rot may want it; there is a satisfaction in the use of it, be occasioned by an insect, and that insect is unknown in any other manure; it brings out a poisonous, in the stomach of a toad.


prepared, and with good cultivation, and an occaA few months ago, I visited a lady friend in sional light top-dressing of fine compost and wood the country; her table was continually supplied ashes, beds may be kept in good bearing from 4 with most delicious cheese, of her own making. to 6 years. The best general method for cultiI asked, as a particular favor, that she would vating on a large scale that I know of, is to folcommunicate to me her peculiar method of mak-low the principles recommended in Cole's Fruit ing it, and wherein she differed from others. She Book, except that we could never make the cultireplied that she followed the method she had been vator work to advantage in clearing the beds. taught generally, prepared the rennet in the Hoes, knives, rakes and human hands have been same way, but felt sure that she had discovered the our only implements. It must be remembered reason why cheeses were strong, both to the that the soil of New Haven, is a light sandy loam. taste and smell, which consists in the single cirRespectfully, cumstance of putting the curd to press, warm. She did not use any artificial means to cool the curd, but after it had been chopped and scalded, allowed it to remain spread upon the cloth until it was as cool as the surrounding atmosphere, and thus put it to press.


MRS. N. Darling. New Haven, Ct., May, 1855.



INDIAN MUFFINS.-A pint and a half of yellow

There is a great deal of probability in the above statement, for I have frequently noticed that some cheeses from the same dairy would be Indian meal sifted. A handful of wheat flour. strong and offensive, and others mild and A quarter of a pound of fresh butter. A quart able, which may be owing to the circumstance of of milk. Four eggs. A very small teaspoonful of salt. Put the milk into a saucepan. Cut the dairy-woman getting her cheeses to press early some days, and being hindered others, until the butter into it. Set it over the fire, and the curd had time to cool. It may be well for warm it until the butter is very soft, but not dairy-women to try the experiment so as to ascertain the fact.


until it melts. Then take it off, stir it well till all is mixed, and set away to cool. Beat four eggs very light; and when the milk is cold, stir them into it alternately with the meal, a little at Much has been said, and written, on the cul- a time of each. Add the salt. Beat the whole ture of strawberries, and yet, all has not been very hard after it is all mixed. Then butter said, so I contribute my mite, which is on the some muffin-rings on the inside. Set them in a proper substance for renovating the soil. Some hot oven, or on a heated griddle; pour some of fifteen years ago, my late husband was cultiva- the batter into each; and bake the muffins well. ting strawberries to a considerable extent: one Send them hot to the table, continuing to bake season, the fruit on a favorate bed was small and while a fresh supply is wanted. Pull them open of inferior quality, evidently occasioned by ex- with your fingers, and eat them with butter, to haustion of soil, and the bed was marked, to be which you may add molasses or honey.-Farm broken up the following spring; but when spring Journal.

It has been as

came, the plants came up finely, and the bed be- BEST BREAD.-The best bread is that made of ing pretty free from weeds, it seemed a pity to unbolted wheat flour. In some cases a small pordestroy it. So he looked about for some suitable tion of white bread may be desirable, but the substance for renovation, but not having any prop- brown, after a short time, will be found more erly prepared compost, from principles of neatness he applied a light top-dressing of wood ashes. Much palatable, and conducive to a more regular and to our surprise, the fruit from that bed was larger certained that even dogs cannot live over fifty healthy condition of the system. and better flavored than any in the garden. It was his custom, whenever he discovered effect, to fed upon such as contained the whole or a large days fed upon fine flour bread and water; when seek for the cause, and he came to the conclusion portion of the bran, they are found in no respect that ashes was one natural substance to stimu- to suffer.-Water-Cure Journal. late the growth of strawberries. Every farmer

must have observed, with what facility the wild TO MAKE A CORN CAKE WORTH EATING.-Take strawberry takes possession of his fallowed the whites of eight eggs; one-fourth pound each grounds. It is not my intention to set every-of corn starch, flour and butter; half a pound of body to covering their strawberry beds with ashes sugar; one teaspoonful of cream of tartar; half indiscriminately, for there is such a thing as an teaspoonful of soda. Flavor with almond, or to over-dose, as we found, by sad experience. For suit the taste. one season afterwards, a fine bed ran most extravagantly to vines, a very few berries set, and SPOTTED DICK.-Put three-quarters of a pound those few grew enormously large, but, for three of flour into a basin, half a pound of beef-suet, following years, it bore remarkably well, with half ditto of currants, two ounces of sugar, a comparatively little attention. The best mode of little cinnamon, mix with two eggs and two gills preparing the soil for receiving the plants, is to of milk; boil in either mould or cloth for one manure a piece of grass ground well, with stable hour and a-half; serve with melted butter, and a little sugar over. manure, plow it up, and cultivate it in corn, giving the corn a liberal supply of ashes during NICE PANCAKES FOR SUPPER.-These are made the season. The spring following, it will be in of eggs, flour, and milk. The just proportions fine condition for strawberries; from the middle are one table spoonful of flour to each egg. To of April, to the first of May, is the best season make small pancakes, beat a couple of eggs for setting the plants here. With ground thus thoroughly, and add sweet milk. Then take a

couple of table spoonfuls of flour, work into a learn that where there is a will to acquire knowlthin paste and ductile batter by adding the milk edge there is always a way.

and eggs, and a little salt. Grease the pan with But his trials were not over yet. He was a a piece of sweet lard or butter, and stir briskly lawyer, to be sure, but the war of the Revolution to prevent adhering to the bottom. When the was just over, and times were very unsettled. under side is sufficiently browned, turn it. Leave There was very little work for lawyers to do. the cakes folded, with sugar or honey and butter Still Mr. Webster was determined to do somebetween the folds, or sugar alone. If this is thing. He taught a classical school in the State found to be too solid, add more eggs, and use less of New York. Here he saw the need of good elflour. A slight sprinkle of grated nutmeg will ementary school-books. There were none in the be an addition.



country that suited his ideal, and he set himself, like a true genius, to the task of compiling them.

The year after, he published his spelling-book, grammar, and reading lessons. So popular did his spelling-book become, that thirty millions of copies have been published, and it is still selling at the rate of a million a year. The profits on Every American boy and girl is, of course, ac- this work supported him while he compiled the quainted with the name of Noah Webster. His great work of his life-his celebrated dictionary. spelling-book has made his name famous in every We cannot follow Mr. Webster in his career school-house from Maine to California, and his as publisher and writer, because it would not in-. dictionary has given him a fame as widely spread terest you. I will only state a few facts to show as the English language. I think therefore that you how he made his dictionary. He probably my readers would like to know a little about his conceived the plan while at work on his spellinghistory. book, but he did not give himself wholly to its Noah Webster was a Connecticut boy. He production until he was forty-nine years of age. was born in Hartford, on the 16th of October, Then he devoted himself to it in earnest, and 1758. His father was a farmer, and descended toiled at it incessantly for twenty years. In orfrom one of the first settlers of Hartford. His der to render it the more perfect, he visited Engmother, too, came from a good family, her ances- land and France, examined the great public librator was William Bradford, second governor of ries, and conversed with the learned men of those the colony of Plymouth. countries. Having at last completed it, at the Thus, you see, young Noah had good blood in close of the year 1828, he published the first his veins. But that did not, of itself, make him edition of twenty-five hundred copies. In 1840, what he afterwards became. Some boys are having improved it considerably, he published proud of having great or wise ancestors, they do three thousand more.

or both.

nothing to make themselves great or good. They The construction of this dictionary was a giexpect to grow in consequence without effort. In such cases, however, in spite of all their ance Mr. Webster must have possessed, to keep gantic task. What patience, zeal and persevergood blood and noble ancestry, they usually himself so steadily at work upon one object for grow up to be either very little, or very bad men, twenty years! Only consider that he had to deNoah had too much good sense to neglect his words! But he never knew discouragement. fine the meaning of nearly eighty thousand own improvement. When he was fourteen years Little by little he pushed it forward, and thus old, he began to study Greek and Latin with a lived to see his work completed and published. right good will. Two years afterwards, he en-If my reader intends to accomplish anything tered Yale College. While there, the war of the Revolution began, and young Webster shoul-great, he must learn like him to toil slowly and dered a musket for a short time. But he soon cles. I advise every boy who reads papers, to patiently along, persevering in defiance of obstaquitted the field and renewed his studies; at the save his money until he is able to purchase a expiration of his four years' course of study, he graduated with credit both to himself and to his he will get much wisdom. By viewing it as a copy of Webster's unabridged. By studying it monument of the industry and perseverance of its But the war made the times hard and difficult. author, he will be stimulated to strive after simAlmost every one was tried in his affairs, and ilar qualities. Mr. Webster's father among the rest. Unable to afford his son any further aid, the old gentle-ster was a pious man. I am very glad to inform you that Mr. WebHe loved God, believed man gave him an eight dollar bill, worth only on Christ as his Saviour, and lived many years a about four dollars in silver, and told him he must life of prayer. Hence, when called upon to die, provide for himself. he was not afraid. "I know in whom I have be


This was a small fortune, and if young Noah's lieved," said he, as he lay upon his death-bed, future had depended upon it, he would have "and that he is able to keep that which I have been poor indeed. But his real fortune was in committed to him." With these words he fell himself, as it is in every other boy. He had a asleep in Jesus, on the 28th of May, 1843, in the will to work, and energy to overcome difficulties. eighty-fifth year of his age. He left a widow It was his wish to study law, but not having mon- and seven children.

ey enough to obtain regular instruction, he be- Noah Webster was tall and slender in his pergan to teach school, and to study law without son. He walked very erect, and his step was aid from others. So well did he succeed in doing light and elastic. I hope every boy and girl of this, that he was admitted to the bar two years my readers will live as usefully and die as peaceafterwards. Let boys remember this fact, and fully as did Noah Webster.


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THREE SEASONS' USE OF THIS INGENIOUS, BEAUTIFUL and yet simple machine, furnishes convincing proof of practical worth. Three hundred, scattered into twenty different States the past season, mostly in inexperienced hands, and nearly all giving good satisfaction, cutting from fifty to six hundred acres, proves it not only strong and serviceable, but also simple and easily managed. It saves not only the hard work of raking, but lays the grain in such good order as to save at least another hand in binding.

IT IS WARRANTED TO BE A GOOD, DURABLE, SELF. RAKING REAPER, and I have also succeeded in attaching a mowing bar, so that I also warrant it as a Mower.

Price at Chicago, of Reapers, $170; of Mowing Bar, $30. Discount on the Reaper, 815, and OD Mowing Bar, $5, for cash in advance, or on delivery. Price of Mower, $120.

Pamphlets giving all the objections and difficulties, as well as commendations, sent free, on post-paid applications. Fiftytwo premiums already received.

AGENTS, suitably qualified, wanted in all sections where there J. S. WRIGHT.

are none.

Prairie Farmer" Warehouse, Chicago, Dec. 1854.



DeBurg's No. 1 Super Phosphate of Lime.
Best Peruvian and Mexican Guano.
Ground Bone. Ground Plaster.
Poudrette;-Lodi Manufacturing Company.
Pulverized Charcoal. Sulphate of Ammonia.



5 Commercial, corner of Chatham St., Boston.



HIS IMPROVED MACHINE IS RAPIDLY COMING INTO general favor. and is acknowledged to be the only machine adapted to family use. The beauty and durability of its stitching is unrivalled, working equally on fine cambric, linen, quilting and heavy broadcloth. Its rapid and noiseless operation is an advantage possessed by no other machine, while its simplicity of construction renders it easier to be used and less liable to need repairs-an objection reasonably urged against every other machine. To Familles, Tailors, Shirtmakers, Milliners, &c., it is invaluable.




Superior Plows of all Kinds and Sizes,



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Guns, Rifles and Pistols,


GUN LOCKS AND GUN TRIMMINGS. Dealer in the Hazard Company, and Enfield Company's Sport

These celebrated Machines are in operation and for sale ating Powder of various qualities and sizes of grain, elegantly pus

[blocks in formation]

up in Kegs and Canisters, and manufactured expressly for the Boston Market. Also, Shot and Balls, Percussion Caps, Hunting Knives and Flasks, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Game Bags, Fish Baskets, &c., &c. Embracing every description of Hunters' Goods,

12 Washington, St. Boston.


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