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skies; that is, they have attained all they need, How that is, we do not know. But it is evident to enable them to fulfil the object of their exist- that a vast amount of labor is annually expended ence. Brief lessons, yet how perfectly acquired, in "bush-whacking," and it is labor that will not and how competent to enable them to gratify stay done. In a summer or two they are up again their wants. as large as ever, and the work must be done over

The Dog-Star rages. The air seems to lose its again. Now suppose an experiment is made, and freshness and elasticity-the heat is more op- the results watched, so as to know what advanpressive than ever-man and his animals get tired tages may be derived from it? Burn the bushes sooner than in July, and the returning Sabbath on a single acre after they are cut, and then plow is welcomed with grateful delight.

"How sweet the Sabbath wakes its rest again!
And on each weary mind what rapture dwells,
To hear once more the pleasant chiming bells,
That from each steeple, peeping here and there,
Murmur a soothing lullaby to care."

as well as it can be done, say two, three or five inches, and apply some sort of manure-guano, bone-dust, or superphosphate, if other is not to be had. We should prefer the bone-dust, 500 pounds to the acre, and then sow a mixture of grasses, in which white clover seed should make a part. Will some person make this experiment, and let us know whether it proves better than the


Appropriate and peculiar duties also belong to August. The first of the month may be improved to get in a crop of flat turnips, where circumstances have prevented its being done earlier. annual cutting of bushes? Superphosphate of lime will be an excellent maDRAINING.-Our summer droughts usually afnure for them, if the barn manure is not to be ford a fine opportunity in August to ditch and had. Let the sowing immediately follow the drain the wet portions of the farm. Let it be harrowing, while the soil is fresh and moist. Thin them early and hoe frequently, and a good MEADOW MUCK.-No one thing has wrought crop may be expected. Nothing will prove more higher advantages to the farmer, than the exadvantageous to your milch cows than a plentiful change of a portion of his sunken swamp land to supply of roots with their winter feed. They the high ground, and returning some of the sand largely increase the flow of milk, and keep the and gravel to the low. It greatly benefits both. system in a healthful condition. If there is a It is not necessary to recapitulate these advanmixture, comprising turnips, beets, carrots, pars- tages here, but only to suggest that the time is nips, ruta bagas and mangels, so much the better.

at hand.

If the hay crop proves short, sow a liberal As an absorbent to the manure heap, meadow breadth to turnips, in order to make up the de-muck is worth, at least, $2,00 per cord, where ficiency. the farm contains what is usually denominated

WEEDS.-Keep down the weeds. Each fully-plain land. developed dock, or wormwood, sorrel, mullein or mallows, leaves seeds sufficient to propagate its

CALIFORNIA TREES.-The San Joaquin (Cal.)

kind for years to come. The thorough cultiva- Republican tells some famous great stories about tion of this year lessons the labor of the next, the mammoth trees of Calaveras County. In one and gives vigor and weight to the crop now under grove of them, it says, there is a first-class hoyour hands. Do not "lay down the hoe" yet. tel well fitted up, and with fine accommodations What a proud moment it is, when the best far- for travellers. Near the hotel is a building mer in your neighborhood declares to you that a eighty feet long by fourteen feet wide, divided inhandful of weeds cannot be found in your six to two fine bowling alleys and built upon the top acre lot of potitoes and corn! Weeds perpetuate of a fallen log! The lower part of the log, which their kind, steal nutrition from the crop and exis separated from the main portion, is placed on haust the soil. Who can afford to let them grow? end, and is to be hollowed out and converted into HAYING.-Some persons do not cut their meada spacious ball-room more than thirty feet in diows-that is, low land bearing an inferior grass- ameter. until late in August, or even September. But TREES FOR RAILROADS.-The Chicago Press says these grasses are far more valuable cut as soon as that the Illinois Central Railroad Company have they are in bloom, made as little as possible, so contracted for the planting of three rows of locust that they will keep, and put away with three or trees on each side of the Illinois Central Railroad four quarts of salt per ton. Cattle will eat one for the distance of one hundred and twenty or two fodderings of this each day in preference miles. The rows are to be set eight feet apart, to feeding entirely on good upland hay. It af- and the trees three feet from each other. In eight fords a variety, and they like this as well as the years, it is said, the trees will furnish ties in rest of us. place of those which have become rotten. They PASTURES.-There is a general belief that Au- will also furnish a delightful shade in summer, gust is the favorable month for cutting bushes. and a protection from the snow drifts in winter.

For the New England Farmer. and good fashioned way," instead of using the mowing or the reaping machines? Why not PREJUDICE AGAINST FARMING. thrash with the frail instead of using any of the MESSRS. EDITORS-Having taken your paper modern inventions to accomplish the same result for a year or two, I have become much interested within one-fourth of the time, and with one-half in agriculture, and long for the day when I can of the expense? Why not sow all of your seeds leave my office and give to it my energies, care by hand, instead of using machines? This list and thoughts. To me, no employment seems might be greatly increased, but enough for the more ennobling. None, I am satisfied, is more illustration.

Burlington, Vt., June.


Millions of tiny rain-drops

Are falling all around;
They're dancing on the house-tops,
They're hiding in the ground.
They are fairy-like musicians,
With any thing for keys,
Beating tunes upon the windows,
Keeping time upon the trees.
A light and airy treble

They play upon the stream,
And the melody enchants us
Like the music of a dream.
A deeper bass is sounding

conducive to true manliness, citizenship and Give me, I say, suggestions, give to me the restrict morality. With the farmers rest the wel-sults of others' watchfulness, vigilance, industry fare of our nation; with them rest sound morali- and knowledge, give to me the result of many ty, patriotism,-all the cardinal virtues and the valuable experiments by others, which may have well-being of the republic. Oh that they were cost them hundreds and thousands of dollars to fully aware of all this. Could they realize it so, test and make sure, and which are given to us in and feel its truthfulness in all its length and return for the merest trifle. breadth, a great change would be manifest. Let no one get so well-informed as to reject Formerly it was thought dishonorable, low and suggestions, none so ignorant as to fear to read, stupid, to till the soil. A farmer was an ignora- reflect and digest. The bee gathers sweet from mus, a mere "plow jogger," one with huge every flower. May we not, in the like manner. paws" who knew but little, was rough, un- gather valuable ideas from others' suggestions and learned, and half-civilized. This impression pre- experiments? Like the bee, we can extract the vailed to a very great extent. Prejudice had its sweet, leaving the bitter and poisonous. full sway, and the farmer was spoken of with ridicule and sneers. This silly notion, which prevailed extensively, had a most powerful and injurious influence. No farmer's sons would be a "plow jogger." They were too ambitious to be! called dumps, blockheads and ignoramuses. Too proud to till the soil amidst the sneers and jeers of these who "put on airs," and made it in their line to "look down upon them," they sought other employment. The consequences have been manifest, viz: too much competition in manufactures, in merchandizing, the professions, and so on, and a great scarcity of the real and absolute necessaries of life. These things will, in time, regulate themselves. The prejudice which has existed against farmers and farming is rapidly passing away. Ten years have accomplished much; ten more, with the aid of the press and with high prices of products, will do still more. There is, occasionally, however, a deep prejudice against "book" or "newspaper farming. This prevails, in many places, amongst "old fashioned" farmers, and to me it appears so unsatisfactory and so unsound, that I am half inclined to read them a "Caudle lecture" upon it, for it is tantamount to saying, there can be no improvement, no progress; that one man's mind contains all the knowledge there is, suggestions from others are of no account, "we know it all," and therefore shall continue in the "old beaten path", as we have done for years. Our fathers did so and so. Mr. So-and-so did so, and Capt. Success did so too, and what more do you want? "Let well. enough alone." Continue to put the grist in one end of the bag, and a stone to balance it in TO CORRESPONDENTS.-We have now on hand the other, because our fathers did, or Mr. Snipes numerous articles from correspondents, discussing or Smith did so ! This is a changing world, one with ability a variety of subjects, together with of progress and real improvement. We mever stand still, be assured of this, and he who through many inquiries, which will all be attended to as prejudice or ignorance perseveres in "old no-space in our columns and opportunity to reply tions," when new and better ones are apparent, permits. These attentions, by correspondents, is, it seems to me, "a little behind the times." are a constant source of encouragement to us, Mr. Progress will, you may be assured, outstrip and must result in great benefit to the reader. you. Why not freight by four horse teams at a The Farmer was never so prosperous as at the dear price your produce hundreds of miles instead

Where they're dropping into caves,
With a tenor from the zephyr,
And an alto from the waves.

O'tis a shower of music,

And Robin don't intrude
If, when the rain is weary,
He drops an interlude.

It seems as if the warbling

Of the birds in all the bowers
Had been gathered into rain-drops,
And was coming down to showers.
The blossoms are all bathing

In the liquid melody,
Breathing thanks in sweetest odors,
Looking up into the sky.

C. B.

of availing yourselves of cheap transportation by present moment, and we may reasonably impute canals and railroads? Why not cut all your much of this to the ability and constancy of its grain and grass with the hand scythe,-the "old large and able corps of contributors.

MARLBORO', MASS. and judicious cultivation. What has been our This ancient town is one of the most beautiful surprise, then, for two or three years past, to in the Commonwealth. Its people are intelli- see these noble old orchards defoliated, poisoned, gent, enterprising and industrious, who main- and become loathsome to the sight, by allowing tain excellent schools and the ordinances of re- caterpillars to fatten upon their foliage, and perligion, and in their political predilections are ac- petuate their millions to plague and prey upon tuated more by the principles of humanity than them again! How short-sighted must be the noby a course of policy merely calculated to sus- tions of economy of any man, who thus suffers a tain a party rule, or share in the general honors whole crop to be torn from his possession, after and emoluments of office. the labor and care of many successive years have

A portion of the town is quite attractive, from nearly completed it, to drop in bountiful fruition its varied surface, and its excellent and highly- into his open hands! It is a policy at once discredcultivated lands; its sweet pasturage on the hills itable to the noble art in which he is engaged, and its rich grasses that clothe the sweeping and to his own judgment.

meadows. In past times the cultivated lands The labor of an active man for two days, divihave been so admirably managed, and the crops ded into periods of two hours each at the proper produced so abundant, as to entitle her to the time, would entirely destroy the caterpillars from credit of the second best agricultural town in the an orchard of two hundred trees, and thus leave State! This was a compliment, not only to the them free to gladden the heart of their owner industry and skill of her people, but, as we have and the eye of the traveller, and to perfect the never known a high degree of agricultural success crop of fruit. Two poles of unequal length, with attained in a licentious or indolent community, a spiral brush on one, and a bunch of rags on it was as much a commendation of the morals the other, and a bucket of soap suds, are all that and manners of the people. But Marlboro' has is needed. Ply these industriously, morning and other attractions, in the well-arranged and well- evening, for a short time, and the orchard and finished dwellings of her homesteads-in the fine fruit is safe, at least from the common caterpilbarns that shelter her ample crops, her noble lar. Yet in the beautiful town of which we have oxen and prolific cows, and in the productive or spoken, whole orchards are, to-day, as barren of chards that covered the slopes of her moist and leaves as they were in March, while their limbs rich hill-sides. Next to her grass-fields, these are covered with the web, the exuviæ and rotten orchards were the beautiful features which at- carcasses of legions of caterpillars, until they tracted the attention of the traveller, both from taint the air and become an offence to the nosour own people, as well as those from more dis- trils.

tant lands. Marlboro', then, has been as nearly Of course, nothing but a crop of sorrow and a perfect little republic as could be found. Adam regrets can be reaped there. If the loss of the Smith might have pointed to it as a model. But present year's crop were all, the evil would be Marlboro' now, must look well to her laurels or less-but it is not so. The tree loses a year's they will be wrested from her! growth, and the ugly race is perpetuated to come again and torment their propagators.

In visiting the State Farm at Westboro' during the last two or three years, we have had occasion repeatedly to pass through this town, and For the New England Farmer. to notice with some care the evidences of thrift or decline which might meet the eye of the travGREAT YIELD OF POTATOES FROM eller. And the indications of either thrift or deONE BUSHEL OF SEED. cline are obvious to a casual observer; thrift in MR. EDITOR-It seems a matter yet undetera fluctuating and uncertain business, which may the various experiments that have been made, mined, notwithstanding all the talk, and even all excite competition between, and bring profit to a whether it is wisest to plant large potatoes or few, and decline, in that noble art underlying small potatoes, cut or uncut, and whether we and sustaining all others, which fosters virtue, should "seed light" or "seed heavy." A fact strengthens the affections, rears the school-house that lately came to my knowledge in regard to and the church, and embellishes and beautifies the subject of "seeding," and of a very large the country. The attention and care of her peo- not be uninteresting to your readers, and, peryield of potatoes for the amount planted, may ple are evidently divided. Whether they are haps, may also shed some light on this matter. generally affected, or mostly those living upon the As I was visiting, a few days since, the beauline of the great roads, we are not able to say. tiful grounds and very rich and extensive nurThere is probably no land in New England series of my friend, B. M. WATSON, Esq., of Plymore favorable to the cultivation of fruit than to a yield of potatoes the last season of severe mouth, a fact was communicated to me in regard the hills and broad swells of Marlboro', and none drought, that struck me as being very extraor which has produced more profit under a liberal dinary and worthy of notice. Mr. ELIAS THOMAS,

Jr., of Plymouth, cut a bushel of peach-blows-growth, which is indicated by the formation of the same, I suppose, with what are called further a bud on the point, called the terminal bud, and west Sand-lakes-into eyes, and planted them on the buds inserted should all be wood buds. On good land, seeding very lightly. And from that a shoot of this kind there are a number of buds single bushel, thus divided into eyes, what, think unsuitable for working; those at the base being you, Mr. Editor, was the yield? No less than but partially developed, are liable to become seventy-one bushels of first-rate potatoes. I have dormant, and those on the point, where the wood this statement from Mr. Watson, Mr. Thomas's is pithy, perish. The ripening, or maturing of neighbor, corroborated by the testimony of other the buds, must regulate the period of budding, and most trust-worthy individuals. What will so that the time at which any given tree or class some of our most scientific New York editors say of trees should be worked, depends upon the seato this matter of light seeding, thus illustrated, son, the soil, and other circumstances which conthose especially who are such sticklers for plant- trol the ripening of wood. In our climate, plums ing the tubers whole? usually complete their growth earlier than other And now, Mr. Editor, I have one question to fruit trees, and are, therefore, budded first; we put to you. Can you tell me if there is any usually have ripe buds by the middle of July. In white potato that is as prolific as the red or yel- some cases, when the stocks are likely to stop low sort, or that will bear comparison with the growing early, it becomes necessary to take the Sand-lakes? And can you inform me how the buds before the entire shoots have completed their Seal's Foot, State of Maine, and Dover stand growth, and then the ripe buds from the middle in regard to abundant yield? I have never tried and lower parts are chosen. Cherries come next, either of them very extensively till the present and are generally worked about the first of Auyear. Respectfully yours, gust. The buds must be mature, or a failure will JAMES RICHARDSON, Jr. be certain.

Kingston, June 16, 1855.



In the third place, the stock must be in the right condition-that is, the bark must lift freely and cleanly from the wood, and there must be a sufficient quantity of sap between the bark and wood to sustain the inserted bud and form a union

Budding, or inoculation, is one of the most gen- with it. Stocks, such as the common sorts of eral, and, in this country, by far the most im- plum, pear, and cherry, that finish their growth portant method of summer propagation. This early, must be worked early; while such as the operation consists in removing a bud from the Peach, Quince, wild or native Plum, Mahaleb variety to be propagated, and inserting it on Cherry, &c., that grow late, must be worked late. another which is called the stock. Its success If these stocks that grow freely till late in the depends upon the following conditions: In the autumn be budded early, the buds will either be first place, there must be a certain degree of covered up "drowned," as it is technically affinity between the stock and the parent plant called-by the rapid formation of new woody from which we propose to propagate. Thus, substance, or they will be forced out into a preamong fruit trees, the Apple, Crab, Pear, Quince, mature growth.

Mespilus, and Mountain Ash, all belong to the A very great degree of sappiness, in either the same natural family, and may be worked upon stock or bud, make up, in part, for the dryness each other. The Plum, Apricot, Nectarine, Peach of the other. Thus, in the fall, when plum buds and Almond, form another natural division, and are quite dry, we can work them successfully on work upon each other. The Cherry must be stocks that are growing rapidly. This is a very worked upon some kind of Cherry, and Currants fortunate circumstance, too. Young stocks, with and Gooseberries go together. In general prac- a smooth, clean bark, are more easily and suctice the Apple is worked either upon Apple cessfully worked than old ones, and when it hapseedlings, which are called free stocks, or upon pens that the latter have to be used, young parts the Doucain or Paradise, which are dwarf grow- of them should be chosen to insert the bud on. ing species, and are used for the purpose of In localities where buds are liable to injury from making small trees. The Pear is worked either freezing and thawing in the winter, the buds are upon Pear seedlings, which are called free stocks, safer on the north side of the stock, and when or upon the Quince, to make dwarfs; occasion- exposed to danger from wind, they should be inally it is worked upon the Mountain Ash and serted on the side facing the point where the most Thorn. But it must be borne in mind that while dangerous wind blows from. Attention to this all varieties succeed on the Pear seedling, a cer-point may obviate the necessity of tying up, which, tain number fail entirely on the other stocks we in large practice, is an item of some moment. have named. Lists of such as succeed partic- In the fourth place, the manual operation must ularly well on the Quince will be found in previ- be performed with neatness and dispatch. If a bud ous numbers of the Horticulturist. The Cherry be taken off with ragged edges, or if it be ever so is worked either upon seedlings of what is known slightly bruised, or if the bark of the stock be not as the Mazzard, a small, black, sweet cherry, lifted clean without bruising the wood under it, that form a very large, robust tree; or for dwarfs, the case will certainly be a failure. The buddingon the Mahaleb, or perfumed cherry, which is a knife must be thin and sharp. A rough-edged small tree with bitter fruit, about as large as a razor is no more certain to make a painful shave, common pea. than a rough-edged hudding-knife is to make an In the second place, the buds must be in a unsuccessful bud. It takes a good knife, a steady proper state. The shoot, or scion budded from, hand, and considerable practice to cut off buds must be the present season's growth, and it should handsomely, well, and quick. As to taking out be mature-that is, it should have completed its the particle of wood attached to the bud, it mat



ters little, if the cut be good and not too deep. in proportion to the extent of the change,) will In taking out the wood, great care is necessary to notify the horse of your order, and prevent you avoid taking the root of the bud with it. Then, being thrown forward when he obeys. He will slacken his speed, or halt, without when the bud is in its place, it must be well tied up. Nice, smooth, soft strips of bark, like nar- waiting for the powerful strain of the bit, esrow ribbons, are the best and most convenient in pecially if his mouth has not been calloused by a common use. Every part of the cut must be rider who tries to keep his seat by hanging on to wrapped so firm as to exclude air completely; the reins. Be careful not to spur or rein without and this should be done as quickly as possible, as an object. Let the horse know that no pain folthe air soon blackens the inner surface of the new lows his prompt obedience. If you wish to wheel to the right or left, a parts that are placed in contact. We have thus stated briefly, for the benefit of slight inclination of the body, a pressure of the beginners, the chief points that require particu- rein in that direction against the neck, and a Ama- movement of the leg on that side as to apply the lar attention in budding, or inoculation. teurs, who have little to do, should choose the spur, will move the fore quarters of the horse mornings and evenings, or cloudy, cool days, to toward and the hind quarters from it. In gendo their budding; but nurserymen must work in eral, the movement will be done before the rowel all weathers, and in all hours of the day; but touches the skin. When you leap a fence, as the horse rises on their superior skill and quickness renders it less hazardous. When only a few stocks are to be his hind feet, you incline your body forward and worked, and the weather happens to be dry, a lower your feet, to get your weight to the same thorough watering or two will be of great ser- bearing as his own on the hind legs that support vice in making the bark lift freely.-The Horticulturist.

For the New England Farmer. "TRAINING HORSES FOR THE SADDLE."

To sit on horseback, the rider should retain a uniform position from the waist to the knee. The changes in position and bearing are obtained by the movements of the body above the waist, and of the legs below the knee.

him. Your preparing yourself for the leap when he sees the obstacle, notifies the horse of your intention, and he will spring without waiting for the spurs, which he knows enforce all movements to the front. When the horse leaps, you keep your body in the same vertical position, as he changes his bearing from the hind legs to the fore, bringing your shoulders back and your feet forward, to resist the shock when his fore feet strike the ground. All movements are performed by the horse with more or less rapidity, as the rider's movements are more or less accelerated.

Passaging. To move sideways at a halt (to Keeping your seat, depends upon keeping the centre of your weight in a line with the legs of close an opening or clear an obstacle,) before your horse, as seen from front or rear, and, there- moving forward, move the bridle hand toward The horse will then move up fore, at the same angle with the ground as his the object you wish to approach, and apply the opposite spur. own weight, bears in all his movements. When the horse, at speed, wheels, he inclines without advancing or falling back. As this is his body to the side he turns to, and thereby re- the most difficult motion to teach the horse, he sisting the impetus of his velocity in the former should be first well trained in the other movedirection. If you incline your body with his, ments. He should be trained to close up with you keep your centre of gravity at the same other horses, a pace or two from him, or move up angle with the ground as the horse's weight to a gate he is to pass through, that he may unrests, and are not forced out of the saddle by derstand what is wanted.

your own momentum.


A horse can be readily trained so that the rider The skill of the horseman (acquired by prac- can command his position while seated in the tice,) enables him to anticipate the movements saddle as readily as if he stood on the ground, and wish of the animal, and be so placed at every change with a horse's rapidity added. The horse will of motion, that his own weight does not throw change his position to suit the direction him when the horse attempts to dismount the to point the carabine or the telescope, as though the rider's eye and the horse's legs were parts of You communicate your orders to the horse, and the same body. inform him of the movement required, by inclining your body toward the attitude you should have when he obeys, and enforce his obedience by DOES THE MOON INFLUENCE VEGEthe spur or the bit.


If, at a halt, you wish to move forward, or, on the march, wish to increase his speed, a slight


For the New England Farmer.


MR. EDITOR-I have read the commentaries inclination of the body forward and drawing in your paper on "lunar influences," and must back of the feet, will notify the horse of your confess that I do not perceive any good reason for intention, and place you in a position to apply changing the opinions heretofore entertained. I the spur, and resist the effect of any violent should as soon think of consulting the book of Job to ascertain the influence of Orion and the spring that might be made by a restive horse.

The horse, after a little practice, moves with- Pleiades on the growing of Indian corn, or the out waiting for the spur to prick him. When he book of Deuteronomy to determine the effect of the moon on the cutting of bushes. My recolobeys, resume your former position. On the march, if you wish to slacken your lection of the article of February 17, referred to, speed, or halt, the backing the upper part of the is very imperfect; but, if I remember right, it body and putting forward the feet, (more or less, brought to mind a remark of the late Col. Pick

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