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munerated if he uses guano, superphosphate, bone-dust, ashes, plaster, potash, or something else.


TRIAL OF MOWING MACHINES. The rival Mowing Machines that have come into use within a few years, are being put to the test for the premiums of $600, offered by the State Agricultural Society, and $200 by the EsThe liberal propositions of the Massachusetts perform the most and best work. Yesterday a sex County Society, for those that shall be able to Society for the Promotion of Agriculture will do trial was made in Salem. On account of the much towards settling the questions, whether the great crowds that have collected at other trials, mowing machine is really to be a benefit to the no public notice was given, yet some two or three farmer, and which is the best, among the number hundred persons were on the field. Six persons entered as competitors, with three separate paalready presented to the public. We had seen tents, viz :—

but one kind in operation, KETCHUM's, and that with results not altogether satisfactory.

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Robert Brookhouse, Salem, Manny's Machine.
Horace Ware, Marblehead,
Richard P.Waters, Beverly, Ketchum's "
S. C. Pitman, Swampscot,
George B. Loring, Salem, Russell's
S. A. Merrill, Salem,

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The parties all have large farms, with extensive mowing grounds, where they proved them. Mr. Brookhouse has a farm of some 200 acres ;

Last week we took a one-horse machine into our fields, and on Friday set it in motion on an oblong strip containing about one acre and threequarters. The machine was put together by a young man who did it for amusement. All the bearings were well oiled with pure sperm oil, and we mounted the seat, hoping that our friend in the county; R. P. Waters is owner of the LINCOLN's strong testimonials in its favor would Cherry Hill, formerly the White farm, and was be verified in our own mind, but we must con- the first to use the mowing machine in this counfess with many doubts.

But with a strong, noble horse, worth more than Richard's kingdom was to him, away we went, the jolly clattering of the cogs and knives arresting the attention of the neighbors, and soon populating the field with an interested group of


Horace Ware is one of the first and best farmers

ty; Mr. Pitman is on the place of Col. Stetson, of the Astor House; Dr. Loring has the Pickof 400 acres, 150 of it mowing grounds; and man farm, where the trial was made yesterday, Mr. Merrill is from the celebrated Derby estate. The ground selected was a level piece of mowing, producing about two tons to the acre, and about a quarter of an acre was allotted to each. They In two hours, including the stops for the horse, have arranged the names, as follows:-The first completed the work in the order in which we and for explanations to by-standers, the piece in 20 minutes; 2d in 14; 3d in 20; 4th in 84; was handsomely mowed. The grass was a thin 5th in 9; and 6th in 84. The first was accidentred-top in some places, in others a pretty thick ally delayed several minutes; and the third had stand of red-top and herds-grass, and affording a very spirited and somewhat unmanageable horses; and the second, who was next longest, may, fair trial for the machine. On the 17th, we used upon the whole, have been as successful as any it on a hill-side where, probably, double the power of them. At this trial they all had two horses; was required that would be on level ground-but and with the same team and machine on Saturwith equal success. day last, Mr. Ware mowed 10 acres in little over seven hours.


We have no means of speaking of the comparWe shall not attempt to describe the machines. ative merits between this and other machines, They may all have defects that will be remedied. but these trials justify us in speaking favorably The most essential difference we noticed was that of this machine. It is susceptible, we thirk, of the cutters in Russell's patent acted more fully some improvements, which it will undoubtedly as shears, and would seem to cut easier and better. They all mowed as clean and close as could have been done by hand, and the poorest of them The horse was not worried any more than he would be so great an improvement over the scythe, was in plowing old ground ten inches deep, in the as to produce a perfect revolution in hay-making. spring, with another horse by his side. We have The obvious advantages are, 1st, in the great savno doubt but this mower will prove of great ben- ing of manual labor, one man being capable of efit to the farmer. Other trials will be made performing as much work as a dozen mowers; 2d, it enables persons, by cutting their grass in which we shall report, and shall mention also less time, to make hay when it will be best, and some of the difficulties usually encountered, and not have it injured by delay; 3d, it can as well their remedies. be cut after as when the dew is upon it, and the hay can be made in shorter time; and 4th, by ATMOSPHERIC AIR-when it enters the lungs, the grass dropping where it stood, instead of becontains about two gallons of carbonic acid in ing thrown into swath, it saves the spreading.— every five thousand of air. When it escapes from Newburyport Herald. the lungs, it contains two gallons in every one hundred. From this, we can see how much solid

BREATHING.-A healthy person takes in about a carbon is continually thrown from the system, pint of air at a breath. He breathes a thousand and how much must necessarily be constantly times in an hour, and requires about fifty-seven supplied. hogsheads of air in twenty-four hours.

PROFESSORSHIP OF AGRICULTURE.-Dr. William ranks of society by birth; but they are univerTerrell, an eminent agriculturist, and one of the ly regarded with increased respect, because they wealthiest and most public-spirited citizens of have enlarged their bounds of usefulness, to Georgia, died at his residence in Sparta, Hancock strengthen and refresh thousands of minds. Dorothea L. Dix, when she retired from schoolCo., in that State, on the morning of 4th of July. teaching because the occupation disagreed with The deceased has especially entitled himself to her health, had a competence that precluded the the gratitude of Georgia and of posterity by the necessity of further exertion. "Now she has donation of twenty thousand dollars to Athens nothing to do but to be a lady and enjoy herCollege, for the establishment of a Professorship though characterized by a most womanly sense of self," said an acquaintance. But Miss Dix, of Agriculture. Called by his name, it will, for propriety, did not think it lady-like to be useless, all time, be his monument. or enjoyment to be indolent. "In a world where there is so much to be done," said she, "I felt strongly impressed that there must be something for me to do." Circumstances attracted her attention to the insane inmates of prisons and almshouses; and for several years, she has been to



Not unfrequently, have I heard women who them a missionary of mercy, soothing them by were surrounded by all the advantages that out- her gentle influence, guiding them by her counward wealth can give, say with sad and timid sel, and greatly ameliorating their condition, by self-reproach, "I ought to be happy. It is my earnest representations to selectmen and legislaown fault that I am not. But, I know not how tors. Her health has improved wonderfully unit is, I cannot get up an interest in anything." der this continual activity of body, mind and When I remind them that Richter said, "I have heart.

fire-proof perennial enjoyments, called employ- Frederika Bremer, in her delightful book called ments," few have faith in such a cure for the "Home," tells of one of the unmarried daughters inanity of life. But the only certain way to at- of a large family who evinced similar wisdom. tain habitual content and cheerfulness, is by the She obtained from her father the sum that would active use of our faculties and feelings. Mrs. have been her marriage portion, established a Somerville finds too much excitement and pleas neat household for herself, and adopted two ure in her astronomical investigations to need the friendless orphan girls to educate. poor stimulus of extravagant expenditure, or gos- Use is the highest law of our being, and it sipping about her neighbors. Yet the astronomer cannot be disobeyed with impunity. The more discharges all womanly duties with beautiful pro- alive and earnest the soul is by nature, the more priety. She takes nothing from her family. She does its vitality need active use, and its earnestmerely gives to science those hours which many ness an adequate motive. It will go well with women in the same station waste in idleness and society when it practically illustrates Coleridge's dissipation. beautiful definition: "Labor should be the pleasWhat can be more charming than the example ant exercise of sane minds in healthy bodies." of Mrs. Huber, devoting herself to the study of But to fill employments with a divine life, natural history, to assist her blind husband in his they must be performed with reference to others; observations? Or of Mrs. Blake, making grace- for we can really enjoy only that which we imful drawings in her husband's studio, working off part freely. The following extract from one of the impression of his plates and coloring them Beethoven's letters, exhibits the human soul in with her own hand? Compare a mere leader of the noblest exercise of its immortal powers: viz. : ton with the noble German Countess, Julia Von embodying the highest conception of art, from a Egloffstein, who dared to follow her genius for genuine love of art, warmed by the motive of doart, though all the prejudices of people in her ing good to others. He writes thus: "My comown rank were strongly arrayed against it. Mrs. positions are well paid, and I may say, I have Jameson says, "When I have looked at the more orders than I can well execute. I ask my Countess Julia in her painting-room, surrounded terms and am paid. You see this is an excellent by her drawings, models, casts-all the powers thing; as, for instance, I see a friend in want, of her exuberant, enthusiastic mind, flowing free and my purse does not at the moment permit me in their natural direction, I have at once felt to assist him, I have but to sit down and write, pleasure, admiration and respect." The same and my friend is no longer in need.”—Mrs. L. writer says, "In general the conscious power of M. Child.

maintaining themselves, habits of application and

manual industry in women, the application of CURRANT AND GOOSEBERRY PIES.-Green curour feminine superfluity of sensibility and imagi- rants and gooseberries, for pics, are not apt to be nation to a tangible result, have produced fine sweet enough, without the sugar is scalded in becharacters." fore they are baked, as the juice of the currant is

That woman is slowly making her way into apt to run out while they are baking and leave freer life is evinced by the fact that, in a few the fruit dry. Stew them on a moderate fire, highly cultivated countries, literature is no long- with a teacup of water to a couple of quarts of er deemed a disparagement to woman, and even currants; as soon as they begin to break, add the professed authorship does not involve loss of caste sugar, and let it scald in a few minutes. When in society. Maria Edgeworth, Mary Howitt, baked without stewing, put to each layer of fruit Frederika Bremer, our own admirable and excel- a thick layer of sugar. There should be as much lent Catharine Sedgwick, and many others wide- as a quarter of a pound of sugar to a pint of curly known as writers, were placed in the genteel rants, or more, if you wish it.—Ohio Farmer.

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