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Boston Journal:


the pens, and many of them were fine looking ones; This exhibition took place at Providence, Sept. but the names of the owners, the age and breed of the cattle, were not there. We could find no one11, 12 and 13. The weather was intensely hot, except in one or two instances-who knew anything and the dust excessively annoying, yet the occasion about them. We are obliged therefore to speak in was one of great interest, and was numerously at- general terms. Of milch cows there was quite a tended. We were unable to attend, and must make large exhibition, and the collection embraced some up our account from the ample reports given in the as fine looking animals as we have ever seen. Durham short horns predominated. We noticed one or two Ayrshires of more than medium excelThe exhibition is held at the Washington Trotting lence. Of working oxen the exhibition was not Park, which is well adapted for that purpose. Seats large. The cattle exhibited were in good condition, for some twenty-five hundred persons have been well trained, and showed good treatment on the part erected, besides special platforms for the managers, of their owners. In the pens for bulls were a few reporters and music. Ample accommodations are good animals. The best one was a noble looking, also made for feeding the multitude, and in fact, all gray Durham bull, two years old, weighing 1450 the details of the arrangements on the field show a lbs. He is owned by Wm. B. DeWolfe, of Bristol, wise judgment and discretion on the part of the and is as gentle and kind as a cosset. He is truly a Committee of Arrangements. splendid animal. On entering the park, we found the cattle, poultry, The display of young stock was not large. One &c., in their pens and coops, ready to receive their or two bull-calves gave promise of making fine anivisiters. The poultry coops first came under our mals. The display of sheep was small, and not of observation, and the fine birds in them showed that, sufficient excellence to deserve special notice. notwithstanding Burnham's expose of the "Hen Fe- The Plowing Match took place between ten and ver," there are those who yet retain an interest in eleven o'clock, There were nine competitors, vizit. There were thirty or forty coops. The great- five single and three double ox teams, and one horse est curiosity in this department was a coop of Tur- team. The land plowed was very light and sandy, keys, to which there is a story attached which I and so dry that the dust made by the turning of will relate. They were owned by J. A. Chedel, of the furrows was a great annoyance. The work was Barrington, and the story is, that the "gobbler" has done tolerably well, though it did not come up to himself raised two broods of young turkeys. His the exhibitions in plowing by many of the County mode of family government is this: after his better socieries in the Old Bay State. There was too halves have set upon the eggs, and brought the much hurrying of the teams-a too free use of the youngsters into the world, he very kindly takes the whip and of the voice charge of the little ones, and sets his helpmeets at

The public exercises of this day closed with a lec

work laying another batch of eggs. Twice he has ture bp P. B. Johnson of Albany.


Providence, Sept. 12, P. M.

done this, and once he has gone even further than this he has actually set upon the eggs, and increased the census of turkeydom by his own efforts. If the question of "Woman's Rights" has ever been The public exhibition of the society to-day comagitated among the feathered tribes, certainly this menced with a grand cavalcade of all the horses envenerable patriarch must be held in high esteem by tered, at ten o'clock, under the direction of Col. the friends of this reform. I am glad the commit- Wm. P. Blodgett as Chief Marshal. The display tee awarded him a prize of $5. May he for many was a most brilliant one. The line of horses and years escape the perils of Thanksgiving. carriages extended about once and a-half around the The swine came next. The number was not large, track which is a mile in length. The cavalcade but the quality was good. Chas. H. Hall, of North was led off by the stallions, of which there are Providence, exhibited a sow, four months old, quite thirty-six entries, and the list embraced some very a pretty creature, with black neck and shoulders, the fine horses. The Black Hawk and Morgan Breeds rest of the body being white; Adams Carpenter, of predominated. They were not, however, all on the North Providence, a fine Suffolk sow, fifteen months track this morning in the cavalcade.

old, and second to no other on the field; J. A. Chedell, of Barrington, exhibited an imported sow from


Callao, with a family by her side. She was quite a Immediately following the cavalcade was the exneat looking animal; Orray Taft, of Providence, ex- hibition of Stallions, the premiums for which varied hibited an imported Suffolk boar, seven months old. from $10 to $200. As I before remarked, there He gives promise of making a fine animal; James were thirty-six animals entered in this class, and A. Potter, of Providence, showed a group of broth- nearly that number appeared before the judges, ers and sisters, three months old, averaging 175 some led by grooms, some in trotting gigs and bugAny one who pounds weight each. They were fine animals. Mr. gies, and others under the saddle. Wm. Nickle, of Pawtucket, exhibited a Suffolk sow, has any love for fine horses would have had his fill with a family of eight little ones, whose neat and of enjoyment in witnessing the noble animals here exhibited. thrifty appearance bore good evidence of the excellent qualities of their maternal ancestor. Taken as a whole, the exhibition of swine, though small, was In this department there were thirty-three entries. very good. I have not at present access to the entry books, and We next come to the exhibition of cattle. And as the mares are designated only by numbers, it is here we must mention one deficiency in the arrange- impossible for me to speak of them only in general ments for the exhibition, which renders it impossi- terms. Taken as a whole, they made a fine appearble for us to mention in detail the cattle which are ance. A few of them were superior. One fine anireally worthy of special notice. The cattle were in imal exhibited was owned by Tristam Burgess.——


She is nineteen years old, and it is said can go her leaving his contestant about a length, and on the mile in three minutes, easy. She had four colts on third heat in 2.48, thereby winning the first prethe ground, the eldest four years old. The Commit- mium of $200. Stranger took the second prize of tee to award premiums on this class will have to ex- $100. Those who are much better acquainted with ercise a nice discrimination in the discharge of their horse-racing than I am, say this was one of the best duties. contested races they have ever seen. The ease with which Genesee did his work excited the admiration


At half-past one the exhibition of Fillies took of all. place. There are but nine entered. They were After this race was decided, there was some fine generally fine animals, and give promise of making trotting by several of the horses, which were disgood horses. Two of them attracted particular at-tanced on the first heat. The sport was kept up tention. They were out of the mare of Mr. Bur- till a late hour. Mr. Sisson's horse, Young Amergess, noticed above, by "Matchless." They were ica, beat all his competitors. In all the crowd yesterday I did not see a drunk

faultless in appearance. As I close at half-past two, the track is being en man, or an ungentlemanly act. This certainly cleared for the grand trial of speed for horses that speaks well for the good order and modesty of the The rules of the Society never trotted for money-the owners to drive, and people of Rhode Island. to be persons who have never driven for money. are well calculated to preserve order, and they are The first premium is $200; the second $100. Mile admirably enforced by the Chief Marshal, Col. heats in harness; best three in five. There are Blodgett, and his efficient aids. thirteen entries for those purses. There is hardly a prospect that the contest will be closed before dark.

The tenth annual exhibition of the Rhode Island

The attendance of spectators to-day is mueh lar- Horticultural Society commenced in this city yesger than it was yesterday. The arrangements have terday, and continues until nine o'clock this evening. been carried out in the most satisfactory manner by It is held in Westminster Hall, a splendid room, the Chief Marshal and his aids, and there has been well suited for such a purpose. The exhibition is neither accident nor disturbance to mar the enjoy- pronounced to be the finest ever held by the Society, ment of the day. The music of the American Brass Band has been highly appreciated by the large as

and shows that the interest which has within the few past years been excited in the culture of fruit

semblage. The weather has been very hot, and the in Providence and its vicinity, as well as in more dust outside the park almost suffocating. A show-distant parts of the State, is well kept up. It was er during the night would be a great blessing. quite an agreeable change, after being on the Park The entries of horses up to noon to-day were as during the whole day, almost roasted by the sun follows: Stallions, 36; breeding mares, 33; draft and suffocated by dust, to go into this beautiful hall, horses, 25; fillies, 9; family horses and roadsters, filled as it was with the choicest offerings of Flora 103; matched horses, pairs, 38; fancy matched horsand Pomona, and with those still choicer and more es, pairs 8; ponies, 11. lovely daughters of Rhode Island, whose beauty and accomplishments formed the chief attractions of the occasion. I had before heard an enthusiastic

Providence, Sept. 13.

When I closed my dispatch yesterday, the mar- Rhode Islander boasting of the beauty and loveshals were clearing the track for a grand trial of liness of the daughters of his native State. After speed between horses which had never before trot- the display I witnessed last evening, I shall not conted for money. There were thirteen horses entered test the point with him.


for this trial, but only nine of them appeared on the track at the call of the Judges-who were Messrs. Wm. H. Gardner, of Providence, Col. Thomas Adams of Roxbury, Mass., and William D. Lewis of Philadelphia. At the time of the horses Well, boys, we doubt not that you would like to appearing on the track, the grounds in the vicinity rise high in the world, and become good farmers, of the stand presented a very fine appearance. merchants, &c. Here is a good motto for youThere were not less than 4500 people on the ground Begin at the lowest round on the ladder and keep and on the seats erected by the Society, and of climbing; and here is a story which will illustrate this number one-fourth at least were ladies-who just what we want to say. One of the wealthiest seemed to take a deep interest in the race. The merchants of New York city tells us how he com

horses which started were as follows:




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Young America,

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Ned Lawrence,

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Susan Kennedy,

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A. C. Barnes.

William Barnet, Jr., Boston.

William Cunliffe.

menced business. He says:

I entered a store and asked if a clerk was not Uncas, entered and driven by S. Woodbury, Providence. wanted. "No," in a rough tone, was the answer, A. Livingston, N. Y. all being too busy to bother with me-when I reflectH. T. Sisson, Providence. ed that if they did not want a clerk, they might L. Baker. want a laborer; but I was dressed too fine for that. D. S. Dickerman. I went to my lodgings, put on a rough garb, and H. C. Belden. the next day went into the same store and demand if they did not want a porter, and again "No, sir,” After one false start the horses got off in good was the response-when I exclaimed, in despair style, Genesee taking the lead and maintaining it almost, "a laborer? Sir, I will work at my wages. handsomely to the close. Stranger followed him Wages is not my object-I must have employ, and closely, but the rest were more than a hundred I want to be useful, in business." These last reyards behind, and were distanced. The time was marks attracted their attention; and in the end I 2.48. The contest now was between Genesee and was hired as a laborer in the basement and subcelStranger, the other horses retiring from the track. lar at a very low pay, scarcely enough to keep hody Genesee came home on the second heat in 2.47, and soul together. In the basement and subcellar


A few days since, upon the invitation of Mr. Tu

I soon attracted the attention of the counting-house and chief clerk. I saved enough for my employers in little things wasted to pay my wages ten times over, and they soon found it out. I did not let any DOR, we passed the morning at his place, and looked person about commit petty larcenies, without remon- at his gardens, trees, fences and means of manuring strance and threats of exposure, and real exposure and irrigation, and of his manner of cultivation. if remonstrance would not do. I did not ask for NAHANT is on the edge of Boston harbor, six or any ten hour law. If I was wanted at 3 A. M., I eight miles from the city, and connected with the never growled, but told everybody to go home, main land at Lynn by a mere sand-beach. It ex"and I will see everything right." I loaded off at

daybreak packages for the morning boats, or carried tends into the sea in a south-easterly direction, is them myself. In short, I soon became indispen- quite narrow-not over half a mile in width, we sable to my employers, and I rose, and rose, until I should think, where Mr. Tudor's cultivated grounds became head of the house, with money enough, as are situated-and receiving the full sweep of the you see, to give me any luxury or any position a mercantile man may desire for himself and children easterly winds, which carry the salt spray half way in this great city. to the opposite shore. The soil, generally, is thin, and rocks protrude everywhere. On the easterly side they stand in their naked majesty, where they have stood and breasted the battling waves through many decades of passing time. The promontory is

For the New England Farmer.

Many accounts of the failure of the plum crop rock-bound at every point, and probably was at some have appeared in agricultural papers from various time as bare of soil as the rocks which stand at the localities within a few years, and many methods of base of the banks and receive the first shock of the destroying the curculio or preventing their ravages,

have been suggested. In many instances, the ever-returning waters.

whole product of the trees drop prematurely, and In such a poverty of soil, and with such visitations flowering profusely in spring is no certain indica- of fierce winds and salt water, it may well be contion of an abundant harvest. In this immediate vi-ceived that vegetation would be slow, meagre, and cinity the plum has been nearly as productive as of the hardiest kind. Yet, in such a place, Science any other kind of fruit. For several years the curculio has not attacked them so generally, and many and Industry have triumphed over every obstacle, trees are now laden with fruit so as to require and made the almost barren rock to blossom as the propping in order to prevent breaking down. The rose! Fields of corn and waving grain, trees of vagreatest obstacle in growing the fruit here is the rious climes, fruits, flowers, shrubbery and rich rotting on the tree before ripening; this is the case lawns, now meet the eye, where only desolation with the Washington, Imperial Gage, and some others; many kinds are not affected in this way. held sway but a few years ago.

The plum is readily propagated by grafting or Mr. Tudor found that trees, even those of a harbudding, and makes a rapid growth. I measured dy character, would not grow, or scarcely live, one shoot from a scion, which I set a few years swept, twisted, and coated by the salt carried in since, which grew six feet six inches in one season; the sea vapor upon the powerful ocean winds, and five feet is not an uncommon growth. The plum

should be grafted as early as the season will admit, he set himself to work to protect them. In this although it will succeed much later than the cherry. isolated position he had the grand and imposing elI have sometimes put in scions from the first to the ements of nature around him; Neptune held his middle of May which grew readily: the first part of trident upon the rocks and upon the sounding sea; April is perhaps the most proper time however. but nearer the hearth-stone he wanted other deities, The wild species, which grows abundantly in New

York, and many other places, makes a good stock Flora and Pomona,

on which to engraft the finer varieties. There are

"And wood-nymphs decked with daisies trim." many of these trees in this region which have been These he found could not be had without an ameliobtained from other places; they seldom produce oration of the climate. Cold winds, surcharged any fruit here, and when they do, it is nearly worthless. I have grafted many of them which yield an with acrid salts, must be kept out, while soft suns abundance of fruit of superior varieties. The beach and gentle airs must be admitted to the plants. In plum, which is found on the sea-shore of this State order to effect this, he resorted to an expedient, in various places, grows vigorously in the midst of perhaps never before employed, and one which has drifting sand and the spray of the ocean, it has been said, will not succeed in the interior; it has occurred to me that applying salt in proper quantity might prove a remedy. O. V. HILLS. Leominster, 1855.

so far changed the climate of the locality, as to enable him to rear tender plants and produce fruits, scarcely attainable in sheltered spots several miles in the interior, or one or two degrees further south.

REMARKS.-There is a single specimen of the Around one garden he has erected fences from beach or sand plum, Prunus maratima, near our ten to twenty feet in height, made of common residence at Concord, which grows vigorously, but laths nailed to strong cross-pieces, and leaving inis visited so much by children that no fruit ripens terstices about two inches in width between them. if it sets. Around another garden the fence is brick, the

brick being made of only half the usual thickness; its value as a luxury, not being appreciated. In the first five or six feet in height of the fence is 1834, Mr. Tudor commenced realizing a profit close, and the upper portion full of holes about two from the business, but two years earlier he shipped inches square. These fences so break and sift the from Boston 4,352 tons.

winds as to deprive them of all power either of Mr. Tudor's efforts are a practical illustration of straining the trees, or of conveying the salt vapors what industry and perseverance may accomplish, esto their foliage. At the same time the tempera- pecially when aided by the application of science. ture is so changed, that several degrees of differ- The pleasure of our visit was increased by the presence in the heat and cold may be noticed between ence of His Excellency the Governor of the Comthe inside and outside of the enclosure. Frost pen-monwealth, whose own grounds we had previously etrates three or four times as low into the ground visited, and found stocked with some nine or ten outside as it does inside. In a cold day, there is a hundred fruit trees, and embracing most of the best genial, summer-like atmosphere in the garden, fruits produced in our climate. The day, thus spent, when out of it, November winds may howl along the was a most agreeable and profitable one. Mr. Tucoast with icy breath.

dor has proved a public benefactor in several ways, and while he has our hearty commendations, we are confident he has those of the public at large.



wakefulness, and a difficulty of obtaining that repose necessary to reinvigorate the system, after the labor and cares of the day. It becomes a disease, and sometimes as distressing as "the snakes in the boots" of the inebriate.

Under this change of temperature Mr. Tudor has succeeded in clothing the surface with rich varieties of plants, and giving all that part of the promontory a most attractive appearance. Pear trees, only transplanted four years, were above the highest fences, and loaded with fruit. There we saw several of the Northern Spy apple trees fruited in EDITOR OF THE RURAL :-Many persons of nerperfection, tender raspberries, and nearly all fruits vous temperament,-hypochondriacs with uneasy found in our best gardens. In all, Mr. Tudor has ly-seasoned food, knick-nacks, or tea and coffee,— stomachs, from the use of too much rich and highset ten thousand trees among the rocks and on the the thinkers, inventors, authors, and those who have handful of soil which he could come at where he domestic or other troubles pressing on the brain; desired to plant; so that now the strong currents in fact all who are not of mere animal construction being broken and evaporation in a measure retard- and of redundant health, are subject more or less to ed, vegetation will spring into life spontaneously, and trees of a less hardy character than those he commenced with will succeed. He has given a new aspect to the scenery, and a new health to the place. Thousands who throng there for gay dissipation or What is more tedious and enervating than the difliculty of procuring sleep, or of waking and waitfor the invigorating breezes from the sea, are grate-ing for the sonorous bell of the clerk of time, and ful for the shade of his trees, and for the rich land- after hopelessly trusting it will proclaim the apscape which is so admirably contrasted with the ex-proach of day, hearing him bluntly tell all he knows panse of water and the rough rocks which line the by striking twelve? Then, the melancholy hours shores, or still lift their heads in the cultivated passed in solitude and thick-coming thoughts of grounds. So Science and Industry have covered the extreme, and disorder the whole vitality of the real or anticipated troubles and cares, are painful is desolation with beauty, and crowned the efforts of animal machine. their votary with Success! His noble example is Many devices have been suggested to bewilder the widely felt, and other cultivators take the hint from mind and induce the lethean forgetfulness of sleep. his operations, and break the wind from their gar-numbers in the mind and obtaining the result— Counting up to hundreds-multplying two or more dens by means of shrubbery or of fences, and thus calling over the names of acquaintances, or the counare enabled to rear plants which it would otherwise ties in the State, &c. The most effective course is be impossible to do, and this will be the means of to jump out of bed and commence walking in the introducing earlier and a greater variety of fruits, dark, exercising your judgment in avoiding and in throughout New England. finding objects about the room, taking no heed what the matter is; its effect is to break the chain of Mr. Tudor has distinguished himself no less in thought-dispel vapors - equalize the circulation another branch of industry, than by his horticultu- and disperse the electricity of the body, which the ral skill. He was the first person to introduce a bed, being a non-conductor, cannot do. The antagbusiness which now employs some seven or eight to the nervous system, acting like a cold bath, which onism of the warm bed and cold air gives a shock million dollars of capital, and for which he was it is, only air instead of water. On getting into bed laughed at by all the doubters in the land. He a pleasant glow is felt, and in nine cases out of ten shipped the first cargo of ice ever exported from the brooding nightmare of wakefulness is driven to this country, in the year 1805. It was shipped to the land of Nod, and forgetfulness and refreshing the West Indies, and he went with it. The enter- sleep ensue. No one can take cold when every part is equalprise was not a profitable one, there being no suit- ly exposed; the most delicate constitution may run able places to store it, and its efficacy in sickness, or naked a mile in the greatest rain or snow storm



and if they do not freeze, no ill effects will follow. and this is why no definite rules can be laid down
It is partial exposure that deranges the system and for its development. The position, extent and sur-
creates the colds, lung complaints and rheumatisms face of the ground, must in all cases suggest the
of life. Baptism by immersion is a case in point style of embellishment.
and the thousand accidents by flood and storm;

But the idea that taste in the arrangement of the

while a spoonful of water in the shoe, or damp feet, avenues, embankments and trees around a house or sitting by a cracked window-light, gives a cold greatly enhances the satisfaction of its owner, never that costs life. The only precaution is to keep mo- seems to enter the mind of some who go to much ving; exercise and motion and a will, can carry the expense on their estate. If you make suggestions person safely through almost any exposure.

It is a simple experiment, and the fees for advice -gratis.-Rural New-Yorker.

For the New England Farmer.

rate," and wish they had adopted them. They seem of improvement, they will perhaps think them "firstto be devoid of any kind of taste upon this subject, yet admire what others can do. They appear to look to profit; but profit is not necessarily opposed TASTE IN RURAL AFFAIRS. to good taste. If they wish to set out a particular To render the country tolerable to a resident who spare, regardless of its effect on the landscape. tree, they put it where there is the most room to makes it his home throughout the year, he should Pig-pens, hen-coops and dog-houses are set near take an interest in a garden, especially a fruit-gar- the dwelling, in defiance of all arrangement, for the den. Flowers and vegetables are transient; they sake of having them "handy." And throughout cannot in their nature excite that interest that new the entire gardens of such tasteless individuals the and rare kinds of fruit trees do when coming into "law of disorder" reigns supreme. bearing. In a fruit-garden or orchard, every additional year gives to it some new phase or lends to it character from those which our forefathers founded, The villages of the present day are of a different some new enchantment or value. And besides the and in which they lived and flourished. In the anticipated pleasures which are awakened from year primitive times of New England, a grist-mill situato year, there is the real substantial delight of gath- ted on a stream in some valley, furnished the nuering and eating fruit from your own trees, ren-cleus of many a flourishing village, and little or no dered dear to you from the care which you have regard was paid to embellishment. Instead of bestowed upon them. the purest and most enduring known to civilization. be to cut them down. But villages now are spread These pleasures are among planting trees, the mission of the people seemed to To a man of sense and reflection, the real poetry over the broad swells and extended plains, and of life is in the country. life is proverbial. Brick and stone, human faces the axe of the pioneer, the hand of taste seeks to The monotony of city where the proud forest trees were once laid low by and merchandise, is the sum of all that can be seen. reinstate them. Since New England has become Public trees are rare, and private ones tremble lest populous and thriving, we covet retirement away the invigorating sun another season shall be forev- from the thoroughfares of business; and instead of er shut out, or the speculator's axe laid at their erecting dwellings within ten or fifteen feet of the roots. The seasons, too, present but little change, ruts of the road, with a cherry tree and lilach bush as everything is artificial. But the country exhib-between, we place them remote from noise and its an infinite variety of landscape, and at every dust, and by a discriminating arrangement of flowstep we take, ew objects arise, and the vision per-ers, shrubbery and trees, lend enchantment to their petually changes. Spring and autumn present view. This marked contrasts, and summer and winter possess posterity might well emulate. leaving a “mark in the world" which hardly a shade of resemblance. But to the lover of nature they differ but little in interest and beauty, West Medford, Sept., 1855. as his heart recognizes their, necessity, and his eye surveys them with veneration.

D. W. L.

For the New England Farmer.

In proportion to our knowledge of and taste in horticulture is our pleasure. An acquaintance with its kindred sciences-chemistry, geology and mineralogy-adds great interest to the subject. The knew it so dry before." This was often heard in the It is a common thing to hear it said, "I never tasteful gardener not only wishes to make his garden season of 1854. Whether it has been heard the yield well, but he seeks to arrange his avenues and present, I will not say-but this I can say, that I plant his trees in accordance with economy and have not known the time when it could be uttered landscape beauty. A variety of soil is fitted for a with more propriety. Vegetables that were growvariety of trees. Some need a strong soil, others ing luxuriantly on the first of the month, are now will flourish on a light. The Williams apple and shrivelled and fallen-I fear to rise no more. Corn the Roxbury Russet, for instance, require the for- that had not then attained its growth, is now hesitamer; the latter will answer for peach trees, and for ting to fill out. The only thing that gives indications of some apple trees, among which is the Baldwin. So improved condition is the potato-this is better than also in planting forest trees, a contrast in foliage was feared-the rot is stayed or not gone ahead.— and shape is pleasing to the eye. The Abele near Whether it was checked by the want of moisture, or a purple-leaved Beech, the European Sycamore with the cold nights that we had,or some other cause, it is Elms, the Tulip tree and the Alantus, look finely certainly less than there was reason to apprehend. together, when trees are not required to be Although there have been more numerous rains, matched or planted in couples, for some particular since the first of April, than in most seasons-still effect, for instance, in forming a vista; and even I do not remember the season, when the quantity then they could be alternated in couples. Perhaps taken together has been so little. The consequence there is no vocation in which so great a variety of is, the springs are very low indeed. taste can be displayed as the landscape gardener's; Sept. 10, 1855. ESSEX.

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