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Winter and Spring, now begins to yield its comforts in the cheerful blaze upon the winter hearth;

the long evenings are spent by the farmer's family It is by no means a mel- and his friends and neighbors before the ruddy ancholy thought to us, that glow made by the ignition of the seasoned oak, the time shall surely come walnut and rock maple. If the farmer has done his when we shall lie down for duty, the cattle stalls are all in order, tight, warm and

the last time on our comfortable; cattle-cords and curry-combs are kept worldly couch; that hanging in their proper places, and every morning our "body shall re- the oxen and cows are carded smooth and nice, and turn to dust as it the horses are curried and their manes and tails was, and our spirit combed out and made to shine almost as if they

to God who gave it ;" and in the same feeling that were of silk. The sleds are got ready to haul the we admit this thought, and sing the anthem alluded winter's wood to be cut, sawed, split and piled in to, we welcome that annual type of decay-NOVEM- place of that which was prepared last winter, and which is now so useful, and all is ready for old Bo


Nothing is more trite than the comparison of the reas. Farmer Slothful has come over from Sleepy seasons to the life of man, but its triteness makes Hollow, to pay Farmer Thrifty a visit at Wideits truth; and he who observes at all, cannot fail to awakeville. He arrived last evening, mounted on a see how Nature, through all her revolutions, delin- poor, raw-boned horse, having on him a wagon-hareates upon things inanimate, the semblances of ness, the farmer riding just behind the pad saddle. things animate, showing the close connection of Farmer Thrifty had just finished work at the man and bird and beast, with the unbreathing Na- barn, and was approaching the house as Farmer ture that surrounds them, and leading the human Slothful rode up. "Why, what upon earth has mind naturally to comparisons and reflections by happened to bring you here in that plight, neigh

bor S. ?" said Farmer T. "Well," replied Farmer ly," replied Farmer T., "I and my boys should be S., "it is strange, but I never do set out to ride any- ashamed of ourselves if we could not make all the where without meeting with some sort of an acci- handles to our tools-fit the boards to our carts dent; it does seem as if our boys never could have and wagons-get out the stuff for and put up our anything in order. About a mile down the road, grain-bins-and, indeed, make any little repairs off came the tire from one of the hind wheels of the that may be necessary about the premises. Not long wagon, and before I could stop the old horse, away since, my boys went to work and made a first-rate went the rim of the wheel, and I was jolting along garden-roller, with which I have rolled all our on the ends of the spokes, and so I had to unhitch, walks, and find it as good, perhaps better, than a leave the wagon, and ride up here in this way." stone or iron one which would cost fifteen or twenFarmer S. was made welcome, of course, his horse ty dollars!"

taken care of, and he seated before the warm fire. "Well," says Farmer S., "I am always buying The evening passed pleasantly away, for Farmer and buying tools, and we have them all scattered Slothful was a good talker, and could tell good sto- round the farm, and hardly ever find one fit for ries, and was interesting. The farmers have break-use. We keep the grindstone under the great apfasted, (Farmer Slothful did not get up till he was ple tree down in the orchard, and once in a while called to breakfast,) and Farmer Thrifty proposes we have a general grinding up of tools, but they soon to take Farmer Slothful about the premises. They get dull again, and are broken and lost, and then I visit the barn. have to buy new ones. And here is your wood"How well your cattle do look," says Farmer S.; pile. I declare that looks nice, and I should think "somehow I cannot keep mine looking so well. I you had enough wood cut, split, and piled up here, often tell our boys I don't believe they take as good to last you two winters. I have told our boys a care as they ought of them, and I see you have got great many times that I should think it would be these new-fashioned chains to tie them up with; better for us to prepare wood one winter for the I've heard of them, but have gone on in the old next,-but Joe thinks that green wood makes the way of using wooden bows, and when old Billy got best fire after you get it going, and so, as the boys loose the other night and hooked my best heifer al- get up the wood, I have always let them have their most to death, I told our boys I thought we had own way pretty much-so we haul up the wood better try some better way of tying up the cattle, and cut and split it and burn it green, though the but Joe seemed to think it would be more plague women folks are always grumbling about it. I than profit, and so we have kept on the old way. should think it would cost you an awful sight of And then your hay-mows, how well they look-so money, neighbor T., to keep things in such order as smooth and regular-I never could learn our boys you now have them; I don't think I could afford to lay a mow well, but there, the hay is just as good it." as if it was all laid in regular! And so you keep

"Well, neighbor S.,"

replied T., "I have always your scythes all hung up in that way-well, that is found it cheaper to do things as they ought to be an excellent plan; as for me, I cannot do it, for our done, than to do them in a slovenly manner, and boys will have one here, and another there, and my experience has taught me that order about a John left his hanging on an apple tree all last win- farm is fully equal to the assistance of several good ter, and it was ruined. And so (taking down one) workmen. Now, were you at home, with your wagyou have got these new kind of fastenings; it is a on in the predicament it now is, you would send it great improvement, isn't it? How firm it holds first to a wheelwright, he would repair the woodthe scythe to the snath! Well, I declare, if I have work of the wheel in the course of perhaps a week, told our boys once, I've told them twenty times and charge you a round sum for doing it, then you that we must have some of these new snaths, but would send it to a blacksmith, and he would, after Joe thinks these new-fangled notions are humbugs, keeping it another week, send it home with a bill and so we go on in the old way-first we wedge, for his labor, and perhaps in another week the tire and then we put a piece of leather under the would again come off! I have sent Ben down to wedge, and if we can't keep the scythe set right bring up your wagon. He and Henry will take any other way, we drive a nail behind the wedge, the wheel into the workshop and repair the wooden and so we manage to get along, but if I live till part in a few hours, then we will go to my blacknext haying time I will have some of these snaths." smith's shop, for I have one, and being a tolerable Then the two farmers pass through a door into blacksmith myself, we will repair, cut and set the the work-shop. "Well, I do declare now, if you tire as it should be done, and your wagon will haven't got a work-shop," said Farmer S., "and all be ready for you whenever you desire to leave." your tools seem to be in such excellent order, and "Well," says Farmer Slothful, "this does beat all; you have a turning lathe, and a grind-stone, on I should never think of doing such a thing, friction rollers, and a set of planes and saws, and I and shall be so much obliged to you." And so the suppose you find a use for all of them." "Certain-conversation between the two farmers went on, one

admiring and wondering-the other explaining, till NORFOLK AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. the farm and its belongings were thoroughly examDedham, Wednesday, Sept. 26. ined. The seventh annual Cattle Show and Fair of the The wagon was brought and mended before set Norfolk Agricultural Society commenced this mornof sun, and before the evening fire, Farmer Thrifty ing at Dedham, and was well attended. told Farmer Slothful how he had expended every ducts of the farm, garden, &c., are exhibited, forms The Agricultural Hall, where the various prodollar he had in the world, some thirty years be- the first great centre of attraction. Here the show fore, for his farm and the stock upon it. That he is profuse, and of a very interesting character. and his wife commenced living upon it-it was an Three long tables stretch along the centre of the old run out farm. That he had labored diligently whilst at the side tables are displayed on the one room, filled with flowers, fruits, and vegetables; upon it. That he had reared and educated decent-side farming utensils and implements, and on the ly a family of children, and that now he owned the other a very choice assortment of fancy articles, in farm as it then was, in the highest state of cultiva- the shape of domestic manufactures, including neetion, with excellent buildings upon it, and had quite dle and crotchet work, shell-work, millinery, drawa sum of money at interest. ings, paintings, pressed flowers, &c. &c.

Of fruit, apples and peaches especially, the exhibition was very fine and very extensive.

Piled at the corner of one of the tables we find

a collection of jellies, ketchups, pickles and preserves, and also several specimens of home-made bread.

Farmer Slothful wondered how he could do it. He said, as for his part, he was left by his father with the old farm and quite a large sum of money at interest, many years ago. He had tried to carry on the farm as well as he could-his boys had Of agricultural implements, the stock is not come on and they learned a little farming, and large, and those which are shown are more remarkwhen Joe, the oldest got old enough, he thought he able for excellence of workmanship than novelty of could do better somewhere else and he went away design. Some elastic hay and manure forks, by and was gone several years and came back poor, marked commendation. Some wagons and other Mr. Henry Partridge, of Medfield, called forth and hung round home a while doing nothing; at carriages of beautiful finish, as also harness, are last he concluded to try farming again, and so he shown at the farther end of the hall. took hold pretty much as he pleased, and the other The exhibition of stock is held in a field behind boys went on pretty much the same way; as for the hall. Many horses are upon the ground, and himself, he never did much like to farm, and he amongst them some beautiful and symmetrical anileft it pretty much to the boys, and the farm had mals, more than one of which trace their pedigree to Black Hawk, and Morgan Mare. One fine grown poor somehow, and did not yield enough to young colt, 3 years and 4 months old, shown by support the family, and he had spent all the money Mr. Nathaniel Smith, and raised by him at Dedham, he had, and felt rather discouraged, like. Farmer is marked as weighing 985 lbs. A very large numThrifty gave his brother farmer some excellent ad- ber in proportion of brooding mares are exhibited along with their foals. vice—told him, among other things, to wake up and The show of young bulls, principally of the Dursee to the farm himself, and not trust to "our boys" ham or Alderney breed, is very fine. A pair of fat for everything. Farmer Slothful left for home cattle, 7 years old, owned by Mr. Geo. Crosby, of early next morning, “a wiser and a better man," East Medway, attract much attention for their fine expressing to Farmer Thrifty his heartfelt grati- development and noble size. Some excellent yoke steers are also on exhibition; but the cattle genertude for his kindness and good advice; and we ally we regard as inferior. A very large proportion rather think, next spring, he will have things at of those shown are of the Jersey breed, truly Sleepy Hollow in a little better state than hereto- aboriginal in their aspect. It is at the same time fore, and that Joe and John and the rest of "our gratifying to find the prominence given to the production of beasts of useful quality rather than the boys" will be obliged "to turn over a new leaf," specimens of bovine obesity which a false system of and adopt some of the modern improvements in over-feeding is sure to bring on. The pigs exhiscythe-snaths, cattle "tie-ups," &c., &c. And if the bited are few in number, and not particularly re"Calendar for November" falls beneath the eye of markable, but several of them have very large and any Farmer Sloth ful about here, we hope it may interesting families under their care. A unique feature of the show consists in the spur him up to follow the example of good Farpoultry, &c., but it is not large, feathered favorites mer Thrifty, who, we know, is a constant reader of being apparently at a considerable discount just the New England Farmer, while we do not be- now. Of the once celebrated Shanghai breed, the lieve Farmer Slothful ever saw a copy of it in his most distinguished representatives present were the life. grey variety, known as the Chittagongs.


SPARHAW APPLE.-Mr. GEORGE SHOREY, of At nine o'clock on Wednesday morning, the Boston, allowed us to look at a couple of apples of plowing match was held. Five double ox, one sinthis variety, weighing one and a quarter pounds gle ox, three horse teams, and one team composed each, and measuring fifteen inches in circumference. of one yoke of oxen and a horse, contested for the They grew in Illinois,

prizes. The ground was a gravelly soil, filled with large pebbles, which, despite the exertions of the

plowman, occasionally threw the plow from the THE MILK VEIN.-We often hear, in the descripfurrow. The work was generally well performed, tion of cows, the "milk vein" spoken of as though though in some instances there was room for imit communicated with the udder and supplied to it provement. the milk. Mr. Stephens says:


"There is also another fallacy in regard to the After the plowing, a spading match was held on milking properties of a cow, which should be exground immediately west of the hall. Nine sons of the Emerald Isle entered the lists, each intent posed-I mean the notion of a large milk vein below the belly indicating the milking powers of the upon securing the prize. At a signal, each spade COW. The vein, commonly called the milk vein, is was thrust into the ground, with a spasmodic effort, highly pleasing the admiring crowd. No signs of the sub-cutaneous vein, and has nothing to do with the udder; it belongs to the respiratory system, weariness appeared, and each worked away with a hearty will, fully determined to turn his lot of ten and is the means of keeping up an equilibrium in the blood between the fore and hind quarters. feet square the other side up in the shortest possi- This vein certainly indicates a strongly developed ble time. As the work proceeded, much excitevascular system, which is favorable to secretion ment was manifested by the crowd, and when at last one contestant threw his spade upon the ground generally, and no doubt is so to that of the milk and declared his work finished, a hearty cheer was shouted from thousands of voices. The first lot was finished in sixteen minutes; and all but one in WORCESTER COUNTY AGRICULTURAL seventeen minutes.


At 10 o'clock, a trotting match came off upon the new course, which was witnessed by an immense crowd, but we have no room for details.



the rest."


The annual exhibition of the Worcester County Agricultural Society commenced in Worcester, Sept. 26th. The weather was favorable.

The exhibition of cattle was unusually large. Butter and cheese were largely represented. Cheese, for quantity and quality, excelled any previ

At twelve o'clock a procession was formed at the ous exhibition. Ruggles, Nourse, Mason & Co. grounds, which proceeded to Rev. Dr. Lamson's exhibited Ketchum's mowing machine in actual opchurch, under the direction of Col. ADAMS, Mar-eration; also Manning's machine was exhibited by shal of the day. Upon arriving at the church, the Adriance. Among other articles which attracted President of the Society, Hon. M. P. WILDER, made general attention, was a corn-planter by J. Littlea few remarks. field, of Leominster; a machine for weeding root

He said that Divine Providence had allowed them crops, by W. J. Ross; model of a water-wheel and to assemble once more, and that the present year windmill on the same principle, by Wm. M. Wheelwas auspicious for the welfare of the Society. He er, Berlin; fancy stained glass for doors and winremarked that the recent additions to the grounds dows, by J. and J. N. Bartlett, Worcester. and the success of the present fair, would enable the society to go on with good prospects for the future.

He then spoke of the improvements in agriculture which had taken place, and remarked that the present exhibition had surpassed all others; yet we were not to look at these exhibitions as mere holidays, but as days devoted to the study of agricul



This took place on the Society's grounds, at halfpast six o'clock. There were fifty-five animals entered for premiums, mostly of an ordinary character, although there was now and then a superior horse to be seen. The facilities for exhibiting horses outside the pens are very poor. There is no track, and the area is not more than half large enough. Exertions are being made, however, to increase the Rev. Mr. MERRICK, of Walpole, was then introSociety's accommodations in this respect, so as to seduced as the orator of the day. He first spoke of cure a larger field and a trotting course. If successthe late improvements in agriculture, and then re-ful, the display of horses no doubt will hereafter marked that the course of his argument was the form an attractive feature of the Society's exhibition, profitableness of farming in this vicinity. Two things were to be considered in this connection. field presented an animated appearance during the for there is plenty of material in the county. The First, the manner in which farmers live; and second, that we always speak of the profits of farming comparatively.

The address was listened to with much attention, but we have no room for details.


day, a great many horses and carriages being on the ground, as well as a large number of spectators. But few horses entered for premiums were displayed on the field, most of them being in the pens. There were ten stallions of all ages, eleven geldings, and three pairs of matched horses.



After the address, the procession re-formed and marched to the hall, where a sumptuous repast was At two o'clock a goodly company sat down to one spread by J. B. Smith. After the invocation of the the best public dinners of the season, got up by Divine blessing, the company regaled themselves on Augustus N. Marrs, of Worcester. It was laid in the bounty before them. the hall of the Society. After the company were seated Rev. Mr. Jones, of the First Baptist church, offered prayer.

In front of the President's chair was the motto:

"From Agriculture are these blessings sentWealth, Commerce, Honor, Liberty, Content." After the literary repast was finished, the awards were given, and the festivities were closed by singing an original ode, written by Miss Anne S. Tiles- then introduced as the orator of the day, Wil ton, to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne." liam Brigham Esq., of Boston, who delivered an in

The bountiful repast was next attended to, and ample justice rendered to its merits.

The President, Hon. John Brooks, of Princeton,

teresting address upon the sources of encourage- a great many cows, it might be found to run as tne ment to the New England farmer at the present or twelve to one." The difference in the quality of time, and what can be done to improve his situation. the cream was also much greater than the difference Mr. Brigham combatted the prevalent notion that in quantity. From this it appears, that the person New England soils are the poorest in the world, who by bad milking of his cows, loses but half a pint and declared that they excelled those of Canada of his milk, loses in fact about as much cream as and the British Provinces, Great Britain, some of would be afforded by six or eight pints at the beginthe Middle and Southern States, and other parts of ning, and loses, besides, that "part of the cream our own country. In his opinion, a bright day was which alone can give richness and high flavor to dawning upon the New England farmer, for he en- butter." joys the best markets in the world, and the competition from the West is growing feebler, as the soils

For the New England Farmer.

there are fast being exhausted. He closed with INSTINCT AND AFFECTION OF BIRDS. some excellent remarks on the farmer's means of FRIEND BROWN:-You now and then treat us to improving his condition. His address was well cal- something very pretty and very pleasant upon birds. culated to allay the restlessness and discontent of Something instructive and interesting, improving our young farmers. We were not able to attend to the mind and pleasant to the feelings. It is inthis Exhibition, and can find only a meagre report deed a charming theme to chat about, and finds a in the papers. ready response in every bosom. I, too, have a stray story or so upon the same A YOUNG TOBACCO-CHEWER CURED. subject, which properly told, would tend to deepen On board ship, one day, we were stowing away the growing interest in these dear little familiars. the hammocks, when one of the boys came with his But, alas! I am no story-teller, and shall, I fear, hammock on his shoulder, and as he passed, the destroy the charm of the incidents in the narration. first lieutenant perceived that he had a quid of to- Some years since, a son of mine placed upon the ridge-pole of the stable a little box fashioned into

bacco in his mouth.

"What have you got there?" asked the lieutenant, a bird-house, which soon became the happy home "a gum-boil? Your cheek is much swollen." "No, of a loving pair of blue-birds. Blithely and pleassir," replied the boy, "there's nothing at all the mat-antly, busied with domestic cares or pleasant songs, ter." "Oh! there must be; perhaps it is a bad they passed their sunny hours; and in the " sear tooth. Open your mouth and let me see." and yellow leaf" of the season, passed to brighter

Very reluctantly the boy opened his mouth, which climes. Blithely and pleasantly, with each returncontained a large roll of tobacco leaf. "I see, I see," ing spring, they visit us again; and with the vernal said the lieutenant, "poor fellow! how you must suf- warmth, renew their household duties and housefer! Your mouth wants overhauling, and you teeth hold cares. As the days lengthen and the frost cleaning; I wish we had a dentist on board, but as lessens, we watch their coming as blessed harbinwe have not, I will operate as well as I can. Send gers of the bright and beautiful; and with pleasing the armorer up here with his tongs." When the anticipations for the future, or pleasant memories armorer made his appearance with his big tongs, of the past, the eye catches the flutter of their the boy was compelled to open his mouth, while the blue dresses, and the ear drinks in the music of tobacco was extracted with this rough instrument. their old familiar tones, as from their pilgrimage in "There now!" said the lieutenant, "I'm sure that the far off sunny clime, they come to us with their you must feel better already. You never could songs of the sun. Often in the chill of the earlyhave any appetite with such stuff in your mouth. spring morning we hear their little voices seemingly Now, captain of the after-guard, bring a piece of old chiding the tardy blossoms, encouraging the timid canvas and some sand, and clean his teeth nicely." buds, or calling to the lingering leaves; and from The captain of the after-guard came forward, and, that little house on the roof, or some tall post or grinning from ear to ear, put the boy's head be- neighboring tree, many a pleasant song falls upon tween his knees, and scrubbed his teeth well with the drowsy ear of spring, while bleak winds are yet canvas and sand for two or three minutes. howling through leafless boughs, whirling the frosty "There, that will do," said the lieutenant. "Now, dust, or nipping the rose and chilling the fingers as my little fellow, take same water and rinse out your with a sickly anticipation of returning warmth, and mouth, and you will enjoy your breakfast. It was bloom, and brightness, we dig about the bushes, trelimpossible for you to have eaten anything with your lis the vines, or repair the old garden fence. And as mouth in such a filthy condition. When you are those pleasant strains float on the frosty air above troubled in the same way again, come to me, and I and around us, the very breath of the blast seems will be your dentist." The lad was completely to melt, the dim sun to grow warmer, and the dull cured, by the ridicule of this occurrence, of the hab-earth to look gayer, in anticipation of the coming it of tobacco-chewing.-Captain Marryatt.

gladness of which they are hymning.

What changes may have taken place in their domestic relation during this time, it is quite impossiMILK CLEAN.—In some careful experiments made ble to say. Externally there was no appearance of by DR. ANDERSON, the quantity of cream obtained suffering or sorrow. Discreetly avoiding all referfrom the first drawn cup of milk was in every case ence to family affairs, little that transpired to disturb smaller than the last drawn; and those between af- the even tenor of their lives ever came to the public forded less or more, as they were nearer the begin-ear. They were models in this particular-no gosning or the end. The quantity of the cream obtained sip, no scandal, no ostentatious display of grief or from the last drawn cup from some cows, exceeded joy. Softly, with sunshine and with song, the that from the first in the proportion of sixteen to happy hours flew by on downy wings, ruffling no In others, the proportion was not so great. feather of their guileless breasts until the untoward "Probably," says DR. ANDERSON, "on an average of event which I am about to narrate.


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