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up the white spires of the village churches, while The number of neat cattle was not large, or in the rich tones of a bell, or the busy hum of indus- any way remarkable in appearance, and were all of try, occasionally meets the ear. Such is but a feeble the common breeds, or with only a slight admixture portraiture of the spot selected by our Berkshire of foreign blood.' Swine were also quite limited friends, upon which annually to gather with their in number, and the show of poultry was not large. wives and children and keep The Farmers' Festi- The horses tried the track, as also did ladies and val. A better selection we have never seen, nor a gentlemen in easy carriages. The arrangement of wiser disposition of all the adjuncts which must sur- fruits, vegetables, harnesses, counterpanes, quilts, round it. embroidery, capes, collars and skirts, went on in As will be seen above, this exhibition made the the great hall; pedlers made good speeches, selling forty-fifth of this time-honored and flourishing So- their whips and words at poverty prices, showmen ciety-a Society which has been instrumental in banged the banjo and stirred up their poor animals continuing and greatly increasing the fertility of the with sharp sticks; while the restless cattle lowed for lovely valleys and the noble hills which are so beau- their stancheons and their evening feed at home! tifully planted throughout the county. An intelli- So the day waned away. The departing rays fell gent and prosperous farmer remarked, that he had with their soft beams upon the varied foliage on the taken the first premiums in nearly every class of hills, lighting for a few lingering moments, nature's the exhibitions, and was happy to say that he owed great cathedral, the woods, into a gorgeousness of whatever of success and skill he had acquired to beauty, far more splendid than the genius of man the encouragements and influences of this Society! has, or ever can devise. Light faded, men, women The condition of the farms, and the homes of the and children departed; the fandango ceased to farmers, bear evidence of the truthfulness of the move, gloom rested on the hills, few sounds were remark. But in point of seniority, the "Old Berk- heard, but the measured tread of the tired policeshire" must yield the palm to Middlesex. The man as he went his weary rounds, and night was "Middlesex Society" was incorporated on the supreme over the late animated scene. twenty-eighth of February, 1803, by the name of In the language of one of the "fast gentlemen the "Western Society of Middlesex Husbandmen." with fast nags," Thursday, the second day, was a It had existed as an unincorporated association, "stunner!" The wind, surcharged with a cold, under the same name, from the year 1794; on the sticky vapor, moved lazily along, clinging to man 24th of January, 1820, it was changed by an Act and beast, like the shirt of Nessus; but the pluck of the Legislature, to that of the "Society of Mid- of Old Berkshire was up, and rain or shine, they dlesex Husbandmen and Manufacturers," and sub-were determined to have a good time. So the sequent to that time—as the manufacturers had little horses were brought out, and encouraged into some to do with it-to "The Middlesex Agricultural pretty lively paces, while the spectators shivered Society," which is its present title. It has now two and took the dismal droppings of about a thousand lusty daughters, one on each side of her, which bid indigo colored cotton umbrellas. The great halls fair soon to come up to the full proportions of the were crowded with men, women and children, who mother, and perhaps, look a little more dressy and examined and commented upon each article about six important than the good old dame herself. But times over, and then counted the number of boards one Agricultural Society now existing within the in the roof and braces in the frame-work of the commonwealth takes precedence of the Middlesex building, and wondered if it never would be done by virtue of seniority,—" The Massachusetts Society raining. But before noon it became evident that for Promoting Agriculture," which was incorporated rain and cold and mud would get the mastery, and in 1792, and whose members were made by the drive them home. The horses dropt their ears and Act incorporating the Western Society of Middle- hung their heads in sleepy listlessness, and indicated sex Husbandmen, honorary members of that cor- the strongest disposition to "turn tail to the wind." poration, and entitled to be present and vote at its Men's hats and coats looked seedy and old; the meetings.

And now, Mistress Berkshire, having set the historical matters right, we propose to go on with some account of your doings.

borrowed feathers in bonnets hung heavy and meagre, while skirts were wofully bedrabbled, and clung too close to ankles unused to touch the soil. It was a failure. The elements won the race and triumphWednesday, the first day of the show, was pleas- ed in it, leaving every nag behind, drenched, disant; the elements were propitious, the roads were mal, and discouraged. Then the hotels, bright pargood, and the temperature so genial as to invite even lors, and inviting sitting-rooms, opened their doors invalids abroad,—and the Fair opened with the most and welcomed tired visitors to their warm and hosflattering prospects. The object of this day was to pitable precincts, while fitful gusts strewed the show all kinds of animals, except horses, that were ground with leaves or drove the rain against the to be exhibited for premiums, and all manufactured glass. A darker night than the first brooded over articles, implements and machinery. the earth, and the hills and valleys were alike lost

in the impenetrable gloom. So the second day ter. He said a thorough training on the farm was closed upon the 45th Anniversary of the Old Berk- capital to the young farmer, as education is capital shire Society. to the doctor, lawyer, or clergyman. He spoke of

But Friday-who says that Friday is always an the professions, gave a budget of good reasons, for unlucky day?-Friday morning, bright and early, not going West, painted the autumnal scenery of the sun came flashing over the eastern hills, and New England in glowing colors, spoke of the resent his warm and cheering beams into every nook sources of the county, recited the bounties of the of that rich and lovely valley. Up went the mists commonwealth, then most felicitously married the from the meadows and hill-tops, and once more Young Farmer to one of the handsome, healthy, shone the gorgeous dyes on their sides; the cocks well-educated, and intelligent daughters of the New crowed and strutted in their harems, with unbound- England hills, and closed his address. A brief aded gusto, and geese and ducks, and pigs and horses dress, by the Editor of the New England Farmer, and oxen and calves and sheep, each lent a note so and another by Dr. H. D. CHILDS, formerly Lieut. as to render the harmony complete! Children Governor of the Commonwealth, followed, and then clapped their little hands in delight in view of the the beautiful silver plate, amounting in value to hunride, and ginger-bread and buns, and music and dreds of dollars, was distributed to the individuals races that were before them, and so the mothers to whom it had been awarded by the various comwere happy and the fathers glad; the whole world mittees. Afterwards there was trotting on the of Berkshire turned out, the gates were thrown course, and the Fair closed, by a grand ball, in the open, and the Success of the 45th Fair became a evening, in the great hall on the Society's grounds. "fixed fact." The exhibition of fruits and vegetables was mea

The first exercise was that of Plowing. The bills gre; that of butter and cheese was large, and of the stated that the teams would start at "9 o'clock A. finest quality; of domestic manufactures there was M.," but it was nearly 11 before the chains were a considerable display of carpets, rugs, hosiery, and straightened. Thirteen teams plowed, on a gravel- embroidered work, such as collars, skirts, &c. A few ly loam, and did the work moderately well. The loaves of bread only were seen, and that of quite an plows used were all single, and one of them had a ordinary appearance.

cast iron beam. There was but one pair of oxen

The exhibition, on the whole, was one of great which exhibited anything but the most common merit and interest, though in some respects defitraining, and they were also the finest in proportions, cient. There was an evident want of taste and arbeing attentive to the driver's language, strong, and rangement in the articles shown in the Hall, and of quick in their motions. A pair of black, and a pair punctuality in the time of commencing the several of grey horses, were also well-matched, and well- exercises of the day; while the choice of location, trained. The black pair we afterwards saw attached the construction and arrangement of buildings, the to a carriage, where they did themselves and dri- mode of distributing premiums, and the excellent ver as much credit, as they did with the plow. Six butter and cheese presented, are all worthy the highinches in depth, and twelve in width, were required. est commendation. The ground was unfavorable in two particulars-it was ridgy and full of pebbles, so that it would be difficult to make handsome work, even with skilful teams and men.

Then came the riding on horseback around the course, by ladies, and a very pleasant and attractive feature it was-and then the


For the New England Farmer. HEMLOCK HEDGES.

RESPECTED FRIENDS :-I should be very glad to get a little information of you or any of your subscribers concerning how to obtain a hemlock hedge; whether to set the young trees, or get it from the seed. I have heard of such a hedge, but do not know how to obtain one easy and right. An an

South Lee, Sept., 1855.

C. J. P.

REMARKS.-Either way. But by setting young plants you gain much time. We have seen some handsome hedges of the hemlock. They may be pruned into beautiful forms.

These consisted of excellent music by the Long-swer at your convenience would oblige me much. meadow band, and an address, by the Hon. JULIUS ROCKWELL, President of the Society. It is a common law in the Society, that the President shall continue to act as such two years, and on the retiring year shall deliver the address, and an excellent law it is. He took for his subject, THE THOUGHTS OF THE YOUNG FARMER, and showed first, that the lessons and habits of early life are never forgotten. MANURE.-If land is too sandy, the best manure Then he spoke of his initiatory steps into the art is clay and leached ashes. These will puddle it, and render it tenacious of water. If it is heavy clay, it and mystery of farming, such as yoking, and breakrequires sand to render it porous. If it is a muck, ing the steers, and other incidents illustrative of the it requires lime to neutralize the acid, and destroy whole;-and of his choice of occupation a little la- the antiseptic or resinous quality of the soil.

For the New England Farmer.



At the Show at Framingham, Sept. 19, we saw upon the tables a fine looking grape, a little lighter

No part of chemical knowledge can be of more in color than the Catawba, some of the bunches interest to the general reader than that which treats quite compact, but generally somewhat straggling, of the laws which govern the digestion of our food. and the berries and bunches of good size. They Digestion is the process of the reduction of our

food to its simple state, separating element from were raised and handed in by JAMES W. CLARK, element, and reducing all to a liquid state. It is Esq., of Framingham. He says the vine originated no more essential that the chemist in his laboratory in his garden five years ago, from the seed, and was finely pulverize any solid body before he attempts transplanted into a shaded and moist border. The to dissolve it, than it is that our food be well mas- vine grows vigorously, has never been protected in ticated before swallowing. "If the preliminary work

of mastication and insalivation be neglected, the winter, and the ripe fruit holds on well. He thinks stomach has to do the whole work of preparation, it a cross between the native and Catawba, as these as well as to accomplish the digestion; thus more two grew near and intermingled their branches near is thrown upon it than it is adapted to bear; it be- where the new seedling came up. Mr. Clark adds comes overworked, and manifests its fatigue by not in a note, "I claim nothing for it, except that it is being able to discharge its own duty properly.'

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Hence the necessity of thorough mastication. Food a superior native, and in a fine location, it will ripen well chewed is half digested, and will do a man before the autumn fruits." He is right. It is certhree times the good that it will, swallowed whole. tainly a very superior grape. Nature has furnished us with all the organs necessary to complete thorough mastication and digestion, and if they do not perform their duty, the fault is our own. The air we breathe is charged with a certain substance necessary to digestion, I have recently witnessed the results of an ex(oxygen,) and this is taken up at every breath, and periment with meadow muck, which may interest the carbon returned to the air, to feed vegetation, some of your agricultural readers.

and vice versa.

Dr. Beaumont made some experiments relative to the time it took the various kinds of food to digest, and the following table shows the result of the same:



Time. pre


pared. h. m.
boiled, 1.

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Oysters, fresh,
Pork, salted,


Pig's feet, soused, 66 1.


[ocr errors]

Trout, salmon, fresh, "

[blocks in formation]

66 "fried, 1.30

Apples, sweet, mellow, 1.30 Corn bread,

Venison, steak, broiled, 1.35

raw, 2.


boiled, 1.40

Apples, sour, mellow, 2.

Cabbage, with vinegar, 2.

Codfish, dry,

boiled, 2.

Eggs, fresh,

[blocks in formation]

broiled, 2.

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Mutton, fresh,
Carrots, orange,
Sausage, fresh,

Beef, lean, dry,
Bread, wheat,

Time. h. m.

raw, 3. boiled, 3.




This experiment was made on the farm of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, in Lenox, under the care of Mr. Ó. C. Bullard, his brother-in-law.

Last winter, Mr. Bullard was getting out muck from an extensive meadow, for his barn-yard and compost heap. As an experiment, he spread a quantity-between one and two small sled loads roasted, 3.15 green for the meadow, upon a spot one rod by two, broiled, 3.15 of a mowing field. It was laid on the top of the 3.15 snow, and an inch and a half or two inches thick. This spring he covered another similar space. boiled, 3.15 This is a large field, sloping to the east, that has broiled, 3.20 been laid down to herds grass several years. There roasted, 3.30 baked, 3.30 is a good deal of the white weed or daisy over most melted, 3.30 of the field, and there are numerous little spots raw, 3.30 where the grass seems to be killed out, and which fried, 3.30 are covered by a coat of moss.

baked, 3.15 roasted, 3.15

Cheese, old strong,
Eggs, fresh, hard boiled, 3.30


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boiled, 2. 2. raw, 2.15 Flounders, fresh, roasted, 2.15 Oysters, fresh, boiled, 2.28 Potatoes, Irish, 66 domestic, roasted, 2.30 Soup, mutton,

[ocr errors]

boiled, 2.30 Turnip, flat,

Corn and beans,
warm, 2.30 Beef, fresh, lean,
broiled, 2.30 Fowl, domestic,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

Potatoes, Irish,

baked, 2.30

[blocks in formation]

roasted, 2.30

Meat, hashed with veg


Lamb, fresh,


roasted, 2.30



Cake, sponge,

baked, 2.30 Veal, fresh,

fried, 4. boiled, 4. roasted, 4. broiled, 4.

Cabbage, head,

Beans, pod,

raw, 2.30 Soup, beef, vegetables boiled, 2.30 and bread,

[blocks in formation]

boiled, 4.


[blocks in formation]


3.30 On the 30th of June, I visited this field to note boiled, 3.30 the effect of this experiment. The spot where muck 3.30 was spread on the snow in the Winter, is covered 3.30 with a thick, rank, deep green growth of herds 3.45 grass and clover, and will give at least two-thirds 3.45 more hay than any of the field around it. It can be seen at a distance, like the spots in the field where there have been manure heaps. The ground is perfectly covered with the grass, giving no signs of This luxuriant growth is overtopping the daisy, none of which is yet in blossom, while in all fried, 4. boiled, 4.15 the rest of the extensive fields, it is in full bloom. fried, 4.15 The spot where the muck was spread this spring, boiled, 4.30 is distinctly seen; but the crop of grass is not more boiled, 4.30 than a quarter or a third larger than the average 4.30 around it. fried, 4.30 The result of this experiment seems to show, that roasted, 5.15 boiled, 5.30 the muck spread in the Winter, together with the 5.30 snow that it was spread upon, operated as a mulching to protect the roots of the grass from the action of the frost. None of it is thrown out of the ground or winter-killed. It has overcome and killed out the moss, and retarded, if not in a great measure destroyed, the daisy, and it has also imparted mel

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lowness, and, no doubt, more or less richness to the soil.-Traveller.

PICTURE OF THE DEPARTED. What would we give ?-what would we not give, in some circumstances, for a good portrait of a departed friend ?


For the New England Farmer.

LARGE AND SMALL POTATOES. FRIEND BROWN :-I send you a statement of results from a piece of potatoes I planted on the 15th day of April, 1855, on one acre of land. In 1854 was sown with spring wheat and seeded, but did not take seed; so I plowed it on the 13th day of So thought a lad, a mere boy, of this city, (son of April, about ten inches deep, and some times deeper Mr. Jonathan Dearborn,) who had lately lost a if the frost would let it. It was well harrowed, and beloved and beautiful little sister of eight summers. furrowed out 24 feet apart. I manured it with The family had daguerreotypes of every member horse manure, a good forkful in a hill. Potatoes but the departed, strange to say. And the friends, dropped on the manure, and covered about 24 all but the boy, gave it up, as hopeless. Description of seed as planted April

inches deep.

Planted 2

He insisted that a good painter might, under his direction, and from his recollections, create a likeness. And against all advice and remonstrance, he went to Boston on this errand, carrying only a lock 50 cents per of the little girl's hair, and his own vivid, undying mental picture of the loved and lost.

His plan was, to select one feature from one picture, and another from another, as he could find them in picture galleries in Boston, and combine and alter the whole, by his dictation to a finished artist.

The artists there admired the boy's enthusiasm, and the owners of galleries gladly made him welcome to their pictures for his purpose; but doubted unanimously and disbelieved almost universally, that a likeness could be thus produced.

LOT A-AN ACRE. bushels small or hog potatoes, worth bushel, $1,25.


Planted 4 bushels medium size potatoes, worth $1 per bushel, $4.


Planted 4 bushels large size potatoes, worth $1,124 per bushel, $5,06.


Planted 3 bushels large size potatoes, cut in middle, worth $1,125 per bushel.

They were hoed alike and at same time. Land as near alike as could be on an acre of flat meadow. THE RESULT.

I commenced digging Lot A, July 8th, and contracted to deliver them at Troy for 75 cents per bushel, to be delivered on the 9th, 13th and 14th

At last one artist made the trial; and after days of patient toil, gave it up as impracticable. But the boy's faith stumbled not. He enlisted the friendship of Mr. J. A. Whipple, of 96 Washington street, and procured his services to take a photograph of July. The small ones I considered worth for from the unfinished and condemned portrait by the first painter. With this, with the lock of hair, and hogs 15 cents per bushel. The potato planted is with his own self-reliant knowledge of the fact to be known here as Early White Junes. reproduced, he went to another painter, Mr. RamLOT A. son, of 7 Tremont Row, and stated his case; Ram-July 8, I dug 314 bush. marketable potatoes, worth 75c, $23,62 son replied that a portrait could not be obtained I dug 84 bush. small or hog potatoes, worth 15c, under the circumstances, and that he never heard of such a thing; but he at length persuaded him to



Worth of seed planted,


commence a picture. After working a long time

on it the painter threw aside the picture in despair,

[blocks in formation]

thinking it was impossible to paint a portrait of one July 12, I dug 30 bush. marketable potatoes, worth 75c, $22,50 he had never seen, and of whose features he had I dug 9 bushels small or hog potatoes, worth 15c,

[blocks in formation]

seen no copy. The boy insisted that it could be done; saying I know I can get such a correct picture of my sister as I desire. By the perseverance, determination and persuasion of the boy, the painter was induced to try again, and in his second attempt obtained a most beautiful and correct picture of the July 13, I dug 21 bush. marketable potatoes, worth 75c, $15,75 I dug 162 bush. small or hog potatoes, worth 15c, little girl, which has been recognized at once by all who knew her, as an excellent likeness; and which is also a good painting.

The boy has his reward; the artist deserves great credit for his skill and patience. Portsmouth Chronicle.

THE VETERINARY JOURNAL.-We have received the first number of a work with this title, edited by Dr. GEORGE H. DADD, a gentleman whose devotion to veterinary science is probably unsurpassed by that of any other person in the country, and whose qualifications are equal to his zeal. The work is in octavo form, neatly printed and covered, and is filled with instructive matter. We wish the Dr. and his undertaking abundant success, and advise those who keep valuable stock to read his journal.

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occur again, as two spacious halls are now in pro

THE BRISTOL COUNTY FAIR. The Fair continued through Wednesday and cess of construction in this city. Address by Professor Huntington. Col. Page Thursday, and during those days was attended by a great concourse of people assembled from every well address to the members of the Society. resigned his post as President, and made his farepart of the county. Under the superintending care of Hon. J. H. W. Page, the President of the Society (now an ex-President) everything passed off in the happiest manner.



The exhibition was opened on Wednesday morning. The location of the cattle show was upon the The annual Fair of the Plymouth Agricultural land of M. B. Penniman, a mile to the northward of Society was held at Bridgewater, October 3d and the town, and although not quite as extensive as we 4th, on the beautiful grounds lately purchased by the think it might have been, nevertheless embraced Society, embracing about thirty acres of high and some fine cattle, horses, swine and fowls. low land-hill and plain, surrounded on three

The display of fruits and flowers was held in the sides by the river, which forms a good boundary. City Hall, and embraced a large collection of pears Taken altogether, we think we have never seen so and apples that would rank with the finest in the good a place for a cattle show, and cannot but adState, and a smaller assortment of beautiful flowers, mire the sagacity of those men connected with the Among the contributors of fruit, we especially no- Society who first proposed to buy this piece of ticed the names of Henry H. Crapo, Wm. P. Jenny ground for this purpose. Would that other sociof Fairhaven, and D. H. Leonard of Seekonk, eties would go and do likewise, that they might Sears Hall, nearly opposite the City Hall, was de- have every part of the show on their own grounds, voted chiefly to the exhibition of heavy manufactures, and not put visitors to the trouble of walking miles and domestic products. In the latter department to witness the various departments. This lot is there were specimens of butter, cheese and bread, about half a mile east of the village. that would have done credit to any housewife in the The first day there was a good show of stock in land. There was an old fashioned Indian pudding, the pens, which was increased the second. There and a noble pumpkin pie, representatives of the were fine beef cattle, though the show was not days of our fathers, both of which commanded the large. A number of fine heifers, superior Alderney unqualified admiration of the tasting committee, bull, by E. Hobart, two fine Devon bulls, and good and won prizes for their maker. The show of do- bulls of native stock. There were shown two pens, mestic manufactures, and fancy articles, was very each containing six milch cows, which were entered comprehensive, and attracted crowds of visitors. It for the State premium; one lot by S. Packard, of comprised paintings, embroideries, rugs, carpets and East Bridgewater, the other by L. Bassett, of quilts. There were ingenious carvings, utensils Bridgewater. These cows looked very well. There manufactured from the teeth of whales, full rigged were 12 or 15 yoke of working oxen, and good models of vessels, and a thousand other articles looking ones too. Of swine there was a small which we have not room to enumerate. The show show. About thirty horses and colts were on the was very interesting, and was admired by all who ground. Austin J. Roberts, of Lakeville, took the There were but few fowls, visited it. In the Grotto building, there was also first prize of ten dollars. a fine display of vegetables. and most of those were Shanghai or some other worthless kind.


At nine o'clock the first day, the plowing match The plowing match came off at about half-past took place on a fine piece of mowing land, where eleven, on the land of Isaac Chase, Esq., of Belle- lots of an eighth of an acre had been marked out. ville, in New Bedford. Several thousand spectators Twelve single ox teams entered and plowed with were on the ground. There were fourteen entries single plows, except one. Seven inches was the for the trial, and the work was performed in excel- depth they were to plow; time, 30 minutes. The lent style, considering the dry state of the soil. The work was admirably done, showing that the farmers drawing match, or trial of teams, took place at of Plymouth are not behind their friends of other Hathaway Hill. Fourteen teams took part in the counties in this important branch of farm work. trial, and the result told well for the discipline of We think we never saw so many lots in which there the oxen and the efficiency and skill of their drivers. was so little difference, and it must have been exAt a spading match on Wednesday noon there were ceedingly difficult for the judges to determine who but two entries both Irishmen, and singularly was entitled to the prize. enough, each of the valiant contestants took a premium-the one of five dollars and the other of three.



At 11 A. M., first day-lots, ten feet square.One Yankee, and three sons of Erin, entered for the prizes. The work was very well done in ten minAt an informal meeting of the Society held on Thursday morning, it was decided that, as the rain utes, except by one of the competitors, who took was falling fast, a dinner under the tent, as had been about half an hour, being desirous, as he said, of showing the Committee a new principle in spading. proposed, would be impracticable, and as there was no unoccupied hall in the city of sufficient capacity for the purpose, it was resolved to dispense with a There were several teams entered for the drawpublic dinner. This was the more to be regretted, ing match, but few were able to draw the loads, inasmuch as a sumptuous feast for one thousand which were three and five thousand pounds. persons had been prepared by Mr. S. Horton, of The show of manufactured goods, dairy products, New Bedford. Such a failure will probably never vegetables, &c., was held in Wright's large tent,


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