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which was erected on the highest part of the grounds. laid for about four hundred persons. The dinner Of manufactured goods, the display was extensive, was a good one in every respect. After full justice consisting of elegant furniture, seraphines, a large had been done to the eatables, and all were fully shoe, six feet long, in which 'tis said a boy had ridden satisfied, the president, Mr. HOBART, made a few and driven two horses, the usual quantity of bed- remarks and welcomed the guests, and spoke of quilts, tidies, worsted-work, and a great variety of their standing upon their own ground, of the such fancy articles as the ladies are most interested changes of the past year; they were formerly tenin, a platform bee-hive, by S. Davis, said to be a ants at will, but now the owners of the soil they perfect protection from the bee moth, "Gale's Eagle stood upon; he thanked the ladies for their attendHay Cutter," which worked admirably-a piece of ance, said they had not been accustomed to see more black walnut, sawed out with an upright saw, and than half a dozen present on similar occasions, but very ingeniously and skilfully done. was rejoiced to see hundreds instead of dozens. He Of dairy products, we are happy to say there was referred to the past-the first year of the Society's a good show, there being twenty-one samples of existence, when $120 were given in premiums, butter, and so good, that it was hard to determine while this year over $800 was distributed in the who would have the prizes. Cheese, fifteen sam- same manner. After other appropriate remarks he ples, which looked well, and we were told by the introduced the speakers, saying as they had had no Committee that they tasted even better than they address, such as is customary at these gatherings, he looked. The farmers of this good old county have should take the liberty to call on several gentlemen no reason to be ashamed of their dairy products. that he saw present to speak to them. The first The same Committee received the samples of bread, was Rev. Morrill Allen, who was followed by Hon. of which there were eighteen-brown and white-B. V. French, Hon. Seth Sprague, Hon. Ivers which we know were good, for we tasted of several Phillips, Dea. Greele, Hon. R. B. Hall, and others, loaves. until the time arrived to announce the award of

In the vegetable and fruit department, there was premiums, which was done at the table; and this a great deficiency, which we hope will be obviated closed the day's work and entertainment. We on future occasions. Among other things, we no- noticed on the grounds a splendid team from the ticed a seedling pear called the "Jackson Seedling," State almshouse, under the direction of L. L. Goodwhich looked and tasted well, being little if any in- speed, made up of four yoke of oxen and a horse. ferior to the Bartlett, and promises to be an acqui- The wagon was decorated with a large flag behind, sition. A new seedling grape, from Rob't Perkins, and a beautiful banner in front, on which was paint-said to be from the Isabella-called the "Perkins ed the State almshouse; the sides of the wagon Seedling," though not quite as good as the Isabella were hung with monstrous vegetables, which show or Diana, yet we think desirable on account of its that, though the farm when purchased was in a poor early ripening. A sample of cultivated cranberries, condition, yet by judicious treatment is made to yield of superior size and quality, the largest we ever saw. great crops. He told us they would have five thouBaskets of assorted fruit that attracted considerable sand bushels of roots this year of all kinds. We attention, were contributed by Robert Perkins and think the State very fortunate to get such a man to Mr. Bryant. Of potatoes there was no lack, and take charge of these matters, and we hope and bethose of large size. lieve it will be long before they will wish to part with him.

We hope our friends of Plymouth county will excuse us if we say that we hope they will make greater efforts to have this part of their show equal, if not superior, to that of other Societies.


And in closing, we cannot help speaking a good word for the people of Plymouth county, and Bridgewater in particular; they know how to treat strangers well, and we should be glad to call names and return thanks to the persons, had we not been forbidden to do so. and live happy. We hope they may live long

The riding match was the great attraction of the second day, there being on the grounds, within the enclosure, during the trotting, not less than ten thousand persons. There were twelve prizes offered WOLF ON THE JAW. for riding, from twenty down to two dollars. Nine ladies competed and won prizes in the following MR. EDITOR:-Will you or some of your cororder:Mrs. Harriet Holmes, of Bridgewater, respondents acquainted with veterinary science, infirst prize, $20; Helen Hobart, Abington, second form me of the cause of hard bunches on cattle's prize, $18; Miss Bailey, East Bridgewater, third jaws, called wolfs? or if there is any cure for the prize, $16; Mrs. Wales, of Abington, fourth prize, same? A SUBSCRIBER.

314; Miss Taylor, West Bridgewater, fifth prize, NOTE.-"Wolf" on the jaw is what the Doctors $12; Miss L. Howard, West Bridgewater, sixth call necrosis of the bone. Sometimes it is caused prize, $10; Miss Mary Hobart, seventh prize, $8; by a blow upon the jaw, sometimes by an ulceraMiss A. Howard, eighth prize, $6; Miss Yarring- tion of the roots of one of the teeth. We have ton, South Abington, ninth prize, $5. The riding known two cases cured by pulling out one or two was acknowledged by all to be good, and the ladies teeth where affected, but this does not always sucappeared to good advantage as they dashed round ceed. As a general thing, it is best to fatten and the track-half a mile in length-leaving, in some kill the animal, as it would involve too much excases, the gentlemen far behind. On the whole it pense to attempt a cure by operation for necrosis. was a spirited affair, though perhaps some sensible-Maine Farmer. old farmer might have asked, how does this tend to promote agriculture?


The receipts of the New York State Fair at Elmira were nearly $12,000-larger than ever be

The tables were spread in another of Wright's fore. Gov. Wright of Indiana delivered an exceltents, where seats were arranged and plates were lent address, beginning "All flesh is grass."

For the New England Farmer. FEEDING AND TENDING HORSES.

2nd. As regards that most important point, shoeing; ten dollars used to be the price charged by smiths for shoeing by the year. But I think it the MR. EDITOR:-In answer to the two several com- better way to pay as you go, employing only a firstmunications in your paper of the 8th, respecting rate workman, who will fit the shoe to the foot, not horses, I will state a few general facts as succinctly the foot to the shoe-if there is any thing I would as possible. protest against with all my power, it is that barbar1st. As regards the cost of keeping a horse; no ous custom of applying a red-hot shoe to a horse's definite sum can be given-some horses requiring foot, burning it into the horn, &c. No good can double the feed that others do to keep in same con- result from such a practice, notwithstanding all the dition-work equal. A horse in good health, not smithy arguments to the contrary. The most suover-worked, will consume say from 100 to 150 perficial observer will see on a moment's reflection, pounds of hay per week, and from 6 to 12 quarts the fallacy of such a lazy proceeding. Horses inof grain daily. As a general thing, horses, espe- tended for road service only, need no caulking excially in cities, have too little hay and too much cept in freezing weather, and if they overreach or grain, while those in the country have too much interfere, the shoes can be adapted so as to almost hay and not enough grain, and that served irregu- entirely do away with these troubles. larly, that is, when not worked, or but very little, Wash your horse's feet once every day if possi no grain is given, only hay, and when worked much, ble, (but not his legs) to promote a healthy growth grain. A horse should have a certain amount of of horn, &c. If salt water be used some two or grain every day, say when worked a full feed of three times a week, I will guarantee your horse will corn meal or oats with hay, but when idle or work not be troubled with thrush or other foul disorders very light, some two quarts (not more) of oats at a of the hoof.

feed three times a day. I would remark, however, In answer to "Inquirer," I would say that a colt that a horse should be exercised every day if possi- the offspring of the animals mentioned, would be ble, and if the weather be inclement, well hand- likely to be a good work horse, but not a traveller. rubbed on his return. Make but as little use of I would advise any one in search of a horse espethat barbarous instrument, the curry-comb, on the cially for the saddle, to buy one "already made." horse's hide as possible (especially if he be a thin- I once knew a resident of a suburban town who skinned animal,) but use the brush and rub with was determined, as he expressed it, "to have a horse straw, sackcloth, or some other coarse material as no one had ever held a rein over." He had a much as you please. Do not have the least fear very fine old mare from which he obtained a most of over grooming. promising colt; but alas, after keeping the animal A little fine salt, say from one to two ounces, giv- some two years, a cow in the same pasture hooked en to a horse daily in his grain, will be found of the poor colt's eye out, and my friend never atgreat benefit, allaying any internal inflammation (to tempted to raise a horse, but was content to have which the horse more than any other animal is sub-one some one else "had held a rein over." If "Inject,) keeping the coat glossy, free from dandruff, quirer" is determined to raise a horse, however, if it appetizing, &c., &c. Cut feed, (i. e. cut hay and should not prove good, he could sell and buy to his corn meal) once a day in the morning, and "long" mind.

hay and oats at noon and night, is a very good way of A horse for the saddle should be used for nothfeeding a horse accustomed to the general run of ing else, (not in a vehicle part of the day, and sadwork. This may be varied two or three times a dle part,) but kept exclusively at one service. He week by adding some two or three quarts of bran should be taken young, say from four to six years to the cut feed. But if meal be the only grain giv- old, should be a square trotter, hard mouthed, short en, scald it well, and this, with the addition of a lit- back, round barrel, and weigh some 900 lbs. when tle table salt, will be found much preferable to meal in good flesh. Should be urged with the spur, (as not swollen, more fattening, easier digested, &c. sparingly as possible, however,) not the whip, as the Of course it must be cold before given to the horse. latter article of torture they are constantly watchCut feed is very good for horses accustomed to very ing, and hence are more liable to stumble, &c. A hard labor which have but little time to stand at horse used every day, or as often as practicable, their food during the day, as they can consume a under the saddle, by one person only, will soon get greater amount in a less time, and the hay being accustomed to his rider, his motions, &c. No exercut does not require so much mastication as uncut, cise is more enjoyable, none more healthful, than and a horse with a sharp appetite will eat his grain when taken on the back of an animal used to the voraciously, swallowing a large proportion of it saddle. The rider should not wear too long a stirwhole, and which does the animal but little good, rup, but support himself in part by his feet, adaptpassing through the system entire. Cut feed is al- ing his motion as much as possible to that of the so good for horses which are large feeders but do horse. All the training a horse needs for the sadnot retain their food, evacuate frequently and exces-dle is to have an intelligent rider, who will conform sively. to his motions, which the animal will reciprocate, if

For a horse used only on the road, I would ig- he be anything of a decent beast. nore meal altogether especially in warm weather, Use a snaffle bit, (i. e. one jointed in the middle,) and feed only on uncut hay and oats enough to only, and when the horse is not walking, always keep the animal in good working order. The Tex- keep a taut rein. Horses are or always should be an and Mexican horses perform long journeys with bitted when broken, but it has but little effect when great ease and their only feed is grass, hay or the animal's habits have become confirmed. straw-no grain. They are not beauties to look at, The only way we know of to make a long-gaited it is true, but for bottom our best Northern horses horse step short is to use him constantly in some must stand one side. Old horses, it may be re- heavy vehicle, say an omnibus or stage, but we fear marked, will consume less than young ones. no permanent change can be produced. A horse

will travel in a way the most natural and the easiest 100 pounds of the clover itself to make 11 pounds to himself. Man may force him to carry his head of ashes, or eleven hundred pounds of the clover to high, step short, &c., but if he be inclined to carry make one hundred pounds of ashes. According to a low head, step long, &c., nature will assert her this, the above amount of articles are to be found supremacy after a while; besides, a forced carriage in eleven hundred pounds, or a little more than half or unnatural gait will worry the animal and produce a ton of clover hay. bad results.

From this it would seem that ashes which con

Shakspeare in "Venus and Adonis" draws a mod-tain potash-plaster which contains lime and sulel horse :

"Round-hoofed, short-jointed, fetlocks shag and long,
Broad breast, full eye, small head and nostrils wide,
High crest, short ears, straight legs and passing strong,
Thin mane, thick tail, broad buttock, tender hide," &c.

phuric acid, and salt which contains soda and chlorine, would make good fertilizers for clover, and experience proves that they are. These are the mineral ingredients, but clover also contains gum and sugar, which may be resolved by analysis into carbonic acid, oxygen and hydrogen, much of which it obtains from the atmosphere.

One word more. We do not pretend to say that what we have written, in regard to feeding a horse especially, should be strictly followed. What may In plowing under clover we return to the soil a be good for one may be bad for another. The own- substance or dressing which has collected and packer must have an eye to his horse, and if he thrives ed away in its systems or organs, a large proportion best on corn, give him corn, if on oats, feed of the ingredients above named, and which, when with oats. Some horses do best at heavy work, the clover decomposes, gives them forth in a solusome at light. Had I space, I could cite a thousand ble form for the use of such crops as may be planted instances I will name one or two only; a gentle- in its place and may need them.

man had a fine horse which he used in a chaise- The wheat crop requires most of the same ingrework light-feed high-careful driving still the dients, though in different proportions. The com horse grew poor; he was sold to a butcher who crop (Maize) requires a large proportion of potash, drove the horse every day in his not by any means and would be benefited by such a dressing. Hence, light cart-the animal soon began to improve, and clover which by its broad system of leaves, can looked, before long, as fat and sleek as a seal; the obtain from the atmosphere many of the gaseous work agreed with him. I know another instance of materials necessary for its formation, and by its deep a chaise horse which was sold on account of his and strong spreading roots can gather from the poor looks to a negro drayman. I saw the horse soil mineral matters, changing and elaborating them after the drayman had had him some five or six into different combinations, is well fitted to be an months; he was as fat as could be. Inquiring the cause of his improved looks, the negro told me that agent in a system of rotation, and becomes an improver when properly used for that purpose, either he had fed the horse since he owned him on good when fed to cattle and then manure used therefor, hay, swill and one quart of whole corn per day-no or when plowed under as a green crop.-Maine more-groomed him well, worked hard but slow.


I might extend this article if I thought it would be acceptable. The subject is a prolific one. you would like to hear more from me, please signify.

S. W. C.


READING IN THE CARS.-Thousands are probably to-day suffering from this evil without mistrusting the cause. If we rightly consider the ever tremulous motion to which our bodies are subjected in THE STUFF THAT CLOVER IS MADE OF. the movement of the cars, we can hardly wonder The clover plant, when properly cultivated and that the delicate organism of the eye should be inproperly used, may be made one of the most valu-jured by incessantly striving to trace the outlines of able aids to the farmers of Maine that they have. the minute elements of a newspaper, novelette, or It is good for feeding animals, and it is good for badly written sermon. If the sun was always in a feeding the soil. This makes it very valuable. similar tremor, even the keen eye of the eagle would Let us see what stuff it is made of. Various analy-soon tire of looking it in the face, or lose its sight. ses have been made by different chemists, and the While so much landscape beauty lies outstretched general results are very much the same. The vari- from the car windows, and so much kind, social ations are such as might be expected from the differ- chit-chat may be enjoyed within, it seems hardly ent circumstances of growth, &c. worth while to waste so valuable a piece of personal

The most recent analysis, we believe, is that of property, as the eyesight, for the sake of forestalling Professor Horsford. After burning the plant to a little morning or evening news, sustaining unapashes, he found that one hundred parts of these proachable dignity, or being thought very studious ashes contained almost twenty-three parts of car- or literary.-Andover Advertiser. bonic acid, and little more than one part of coal

and sand.

He then examined what was left, after deducting POLL EVIL IN HORSES.-For the benefit of those out the carbonic acid, and the coal and sand. He who have or may hereafter have horses that have found that 100 parts of this last contained 16 parts poll evil or fistula, I would say, don't sell the 1 thousandth of another part of potash-that is, a animal for a trifle, or give him away; but cure him hundred pounds would give you over 16 pounds of sound and well. I care not how long it has been potash, soda, over 40 pounds,-magnesia, over 8 running, it can be cured with one dime; yes, one pounds, chlorine, 2 pounds, phosphoric acid, dime's worth of Muriatic Acid will cure the worst nearly 4 pounds, sulphuric acid, over 1 pound, case of old poll evil. First, wash the sore well with silica (flint) 2 pounds. strong soap suds, then drop eight or ten drops of We have stated these things in the rough, and the acid in it twice a day, until it has the appearyou must remember that it is one hundred pounds ance of a fresh wound; after which, it should be of the ashes, and not of the clover itself. It takes washed clean with suds made from Castile soap, and


Aside from its excellent moral, is not the following very mu

left to heal, which it will quickly do if the acid has
been used long enough; but if it does not get well,
apply the acid again until it does cure, for it is a sical and beautiful?
sure remedy, and will not fail if it is applied until
the diseased flesh is all burnt out.-Prairie Far-



Now is the time to be careful and save your earliest and best seeds. Most people are negligent or dilatory in regard to this matter, and they are forced to send to seed stores at planting time to find something that will answer for seed. often are they disappointed!

But how

Save the earliest and best seeds. Much depends on this. Our summers are not always long enough and hot enough for the ripening of that invaluable crop, Indian corn. We should therefore select the earliest ears, and these are found in the field, where not half the ears have vet matured.

By selecting the earliest from year to year we gain a number of days, and when we already have a favorite kind of corn, this is better than to send annually to the North to procure earlier kinds, for such are usually much smaller than that from which we harvest our earliest crops.

Nothing is lost: the drop of dew

Which trembles on the leaf or flower,

Is but exhaled to fall anew

In summer's thunder shower;
Perchance to sparkle in the flow
Of fountains far away.

Nothing is lost-the tiniest seed
By wild birds borne or breezes blown,
Finds something suited to its need,
Wherein 'tis sown and grown.

The language of some household song,
The perfume of some cherished flower,
Though gone from outward sense, belong
To Memory's after-hour.

So with our words: or harsh or kind,
Uttered, they are not all forgot;
They have their influence on the mind,
Pass on but perish not.

So with our deeds: for good or ill,
They have their power scarce understood;
Then let us use our better will,

To make them rife with good!

For the New England Farmer.

Pluck the best ears while the corn is standing, and as soon as they have turned hard, draw down SAVING SEED CORN---STOOKING CORN. the husks and make a braid of them. Then string DEAR FARMER :-As this is the season for harup a dozen together in your corn-barn, and you will vesting corn, and I have a few leisure moments to not need to run to Boston or to a neighbor for spare, I will give you my views upon this subject. seed. White beans have now become an important there are some facts, which, perhaps, are not gen1st. In selecting seed for next year's planting, article in the market. We have not yet learned erally known, or at least thought of. It is a law of that rot or disease has attacked them, and yet their nature that like begets like in all the vegetable kingprice in the market this season has exceeded four dom. This being a fact, I base my remarks upon dollars a bushel, four times as much as they were it. sold for a few years ago. Wherever you find a stock of corn that has two It is quite important to ears on it, there you will find that the top ear is procure early kinds of white beans, as thousands of from four to eight days earlier than the second, or bushels are lost by the frosts of September. Peas also should be saved now and labelled, as it ting of the ears. Now is the time to select the seed, bottom ear; there being this difference in the setis a long time to April, and you may forget the and let every farmer who reads this, go through his kinds unless you mark them. The cost of a box fields of corn, and select one ear from stalks that with several apartments is not great, and the time have two ears on them, always selecting the top ear, saved is important, in addition to the confidence of providing it is a sound one, and well filled out. By having good seed. going through the field before the corn is fully ripe, Carrots, parsnips and turnips, often fail for the the farmer can easily select ears that are from eight want of good seed. Yet any farmer may as cheaply to ten days earlier than the bulk of the field. raise a supply for himself as to run to seed stores Acting upon the fact that like begets like, the farin the spring and buy he knows not what. It is mer not only gets seed that will in two or three rather surprising to see how many farmers resort years, produce stalks that will grow two good sound to the city to buy seeds, when they can so easily ears, but he will advance his crop some ten days; save enough from their own gardens. and in this climate, where we have frosts sometimes

In the rearing of apple and pear stocks it is im- in August and the first of September, it is of vast important to sow good seeds only, or to use no seed-portance to the farmer to be able to advance his lings to place in the nursery rows except those of crop ten days, thereby securing a sound crop. These the first growth, for those that start up in the seed- facts are self-evident; they need no labored argubed the second year come from poor and blasted ment to make them plain, for they are perfectly reseeds, and never make vigorous stocks. This is the reason why we are so often cheated ference in opinion among good farmers even, in reliable, and cannot be denied. There is quite a difwhen we buy seedlings out of seed beds where gard to harvesting the corn crop. Some contend pomace has been sown to rear them. It is a better that it is the best way to "top stalk" it, and when the mode to sow only the full seeds instead of sowing corn is sufficiently hard, to pick it. Others contend pomace, in which there will be as many blasted as that you will have more corn to "cut it up," and good seeds. Pomace may be put in a large tub stook it.

of water and beat up so as to let the best seeds fall In this town, (Northfield, Mass.,) both ways have to the bottom. These seeds must then be placed been thoroughly tested, and the prevailing opinion in loam to keep them moist enough for vegetation. now is, that cut up corn is not only the safest, but, They must be sown in the fall, in October, as well that the yield is from five to ten bushels per acre as in the spring.-Ploughman. more than when the stalks are cut.

I have noticed that many farmers, when they wish to sow rye after corn, will cut up the corn and stook it upon grass ground. This is wrong, wholly wrong; and those who practice it are sure to have a much larger quantity of soft corn, than those who dry off their corn on ploughed ground. Where there is so much green vegetation and moisture under and around the stooks, never dries off properly. These are facts, and if these few lines shall induce even one man to follow them out, I shall be amply paid for writing them.

Yours truly,


Northfield Farm, Sept. 15th, 1855.

For the New England Farmer.


For the New England Farmer.

APPLE TREE WORMS. In the Farmer of week before last a correspondent asks, "What ails the Apple Trees ?" and then describes just such an affliction or disease as has attacked my trees. He says that in his examinations he found but one worm; and by his remarks I conclude he suspects the trouble to be the effect rather of the wash he had used, than of the worm. But as I find plenty of worms, and as my trees have not been washed at all during the two past years, I cannot agree with him in that conclusion. I find on my trees spots of dead and sunken bark, from the size of a button to that of half the diameter of the tree in width and a foot in length. The worms are in and under the live bark. The largest are about one-third of an inch in length, and of a reddishwhite color, but many are much smaller.

MR. EDITOR: Your issue of this touches upon the high prices of flour and grain, by Mr. Horatio Symms, of this town, a man of much a correspondent, "N. Q. T." In the main, I per- experience and observation in matters pertaining to fectly agree with him; but how far such complaints fruit, tells me that these worms are what the woodare justifiable, I propose to look at, and also to pro- peckers were after when they bored those little holes pose a remedy in part, which lies in the hands of into the bark, which used to be considered as conNew England farmers. clusive evidence that the peckers were destroying In the first place, Europe is at this moment mak- the orchards. Now that we have driven off or deing a heavy demand upon us for flour. With no stroyed these birds, he says we must cut out the old stock and a short crop, they are knocking at worms with a knife, or they will kill the trees. They the door of our granary, and will continue to do so have made bad work on several of my trees, espectill the end of the war. ially where they have found a lodgement at the fork Russia has ever been a large exporter, and our of the branches,-almost entirely girdling them in principal competitor in the markets of Europe. It some cases. It mutilates the tree sadly to cut out is not so now. She is at war, with every port em- the worms; is there no other way of preventing bargoed, and her tens of thousands of farmers are their ravages? Would that we could call back the bearing arms for their country, eating up her crops woodpeckers!

and producing nothing. Should France, England, and other parts of Europe call for bread (as they are calling) to what country can they flee but to the United States?

S. F.

Winchester, Sept. 24, 1855.

For the New England Farmer. HARVESTING CORN.

I perceive, Mr. Editor, that Mr. J. Underwood,

the sun.

This is the primary cause for the now high price of flour. The farmers of the West are posted in all these matters, and like the farmers of the east, of Lexington, does not agree with my suggestions, when the demand for hay or apples is great, they It is a subject upon which I could hardly expect an as to the best mode of harvesting the corn crop. make prices to conform. Speculators are not swift enough in the race-the benefit enures to the far-identity of opinion, for there certainly is a wide difmer, he not being forced to sell. Unexpectedly to ference in practice. I was, myself, schooled in the all, our "overwhelming crop" will be disposed of at somewhat "old fogie" practice of cutting off the stalks high prices. of corn, one by one, in order to save them for fodNow, does all this open a book of lessons for der, and to give the ears a fair chance of ripening in your New England farmers? Lands they have in But I found that this practice involved a abundance, but their wheat grows in Wisconsin degree of labor greatly beyond that of harvesting rye, oats and barley are every farmer's home the entire crop by cutting it up with a sickle. I but within the past four years he has eaten bread was therefore led, somewhat reluctantly-for I had from cargoes of wheat imported from the Mediter- Underwood, to try the experiment of cutting up the imbibed similar views to those expressed by Mr. ranean. Should this be so? Perhaps that year of scarcity in the West, would have proved one of crop, after the corn was out of the milk, and the abundance in the East. But a doubting mind nevleaves had partially turned, binding it in bundles, er makes progress. If we never sow, how can we half an acre, alongside of an equal quantity harvestand "stooking" it up to cure. At first, I tried about expect to reap? Ninety-four bushels of winter wheat were raised ed in the old way of cutting the stalks. There was on less than two acres of land on Milton Hill (near no perceptible difference in the appearance of the


Boston,) by S. F., Jr., Esq.; yet the farmers ridicorn thus harvested, after husking it, or after it was culed the idea of his trying to raise wheat. Provi- ground into meal. Both sorts made equally good dence has furnished you with spring and fall grains, the quantity of nutritive matter. The "stover" from bread, and there was no evidence of a difference in but the agricultural conclusion is that the "soil has that portion cut up with a sickle greatly exceeded lost its lime," and it wont grow. Late as it is, if in quantity that where the stalks only were cut above were a farmer, I would put down some wheat, and the ear. The labor of harvesting was at least twice try a remedy for high prices. New York, Sept. 22. as great in the latter case as in the former. I have tried the experiment repeatedly since, and I have *Six thousand barrels of flour are daily consumed in this city, found no reason to change the views forced upon me quite an item in the national bread-basket.


by the first experiment.

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