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I beg to assure Mr. Underwood that I have sev- MIDDLESEX SOUTH AGRICULTURAL eral times harvested my "pop corn" in the same way, and have found no difficulty in making it "pop." I The Annual Fair of this Society commenced on have some ears plucked and dried before they were fairly ou of the milk. The kernels are somewhat Wednesday, Sept. 19th, at Framingham Centre. smaller, I fancy, that, when the popping time The first day was devoted entirely to business, the comes, Mr. Underwood will be able to hear the re-arranging of stock, and to examinations by the port thereof, if he keeps an open ear towards Somjudges. The weather was as agreeable as could be erville. imagined. The rain of the preceding day had laid the dust, washed the grass and leaves, and imparted to the air a delicious freshness and elasticity which seemed to animate all. So men, matrons and maidens thronged to the delightful scene from every Walking in my garden is almost a passion with possible avenue-from over the roads, through the me. If I want to digest my dinner in a quiet way,

E. C. P.

For the New England Farmer.


a walk and a survey of what is growing in the gar-green lanes, down the pleasant slopes and along den, I find to be much better than a nap. Besides, the grassy valleys of this beautiful town of Framingit is an excellent place for meditation. To-day I ham. was looking at some


This was the second Show of this young and vigorous Society, and was successful, we believe, in which I set out in the spring for greens and for every department. There are few towns in the seed. I have, for several years past, had the curios- Commonwealth affording so many facilities for imity to raise some heads from the stumps, simply by proved husbandry, and containing so many individpulling off all the shorts, save one or two, and they

will head out without any trouble, and earlier than uals possessing a taste for it, and the means of gratfrom the seed. I think that next spring I shall ifying it. Mr. BUCKMINSTER, the editor of the take the stumps of the Early York cabbage, set Massachusetts Ploughman, has long resided there, them in a soil well manured with old compost, and and has given an impulse to the region around in have cabbages earlier than the doctor, or anybody his numerous good examples in almost every deelse. Another thing I have done. I commence in

August to pull off an armful of the outer leaves partment of the farm. Major Wheeler has also every day, and give them to the pigs, which eat done much in his practice as well as precepts for them greedily; and I never could perceive that it thorough cultivation, and towards ornamenting the prevented the cabbages in the least from heading. town with fruit and shade trees. Messrs. H. G. and But I want to tell you what I do with my


A. S. Lewis are both doing a good work, particularly in stock. Messrs. J. S. Wheeler, Abner HaInstead of budding, in which I have not been very successful, I graft up every shoot, which should be ven, James W. Clark, J. W. Brown, and others in done near the ground, though I do not always practhe town, are actively engaged in promoting the tise it, and as early in spring as possible. Stocks noble art. Below we give a more particular account of the common damson and Canada plum are good from the Boston Journal. for this purpose. I find they usually commence bearing the third year. One stock has made a


growth of nearly six feet the present year. Almost The stock was arranged in some one hundred and wherever I go, I see plum trees raised from suckers twenty-five pens. The show of neat stock was large of the common damson, which never bore, and nev- and of fine quality. We noticed in one pen a Deer will, that might be easily grafted with improved von cow and heifer belonging to J. Burnett, Esq., kinds, and immediately brought into bearing. - Southboro', which, if as good at the pail as in apThere is in this village a large tree of the Canada pearance, must indeed be valuable stock. plum, whose top seemed too old to graft; and yet Mr. Buckminster, of the Ploughman, had twentyit was grafted, a few years since, and has the pre- nine head of stock of various ages in one pen, nearly sent year a heavy burden of the Washington plum. all of which was Devon blood, bred from a bull Such a crop of plums I have never before seen on owned by him for several years. Some of the cows one tree. I noticed that the curculio did not touch and heifers were very symmetrical and beautiful in my McLaughlin plums at all, this year. But I form and color. Mr. Buckminster has given much want to ask a word about my attention to Devon stock, and is laboring with much assiduity to introduce it in New England, as well suited to the climate and soil.


Is it any injury to keep the stocks cut during the We noticed one "full blood Jersey cow," "Snowseason, so that it shall not go to seed? I have giv- drop," owned by J. Burnett, Southboro', also a Jeren about twenty crops of it to the pigs, this season, sey heifer and calf in the same pen, all of which are and they love it as well as I do; but does it not fine animals. A fine Durham cow owned by Abrahave the tendency to throw out many small shoots, ham S. Taber, Holliston, attracted much attention at the expense of larger ones? A word more about for her fair proportions. Some good native cows were to be seen; we noticed one belonging to Obed Winter, Framingham, which though small, had all the marks of being a superior cow.



Several persons in this vicinity have clumps of this shrub, but it never fruits. the reason? Is the ground too rich ? Bethel, Me., Sept. 20, 1855.

What is A large quantity of calves and heifers were in the
pens, also several bulls. One belonging to W. G.

N. T. T.

Lewis, Framingham, of the Alderney blood, is a for the prizes. The teams performed their work in superior animal. A full blood Devon, owned by J. a very satisfactory manner. Burnett, Southboro', attracted much attention. A After the plowing match, the working oxen were Jersey bull, full blood, in the same pen, and owned exercised upon a heavily loaded cart. by the same individual, is a fine animal. There were many other bulls within the pens, but our limits forbid a further notice.


At one o'clock six hundred ladies and gentlemen The show of working oxen was also good, some sat down to a splendid banquet, prepared by the well forty or fifty yoke being on the ground. known caterer, J. B. Smith. It was served in one

The exhibition of horses was confined almost half of the spacious pavilion, which had been divided wholly to breeding horses and colts. We noticed for that purpose. After the company was seated, many good animals, but none worthy of particular the divine blessing was invoked by Rev. Mr. Childs, after which, the company regaled themselves upon


We saw but two pens of sheep, and those not re- the bountiful repast. After the eatables were dismarkable for fineness of wool or as inviting to the posed of, Professor Huntington, of Harvard Univerbutcher. sity, was introduced as the orator of the day, and an

The swine department was well represented, finounced as his subject, "The Culture of the Cultivateen pens being set apart for the porcine stock. The tor, or Human Husbandry." To get the right kind Suffolk breed had more representatives upon the of farming, he said, we must get the right kind of a ground than any other, and some of them, from farmer. their fine size and good proportions and cleanly apWith this for a topic, the orator, in an eloquent pearance, must have disarmed a Jew even of his manner, proceeded to portray the course of educaprejudice against an animal not eatable according to tion necessary to make a good farmer; that it was the laws of his fathers. necessary to enthrone the mind over matter. We have no room to give even an abstract of the orator's remarks. They were listened to with profound attention, interrupted occasionally by applause.

The poultry department was also well represented. We noticed some twenty-five coops of chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys.


The display in the tent was very fine. The bread and butter department was excellent. We noticed twelve samples of butter, besides bread sufficient in quantity to supply the wants of a large portion of the hungry crowd. In connection also we noticed a quantity of pickles, preserves and honey.

The President, Mr. Buckminster, then addressed the Society briefly.

Hon. Simon Brown, Lieut. Governor, C. L. Flint, Esq., Secretary of the Board of Agriculture, Col. Newell, of the Board of Agriculture, Mr. Greely, of Boston, and Mr. Dodge, of Sutton, were severally introduced by C. R. Train, the Marshal of the day, each of whom made brief speeches, much to the satisfaction of the audience.

The display of vegetables from the kitchen garden was equal, if not superior, to that in the Horti- Dr. Hobart, of Southboro', then made a brief and cultural Exhibition at the Music Hall, Boston, and humorous extemporaneous report upon swine, which the fruit department would also bear a fair compar-brought forth rounds of applause from the audience. ison. It was in every respect a most excellent dis- The company dispersed after the prizes had been anplay. Time and space would fail us to note the nounced.

many fine squashes, pumpkins, varieties of potatoes, The attendance of people, notwithstanding the atcabbages, and other vegetables, and the pears, ap-tractions at Worcester, was very large, and the fair ples, peaches, plums, grapes and cranberries upon was in all respects highly successful." the tables. Pomona has many admirers in the South Middlesex Society, and they all come full handed to spread out specimens of her bounty, to the admiring gaze of the thousands who congregated at the


HOW TO CUT HEDGES.-Almost all the thorn

hedges one sees clipped square, i. e., the top is made flat and the sides perpendicular, the object apparentThe exhibition in the miscellaneous department ly being to make them as like a wall as possible. was not very large. We noticed a variety of stoves, An observation I heard made lately seems to have a washing machines, and other articles, which we can- great deal of truth in it, viz., that this system has not notice in detail.


a great tendency to make the hedge grow thin below, and that it is a much better way to keep it widest at the base and let it gradually taper to a point at One long table, extending the entire width of the the top. I have certainly seen hedges managed in tent, was devoted to this department. We noticed this way present a beautiful close surface, which I a large quantity of hosiery, crochet work, counter-attribute to the plan of allowing a much greater panes, wrought ottoman covers, slippers, artificial number of shoots to reach the outside. Hedges Howers and paintings.


kept square are very apt, when old, to get "blanky," and grow bare near the ground, even though the top may be quite thick and flourishing. In this case The first business of the day was to attend to the there is no remedy but cutting down, always a displowing match, which was held on a field belonging agreeable necessity, for then all shelter is gone at to W. G. Lewis, Esq., on the "Lawn Farm"-truly once, whereas this would very seldom be necessary a beautiful farm, situated half a mile west of the de- if the hedge was kept in a pyramidal shape, for then pot. The stars and stripes floated gracefully in the there would always be plenty of shoots close to the morning breeze above the ground lotted off for the ground equally young and growing as those at the plowing. The soil was a sandy loam, free from top.-A Northern. [This is excellent advice, but stones, with considerable sward. Six single ox we are concerned to hear that our north-country teams, besides several double ox teams, contested friends stand in need of it.—Eng. Paper.

For the New England Farmer


rieties were piled upon the long tables, and made a most magnificent show. What a contrast between this show of apples, and those with which you and I were familiar, Mr. Editor, when we were boys! In MR. EDITOR :-This is the season of conventions. what department of agriculture has there been a All the world is attending conventions, agricultural, greater advance than in the cultivation of fruit? political, women's rights, or some other. Moved by And yet the march of improvement has obviously the conventional impulse that is moving all the but just begun.

world, I got into the cars about half-past eight,| From the Exhibition Hall we went to the large Wednesday morning, and soon after ten found my- Unitarian Church, where we listened to some fine self at the beautiful and thriving town of Fitch- music from the choir, to a prayer by the Rev. Elburg. I found the President of the Middlesex Ag-nathan Davis, and to an eloquent address from N. ricultural Society, and other gentlemen, going to P. Banks, Esq. I have not space to give you an the North Worcester Cattle Show. On our way epitome of the address. Suffice it to say, it was just up the road we picked up several other gentlemen what might have been expected from Mr. Banks. bound to the same gathering. On our arrival, we We next went to the Dining Hall of the Fitchwere cordially received by Gen. Wood, the Presi- burg Hotel, escorted by the band. The dinner was dent of the Society, who took care that the wants fine, and everything passed off in good shape. Adof our outward man were well supplied, and by his po- dresses were made by his Excellency, Gov. Gardlite attentions contributed much to the pleasure we ner, Hon. N. P. Banks, Gen. Chandler, Col. De enjoyed on the occasion. Witt, Col. Brewster, Hon. G. Lyman and others, in

Concord, Sept. 21.

Yours truly,

J. R.



J. L.

The Plowing Match had commenced when I ar- response to toasts which were happily introduced rived, and I did not witness this part of the exhibi- by G. Downs, Esq. The day was fine. The rain tion. But I understand that it went off well, and of Monday afternoon had laid the dust and washed exhibited a good degree of skill and interest, and the foliage, and the clear bracing air contrasted glothat many fine teams were present on the occasion. riously with the sultry, dusty atmosphere which we The drawing of oxen was the next thing in order. had been breathing for a week previous, and added Several well-trained teams were exhibited in this greatly to the pleasure of the occasion. part of the performance, and did credit to the skill of their drivers. I next took a stroll among the cattle pens. There were many fine native cows and young cattle on exhibition. There were but few of foreign or mixed blood-showing less effort in that direction for the improvement of stock than I expected to see among the enterprising farmers of North Worcester. There was a fine pair of Dur- the Co. Gent. how to free apple seed from the MESSRS. EDITORS:-If you will inform me through ham steers, 5 years old, of large size and fine pro- pomace you will confer a favor. portions, that attracted much attention, and a few Please state the proper method of applying good animals of mixed blood. I would not say a word in disparagement of our native stock. The rich the soil will need to be, to obtain the greatest guano to seed-bed and nursery ground, and how selection and care of this, must after all, constitute the basis of all improvement in stock. But where foam, with considerable sand and muck. It is natgrowth in each case. The soil is a strong clayey an earnest interest has been awakened on the subject urally quite wet. of stock, I should expect to see a greater number of animals of foreign blood, and more experiments in Mix the pomace with water and stir it, and the adapting them to our own climate and wants. The seed will fall to the bottom-rack off the pomace show of swine was small, but embraced some fine and water, and repeat the operation till clean seeds animals. Several fine horses and colts were on exare left. The best way is to have two large boxes, hibition, indicating an increase in interest in this deone within the other, the inner one with the sieve partment. nailed on the bottom, coarse enough to let the I next visited the Hall, which is a beautiful build- seeds drop through, and standing above the bottom ing, and on the present occasion, presented abun- of the other on blocks. Put the pomace into the dant evidence of the taste and skill and success of inner box, and pour water into the outer; the wathe members of the Society, in the cultivation of ter finds its way among the pomace, which being fruits and vegetables. The heaps of monster squash-stirred, allows the seed to drop through into the es and big golden pumpkins afforded an intimation clear water below. By this means, seed can be that the good wives among the hills of North cleansed much faster than by the first mentioned Worcester know how to appreciate good pies, and that Thanksgiving day, when it comes, will not be Guano is best applied by first making it into a wanting in this evidence, at least, of thank ful hearts. The exhibition of agricultural and mechanical imple-peat, &c., or either of them and then applying, compost with many times its bulk of loam, turf, ments and of needlework was highly creditable. like any other manure-making the soil deep, and But the exhibition of fruits in the upper hall struck it must have a dry subsoil. Apple seedlings, to us as the great feature of the occasion. The show grow vigorously, should have a soil as rich as the of apples, pears and plums called for the unquali- richest garden soil, such as we use for the most fied admiration of all spectators. There were sev-luxuriantly growing vegetables.—Country Gent. eral dishes of fine peaches, which, for this season, fir exceeded our expectation. The number and variety of pears afforded proof of an increased interest in the cultivation of this delicious fruit. Ap-weeds have not been kept down by other crops, or ples of fair proportions and of almost unlimited va- by close pasturing, they have, as might be expected,



made a most luxuriant growth; and as many such feet high, and thick at the base; it is very handfields will have to be plowed for wheat, and other some, the foliage resembling that of the orange tree; fall crops, it becomes a matter of much importance retains its verdure under the most intense heat, and to know how we can best turn them under with the

plow, so as to be completely out of the way of the the severest drought, but if it be planted in rich soil, harrow and drill. An excellent way to do this, is or highly manured, it is almost certain to winterto fasten one end of a heavy log-chain to the end of kill. We hope it will receive further trial. the doubletree to which the furrow, or off horse is Privet is apt to die off without an apparent cause. attached, bringing the other under the beam of the Many years ago, miles of Privet hedge died off in plow, just before the sheath, and confining it there.

The chain should lag enough to touch the ground, New Jersey, (vide Fessenden's American Garor nearly so. A little practice will teach how tight dener.) it should be. By this plan the weeds are drawn

The English Thorn is liable to attacks of the into the furrow and completely covered by the fur- borer, which causes gaps in the hedge. It makes a row-slice falling on them while there. Will some- beautiful hedge. Downing found salt body tell us of a better way?

For the New England Farmer.

MR. EDITOR: As you always seem willing to answer questions propounded by correspondents, I presume so far as to inquire something about hedges, which if you will please answer in the Farmer, I think will not only enlighten the writer, but many others that wish to grow fine hedges.

to this plant.

very beneficial The Arbor Vita is not a very effective hedge plant; it makes a good screen, and as it naturally branches out low, it does not require much pruning; it makes too long leaders, head them in.


The best time for pruning hedges, we think, is the autumn; prune so as to get a wide base resting upreason for Autumn pruning is found in the fact that on the ground; the top will take care of itself. The

I set out, last spring, one thousand Osage Orange. after the fall of the leaf, organizable matter is formed The plants were twelve inches high, and I cut them in the wood and buds, and the fewer buds left by down to three inches. During the summer, they the autumn pruning are charged with a correspondhave made from twenty-five to thirty inches, new ing increase of this substance, and grow with more wood. When should they be again cut down, and how low? vigor, and are more quickly excited into growth in

I have some thrifty Honey Locust, (Acacia,) Priv- the following spring. et and English Thorn hedges, of two years standing. They were cropped twice last season-then again cut down within eighteen inches, and sides trimmed in last June. Do you advise to trim in again this fall?

For the New England Farmer. MURIATE OF LIME.

MR. EDITOR:-About two years since, I purchased When is the proper time to cut in Arbor Vitæ the estate in this town upon Winter Hill, where I hedges-say a hedge that has made a large growth now reside. There are attached to the house, about the present season, and is now thirty to thirty-six three acres of land, upon which, until the present inches high?

A. R.

season, I have labored in vain to raise corn, potatoes Lowell, August 27th, 1855. and squashes. The soil appeared to be rich, but owing to the scanty production of the first season, REMARKS.-The Buckthorn is generally consid- the second it was well manured with stable maered the best plant for hedges in New England. It is a slow grower in poor soil, and requires severe heading in, to get a thick and wide base to the hedge.

nure, and such other as was produced upon the esdance of vines and stalk in every case, but little tate; but the gain was slight. There was an abunstrength to either. The potatoes were small and watery, and did not pay for the trouble of planting. The three-thorned Acacia, or Honey Locust, is a This season I was requested, by a friend, to try rampant grower, and almost sure to get out of hand Gould's muriate of lime. I did so, but with little and make trees instead of hedge plants; we have not when I came to dig my potatoes, to find, not a misfaith in its success. You may imagine my surprise, met with a good hedge of this plant. It has strong erable crop like that of previous years, but one of thorns, and perhaps could be kept down by severe as fine potatoes as I have ever seen, and just four pruning, so as to get a thick base, but we think a times the quantity. The difference in the yield of better hedge could be made of the my corn and squash vines was in about the same proportion.

Osage Orange. This plant has proved hardy in some cases, and tender in others, in the same vicin- mine of previous years, a good opportunity is offered As my next neighbors have had similar success to ity; the conditions of its successful growth seem to for comparison, and any information that I can give be a dry and poor soil, wherein they will not grow in relation to this fertilizer, will be given willingly, too rapidly, and that they shall not be summeras I consider my gain this year has been occasioned pruned, which would cause a great growth of watery by the use of this fertilizer alone. shoots in the latter part of the season, which would be likely to die in the winter. We know a hedge row of this plant, now six years old, which has never been pruned, growing in poor soil, eight to ten good sayings the ornament of it.

Respectfully, &c., JOHN W. BROOKS. Somerville, Sept. 24th, 1855.

Brave actions are the substance of life, and

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