made from the "Church Psalmody," by Messrs. Mason and Green; from the General Assembly's Psalms and Hymns; the "Village Hymns;" "Sacred Lyrics," by Mr. Beman; Dr. Dwight's Psalms and Hymns; and Hymns by Dr. Alexander. The book is committed to the blessing of God, with the prayer that it may be one of the aids by which the great ends of the family organization may be secured; and a means by which the worship of God may be extended and perpetuated amidst the families of this land. A. B. Philadelphia, Feb. 5, 1833. How still and peaceful is the grave How soft the words my Saviour speaks Hail sacred truth! whose piercing eyes 272 280 316 335 276 291 ib. 311 321 ib. 322 323 326 Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims 325 326 330 Heav'n is the land where troubles cease 338 |