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taken place in the State, within the last twenty-five years, in the attention paid to education. By an act of the Legislature, passed in 1828, a permanent school fund was commenced, which was invested, and has since received many additions. The sum of $25,000 per annum is paid from the State Treasury to the several towns for the support of public schools. The interest of the portion of the State of the United States' surplus revenue, divided in 1836, and moneys arising from several other sources, are also applied to the support of public schools. In 1844, the number of these schools in the State was 428, and the number of scholars attending them was 22,156. The amount paid by the State for the support of free or public schools in that year was $25,095, and by the towns for the same $27,918; total, $53,013. In 1840, there were in Brown University and in a high school, 324 students. There were then in the State 52 academies and grammar schools, with 3,664 students. The elevation of the religious character of the people, which we have seen was formerly so much behind the other New-England States, has been similar to the favorable change in public sentiment with regard to education, and it is believed that Dr. Dwight and other philanthropists of the last generation would not now The falsity of these sentiments is shown have cause to complain of the state of religion by the experience of this country, wherever and morals among the people of Rhode-manufactures have been established; and Island, or to contrast the State in that re-nowhere can they be more fully disproved spect with its neighbors. It should be here mentioned that the first Sunday - school taught in New-England was at the manufacturing village of Pawtucket.

and intelligence. Sufficient testimony has been adduced to prove that the present state of American manufactures is superior to any in the world, as it respects the rate of wages, the means of intellectual improvement, and their moral condition."

The hostility of the Democratic party, so called, to the establishment and support of manufactures, has been shown on various occasions for the last twenty years, not only in their legislation in Congress, but in the sentiments of their leaders expressed in appeals to popular prejudice. When the administration of Mr. Polk adopted the freetrade doctrines of the Secretary of the Treasury, Robert J. Walker, as a portion of the Democratic party creed, and that President recommended those doctrines as the true policy of the nation, the Democratic Convention of Hamilton county, Ohio, addressed a letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, in Oct., 1845, avowing the following views :—

"Manufactures are not of themselves objects of desire to a free people, or of favor for a free crowded population, subject to a very arbitrary government. They involve the necessity of a control over their comfort by a few wealthy persons, and devoted to unwholesome employment. Surely such establishments do not deserve political favor where land is abundant and the people


than in the industrial history of RhodeIsland. We have chosen the example of that State, as one exhibiting the greatest contrast in the condition of the people under We will here again quote Mr. White, agricultural and commercial pursuits, with the biographer of Slater, on this subject:-only slight attention to manufactures; with its wonderful improvement since the introduction of manufactures and labor-saving machinery.

"It cannot be concealed that there have been apprehensions of the evil effects of manufacturing establishments in this country. But these forebodings have been chiefly prospective. It is not pretended that they have been productive of evil; indeed, the evidence is positive, that much good has been produced. With regard to the State f Rhode-Island, I had an opportunity of knowing its moral condition previous to 1812; and I have since travelled in nearly every part of the State, and the change for the better, especially in the manufacturing districts, is incredible. No one but an eye-witness could believe that such a favorable change of society could have taken pl ce in the short period of twenty-five years. I am persuaded that wherever a village is under good regulations, that the tendency is altogether favorable to morals

It would be difficult, in the history of mankind, to exhibit a more striking picture of moral and physical improvement; and this change has been effected by the system we advocate, in a comparatively short period, in the moral and physical condition of the people of the whole State. In other parts of the country, where the population and territory are less compact, the contrast and improvement have been less marked. But we are not unmindful of the great benefits wrought by the manufacturing system in

other States, wherever industrial pursuits of this class have been introduced by capital and enterprise. The great moral and successful example of Lowell, that wonderful creation of the genius, capital, and industry of our own times, is familiar to all. It has been often described, and never fails to interest the friends of manufactures who have an opportunity of visiting it, by its admirable establishments, conducted on a system unsurpassed in the world, and its highly intellectual industrial population. But the States of Massachusetts, New-Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, and Connecticut, with the Middle States, afford abundant instances of the prosperity and moral i aprovement which have been caused in those States by the introduction of manufactures.

In an evil hour, the passage of the tariff of 1846 checked the march of improvement then in progress under the benign influence of the Whig protective tariff of 1842. How far the effect of foreign competition may arrest the increase and extension of manufactures in those States where they have been established or commenced, time only can determine. But it may be well to look at the amount of the principal manufactures of the United States which may be placed in danger by free trade or importations of the same articles from foreign countries. We have not the returns of the census of last year, but the following shows the value of

[blocks in formation]

The increase of these manufactures, under the tariff of 1842, probably raised the annual value to two hundred millions of dollars.

This immense interest, with all its attendant benefits, some of which we have endeavored to exhibit in this essay, it is proposed by the advocates of free trade to destroy; or to reduce the wages of labor to the standard of that of Europe. But we cannot believe the people will long continue to countenance such doctrines. In the language of Henry Clay, in 1824: "The cause of protection is the cause of the country, and it must and will prevail. It is founded in the interests and affections of the people; it is as native as the granite deeply imbedded in our mountains. And I would pray God, in his infinite mercy, by enlightening our councils, to conduct us into that path which leads to riches, to greatness, to glory."

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ALL earthly things are subject to decay:
The fairest temple and the proudest State
Crumble at last to ruin. But the great
Immortal truths which they embody stay,
And on the earth dwell ever. They

Have perennial life; and, soon or late,
How deep soever hidden from the day,

Burst the rude soil wherein they germinate.
But not the less, O Demagogue, thy crime!

If thy base arts shall cause the State to fall,
All after ages in their march sublime

Thy hideous name will cover with a pall
Of hate undying! Such thy final doom;
With TRAITOR Carved on thy unholy tomb!

Ingleside, May, 1851.


"Infans non multum a Furioso distat."-THE LAW BOOKS.

materially differ from him, I agree with you.

Yes, we are all born savages. It is only because certain persons, assuming themselves to be wiser than Nature, have trained our faculties to such distorted shapes as seemed good to their morbid vision, that you and I are not this day free barbarians, wearing eagles' quills, and hailing each other as CrossWolf and Curling-Cloud. The hand which guides this philosophic pen should of right whisk a tomahawk. Yonder mild lady pacing the garden walks and murmuring sad words of the poets among the dying flowers, or watching the wild pigeons as they cleave with unmatched swiftness the still air of autumn, to vanish in the mists that veil the

CONCERNING that very handsome bit of Latin which we have prefixed to this article as an intimation of the course we may pursue, for a short time, in discussing in a grim and iron manner certain metaphysical truths which are not expatiated upon with sufficient freedom in the approved text-books on mental science, and concerning the authors of this extremely polite comparison, we may have a word to say by-and-by, if this philosophical disquisition has not attained an unwholesome and indigestible magnitude by the time that we are ready to pay our compliments to the gentlemen who have made so injurious an allegation against the juveniles of the Solar System; for we doubt not that whatever is truthfully predicated of the urchins of this planet, may with equal justice be pre-wooded hill-sides, and mourning when presdicated of their gigantic and lubberly cousins who snap marbles of the bigness of bomb-shells under the rings of Saturn, and of minors generally in all the planets and asteroids in our immediate neighborhood. For the present we merely remark, that if Ulpian when he uttered, Grotius when he echoed, and Mr. Justice Story when he reverberated the charge, through the pages of his stupendous treatise on Equity Jurisprudence, had in their eye a Carib, a Mauritanian, a Pict, or a Pawnee, as the model of a Furiosus, they were clearly in the right. Using the word in such a sense, the boy is a born Furiosus. That however was not the idea of the learned jurists. In the slang of the Courts, the term signifies a non compos, a lunatic, a crack-brain, a crazy fellow; and whether even wise men are warranted in likening all youngsters here and elsewhere to loons, (to fall in with the popular notion that these water-fowls are maniacs,) may well be questioned. When, however, you introduce to me as a Furiosus a red gentleman rejoicing in the name of Big-Tall-Thunder, mounted on a mustang, holding a javelin in his hand, and adorned with paint and feathers, and assert to me that the Boy does not

ently the guns of the fowlers ring through the groves where the timid birds have folded their wings, she, the soft-hearted, who whispers to the dying flowers and mourns for the doves of the Indian Venus torn by shot whizzing from the barrels of frightful blunderbusses, is sister to the quiver-bearing Amazons, to the jingling belles of Nootka, to the yelling damsels of Mozambique. Grum Judge, sitting with fixed frowns while barristers smite with clenched fists the leathern covers of Kent, but that certain influences which have been accumulating for forty centuries were brought to bear upon your young brain years ago, when those bristling grayhairs were scarce rougher than a kitten's fur, you I might now see sitting upon the council-log of Hurons discussing questions of state with the dusky senators of the woods, while those barristers and hawking sheriffs should gratify their now misdirected instincts by forms of action unknown to Mansfield, and by seizures of horses and poultry concerning which Sir Thomas More might ask, with tears in his eyes, for information and not for a joke, “utrum possent replegiari."

Why is it that these possibilities have failed? Why is it that the hand which

nature framed to whisk the terrible tomahawk, guides instead the philosophic pen, and instead of knocking the sense out of the skull of the gentle reader, is now beating nonsense into it? Why is it that the mild lady, instead of walking sadly among the dying flowers and mourning the wounded pigeons, is not dashing on a hunting horse into a group of leopards, while attendant Amazons yell, and pierce the spotted monsters with arrows and quivering spears; is not dancing to the hideous discord of conchs and kettle-drums like her jingling sisters of Nootka; is not sporting with sharks in the ocean-surf, or floating over the lagoons of some rude archipelago upheaved from the bottom of the Pacific, and lounging in her grotesque canoe, a Cleopatra of the Islands, while her "gentlewomen like the Nereides" splash in the still water and dive under the keel of her idle barge? What magic has made the lion a sheep; has changed the tawny hide which Hercules might wear in the audience hall of Jove into a soft skin covered with wool, which housewives may spin; has so quenched the regal spirit that now the King of the Desert nips clover, is shorn by boors, makes sheepish noises, is penned at night, and when the bell-wether leaps into a well, as in the fable, follows him faster than a bucket with the ewes and nannies?

robbers who shall dare to grasp at the crown of Muscovy, whether they come in war-ships from the fast-anchored isle, or march in regiments from Gaul and the cities of the German Empire. What difference in thought or desire do you surmise may exist in these three little mortals? A craniologist might (and unless choked, undoubtedly would) talk about Mongolian and Circassian contours, and so forth; but in the essential elements which compose a live baby, wherein differs the Islander from the American, the American from the Prince? Place them together on the floor: will they not whine, and crawl over each other like blind puppies? When a few moons have passed, and strength is given to their limbs, and the first faint ideas dawn in their minds, will they not lay hold of each other's hair, (a proof that the knack of scalping is one of the earliest, and consequently one of the most genuine and desirable accomplishments which Nature desires her children to possess,) and will they not love, hate, and fear the same objects? Is there any thing in their several gestures or glances that indicates the strangely different loves, hates, and fears which will possess them hereafter? The little savage does not manifest an inclination to make a barbecue of his comrades; the American, in his conversations with the Prince, is not understood by the nurses to call his play-fellow a puppet or a blood-sucking despot; and the latter seems in nowise anxious to tie strings around the neck of the young democrat; nor in his devastations does he discriminate between pamphlets that argue with the "divine right of kings" and newspapers that hoot at the Holy Alliance; nor when he creeps on the carpet does he always travel in the direction of Constantinople. Yet in forty years, where will you find the three allies? One is a tall red cannibal horribly painted, paddling his canoe in the coves of New-Zealand; another is a rampant republican, working the batteries of a red-hot political journal, and invoking the Demon of Revolution to rise from caverns where

How widely do we, the brothers of the human family, diverge in our lifetime from the general starting-point; like brooks springing from the same mountain and flowing, some to the St. Lawrence Gulf, some to the Chesapeake, and some to the Gulf of Mexico. I show you three infants. One, on a savage island, swings in his bark hammock from the limbs of a tree, and sleeps while the winds that wander over the Pacific wave him to and fro: the second rocks in his red-cherry cradle in a NewEngland farm-house, and a thoughtful, motherly woman, knitting beside him, sings plaintive hymns: the third reposes in a gorgeous little couch, curiously carved, and a spangled canopy covers his royal head; gray-The slumbering earthquake lies pillowed on fire;" headed Field Marshals and sworded Princes stand around; rigid battalions ranked before the palace are ready to defend the right of infant royalty, and huge cannon on the bastions of the city, which proclaimed to the Baltic the birth of its baby admiral, will hurl bullets and bursting globes upon the

the third towers above his nobles, a Czar, and gathers together Cossacks from the Ukraine, Tartars from the Ural, Siberians from the steppes, and Finns from the icebergs, and then, like one of the old idols of the North, holding in his hand deluge, ter

ribs in his foster-mother's lodge; he is impelled by no unaccountable impulse to expostulate with his play-mates at the occa

rors, and storms, hovers over the frontiers of Europe and launches his thunders at sullen intervals against the citadels of Danube and the Rhine. Observe what a deadly antipa-sional imperfections of their syntax. On the thy against the others has arisen in each of contrary, he hunts prairie-dogs, learns the the former play-fellows. If the Cannibal war-dance, flings hatchets like the cub of a catches the Czar, he will roast him; if the very Powhattan; and when grown to the Czar catches the Republican, he will hang stature of a man, will spear mail-riders and him; if the Republican gets the others in emigrants, and abet a stampede of governhis power, he will shut the Prince in a peni- ment mules, as readily as any born barbarian. tentiary, and probably will kill the savage The rule will not work both ways. Introwith rum. duce a young Camanche into an infantschool, and it appears that we might as well direct our educational apparatus at a young bear. Culture affects hereditarily the faculties, but not the instincts,-at all events, not nearly so sensibly the latter as the former. Hence it is that the son of the civilized man with less difficulty becomes civilized than his red cousin, for he has hereditary faculties which if exercised will master instincts; and these the wild boy has not, for his grandfathers for ten generations back, instead of nibbling philosophy at Oxford or Bologna or Salamanca, were scouring the country between the Nueces and the Californian Colorado, knocking out other wild men's brains, and whooping like imps of the pit.

Philosophy, in view of these things, has much to offer. But to-day Philosophy may go hang. Musty speculation is undoubtedly our forte, (although the reviews and universities may ignore our pretensions, for which we shall take vengeance by-and-by when we have time for it;) but to-day all blowing upon "Apollo's lute," as Milton has it, will be refrained from. Philosophy, we repeat politely but firmly, may to-day go hang. We will be content with pointing out a few traits in the character of the North American juvenile which indicate how strongly his healthful savage instincts struggle with the tremendous agencies, the accumulations of forty centuries, which are brought to crush them; how reluctantly the healthful savage spirit yields to the soft but persevering and mighty genius of Civilization. It is assumed that we are born savages. The civilizing of a wild man's boy is as discouraging an undertaking as the training of a fox's whelp to an understanding of our conventional notions about geese and turkeys; but the barbarizing of a tame man's boy is as easy a thing as making wild boars and jackals of the offspring of domestic swine and mastiffs, by turning them loose in the wilderness when they are pigs and puppies. White boys who are captured by Indians in five cases out of ten become chiefs; but how many red boys who are taken by benevolent persons and put into academies become jurists or mathematicians ? The white boy takes to savage life as naturally as the duck to water. The culture of universities may have been exhausted on his ancestors for ten generations back; but put him in the hands of a Camanche matron when he is a year old, and the culture which has been expended on the parent stock will not be indicated, on the little graft which is severed from it, by a single blossom. He is visited by no vague ideas of the Rule of Three as he gnaws elk

Yes, mothers of America, your nurseries are wigwams of Cherokees, Blackfeet, Apaches; your cradles are nests of Bedouins. Not many mornings ago I saw a young Anglo-Saxon, who cannot utter six articulate sounds, standing on a chair by the window and catching and destroying the house-flies, whose joints were stiffened by the frosts of the preceding night, with the same glee that a Mohawk warrior would exhibit on being let loose, with license to murder, in an Asylum for Cripples. That indifference to the rights of crockery, that apathy of conscience at the destruction of pitchers and glass-ware, that Gothic exultation over the ruins of a dinner plate, which the unbreeched urchin displays, are manifestations of that same barbarian appetite for smashing which ruined the marbles of Greece and shattered the priceless vases of Italy. The original, genuine instinct is suppressed at first by force, and afterwards eradicated by artfully implanting an artificial taste for entire dinner plates and for uncracked pitchers. Destructiveness is almost the first organ which gives signs of activity in the infant brain: only allow it fair play, and it will in due time be master of the whole cranium.

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