4 The door of thy mercy stands open all day, To the needy and poor, who knock by the way; No sinner shall ever be empty sent back, Who comes seeking mercy for Jesus' dear sake.
5 Thy mercy in Jesus exempts me from hell; Its glories I'll sing, and its wonders I'll tell : 'Twas Jesus the friend when he hung on the tree, Who open'd the channel of mercy for me.
6 Great Father of mercies, thy goodness I own, And covenant love of thy crucify'd Son: All praise to the Spirit, whose action divine, Seals mercy and pardon and righteousness mine.
HYMN 10. С. М.
The holiness of God. Isa. vi. 3.
TOLY and rev'rend is the name Of our eternal King; Thrice holy Lord, the angels cry, Thrice holy let us sing.
2 Heav'n's brightest lamps with him compar'd How mean they look, and dim ! The fairest angels have their spots, When once compar'd with him.
3 Holy is he in all his works, And truth is his delight; But sinners and their wicked ways Shall perish from his sight.
4 The deepest rev'rence of the mind, Pay, O my soul, to God; Lift, with thy hands, a holy heart To his sublime abode.
5 With sacred awe pronounce his name, Whom words nor thoughts can reach;
A broken heart shall please him more Than the best forms of speech.
6 Thou, holy God, preserve my soul From all pollution free; The pure in heart are thy delight, And they thy face shall see.
HYMN 11. L. M.
God exalted above all Praise.
TERNAL Pow'r! whose high abode Becomes the grandeur of a God; Infinite length, beyond the bounds, Where Stars revolve their little rounds.
2 The lowest ste beneath thy seat Rises too high for Gabriel's feet; In vain the tall Arch-angel tries To reach the height with wond'ring eyes. 3 Lord, what shall earth and ashes do? We would adore our Maker too: From sin and dust to thee we cry, The Great, the Holy, and the High!
4 Earth from afar, has heard thy fame, And worms have learn'd to lisp thy name : But Oh, the glories of thy mind Leave all our soaring thoughts behind.
5 God is in heav'n, but man below; Be short our tunes, our words be few: A sacred rev'rence checks our songs, And praise sits silent on our tongues.
HYMN 12. As 113th Psa.
God's name proclaimed. Exodus xxxiv. 6-8.
ATTEND, my soul, the voice divine,
And mark what beaming glories shine Around thy condescending God! To us, to us, he still proclaims His awful, his endearing names;
Attend, and sound them all abroad. 2 "JEHOVAH I, the sov'reign LORD, "The mighty GOD, by Heav'n ador'd, "Down to the earth my footsteps bend : "My heart the tend'rest pity knows, "Goodness full-streaming wide o'erflows, "And grace and truth shall never end. 3 "My patience long can crimes endure : " My pard'ning love is ever sure,
"When penitential sorrow mourns; "To millions, thro' unnumber'd years, "New hope and new delight it bears;
"Yet wrath against the sinner burns." 4 Make haste, my soul, the vision meet, All prostrate at thy sov'reign's feet,
And drink the tuneful accents in; Speak on, my LORD, repeat the voice; Diffuse these heart-expanding joys, Till Heav'n complete the rapt'rous scene.
The Mutability of the Creation, and the Immuta- bility of God. Psa. cii. 25-28. REAT Former of this various frame, Our souls adore thine awful name; And bow and tremble, while they praise The Ancient of eternal days.
2 Thou Lord, with unsurpris'd survey, Saw'st nature rising yesterday; And as to-morrow, shall thine eye See earth and stars in ruin lie.
3 Beyond an angel's vision bright, Thou dwells't in self-existent light; Which shines with undiminish'd ray, While suns and worlds in smoke decay..
4 Our days a transient period run, And change with ev'ry circling sun; And in the firmest state we boast, A moth can crush us into dust.
5 But let the creatures fall around; Let death consign us to the ground; Let the last gen'ral flame arise, And melt the arches of the skies:
6 Calm as the summer's ocean, we Can all the wreck of nature see, While grace secures us an abode, Unshaken as the throne of God.
HYMN 14. I.. M.
God's Goodness to the Children of Men. Psalm cvii. 31.
VE sons of men with joy record
The various wonders of the Lord; And let his pow'r and goodness sound Thro' all your tribes the earth around. 2 Let the high heav'ns your songs invite; Those spacious fields of brilliant light; Where sun and moon, and planets roll, And stars that shine from pole to pole.
3 Sing earth in verdant robes array'd, Its herbs and flow'rs, its fruit and shade; Peopled with life of various forms, Fishes and fowls, and beasts and worms.
4 View the broad sea's majestic plains, And think how wide its Maker reigns; That band remotest nations joins, And on each wave His goodness shines.
5 But Oh! that brighter world above, Where lives and reigns incarnate love! God's only Son in flesh array'd, For man a bleeding victim made.
6 Thither, my soul, with rapture soar; There in the world of praise adore : This theme demands an angel's lay, Demands an undeclining day.
HYMN 15. As 113th Psalm.
The Eternal God his People's Refuge and Sup
B the great eternal God,
Spreads everlasting arms abroad, And calls our souls to shelter there; Wonders of mingled pow'r and grace, To all his Israel he displays,
Guarded from danger, and from fear. 2 Thither my feeble soul shall fly, When terrors press, and death is nigh, And there will I delight to dwell: On that high tow'r I rear my head, Serene, nor knows my heart to dread, Amidst surrounding hosts of hell.
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