***** District of Connecticut, ss. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the seSEAL. cond day of June, in the thirty-seventh ****** year of the Independence of the Uni ted States of America, Nathan Strong, Abel Flint, and Joseph Steward, of the said District, have deposited in this Office the title of a Book, the right whereof they claim as authors in the words following, to wit: "The Hartford Selection of Hymns, from the most approved Authors. To which are added, a number never before published. Compiled by Nathan Strong, Abel Flint, and Joseph Steward." In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled " An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books to the authors and pro. prietors of such copies during the times therein imentioned." And the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled " An Act supplementary to the Act, entitled An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned,' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving and etching historical and other prints." H. W. EDWARDS, Clerk of the District of Connecticut. A true Copy of Record, examined and sealed H. W. EDWARDS, by me, Clerk of the District of Connecticut: PREFACE. THERE are extant many Hymn Books contain. ing excellent Hymns and Spiritual Songs. These Books have their respective excellencies, and give credit to their authors or compilers. The demand for books of this kind having been very great of late, owing to the happy revival of religion in many towns in New England, several Booksellers applied to the Editors for advice, which of the many selections of hymns extant it would be most adviseable to re-print. On reviewing different compilations, with a view of answering this question, the Editors conceived that a volume might be compiled better adapted to the taste of pious minds in this country than any they have seen. They were urged to attempt such a selection by booksellers, and also by several pious people. In making this selection, the Editors have endeavoured to adapt it to the use of Christians in their closets, families, and private religious meetings; and also to the feelings of persons in every state of religious impression. The hymns of Dr. WATTS, that first of uninspired divine poets, are so universally dispersed, and in such general use, that a less number have been taken from him than would otherwise have been the case. This volume is compiled princi[iv] pally from NEWTON, COWPER, DODDRIDGE, RIFPON'S Selection, and others not in common use. It contains also several original hymns, and many which have never appeared in any book of divine songs. It will be observed, upon comparing these hymns with the volumes from which they are taken, that a number have been abridged, and some lines altered. The only apology which the Editors have to make for this, is, that in their judgment, such abridgments and alterations render this volume better adapted to the uses for which it was designed. Hartford, July 3, 1799. ς E The Unity of God. Deut. vi. 4. TERNAL God' Almighty cause Of earth and seas and worlds unknown; All things are subject to thy laws; 2 Thy glorious being singly stands, 3 To thee alone ourselves we owe; 4 Spread thy great name thro' heathen lands: Their idol deities dethrone; Reduce the world to thy commands, HYMN 2. С. М. The Doctrine of the Trinity, and the use of it NATHER of F Eph. ii. 18. glory, to thy name Immortal praise we give, Who dost thy work of grace proclaim, And bid us rebels live. 2 Immortal honor to the Son, Who makes thine anger cease ; Our lives he ransom'd with his own, And dy'd to make our peace. 3 To the Almighty Spirit be Whose influence brings us near to thee, 4 Let men, with their united voice, And spread his honors and their joys, 5 Let faith, and love, and duty join, L HYMN 3. L. M. The Eternity of God, and Man's mortality. ORD thou hast been thy children's God, 2 Before thy word gave nature birth, Or spread the starry heavens abroad, |