Original Sin; or, The first and second Adam. DAM, our father and our head, Transgress'd, and justice doom'd us dead; The fi'ry law speaks all despair, There's no reprieve nor pardon there,
2 Call a bright council in the skies; Seraphs, ye mighty and ye wise, Speak; are ye strong to bear the load, The weighty vengeance of a God? 3 In vain we ask; for all around Stand silent thro' the heav'nly ground; There's not a glorious mind above Has half the strength, or half the love. 4 But Oh! unmeasurable grace ! The eternal Son takes Adam's place; Down to our world the Saviour flies, Stretches his arms, and bleeds, and dies. 5 Amazing work! look down, ye skies, Wonder and gaze with all your eyes; Ye saints below, and saints above, All bow to this mysterious love.
The Evil Heart. Jer. xvii. 9. Matt. xv. 19.
STONISH'D and distress'd, I turn mine eyes within;
My heart with loads of guilt opprest,
The seat of every sin.
2 What crowds of evil thoughts, What vile affections there! Distrust, presumption, artful guile, guile Pride, envy, slavish fear.
3 Almighty King of Saints, These tyrant lusts subdue; Expel the darkness of my mind, And all my powers renew. 4 This done, my-cheerful voice Shall loud hosannas raise; • My soul shall glow with gratitude, My lips proclaim thy praise.
HAT jarring natures dwell within, Imperfect grace, remaining sin!
Nor this can reign, nor that prevail, Tho' each by turns my heart assail. 2 Now I complain, and groan and die Now raise my songs of triumph high, Sing a rebellious passion slain, Or mourn to feel it live again.
3 One happy hour beholds me rise, Borne upwards to my native skies ; While faith assists my soaring flight To realms of joy, and worlds of light. 4 Great God! assist me thro' the fight, Make me triumphant in thy might; Thou the desponding heart canst raise, The vict'ry mine, and thine the praise.
The Law and Gospel; or, Christ a Refuge. READ Sinai roars, "the man be curst, "That doth one wilful sin commit;
"Death and damnation for the first, "Without relief, and infinite."
2 Thus flames the mount! and round the earth, Thunder, and fire, and vengeance flings, But Jesus, thy dear gasping breath, And Calvary say gentler things.
3 "Pardon, and grace, and boundless love, Streaming along a Saviour's blood, "And life, and joys, and crowns above, "Obtain'd by a dear bleeding God.” 4 Hark, how he prays (the charming sound Dwells on his dying lips) forgive; And every groan and gaping wound Cries Father, let the rebels live.' 5 Go, ye that rest upon the law, And toil and seek salvation there, Look to the flame that Moses saw, And shrink, and tremble, and despair. 6 But I'll retire beneath the cross, Saviour, at thy dear feet I'll lie; And, the keen sword that Justice draws, Flaming and red shall pass me by.
Harmony of the Divine Perfections.
How suited to our needs!
The grace that raises fallen man,
Our highest praise exceeds.
2 'Twas wisdom form'd the vast design, To ransom us when lost;
And love's unfathomable mine
Provided all the cost.
3 Strict justice with approving look, The holy cov'nant seal'd;
And truth and pow'r both undertook The whole should be fulfill'd.
4 Truth, wisdom, justice, pow'r and love, In all their glory shone; When Jesus left the courts above, And dy'd to save his own.
5 Truth, wisdom, justice, pow'r and love, Are equally display'd;
Now Jesus reigns enthron'd above, Our advocate and head.
6 Now sin appears deserving death, Most hateful and abhor'd; And yet the sinner lives by faith, And dares approach the Lord.
Divinity of Christ. John i. 1, 3, 14. and Col. i. 16. and Eph. iii. 9, 10.
RE the blue heav'ns were stretch'd abroad, From everlasting was the Word; With God he was, the Word was God, And must divinely be ador'd.
2 By his own pow'r were all things made; By him supported all things stand; He is the whole creation's head, And angels fly at his command. 3 Ere sin was born, or Satan fell, He led the host of morning stars; Thy generation who can tell? Or count the number of thy years? 4 But lo! he leaves those heav'nly forms, The Word descends and dwells in clay, That he may hold converse with worms, Dress'd in such feeble flesh as they.
5 Mortals, with joy behold his face, Th' eternal Father's only Son; How full of truth! how full of grace ! When through his eyes the Godhead shone.
6 Archangels leave their high abode, To learn new myst'ries here, and tell The love of our descending God, The glories of Emmanuel.
HYMN 34. Sevens.
Praise for the Incarnation.
WEETER sounds than music knows, Charm me in Emmanuel's name; All her hopes my spirit owes
To his birth, and cross, and shame. 2 When he came, the angels sung, "Glory be to God on high;" Lord, unloose my stramm'ring tongue, Who shall louder sing than I? 3 Did the LORD a man become, That he might the law fulfil, Bleed and suffer in my room, Canst thou then, my tongue, be still? 4 No, I must my praises bring, Though they worthless are and weak; For should I refuse to sing, Sure the very stones would speak. 5 O my Saviour, Shield, and Sun, Shepherd, Brother, glorious Friend; Ev'ry precious name in one,
I will love thee without end.
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