Page. UNCLEAN, unclean, and full of sin, 146 294 WAIT, O my soul thy Maker's will, 10 Wealth is a blessing only lent, 121 Weary of struggling with my pain, 94 What jarring natures dwell within, 28 273 What scenes of horror and of dread, 291 161 While 1 to grief my soul gave way, 208 289 36 Why do we mourn departing friends, 291 Page. Why should this earth delight us so, 329 109 With dying want the sinner cries, 200 With fiery serpents greatly pain'd, 133 With holy zeal and Christian grace, 229 With humble heart and tongue, 214 With kind compassion hear my cry, 131 256 World adieu, thou real cheat, 324 YE glitt'ring toys of earth adieu, ZEAL is that pure and heavenly flame, 83 212 15 270 74 57 192 |