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And those who on his truth depend,
Shall find his word for ever sure.

HYMN 41. L. M.

Electing and Sanctifying Grace. Eph. i. 3, &c.

JESUS, we bless thy Father's name;

Thy God and ours are both the same:
What heav'nly blessings from his throne
Flow down to sinners thro' his Son!

3 "Christ be my first elect," he said,
Then chose our souls in Christ, our head,
Before he gave the mountains birth,
Or laid foundations for the earth.

3 Thus did eternal love begin,
To raise us up from death and sin :
Our characters were then decreed,
" Blameless in love, a holy seed."
4 Predestinated to be sons,
Cleans'd by degrees, but chose at once ;
A new, regenerated race,
To praise the glory of his grace.

5 With Christ our Lord we share a part
In the affections of his heart;
Nor shall our souls be thence remov'd,
Till he forgets his first belov'd.


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Redeeming Love.

begin the heavenly theme,
Sing aloud in Jesu's name;

Ye, who his salvation prove,
Triumph in redeeming love.
2 Ye who see the Father's grace
Beaming in the Saviour's face,

As to Canaan on ye move,
Praise and bless redeeming love.
3 Mourning souls dry up your tears,
Banish all your guilty fears;
See your guilt and curse remove,
Cancel'd by redeeming love.
4 Ye, alas! who long have been
Willing slaves of death and sin,
Now from bliss no longer rove,
Stop and taste redeeming love.
5 Welcome all by sin opprest,
Welcome to his sacred rest;
Nothing brought him from above,
Nothing but redeeming love.

6 When his Spirit leads us home,
When we to his glory come,
We shall all the fulness prove,
Of our Lord's redeeming love.


HYMN 43. Eights and Sevens.

Look unto Jesus and be saved.

S the serpent rais'd by Moses,
Heal'd the burning serpent's bite,

JESUS thus himself discloses
To the wounded sinner's sight.
2 Hear his gracious invitation,
"I have life and peace to give,
I have wrought out full salvation,
Sinner, look to me and live.
3 Pore upon your sins no longer,
Well I know their mighty guilt;
But my love than death is stronger,
I my blood have freely spilt.

4 Though your heart has long been harden'd;
Look on me, it soft shall grow :
Past transgressions shall be pardon'd,
And I'll wash you white as snow.

5 I have seen what you were doing;
Tho' you little thought of me;
You were madly bent on ruin,
But I said-It shall not be.

6 You had been for ever wretched,
Had I not espous'd your part;
Now behold my arms outstretched,
To receive you to my heart.

7 Well may shame, and joy and wonder,
All your inward passions move;
I could crush you with my thunder,
But I speak to you in love.

8 See! your sins are all forgiv'n,
I have paid the countless sum!
Now my death has open'd heav'n,
Thither you shall shortly come."
9 Dearest Saviour, we adcre thee
For thy precious life and death ;
Melt each stubborn heart before thee,
Give us all the eye of faith.

10 From the law's condemning sentence,
To thy mercy we appeal;
Thou alone cans't give repentance,
Thou alone our souls canst heal.

HYMN 44. Sevens and Sixes.
Christ the good Physician.

How lost was my condition,

Till Jesus made me whole!

There is but one physician,
Can cure a sin-sick soul!

Next door to death he found me,
And snatch'd me from the grave;
To tell to all around me,
His wond'rous pow'r to save.
2 The worst of all diseases
Is light, compar'd with sin;
On ev'ry part it seizes,
But rages most within ;
'Tis palsy, plague, and fever,
And madness-all combin'd;
And none but a believer,
The least relief can find.

3 From men great skill professing,
I thought a cure to gain;
But this prov'd more distressing,
And added to my pain:
Some said that nothing ail'd me,
Some gave me up for lost,
Thus every refuge fail'd me,
And all my hopes were cross'd.
4 At length this great Physician,
How matchless is his grace!
Accepted my petition,
And undertook my case;
First gave me sight to view him ;
For sin my eyes had seal'd;
Then bade me look unto him:
I look'd, and I was heal'd.
5 A dying, risen JESUS,
Seen by the eye of faith,
At once from danger frees us,
And saves the soul from death;
Come then to this Physician,
His help he'll freely give,
He makes no hard condition,
'Tis only-look and live.


HYMN 45. Tens and Elevens.

Fountain opened for Sinners. Zec. xiii. 1.

HE fountain of Christ, Lord, help us to sing; The blood of our priest, our crucify'd king; The fountain that cleanses from sin and from filth, And richly dispenses salvation and health.

2 This fountain so dear he'll freely impart; When pierc'd by the spear, it flow'd from his heart;

With blood and with water, the first to atone,
To cleanse us the latter; the fountain's but one.
3 This fountain from guilt not only makes pure,
And gives, soon as felt, infallible cure;
But if guilt removed, return and remain,
Its pow'r may be proved again and again.
4 This fountain unseal'd stands open for all,
Who long to be heal'd, the great and the small;
Here's strength for the weakly that hither are


Here's health for the sickly, and life for the dead. 5 This fountain tho' rich, from charge is quite

clear, The poorer the wretch, the welcomer here; Come needy, and guilty, come loathsome, and bare;

Tho' lep'rous and filthy, come just as you are.
6 This fountain in vain hath never been try'd,
It takes out all stain whenever apply'd;
The fountain flows sweetly with virtue divine,
To cleanse souls completely, tho' lep'rous as


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