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2 While standing in the sinners stead,
Billows of wrath roll o'er his head;
Light from the Father is withdrawn,
And Jesus drinks the cup alone.

3 Legions of angels fill the skies,
While our Redeemer bleeds and dies;
All nature reels beneath the load,
And trembling speaks the wrath of God.
4 The rocks are with convulsions torn,
And all the heavens in sackcloth mourn;
But lo! when the third morning comes,
Emmanuel rising, leaves the tombs.
5 The rising God, let angels sing,
The heav'ns with Hallelujahs ring;
"Worthy the Lamb, who once was slain,
Let him in pow'r and glory reign."
6 Hail happy morn, which sees him rise ;
We shout him welcome to the skies;
Welcome to glories all his own,

And welcome to his Father's throne.

HYMN 60. С. М.

The Heart new created.

ATTEND, while God's exalted Son

Doth his own glories shew;
Behold, he sits upon his throne,
Creating all things new.
2 Mighty Redeemer! set me free
From my own state of sin;
Oh, make my soul alive to thee,
Create new pow'rs within.

-3 Open mine eyes, unstop my ears,
And form my heart afresh;

Give me new passions, joys, and fears,
And turn the stone to flesh.

4 Far from the regions of the dead,
From sin, and earth, and hell;
In the new world that grace has made,
I would for ever dwell.

HYMN 61. L. M.

Faith connected with Salvation. Rom. i. 16.

Heb. x. 39.

NOT by the laws of innocence,

at heav'n;

New works can give us no pretence,
To have our ancient sins forgiv'n.
2 Not the best deeds that we have done,
Can make a wounded conscience whole;
Faith is the grace, and faith alone,
That flies to Christ and saves the soul.

3 Lord, I believe thy heavenly word,
Fain would I have my soul renew'd;
I mourn for sin, and trust the Lord,
To have it pardon'd and subdu'd.

4 Oh, may thy grace its pow'r display,
Let guilt and death no longer reign;
Save me in thine appointed way,
Nor let my humble faith be vain.

HYMN 62. L. M.

Human righteousness insufficient to justify.

Mic. vi. 6-8.

WHEREWITH, O Lord, shall I draw near,

myself before thy face?

How in thy purer eyes appear?

What shall I bring to gain thy grace?

2 Will gifts delight the Lord most high? Will multiply'd oblations please? Thousands of rams his favor buy, 'Or slaughter'd hecatombs appease? 3 Can these assuage the wrath of God? Can these wash out my guilty stain ? Rivers of oil, or seas of blood, Alas! they all must flow in vain. 4 Guilty, I stand before thy face; My sole desert is hell and wrath; 'Twere just the sentence should take place; But Oh, I plead my Saviour's death! 5 I plead the merits of thy Son, Who dy'd for sinners on the tree; I plead his righteousness alone, Oh, put the spotless robe on me.

HYMN 63. С. М.

God's command to all Men to Repent.
Acts xvii. 30.

REPENT, the voice celestial cries,

Nor longer dare delay :

The wretch that scorns the mandate dies,
And meets a fiery day.

2 No more the sov'reign eye of God
O'erlooks the crimes of men;
His heralds are dispatch'd abroad
To warn the world of sin.
3 Together in his presence bow,
And all your guilt confess;
Accept the offer'd Saviour now,
Nor trifle with his grace.
4 Bow, ere the awful trumpet sound,
And call you to his bar;

For mercy knows th' appointed bound,
And turns to vengeance there.

5 Amazing love, that yet will call,
And yet prolong our days!
Our hearts, subdu'd by goodness, fall,

And weep, and love, and praise.

HYMN 64. С. М.

The Penitent.

PROSTRATE, dear Jesus, at

guilty rebel lies;

thy feet,

And upwards to thy mercy seat
Presumes to lift his eyes.
2 Oh, let not justice frown me hence;
Stay, stay the vengeful storm :

Forbid it, that omnipotence

Should crush a feeble worm. 3 If tears of sorrow would suffice To pay the debt I owe,

Tears should from both my weeping eyes, In ceaseless currents flow.

4 But no such sacrifice I plead

To expiate my guilt;

No tears, but those which thou hast shed, No blood, but thou hast spilt.


HYMN 65. L. M.

The Repenting Prodigal. Luke xv. 32.

O! what a rapt'rous joy possest

The tender parent's throbbing breast,

To see his spendthrift son return,
And hear him his past follies mourn.

2 Thus our bless'd Saviour won't despise,
The contrite heart for sacrifice;

The deep fetch'd sigh, the secret groan
Rises accepted to the throne.

3 He meets with tokens of his grace,
The trembling lip, the blushing face;
His bowels yearn when sinners pray,
And mercy bears their sins away.

4 When fill'd with grief, o'erwhelm'd with

He pitying, heals their broken frame;
He hears their sad complaint, and spies

His image in their weeping eyes.

HYMN 66. С. М.


The Ministry of Christ. Luke iv. 18, 19.

HARK, the glad sound, the Saviour comes,

The Saviour promis'd long!
Let every heart prepare a throne,
And every voice a song.
2 On him the Spirit, largely pour'd,
Exerts his sacred fire;

Wisdom and might, and zeal, and love,
His holy breast inspire.
3 He comes, the prison'rs to release,
In Satan's bondage held,
The gates of brass before him burst,
The iron fetters yield.

4 He comes, from thickest films of vice;
To clear the mental ray;
And on the eyes opprest with night,
To pour celestial day.

5 He comes, the broken heart to bind,
The bleeding soul to cure;

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