To ease the pain and heal the wound, Ere life and hope for ever fly? 4 There is a great Physician near, Look up, O fainting soul, and live; See, in his heav'nly smiles appear, Such ease as nature cannot give ! 5 See, in the Saviour's dying blood, Life, health, and bliss abundant flow! 'Tis only this dear sacred flood, Can cleanse the heart, and heal its woe. 6 Sin throws in vain its pointed dart, For here a sov'reign cure is found; A cordial for a fainting heart, A balm for every painful wound.
HYMN 102. L. M.
Christ the Christian's Sufficiency. a song of grateful praise, To my dear Lord my voice I'll raise;
With all the saints I'll join to tell, That Jesus hath done all things well. 2 I spurn'd his grace, I broke his laws, And then he undertook my cause; To save me when I did rebel,
My Jesus hath done all things well.
3 And since my soul hath known his love, What blessings hath he made me prove; Mercy, which doth all praise excel; For Jesus hath done all things well. 4 Whene'er my Saviour and my God, Hath on me laid his gentle rod; I know in all which hath befel, That Jesus hath done all things well.
5 Sometimes the Lord his face doth hide, To make me pray and kill my pride; Yet on my heart it still doth dwell, That Jesus hath done all things well.
6 Soon I shall pass this vale of death, And in his arms shall lose my breath; And then my happy soul shall tell, How Jesus hath done all things well.
The Effects of the Fall lamented.
EE human nature sunk in shame: See scandals pour'd on Jesu's name; The Father wounded through the Son; The world abus'd, the soul undone.
2 See the short course of vain delight, Closing in everlasting night; In flames that no abatement know, Kindled by sin the source of woe. 3 My God, I feel the mournful scene; My bowels yearn o'er dying men; And fain my pity would reclaim, And snatch the fire-brands from the flame.
4 But feeble my compassion proves, And can but weep where most it loves: Thine own all-saving arm employ, And turn these drops of grief to joy.
Seeking to God for the communication of his Spirit. Ezek. xxxvi. 37.
EAR, gracious Sov'reign, from thy throne, And send thy various blessings down;
While by thine Israel thou art sought, Oh, hear the pray'r thy word hath taught. 2 Come, sacred Spirit, from above, And fill the coldest heart with love; Soften to flesh the rugged stone, And let thy godlike pow'r be known. 3 Speak thou, and from the haughtiest eyes, Shall floods of pious sorrow rise; While all their glowing souls are borne, To seek that grace which now they scorn. 4 Oh, let a holy flock await, Num'rous around thy temple gate, Each pressing on with zeal to be, A living sacrifice to thee.
5 In answer to our fervent cries, Give us to see thy church arise; Or, if that blessing seem too great, Give us to mourn its low estate.
HYMN 105. L. M.
The leadings of the Spirit. Rom. viii. 14. C YOME, gracious Spirit, heavenly dove, With light and comfort from above; Be thou our guardian, thou our guide, O'er ev'ry thought and step preside. 2 Conduct us safe, conduct us far From ev'ry sin and hurtful snare; Lead to thy word that rules must give, And teach us lessons how to live.
3 The light of truth to us display, And make us know and choose thy way; Plant holy fear in ev'ry heart, That we from God may ne'er depart. 4 Lead us to holiness, the road That we must take to dwell with God; Lead us to Christ, the living way, Nor let us from his pastures stray. 5 Lead us to God, our final rest, In his enjoyment to be bless'd; Lead us to heaven, the seat of bliss, Where pleasure in perfection is.
HYMN 106. Eights.
The Influences of the Spirit desired.
TERNAL Spirit, source of light, Enlivning consecrating fire, Descend, and, with celestial heat, Our dull, our frozen hearts inspire: Our souls refine, our dross consume! Come, condescending Spirit, come! 2 In our cold breasts, Oh, strike a spark Of the pure flame which seraphs feel, Nor let us wander in the dark,
Or lie benumb'd and stupid still : Come, vivifying Spirit, come, And make our hearts thy constant home! 3 Let pure devotion's fervours rise; Let ev'ry pious passion glow; Oh, let the raptures of the skies, Kindle in our cold hearts below! Come, condescending Spirit, come, And make our souls thy constant home!
HYMN 107. L. M.
The Influences of the Spirit experienced.
URE the blest Comforter is 'Tis he sustains my fainting heart;
Else would my hope for ever die, And ev'ry cheering ray depart. 2 When some kind promise glads my soul, Do I not find his healing voice; The tempest of my fears control, And bid my drooping pow'rs rejoice ? 3 Whene'er to call the Saviour mine, With ardent wish my heart aspires; Can it be less than pow'r divine, Which animates these strong desires ? 4 What less than thine Almighty word Can raise my heart from earth and dust, And bid me cleave to thee, my Lord, My life, my treasure, and my trust? 5 And when my cheerful hope can say, I love my God, and taste his grace; Lord, is it not thy bissful ray,
Which brings this dawn of sacred peace ? 6 Let thy kind Spirit in my heart For ever dwell, O God of love, And light and heav'nly peace impart, Sweet earnest of the joys above.
HYMN 108. L. M.
The grieved Spirit entreated not to depart.
TAY, thou insulted Spirit, stay,
Tho' I have done thee such despite,
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