E. N. Grossman, Printer No. 12 Spruce street.
Administration of Washington.-1. (John M. Mackie, A. M.) The declaration of the present chief Magistrate to administer the government after the example of the earlier Presidents, ib.; Proof of the purity of Washington's re- publicanism, 2; his opinion of the capacity of men for self-government, 3; his anxiety on as- suming the duties of the Presidency, 4; his qualifications for the office, 5; great number of candidates for official appointments, and his rule in making selections, ib.; the regulation of the Executive Departments, 6; regula- tion of his own public business, 7; the condi- tion of the country at the period when the Constitution was adopted, 8; Washington's desire to see the honor and faith of the country untarnished, 9; appointment of Hamilton to the Treasury Department,jib.; resolution of the first Congress, directing the Secretary of the Treasury to report a plan for establishing public credit, 10; his plan for paying the pub- lic debt, 11; opposition to it, ib.; Washington approves the plan of a national bank, 12; party opposition to the administration, 13; disastrous consequences from the opposition, 14; the opposition encourage the people to approve of the excesses of the French Repub- lic, 16; foreign policy of the country, 17; pro- clamation of neutrality, ib.; citizen Genet, 19; attempts of the French government to involve this country in the European quarrel, 20; Bri- tish arrogance, 21; opposition clamorous for war, ib.; Washington opposed to it, ib.; he sends Jay to England, who negotiates a treaty, 22; treaty furiously denounced by the oppo- sition throughout the country and in the House of Representatives, 23; Washington declines to furnish information to that body respecting the treaty, 24; sustained in this course by the yeomanry, 25; doctrines of his Farewell Ad- dress, ib.; the early democrats that raised the cry against Washington, 26, et seq.
Anderport Records, No. I, 235-No. II, 345-No. III, 459, No. IV., 571. Austen, Jane (Review, G. F. Deane,) 621.
British Provinces, trade with, (George W. Potter,) 80. The general effect of free trade, ib.; English policy, ib.; articles of American ma nufacture required in the British Provinces, and the prices at which some of them are sold in the United States, 81; population and expense of governing the thirteen original States at the time of the last general census, 82; compari- son between the increase of population of the British Provinces and of the United States, ib.; advantageous to the British Provinces to govern themselves rather than enter the American Union, 83.
California, California, 99; 643. Canada, 438; 540. Canal Policy of the State of New York, 651. Circassia, 207.
Clay, Hon. H., Speech of, at the Law-School, at Ballston Spa, N. Y.
Coleridge, his Life and Writings, (Reviewed by J. D. W.,); chapter I., 532-chapter II., 633. Confederacy the, (W. H. Simmons,) 296; the people, being politically irresponsible, possess an influence opposed to the stability of the confederacy, ib.; their tendency to encroach on the Constitution, ib.; the preponderance ac- quired by the people as a mass, incompatible with a federal form of government, 297; the Union is one of sovereign independent states, ib.; the Constitution is not of national origin, D.
Dismissal of the French Minister, M. Poussin, 433. Dreams, (A. M. W.,) 38. Dream, A 373. Drover's Carpet Bag, 125.
Economy of Banking, Credit and Currency, (Am- miel J. Willard,) 513; the mathematical cha- racter of mind of the present age, ib.; the
spirit of the age has pronounced against forms and complexities, ib.; systems must be adapt- ed to the moral nature of man, 514; credit is the first law developed in infancy, ib.; it is the great law of industrial intercourse, ib.; a defi- nition of what constitutes capital, 515; influ- ence of the modern commercial system on ci- vilization, ib.; the union of capital with labor, ib.; origin of a joint stock bank, 516; indivi- dual bankers, ib.; those who occupy an inter- mediate position between capitalists and la- borers, ib.; a formula illustrating the credit system, 517; invention of a paper circulation, ib.; specie, ib.; the general operation of the banking system, 518; the present banking system of the State of New York a great im- provement, 519; capital belongs to posterity, ib.; two modes of employing capital-one, by possessing it; the other, by producing credit upon it, ib.; a class of credits among mercantile men, 520; speculation not fairly attributable to banking, 521; the law of competition is not sufficient to secure the best condition of bank- ing, but legislation is required to attain this end, 522.
turalists, ib.; the advantage of working up the raw material to the last degree, 641; surplus productions seek foreign markets, ib.; in com- merce risks generally fall on the producer, ib.; commerce is the most profitable where there is the most universal market, 642; food does not command a universal market, ib.; manufac- tured articles have a larger choice of markets, ib.; food is too perishable to be a good article for exportation, ib.; manufactured goods are less destructible, ib.; the productiveness of a country is measured by the value which labor gives to raw materials, ib.; the chief commerce of our country must be for luxuries and not for necessaries, 643.-California, its prospective condition, ib.; it cannot be a commercial coun- try, 644; the profits of the mines cannot sup- port a large population, ib.; the expense of digging gold and the inadequacy of the return, ib.; what benefit will California confer on this country? 646; not for the gold it supplies to the world, ib.; the value of gold will depre- ciate with any large increase, ib.; the only ad- vantage of acquiring California would appear to be that it may speedily open a great na- tional road across the continent, and facilitate
trade with Oregon and China, ib. Elam, J. H., Letter of to Mr. Foote, 555. European Life and Manners, (Review-A. M.. Wells,) 159.
Faith, a Hymn, (James Staunton Babcock,) 277 Freiligrath, (Review, William Barber,) 361.
Economy, Public-Short Chapters on, (J. D. W.,) 221; the basis upon which this government rests and the powers granted by the Constitu- tion, ib.; the Senate, 225; political economy, 227; division of employments, ib.; the relative importance of occupations, 228; the powers of government are protective and creative, 229; the product of the land should be consumed upon the land, 446; illustration of this princi- ple, ib.; increase of national wealth, 447; the mode in which this may be best effected, 448; trade, commerce, navigation, and transporta- tion, 450; it is better to manufacture every- Goldsmith, Oliver, (Review, J. D. W.,) 498. thing at home, 451; currency, balance of trade, 452; organization of industry, 454; it is con- trary to facts that low prices with large pro- duction is a state of things favorable to the operative, 637; the smaller the capital in busi- ness, the larger must be its return, ib.; com- petition and large production reduce prices, ib.; low prices reduce wages, 638; causes that disturb the regular operations of industry, ib.; the effects of duties, ib.; we cease to import when we can manufacture at cheaper prices, ib.; the adjustment of the present tariff, 639; the ad valorem duty, and its natural effect of diminishing the duty with the reduction of in- voice prices, ib.; it encourages foreign and dis- courages home manufacturers, ib.; it is a mis- take to suppose that the trade and commerce of a country will diminish with the increase of its manufactures, ib.; to judge of the real prosperity of a country, we have only nly to know whether its industry is well employed, ib.; the commercial power of a country depends on its ability to produce and to command a market, ib.; the distribution of employment tends to increase the productive power and production, 640; prohibition by tariff, of a foreign manu- facture, in such a country as ours, creates a home manufacture, ib.; this improves the con dition of agriculture, by increasing a home market and lessening the number of agricul-
Hilliard, Hon. Henry Washington, of Alabama, biographical notice of, 610.
History of Parties, (Enoch Hale,) 331; Notice of Williams' Addresses and Messages of the Pre- sidents of the United States, ib.; divisions in the Convention upon the acceptance of the Constitution, 333; Federalist and Anti-Fede- ralist, 334; origin of the terms Republicans and Democrats, ib.; the federalists had a ma- jority in Congress during the administration of Washington, ib.; Alien and Sedition Laws, 335; the Administration of John Adams, ib. ; difficulty with his Secretaries of War and State, ib.; election of Jefferson as President and Burr as Vice President, 336; Jefferson's policy was to conciliate the moderate portion of the opposition, ib.; embargo, 337; Madison elected President, ib.; encouragement of home manufactures, 338; declaration of war with England, ib.; peace party, 524; De Witt Clinton nominated by the New York republi- cans and by a general Convention of federal- ists, in opposition to Madison, ib.; Clay elected Speaker of the 13th Congress, ib.; Hartford Convention, 525; effect of the war upon the opinion of the republicans, ib.; National Bank, 526; Tariff, ib.; the election of Monroe as
Political Miscellany, 98; 203;311; 433; 540. Politicians, a Lesson for, 252. Present State of Trade, 231.
Presidential Veto, 111. The Veto power is pre- sumptively useful, because it is part of the system of government, 114; it is positively useful, because it protects the presidential pow- er, and curbs that of congress, ib.; the sys- tem is inherited from our English ancestors, ib.; the people are the motive but not the directive power, ib.; there is but little practical differ- ence between absolute monarchy and absolute democracy, 115; in the separation of the pow-
ers of government, we have conformed to the English model, ib.; the people are seldom on their guard against legislative usurpations, 116; tendency of legislative bodies to absorb the powers of the state, ib.; the statesmen who framed the constitution saw the necessity for the Veto, 117; majorities require to be re- strained, 118; our danger lies in too much le- gislation, ib.; the affairs of government are now managed by party, 119; party feelings may in- fluence the Executive and sometimes prevent the use of the Veto, 121; the veto power is merely negative, ib.; note by the editor, 122. Public Econoy, Short Chapters on, (J. D. W.,) 221, 446, 637.
POETRY.--The Pleasant Deceit, (A. M. W.) 29; Dreams, (A. M. W.,) 38; Sonnet, 56; Sorrow, (A.M. W.,) 124; Faith, A Hymn, (James Staun- ton Babcock,) 277; Stars, (A. Μ. W.,) 457; Το a Spider at Sea, (W. V. W.,) 458; Two Pic- tures, (A. M. W.,) 496; Titian's Assumption, (William Butler Allen,) 592.
PORTRAITS.-(For July,) Hon. George W. Craw- ford: (for August,) Hon. William M. Meredith: (for September,) Hon. William B. Preston: (for October,) Hon. Roger S. Baldwin: (for Novem- ber, (Hon. George N. Briggs: (for December,) Hon. Henry Washington Hilliard.
Read's Poems, (Review,) Daniel Strock, 301. Republic, The, (H. W. Warner,) No. III. The primary platform, 39; in the early state go- vernments, the power alloted to rulers was gene- rally settled by common law, ib.; the articles of confederation were too weak for the ends pro- posed, ib.; the federal constitution stronger, 40; the state sovereignties were now ended, ib.; the people and not the states are the constituents of the general government, 42; each member of congress represents the whole people of the country, 44; distribution of government power, 46; state jurisdiction a safety valve to the fed- eral boiler, 47; difference between the federal and state systems, ib.; conservative policy of the early constitutions of the states, 49; patron- age of state appointments, 51; appointment of judges, ib.; the franchise of the polls limited, 52; qualifications of voters, ib.; terms and ten- ures of official life in the early period of the republic, 53; common law a bill of rights, 54; amending constitutions less popular formerly than now, ib.; things as they are at present compared with the past, 278; relative propor- tions of individual states and the Union, 280; the central government could only acquire dis- proportional pre-eminence by a policy of war, or of territorial acquisition, 282; slavery, 286; mutation is now the order of the day, 287. Retribution, or the Vale of Shadows, (A. M. Wells,) REVIEWS. - Kavanagh, 57; European Life and Manners, 159; Memoirs of my Youth, (G. F. Deane,) 182; Read's Poems, (Daniel Strock,) 301; Freiligrath's Poems, (William Barber,) 361; Irving's Life of Oliver Goldsmith, (J. D.
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