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" The relative must agree with its antecedent in gender, number, and person. Its case will be determined, not by the antecedent, but by its relation to the verb in its own sentence. "
An Elementary Grammar of the English Language - Էջ 46
E. D. Hill - 1864 - 49 էջ
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The Pharmaceutical Latin Grammar ...

Arnold James Cooley - 1845 - 152 էջ
...labor ultimus omnes.—Virg. Omnium rerum, heus, vicissitude est.—Ter. RULE III. The Third Concord. The relative must agree with its antecedent in gender, number, and person ; as, quamvis inter illos, qui id maxime promoverunt fuerint quos collegium medicorum sibi vindicet...
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A Grammar of the English Language: Together with an Exposition of the ...

John Daniel Morell - 1857 - 138 էջ
...Personal pronouns must agree with the nouns for which they stand, in gender, number, and person. 2. The relative must agree with its antecedent in gender, number, and person. Its case will be determined, not by the antecedent, but by its relation to the verb in its own sentence. 3....
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Latin prose exercises for beginners

Richard Prowde- Smith - 1872 - 202 էջ
...the relative clause describes, is called the antecedent (ante, before, cedo, I go) to the relative. The relative must agree with its antecedent in gender, number, and person ; thus, in (i.) qui is masculine, singular, and of the third person, to agree with Deum; and in (ii.)...
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Grammatical exercises in Latin prose composition: a companion to the Latin ...

George Frederick H. Sykes - 1877 - 316 էջ
...ment. Procter, preposition, governs accusative, except. VSlantas, dt-is, f. 3, will, wish. RULE.— The relative must agree with its antecedent in gender, number, and person. See Gram. § 140. 1. Poenam meruistis ; nam parentum voluntati non paruistis. 2. Laudavimus eum qui...
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Outlines of English grammar

David Donaldson - 1878 - 72 էջ
...London, tell ( ) that ( ) am well, and that ( ) am looking forward to ( ) visit with pleasure. II. The Relative must agree with its antecedent in gender, number, and person; as, The man who spoke; the dog which barked. Who relates to the noun man, and therefore is masculine,...
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Introductory exercises in Latin prose composition, with references to dr ...

George Frederick H. Sykes - 1879 - 122 էջ
...a, um, past. Vestigium, ii, n. 2, a footstep, a track. VOluntas, at-is, f. 3, will, wish. RULE. — The relative must agree with its antecedent in gender, number, and person. See Gram. § 140; LP § 91. 1. Poenam meruistis ; nam parentum voluntati non paruistis. 2. Laudavimus...
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Moffatt's Outlines of grammar (for standard ii).

Moffatt and Paige - 1880 - 104 էջ
...This for the simple reason that they both refer to the same thing. Hence we get the rule of Syntax — The relative must agree with its antecedent in gender, number, and person. The Eelative Pronouns are who, which, that. The word that is not always a relative pronoun, but it...
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Elements of pharmacy, materia medica, and therapeutics

sir William Whitla - 1882 - 544 էջ
...Pulvis utius — One powder ; Uncia. una — One ounce ; Sevum proeparattim — Prepared suet. RULE III. The relative must agree with its antecedent in gender, number and person ; as, Syrulius qui optimus est — The syrup which is best ; Mistura qu<s bona est — The mixture...
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The school manual, a compendium of the leading facts in English, by W.T ...

William Thomas Jeffcott - 1883 - 232 էջ
...It is used for all persons, numbers, and genders ; as — It is I. It is you. It is she. It is they. The relative must agree with its antecedent in gender, number, and person. Its case will be determined, not by the antecedent, but by its relation to the verb in its own sentence ; as...
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Ledsham's handy helps to composition for standards v., vi. and vii., by the ...

Wright T. Hoyle - 1885 - 76 էջ
...the second, and the second in preference to the third ; as, John and I were preparing our lessons. 5. The Relative must agree with its antecedent in gender, number, and person. The verb to be has the same case after it as before it ; as, /am the man. Exercises. Correct the following...
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