Tim. You had rather be at a breakfast of enemies, than a dinner of friends. Alcib. So they were bleeding new, my lord, there's no meat like them; I could wish my best friend at such a feast. Apem. 'Would all those flatterers were thine enemies then; that then thou might'st kill 'em, and bid me to 'em. 1 Lord. Might we but have that happiness, my lord, that you would once use our hearts, whereby we might express some part of our zeals, we should think ourselves for ever perfect 14. Tim. O, no doubt, my good friends, but the gods themselves have provided that I shall have much help from you: How had you been my friends else? why have you that charitable 15 title from thousands, did you not chiefly belong to my heart? I have told more of you to myself, than you can with modesty speak in your own behalf; and thus far I confirm you. O, you gods, think I, what need we have any friends, if we should never have need of them? they were the most needless creatures living, should we ne'er have use for them: and would most resemble sweet instruments hung up in cases, that keep their sounds to themselves. Why, I have often wished myself poorer, that I might come nearer to you. We are born to do benefits: and what better or properer can we call our own, than the riches of our friends? O, what a precious comfort 'tis to have so many, like brothers, commanding one another's fortunes! O joy, e'en made away ere it can be born 16! Mine eyes cannot hold out water, methinks: to forget their faults, I drink to you. 14 i. e. arrived at the perfection of happiness. 15Why 15 Why are you distinguished from thousands by that title of endearment, was there not a particular connection and intercourse of tenderness between you and me?' Thus Milton: * Relations dear, and all the charities Apem. Thou weepest to make them drink, Timon. 2 Lord. Joy had the like conception in our eyes, And, at that instant, like a babe sprung up. Apem. Ho, ho! I laugh to think that babe a bastard. 3 Lord. I promise you, my lord, you mov'd me much. Apem. Much 17 ! [Tucket sounded. Tim. What means that trump? How now? Enter a Servant. Serv. Please you, my lord, there are certain ladies most desirous of admittance. Tim. Ladies? what are their wills? Serv. There comes with them a forerunner, my lord, which bears that office, to signify their plea sures. Tim. I pray, let them be admitted. Enter CUPID. Cup. Hail to thee, worthy Timon;-and to all That of his bounties taste! -The five best senses Acknowledge thee their patron; and come freely To gratulate thy plenteous bosom: The ear, Taste, touch, smell, all pleas'd from thy table rise; They only now come but to feast thine eyes. Tim. They are welcome all; let them have kind admittance: Musick, make their welcome. [Exit CUPID. 1 Lord. You see, my lord, how ample you are beMusick. Re-enter CUPID, with a masque of Ladies as Amazons, with lutes in their hands, dancing and playing. lov'd. 16 O joy! e'en made away [i. e. destroyed, turned to tears] ere it can be born.' So in Romeo and Juliet : 'These violent delights have violent ends, And in their triumphs die.' 17 Much! was a common ironical expression of doubt or suspicion. See vol. iii. p. 190, note 18. Apem. Hey day, what a sweep of vanity comes this way! They dance! they are mad women 18. The Lords rise from table, with much adoring of TIMON; and, to show their loves, each singles out an Amazon, and all dance, men with women, a lofty strain or two to the hautboys, and cease. Tim. You have done our pleasures much grace, fair ladies, Set a fair fashion on our entertainment, 18 Shakspeare probably borrowed this idea from the puritanical writers of his time. Thus Stubbes, in his Anatomie of Abuses, 8vo. 1583, 'Dauncers thought to be madmen.' ' And as in all feasts and pastimes dauncing is the last, so it is the extream of all other vice.' And again, There were (saith Ludovicus Vives) from far countries certain men brought into our parts of the world, who when they saw men daunce, ran away marvellously affraid, crying out and thinking them mad,' &c. Perhaps the thought originated from the following passage in Cicero, Pro Murena 6, Nemo enim ferè saltat sobrius, nisi fortè insanit.' 19 The glory of this life is like [or just such] madness, in the eye of reason, as this pomp appears when opposed to the frugal repast of a philosopher feeding on oil and roots.' Which was not half so beautiful and kind; I am to thank you for it. 1 Lady. My lord, you take us even at the best 20. Apem. 'Faith, for the worst is filthy; and would not hold taking, I doubt me. Tim. Ladies, there is an idle banquet 21 Attends you: Please you to dispose yourselves. All Lad. Most thankfully, my lord. [Exeunt CUPID, and Ladies. Tim. Flavius, Flav. My lord. Tim. The little casket bring me hither. Flav. Yes, my lord. - More jewels yet! [Aside. There is no crossing him in his humour; When all's spent, he'd be cross'd could. ''Tis pity, bounty had not eyes behind; then, an he That man might ne'er be wretched for his mind 23. [Exit, and returns with the casket. 1 Lord. Where be our men? Serv. Here, my lord, in readiness. 2 Lord. Our horses. O, my friends, I have one word to say to you: Look, my good lord, 20 i. e. ' you have conceived the fairest of us,' or 'you think favourably of our performance, and make the best of it.' 21 So in Romeo and Juliet: We have a foolish trifling supper towards.' 22 An equivoque is here intended, in which cross'd means have his hand crossed with money, or have money in his possession, and to be cross'd or thwarted. So in As You Like It, 'Yet I should bear no cross, if I did bear you.' Many coins being marked with a cross on the reverse. See vol. ii. p. 318, note 3. 23 'Tis pity bounty [i. e. profusion] has not eyes behind [to see the miseries that follow it]. That man might not become wretched for his nobleness of soul.' I must entreat you honour me so much, 1 Lord. I am so far already in your gifts,- Enter a Servant. Serv. My lord, there are certain nobles of the senate Newly alighted, and come to visit you. Tim. They are fairly welcome. Flav. I beseech your honour, Vouchsafe me a word; it does concern you near. Tim. Near? why then another time I'll hear thee: I pr'ythee, let us be provided 25 To show them entertainment. Flav. I scarce know how. Enter another Servant. [Aside. 2 Serv. May it please your honour, the Lord Lucius, Out of his free love, hath presented to you Tim. I shall accept them fairly: let the presents Enter a third Servant. Be worthily entertain'd.-How now, what news? 3 Serv. Please you, my lord, that honourable gentleman, Lord Lucullus, entreats your company to-morrow to hunt with him; and has sent your honour two brace of greyhounds. 24 i. e. prefer it, raise it to honour by wearing it. The Jeweller says to Timon in the preceding scene, ' You mend the jewel by wearing it.' 25 Steevens, to complete the measure, proposes to read :' I pr'ythee, let us be provided straight.' |