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the benefit of Science, and the reputation ment of a wound inflicted by a rabid aniof the city. I am assured that the mal; it is its immediate destruction by citizens generally will not regret this dis- caustic, or by fire, in order to annihilate position of a small portion of the public the poison. The wound requires repeated property, though it has been said that a applications of escharotics, (such as corrobetter application might have been made. sive sublimate, or red precipitate) to keep Some have suggested to demolish the it discharging, and a judicious surgical building and sell out the fee for town lots; management according to its nature and but this would only afford a chance for situation. Until an experienced person speculation, and render it necessary to can be had to employ the powerful agency open Warren street, through the public of pure potash (caustic) it is proper to ground between the New-York Institution burn linen, cotton, or tow, and even gunand the City Hail; and the great thorough- powder, on the wound. No internal remefare, thus made near the Hall, would render dies are to be relied on without local apit impossible to attend to the business of plications; and Mosely says, destroying the courts from the constant rumbling of the part, and continuing the suppuration carts and carriages. It has also been sug- some weeks are sufficient to prevent all gested that if the Alms-house had been con- mischief. verted into offices it would have produced several thousand dollars income. Be this as it may, I cannot but justify and applaud the Corporation for the generous disposition they have made of the building; and I take the liberty of giving it as my opinion that neither Warren nor any other street should ever pass so near the Hall as it must, if opened through the public ground, so long as the Courts of Justice hold their sessions therem.

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MESSRS. EDITORS, Notwithstanding the salutary ordinances of the corporation of this city, the unpardonable negligence of its executive officers suffers the streets to be infested with every manner of unclean beasts. Nor is the danger of suffocation from stench, or of fever from infection, all that we have to apprehend from the toleration of the vilest nuisance that ever was permitted to nauseate a civilized community Disgusting as swine are, they are not so much to be dreaded as dogs. As canine madness is usually prevalent at this season, and as we are so imminently exposed to suffer from its effects, I have thought that an account of the means that have been suggested of preventing and curing the hydrophobia, would not be ill-timed.

A writer in the National Intelligencer, under the signature of S. in May last, takes notice of the methods of treatment recommended for recent wounds, by Dr. Mosely, of London, and Dr. Bouriat, of Montpelier, in France. He remarks, that there is an extraordinary coincidence in the ideas of these gentlemen, who publish ed their essays about the same time, with out any previous concert. The following

is an extract from S's communication:

"These physicians agree as to the speedy mode to be adopted in the treat

"These authors unite in the most unqualified rejection of all remedies from empyrics, quacks, or even well meaning persons, who, being unacquainted with medical science, are not aware of their responsibility, when they would waste precious time, and jeopardize many lives by their nostrums, in preference to the cer tain and judicious means which are actually put into our hands.

"As the work of Dr. Bouriat is not yet translated into the English language, we recommend that of Dr. Mosely, which as a vade mecum should have a place in every practitioner's book-case. He says, himself, until the late great prevalence of canine madness in London, there were only a few physicians who ever saw it; and that after it, there was scarcely one who had not had an opportunity of seeing it often." What warning for us to be prepared against so distressing an evil! In no other treatise of the kind can be found more authenticated success in the mode of treatment, more experience, more of that useful instruction, which after many ages, has been scattered among numerous books, than is now condensed in this excellent performance of Dr. Mosely."

"Before closing this article, we beg leave to repeat the simple but effectual treatment recommended by these experienced physicians:

Destroy, as soon as possible, the bitten part by caustic or fire; keep the wound suppurating or discharging for a few weeks, and the patient is safe."

William Coleman, Esq. editor of the Evening Post, in remarking on the above, recommends a decoction of the scutellaria, or skullcap "as a safe and certain preventive, it taken at any time after the bite and before hydrophobia comes on." Dr. Thacher, of Plymouth, Massachusetts, in a letter published in the first volume of the

American Medical and Philosophical Re- made at Udine, the capital of Friuli, a gister, speaks respectfully of the virtues small province belonging to this repubof this plant. Dr. Thacher, also, mentions lic. The discovery is this: a poor man the benefits that have been experienced from the use of the lobelia inflata. He concludes his letter with saying,

"That the fatal consequences of the ravaging evil in question, may, as far as possible, be obviated, it is incumbent on professional men, to direct their attention to the most eligible means of prevention on such alarming occasions. The first in point of importance or security, unquestionably is, the operation of cutting out or burning the parts in which the bite has been effected; but whether this be dispensed with or not, a careful and assiduous ablution cannot be too strongly inculcated. If the wounded part be scarified within a few hours or even days, after the accident, and water be poured on forcibly, and the washing persevered in for a length of time, there is almost an infallible certainty that in general the destructive poison may be completely eradicated before it can be absorbed into the system. The above process, however, should, for greater security, be followed by the application of the nitrate of silver, or some other caustic in solution, or if not speedily attainable, a valuable substitute may probably be found in the properties of strong uns lacked lime."

Dr. Hosack, in his observations on this letter, expresses some confidence in the efficacy of preparations of copper as a remedy, and agrees with Dr. T. that washing for a length of time is the best preventive. He denies the security of excision, though immediate.

In the fourth volume of the Medical and Philosophical Register, is a letter from the late Dr. Rush to Dr. Hosack, in which he mentions several cases, supported by good authority, of cures effected by copious bleeding, followed up by calomel and opium in large quantities. Dr. R. expresses a favourable opinion of this treatment, considering the hydrophobia a febrile disease.

In a late British magazine I met with the following letter from the celebrated Baretti, the friend of Burke, Johnson, &c. to Dr. Brocklesby, another of their intimates, and a distinguished physician. The letter is dated at Venice, May 20, 1764. After adverting to the festivities of the season, (the marriage of the Republic to the Adriatic sea,) he proceeds: "But if you were here you would be much more pleased with a discovery

lying under the tortures of the hydrophobia, was cured with some draughts of vinegar given him by mistake, instead of another potion. A physician of Padua, called Count Leonissa, got intelligence of this event at Udine, and tried the same remedy upon a patient that was brought to the Paduan hospital, administering him a pound of vinegar in the morning, another at noon, and a third at sunset; and the man was speedily and perfectly cured. I have diffused through Italy this discovery, by means of a periodical paper that I am writing; and I hope you will make it known in England, by means of your public papers. And as I am sure that this astonishing remedy will have as happy an effect there as it had here, so I should be glad to be apprized of it, that I may relate it in my said paper."

I have thrown together these facts and opinions in one view, in the hope of aiding the efforts of the faculty to discover some efficient specific for this frequently fatal, and fatally frequent disease.


New-York, July 9, 1817.


I offer for registry in your valuable journal a Talk, made to Dr. Le Baron by a Chippewa chief, to induce the President of the United States to pardon Pe-to-big, one of their tribe, who had committed a murder, of one of our citizens, in 1810. My friend, to whom it was addressed, understands so much of the language, as to vouch for the correctness of the interpretation. The reader of this performance, will class it among the best of the native speeches.

You will herewith receive a map or geographical sketch of the South shore of Lake Superior from the river Onatanagan to the Ford du Lac, done by an Indian lad, who has no other education than he received in a trader's hut. He was of a mixed blood, two-thirds Chippewa and one-third French. It is another proof, in addition to the many I possess already, of the proficiency of the Tartars, and other American indigenes, in geography.

I beg you to accept my respectful salutation." SAMUEL L. MITCHILL.

A Talk held at the Council House in Detroit, in 1811, addressed to Doctor Francis Le. Baron, to be delivered by him in person,

to the President of the United States, with of us in an hour of madness and folly has a white Belt of Wampum.


strayed from it! Forgive him, father, and evince to us your charity and your friend

Listen to what your children have to say, ship; the Great Spirit, in whose presence and lend an ear to what is said.

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One of our brothers (Pe-to-big) in a moment of folly and madness, when the heart was blackened by intoxication, did so far forget himself, as to be guilty of the first crime; he killed his fellow man, without cause! He has been given up to justice, and has long been confined in one of your dungeons, loaded with irons.


Our French and British Fathers, punished their red children, but not with death! No, never.

we now speak, and who sees our actions, and knows our thoughts, has deigned to give us this day an unclouded sky in token of His forgiveness.


The tedious and solitary confinement of our brother has washed away his crime. Think so, father, and unbolt the bars of your prison-door, and let our brother return to the bosom of his family and friends; if so, father, we will be responsible for his future good conduct.


The chief that speaks to you is old, and the nations he represents, respect him. FATHER,

Listen to your red children, and pay attention to what has been said; accept this belt of white wampum, in token of the purity of our feelings towards you. FATHER,

We will offer up, in common, a sacrifice to the Great Spirit for Him to watch over, and take care of you. Farewell. (A true Copy,)



Detroit, July 20th, 1811.
NAGGS, Interpreter, Sworn.

The editors acknowledge their obligation to Doctor Samuel Akerly, of this city, in enabling them to lay before their readers, the following full and interesting account of the insect, commonly called the Hessian Fly.


Of America, or the tipula vaginalis tritici, commonly called the Hessian Fly. The United States is an immense agricultural country, and the injury commitFATHER, ted upon vegetation of all kinds by insects When intoxicated, we are all mad or is so great, and so frequently repeated, foolish; your red children are weak and that it has excited attentive inquiry into oftentimes imprudent, and are more guilty this department of the natural sciences. of this indulgence than our white bre- This class of living creatures has been dithren. You, who are endowed with greater vided into several orders, one of which is strength of mind and good sense than we called DIPTERA, including all those insects are, must view with a charitable eye, and which have only two wings. The wheat hear with a liberal ear, this first offence of insect, that commenced anew its depredaour brother. tions upon our crops of grain the present season, has but two wings, and consequentWhen you first adopted us as your chil- ly belongs to the order of diptera. It was dren, you marked out for us a path to walk long since known, by its destructive effects, in, which was strewed with flowers, and at various times, in different parts of the lighted by an unclouded sky; we have en- country, but its nature, the changes it undeavoured to walk therein, and, but one dergoes, and the means of destroying it,


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have not been generally understood. Ha- amounting to more than one hundred and ving examined into the subject, and made a drawing of the insect, the following is the result of the inquiry.

thirty, hitherto described, most of them attaching themselves to particular plants, as in "Spain to a chrysanthemum, in DenThe wheat insect is a species of tipula, mark to a persicaria, in other parts of Euand in order to distinguish it from other rope to box, juniper, barberry, rye, while species of that genus of insects, Dr. Mit- others annoy orchards, kitchen gardens, chill has called it the "wheat tipula," or and meadows, frequently comunitting the tipula vaginalis tritici The creatures of most destructive ravages."* this tribe or genus of insects are numerous,

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The tipula vaginalis tritici is a very The legs of a yellowish cast, and transpa

small black insect, not so large as the mos- rent; head inflected, with a short procheto of this place, with two fine transpa- boscis. The cut here given will present a rent wings, from the roots of which three more correct idea of this little creature ribs diverge, as through the leaf of a plant. than any description. The body, when examined by a microscope, is found to be divided into four segments, with a few hairs observable on each.

* Dr. Mitchill's letter, as published in the NewYork Gazette, 3d July, 1817.

It is here represented in its natural size, and magnified; also in its state of chrysalis, in which it is dormant. It is shown nestling in the wheat stubbie, near the roots, where it looks something like flaxseed. chrysalis is also taken from the stalk of the The wheat, and represented of its natural size. The egg and larva are omitted in the plate, as the one is a small white nit, and the other a small white maggot, not easily delineated.

All insects undergo certain changes and transformations, which embarrass ordinary observers; and the creatures seen in different states are taken for different insects. But these changes are positive and uniform, and must be known to understand the subject and come at the truth. They are four. 1. the ovum, or egg. 2. the larva, or caterpillar; 3. the chrysalis pupa, or dormant state, and 4. the imago, or perfect insect.

Omne animal ex ovo, (every animal is produced from an egg,) is a favourite dogma with some. It is true with respect to almost all insects. From the egg issues, in due time, called into existence by the warmth of a congenial sun, the larva or caterpillar. In this state it partakes of its favourite food, adapted to its nature, and provided by the hand of the Omnipotent, it feeds till having obtained its growth, and performed all its functions, it is prepared to sleep away a portion of its exist. ence previous to its revival in its ultimate state. It is in the caterpillar state that most insects injure vegetation; and herein they perform no other functions than eating and digestion, by which they acquire their growth. This being accomplished, they become torpid and enter into the chrysalis or dormant state, in which they continue a longer or shorter interval, according to the season. In high latitudes most of them hybernate and resuscitate on the approach of summer, not again into a caterpillar, but into the imago or perfect insect. From this form of its existence it must be characterized and described as the parent animal. The others are subordinate states of being, preparatory to its perfect and most complete developement. In this it performs the functions necessary for a continuation and propagation of its species. The wheat tipula, like the silk worm, lays its eggs and dies, and a new generation succeeds.

The egg of the insect is generally deposited "between the lowest part of the leaf of the wheat and the part which forms the main stalk or straw, to the latter of which it closely adheres, and is generally within VOL. 4, NO. IV.

the outside leaf, so as to lie as near to the
root as possible, (as represented in the
cut.) It resembles, at first, a very small
white nit, and as it grows larger becomes
of a white colour. In this state, the pro-
a sluggish and almost inanimate maggot
per and most natural food of the insect is
the sap or juice of that kind of green
wheat which has
the most delicate
The change from the egg to the
ible, in so small an object, that Judge Ha-
larva, or maggot, is so difficultly discern-
vens, whose observations are just quoted,
has mistaken the fact, and concluded that
the insect is viviparous. But although
some insects do not undergo the changes
that have been stated, yet none of them
that are viviparous produce a larva as the
first state of existence. Spiders lay eggs
which produce spiders, and these crea-
moved from the class of insects and
tures, by late naturalists, have been re-
placed by themselves on that account. The
aphides, or little green insects that infest
cabbages and other plants, and called cab-
bage-lice, deviate from the ordinary course
of other insects, and are viviparous. The
wheat tipula, however, progresses through
the four ordinary changes common to most
insects. The chrysalis is brownish or
black, and might be mistaken for the egg
of some other insect.

like a moscheto, but smaller, and is without
The tipula vaginalis, looks something
the feathery palpi, or feelers, of that trou-
blesome insect. The tipula plumosa, re-
sembles our moscheto very much. The
American wheat tipula is said to have been
imported, during the American revolution,
by the German troops employed by Eng-
land to repress the spirit of freedom in
her colonies, and hence this little creature
has been called the Hessian Fly. Judge
Havens, in his observations on this sub-
ject, does not decide the question, but

so, because the chrysalis of the insect is
probable that it might have been
sometimes deposited in the upper part of
the stalk of grain, and hence could have
been imported with straw from Europe.
But no such insect is known to infest grain
in Great Britain, and one only on the con-
tinent of Europe, which feeds upon wheat
in the ear. If these facts are wrong, the

* Havens on Hessian fly. Agricultural Socie-
ty Transactions of New-York, vol. i. p. 96.

tritici, was aware that one of the same name in
Dr. Mitchill, in naming the insect tipula
habited Europe, and fed upon wheat, but it was
2 N

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