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the Alceste and the Chinese forts; and stating that a better understanding exists between the Chinese and British now, than had existed for several years before.

The season in Scotland is fine, and the crops promising In Ireland provisions ap pear to be scanty; the prices high and discontent considerably extended.

who were obliged to sell their bread at 18 sous for 4 pounds; and though the price of bread be now 20 sous, yet the amount of the daily indemnity granted by the city is stated at 75.000 francs The harvest of this year, however, is said to be abundant, and the prospect is brightening.

From a report, made to the Council-GeneThe collectors of the revenue in Ireland ral of Hospitals in Paris, on the state of those have received notice of the discontinuance of establishments from 1803 to 1814, it appears 395 four-wheeled carriages; 2565 two-wheel that these hospitals are divided into two ed do. 1785 horses. 624 servants, 2226 windows, and 5564 hearths.

An Embassy has proceeded from England to Constantinople, carrying costly gifts for the Grand Seignior.

The stock of sheep in Great Britain is stated at 42 millions; more than 30 millions of which are of the short woolled kind.


classes, called Hopitaux and Hospices; the former ten in number, being for the sick a and the latter, of which there are nine, affording provision for infants, and incurables, who are destitute. The Hotel Dieu, the most ancient hospital, contains 1200 beds. In the Hospice de l'Accouchement, in 1814, were delivered 2.700 females, of whom 2,400 confessed they were unmarried. From 1804 to Though the Paris papers represent the an 1814 were admitted into the Hospice de niversary celebration of the King's return to 'Allaitement, or Foundling Hospital, 23,458 the throne as splendid and joyous, yet the boys, and 22.463 girls, total, 45,921 children, country does not appear to be entirely tran- of whom only 4,130 were legitimate. During quil. A plot against the government has the ten years,355,000 sick were admitted into been detected at Bourdeaux. Twenty-eight the Hopitaux, and 59,000 poor persons into conspirators are stated to have been appre. the Hospices. Of the maniacs, there are hended, and fifteen convicted; nine of whom more women than men. Among the younger have been sentenced to imprisonment, and females, love has been the most common six to death. The names of the latter are cause of insanity, and among the others, Randon, Maury, Therun, Beduice. La Pote, jealousy, or domestic discord. Among the and Cassagno. The ministers of the allied younger males, it is the too speedy developepowers have also had a conference on the ment of the passions, and among the older, subject of Lucien Bonaparte, at which they the derangement of their affairs, that has agreed not to grant him passports for himself crazed them. The calamities of the Revoluor his son to proceed to America, and also to tion have been another cause of madness, and remove his residence from Rome and further it is observed that the men were mad with from the coast, to prevent his escape. Ma- aristocracy, and the women with democra dame Regnault de St. Jean d'Angely has been cy; excessive grief occasioning lunacy in the arrested on account of an intercepted letter former,and ideas of independence and equalifrom her to her husband, who is in the Uni- ty in the latter. ted States. She has been put in confinement, though she is permitted to receive visits from her family. The Dutchess de Duras has written to the Duc de Richelieu in ber behalf; Madame de Stael, though dangerously sick herself, has written, with the same view, to M. de Cases; and a relative of the countess has had an interview on her account with the Minister.

M. De Blacas, who had been for some time in honourable exile as Ambassador at Rome, has returned to Paris. Whether this step were authorized or not, he is said to have been graciously received by the King, in whose councils there is a prospect of his regaining his as cendancy. After publicity was given to his return and reception, M. de B's Hotel was thronged with complaisant courtiers, who vied with each other in the warmth of their congratulations.

The price of meal has been so high, that the city of Paris has been obliged to disburse 32 millions of francs to indemnify the bakers,


As soon as the forcible occupation of a part of the Spanish possessions on the river La Plata, by the Portuguese. was known in Europe, Spain made complaint to the allied powers, and asked their mediation. The Allies, forthwith, through their ministers, expressed their approbation of the conduct of Spain, in this affair; and declared their sur prise at the procedure of the Portuguese, stating that a refusal, on the part of the government of Portugal, to explain its views and do justice to Spain, will be sufficient to throw on that government the whole odium of any disturbance of the present pacific re lations between the European powers, that may result from the step which it has taken. Report says that a very considerable body of troops has been ordered to the frontiers of Spain and Portugal, and that the garrison at Badajos will be strongly reinforced. Still an open rupture is not generally expected. Conspiracies and rebellions appear in vari:


ous parts of Spain, and the country is repre- be an agent appointed to receive passage sented to be in a very disturbed state. The money to America. vicinity of Madrid is so infested with bands of robbers, that the aid of the military is necessary for safety.

The ordinary revenues of old Spain have been estimated at 48,000,000 dollars, and the income from the colonies, at 12,000,000 dolJars, in all 60,000,000. But the revenue from the colonies has greatly diminishes, and the expenses of government, on its peace establishment, exceed the whole amount.


The Holy See, in conjunction with Eng. land, is said to have engaged the Ottoman Porte to tolerate the exercise of the Roman Catholic religion in Turkish Provinces. Rome is represented as having been thronged the last spring, by strangers, who go to make observations upon history and the arts; and a letter from this twice imperial city states, that "more than 4000 workmen are now (May 5) employed on public works; the excavations surpass all experience; many va luable monuments have been discovered, and we shall soon see ancient Rome again standing, with her temples, groves, and fountains."

The Pope's health is said to be very low; and intrigues have already commenced among the cardinals, for the succession to the triple crown. The revenue of the papal ter ritory is in a very embarrassed state, and is not more than a third of its amount prior to the revolution.


The King of the Netherlands seems bent on settling his government and pursuing a systematic and wholesome plan of policy. As a means of making himself more thoroughly acquainted with the state of the nation, he has been performing a tour through the country and inspecting the public works. Government, also, has banished from the kingdom some editors, who are said to have endeavoured, by their inflammatory publications, to excite disturbance. Those banished are, Couchois, Lorraine, and Groget, proprietors of the Naine Jaune and Vrai Liberal, Lallemant, of the Journal of East and West Flanders, and Brissot, of the Constitutional Journal of Antwerp.

The German and Swiss emigrants are crowding the Dutch towns on their way to the United States. It is stated, that in May there were not less than 4,000 of them in Rotterdam, and about 500 in Amsterdam; that Utreicht was full of them, and that the numbers in all these places were increasing. Their appearance is represented as novel; they are very inoffensive, and go about in little bands. Many of them are begging, in consequence of having been cheated out of their money by a German, who pretended to


The German Diet opened its sittings on the 28th April. The most important subject submitted was, the establishment of an army of 40,000 men to be furnished by the Germanic confederation, and be at the command of the Diet; and it was expected that this project would be favourably received at the respective courts. A meeting of German manufacturers was held at Leipsic in April, to consider the ruinous state of their affairs, and devise measures for their protection.

A pamphlet has been published at FrankColonel Mapenbach to the fort, entitled Germans," and dedicated to the King of Prussia, which has excited much sensation. The writer insists on the necessity of a national representation in Germany. The book bas been seized.

The Archdutchess Leopoldine, the betrothed spouse of the Prince Royal of Portugal, has declined going to the Brazils, on account of the disturbances there.

The Manuscrit de St. Helene, has been reprinted, not only at Ghent and Brussels, but at Frankfort also, to the number of some thousands, and its publication is announced at Weimar, Leipsic, and other places. The Emperor of Austria has givon the regiment of the late General Lindenau, to the young prince of Parma, ci-devant king of Rome.

The Prince Regent has instituted an order of knighthood in the Kingdom of Hanover, called the Guelphs, with the same gradations of honour as those of the Bath. The insig nia of Grand Cross of the Order have been sent to the Princes of Brunswick, and the reigning Prince of Lippe-Buckberg.


The Crown Prince has begun to legislate for the trade of Sweden, and among other things, has prohibited the importation of coffee, because it amounts to nearly half the value of the exports of iron. Some officers have been arrested as conspirators, troops have been marched to Stockholm, and much vigilance is exercised to keep suspected and unknown persons out of Sweden. It is stated that soine difficulties exist between Sweden and Denmark, but what they are, bas not been explained.


By an Ukase, recently published in Russia, it is required of foreigners that, on entering that country, they shall be provided with passports from the Russian ministers or agents in the countries from which they come. All passports must be exhibited at the barrier towns, and if there be no special prohibition, the persons presenting them, if they are in proper form, may proceed without molestation

Mr. Storch states that there are in Russia 20,000,000 roubles in gold and silver coin; 25,000,000 in copper, and 577,000.000 in paper. The whole of the copper is equal to only 612,000 roubles at par, and the paper is at a discount of 75 per cent. Government is endeavouring to raise the value of money by withdrawing paper from circulation.


A particular treaty has been concluded, between the Turkish government and Great Britain, relative to Parga, a strong place on the coast of Albania, opposite to Corfu, which is said to have been ceded to the English. The Grand Seignior is taking into his service foreign officers, acquainted with the modern tactics, and is very much engaged in the organization of his army. Many of the Turkish provinces are said to be in a state of rebellion. Troops are assembling in Romania, and the garrisons are receiving supplies. The policy of the Sublime Porte towards the Christians of Jerusalem, seems to have changed. An order has been issued to the Pacha of this province, to restore what he has extorted, and exact no more than the stipulated tribute.



Much hostility appears to exist on the part of the natives toward the English. A letter from Penang states, that a boat's crew from the ship Elphinstone, which had gone ashore to cut down a tree, was attacked by a party of Malays, and many of them severely wounded.

The English have concluded a treaty of peace with the Rajah of Nepaul, in which the fatter renounces all claim to the lands which were the ostensible cause of the war, and cedes many territories to the East-India company, in perpetuity. The Rajah also agrees never to take into his service any British subjects, nor the subject of any European or American state, without the consent of the British government; and in order to secure the observance of the treaty, accredited ministers from each are to reside at the court of the other.

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Bolivar is said to have captured Angustura, by which means he has secured a communication with New Grenada. Angustura is situated on the river Oronoko, about 400 miles from its mouth, and about 200 from Cumana. Barcelona is said to have been again taken by the Patriots. The following statement will give a view of the condition of the patriot forces in the provinces of Venezuela and Guayana :- General Simon Bolivar, at the head of the main army, his head quarters at the Meza before Angustura, besieging new and old Guyana, with the divisions under Generals Piar, Arismendi, Cedeno, Bermudez, Valdez-about 7000 strong, infantry and cavalry. General Paes, with the armies of Lower Apure, about 6000 strong, mostly cavalry. General Sarasa, at Chapana, in the Province of Barcelona, rear of Caraccas, with 1500 cavalry and about 600 infantry. General Monagas, in the rear of Barcelona, with 700 cavalry and 300 infantry. General Marino, in the Province of Cumana, with 2500 infantry and 300 cavalry. General Razas, at Maturin, with 700 cavalry and 200 infantry. The vessels under the command of Admiral Brion, with a complement of 3,500 men,destined for the Oronoko, which sailed from Carupano 6th June, 1817, are sloops of war, Congress, Indio, Libre. Brigs, America Libre, Conquestador, Valiente, Terrible, Formidable, Carpolican. Hermaphrodite Superbe. Schooners, Centaur. Jupiter, Grerrere, Brion, Gen. Marino, Tartar, Gen. Arismendi, Constitution, Gen. Farasas, Condor, Venganza, Conesor.


General Mina succeeded in landing at So

to la Marina, and after having refreshed his has recently been to Quebec, to make ararmy, which was increased from about 1000 rangements with the Governor in Chief for men to 1500 by the inhabitants, set out for the reception of future emigrants, who may New St. Andero, about 50 miles to the west come by the way of New-York. The folward. This place is the capital of a district lowing, from the office of Mr. Buchanan, exof the same name, and contains about 5000 bibits the number of British subjects who inhabitants. The patriots have great confi received, between the 10th of March and 10th dence in their commander, are well appoint of May, passports to proceed, principally to ed, and are encouraged by their prospects. Upper Canada-Farmers 87, labourers 37, manufacturers 37, mechanics 186, women 185, children 458-total 990. Of this number were, English-men 124, women 73, children 132, total 329; Scots-men 61, women 28. children 89, total 178; Irish-men 159, women 84, children 238, total 481. Number last autumn 349. Grand total 1328.


The patriots have raised their standard also in East Florida, and are said to be gaining strength. General M-Gregor has captured Amelia Island, not far distant from the coast. and is supposed to be preparing for an attack on St. Augustine. The patriots have some naval force lying at Amelia. The General has established a Post Office, and a Court of Admiralty; and it is said a Newspaper, in English, will soon make its appearance.



A counter-revolution has taken place at Pernambuco, and was effected by the sailors belonging to the Portuguese merchant ships, to the number of 1100,headed by their respective officers. General Martins is said to have escaped. Before the sailors got into the place, the patriots had fought two battles with the royalists, and repulsed them both times. They have now, however, fled into the interior, and many of their leaders have killed themselves or been taken. The restoration of the Royalists to power is represented as favourable to trade, for under the patriots all confidence was destroyed, many taking advantage of the situation of things to avoid

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The following military posts are occupied on the North Western frontier. Fort Harrison, on the Wabash, about 70 miles above Vincennes. Fort Clark, on the Illinois, 250 miles above the mouth of the Missouri. Belle Fontaine, on the Missouri, 15 miles above St. Louis. Fort Osge, on the Missouri, 300 miles above its mouth. Fort Edwards, on the Mississippi, 220 miles above the mouth of the Missouri. Fort Crawford, at Prairiedu Chine, on the Mississippi, 600 miles above the mouth of the Missouri, and is the adthe lakes, between which, and the post at vanced post connecting the Mississippi with Green bay, on lake Michigan, there is not more than three miles land transportation. On the upper lakes, above Detroit, there are at present but three military posts; at Mackinaw, at Greenbay, and at Chicago, the

southern part of lake Michigan.

The President has recently constituted a Board of Inquiry, consisting of two officers of the corps of engineers, an officer of the navy, and the assistant engineer, Gen. Bertrand The duties of the Board are to examine all the exposed situations of importance throughout the Union, and select such sites for fortifications as shall be necessary for the secu rity of the country. The Board are now exploring the vicinity of New-Orleans.




BY the statement of the Warden of the State Prison, of this state, it appears that the institution has about paid all its own expenses for the year ending with June, 1817. For that period. the profits of labour, including work on the State House, amounted to 4,054 dollars 6 cents,-money received from spectators, to 75 dols. 22 cents,-notes due the institution, to 3,017 dols. 81 cents, making in all 7.147 dols. 9 cents. There is, besides, a considerable stock of manufactures, &c. on hand. The expenses for the above period were, hospital expenses, 150 dollars;-interest on moneys borrowed, 74 dols. 81 cents; expenses of joiner's shop, 180 dols 74 cents; provisions, 2,385 dols. 92 cents; clothing, &c. of convicts, guard, and wages of watchmen, 3,939 dols. 92 cents; repairing and additional buildings, 271 dols. 11 cents; making in all, 7,702 dollars 50 cents.

The state is erecting a new State House at Concord. The outside of the building, it is expected, will be completed this season. The legislature have chosen the Hon. Clement Storer as Senator to Congress, vice Mr. Mason, resigned.

Married.] At Portsmouth, Mr. Wm. Tucker, to Miss Mary Mason. At Alstead, Hon. Wm. Fay, to miss Caroline Villers. At Winches

ter, Dr H. Chapin, to miss Anna B. Hawkins. At Dartmouth, mr. William Akin, to miss Sally Shearman.

Died.] At Portsmouth, Mr. Samuel Nelson, aged 31. At Alstead, Mrs. Thankful Shepherd, 71.


respective manufactories; to offer and con

fer premiums; to collect and disseminate useful information; encourage, assist, and protect new and useful inventions; and to reward and assist those who bring useful arts from foreign countries, and generally to do and perform such acts and things, as will promote useful Arts and Manufactures."

A donation has been made, to the Massachusetts General Hospital, by a citizen of Boston, 20,000 dollars.

From the 19th February to the 10th June, deposits were made in Provident Institution for Savings, to the amount of 20,157 dollars, by 372 persons.

The late heavy rains have beat most of the worms down from the fruit trees, in the interior of this state.

Married.] At Boston, John Bellows, Esq. to Miss Ann Hurd Langdon. Mr. Levi Whitcomb, to miss Elizabeth Francis. Mr. Josiah Bradlee, mer. to miss Joanna Frothingham. Mr. William Smith, to miss Keziah Jewett. Mr. Ephraim Willard, of St. Andrews, to miss Elizabeth Copeland. Doctor Theodore Dexter, to miss Sarah M. Fowler. Francis A. Blake, Esq. to Miss Elizabeth Dawes. Mr. Consider Glasse, of Danbury, to miss Sally Goodridge, of Lunenburg. Mr. Peter Hanson, to miss Mary Richardson, Lorenzo Burge, to Miss Susan Abrams. Mr. Capt. George Clark, to miss Elizabeth Camp


Mr. George Harris, to miss Rebecca Barrett. Mr. Ebenezer Little, to miss Percis Lord. At Newburyport, Capt Charles Short, to miss Rebecca Gage. Mr. Rufus Danforth, to Miss Sarah Herbert. At Charlestown, Mr. John S. Gruber, to miss Ann R. The President was received with great Rogers. Mr. Stephen Wiley, to miss Rebecca respect at Boston, and conducted into town Wheat. Doctor Underwood, of Amherst, by a long escort of citizens and the military, N. H. to miss Ann Gage. At Salem, Capt. to his lodgings at the exchange coffee house. Josiah G. Burrill to miss Sally Smith. Mr. During his stay, he visited all the public Jacob Jones, to miss Eliza Dutch. Mr Moworks in the harbour, and the vicinity; ses Ham, to miss Eliza Civil! Mr. William Harvard University, the Middlesex canal, Dowst, to miss Lydia D. Macarthy. Mr. and having attended the anniversary cele. Abraham Phippen, to miss Sally Tiplady. bration of Independence in Boston, proceed. Mr. Joseph Tucker, to miss Polly Trofatter. ed eastward through Marblehead, Salem, At New-Bedford, Captain Richard West, to Newburyport, &c., being met in every place by the most respectful public attentions During his stay in Boston he sat to Mr. Stewart for his picture.

miss Mary Allen. Mr. Hiram Covin, to miss Ann Allen. At Kittery, Mr. William Foss, to miss Hannah Emery. At Bangor, Me Mr. David Harthorn, 2nd. to miss Jane HitchArticle 11th of the constitution adopted born. At Arundel, mr. Wm. Perkins, mer. by the Massachusetts Society for the encou- to miss Mehitable Lord. At East Sudbury, ragemet of American Manufactures, runs thus: David Baldwin, Esq. to miss Deborah C. "It shall be the object of the Society to aid Maynard. At Andover, Rev. Joseph Chickand assist in obviating the difficulties, and ering, of Woburn. to miss Sarah A. Holt. At facilitating the improvements of the Ameri- Boxford, Mr. Charles M. Kimball, of Newbucan Manufacturer; to attend to, and encou- ryport, to miss Mary Foster. At Framingrage the education, and moral and religious ham, mr. Samuel Murdock. to miss Abigal improvement of the youth employed in the Stone. At Marblehead, Captain Benjamin

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