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4; Ulcus, (Ulcer,) 18; Aphtha, (Thrush,) 3; thoracic inflammation, constituting the PneuUstio. (Burn,) 1; Odontalgia (Tooth-ach,) monia Typhodes of writers, and formning a 16; Morbi Cutanei, (Eruptions of the Skin,) 43.

The frequent showers and repeated rains of this month. proved highly favourable to vegetation, which now exhibits a luxuriant appearance. The 3d, 4th. 9th 10th. 13th, 14th. 15th, 19th, 23d, 28th, 29th, and 30th, were all attended with more or less rain. which was heavy on the 3d, 4th. 15th and 19th; and on the evening of the 29th, was accompanied with much thunder and lightning. The quantity of rain, as measured by the pluviameter, was 8.45 inches. The maximum of the ther mometer, in the shade,was 81: its minimum 49. The mean temperature for the morn ing was 58°; for the afternoon 70°; at sunset 669 The winds have been somewhat variable; occasionally from the east and north-east, but most commonly from the

south and south-west.

combination of symptoms, than which there are few more difficult of management, or more embarrassing to the physician in the whole history of acute disorders.

The returning warmth of Summer has already manifested its influence in exciting those affections of the stomach and bowels, that depend upon a disordered state of the digestive and biliary organs, produced by the operation of external heat.

The Infantile Remittent, formerly described, has greatly predominated over every other acute disorder. It has seldom, however, shown any untractableness in its symptoms; on the contrary, it has, in general, been speedily subdued by the treatment recommended in the last Report. The duration of this disease, was different in different patients; but in most instances, it continued from seven to ten days. In several it terminated within the first week; and in only a few instances, was it protracted beyond the fourteenth day. The decided efficacy of early and free evacuations from the intestinal canal, in arresting the progress of this disorder, and in rendering its symptoms more mild and tractable, was strikingly exemplified in a number of instances. Indeed, throughout the whole course of the disease, whenever the bowels were suffered to become constipated, an increase of pain and irritation in the abdomen, and an augmentation of fever, supervened. Under these circumstances, the

The series of mixed and incongruous disorders mentioned in the preceding Catalogue, may be considered as an effect of the sudden commencement of Summer heats, after a late and cold Spring; and in some degree, aiso, as the result of hot sun-shine alternating with frequent rains and showers, and in a few instances with sharp easterly and northeasterly winds. It would seem, indeed, that the complaints of Winter, Spring and Summer, had been promiscuously crowded together, without any distinct or predominant character. But notwithstanding, the month of June appears to have been, generally only relief was from the operation of a purspeaking, healthy. From an amelioration gative. In short, to the successful manageof the temperature of the weather, the Inflam- ment of the complaint, an open state of the matory constitution so conspicuous through- bowels is indispensable; without which, all out the Spring, has much declined. Acute other treatment will be of little avail. And disorders of the organs of respiration, and so great is usually the torpor and inactivity other inflammatory affections, have, in con- of the intestines, that it is surprising what sequence, become less frequent. This amend- large active doses of aperient medicines are ment of temperature appears also to have often required to excite their peristaltic mobeen favourable to the convalescent and tion. But in the use of purgatives, it must phthisical. Only two new cases of Phthisis be observed, that some circumspection is cerpulmonalis have been reported at the Dispen- tainly necessary. The intention is merely to sary during this interval; but in the two pre- remove from the bowels their stagnant and ceding months there were fourteen cases of irritating contents, and afterwards to keep this disease, which were inadvertently left up gentle action, and not active catharsis, out of the list prefixed to the last Report. It which would only tend to relax the tone of may here be remarked, that the state of the the alimentary canal, and unnecessarily to weather has frequently more influence in exhaust the system. producing a favourable change in some of the affections of the lungs, than any of the remedies that are usually applied.

A few cases of Intermittent, Remittent, and Typhous Fevers, appeared in different quarters of the city. Fourteen deaths from Typhus alone are recorded in the New-York bills of mortality. Only four cases of this disease occurred in the practice of the Dispensary, all of which terminated favourably. In four other patients it was associated with

A distinct crisis of this fever was seldom or ever observable, the signs of amendment occurring in too gradual a manner to ascertain distinctly the precise time of their commencement. The favourable symptoms, however, of which sometimes one and sometimes another gave the first indication of recovering, were, a return of appetite; the alvine evacuations having a more healthy appearance; the fever becoming less urgent, with longer intervals between the accessions of

the paroxysms; the pulse growing stronger, more steady, and less frequent; the tongue beginning to look clean; and the patient acquiring more tranquillity of temper.

Chronic affections of the Bronchiæ, were frequent. To this head belong chronic coughs, Tussis cum Dyspnoea, Catarrhus pituitosus, Catarrhus senilis, &c. Cephalic complaints generally were often met with. But the most prevalent of the class of chronic diseases, as will be seen from an inspection of the foregoing list, were dyspepsia and other disorders of the alimentary canal. These were, in a certain degree, to be attributed to the increased temperature of the atmosphere: but, it is a lamentable truth, that in the ma jority of instances, they could be clearly traced to the intemperate use of spirituous li


The subject of the case of Chorea is a female, aged 15 years, in whom the catamenia bave never appeared. The disease, although of several years standing, appears to be declining under the use of chalybeates, vegetable tonics, and purgatives at intervals of a few days.

As a suitable appendage to this account of diseases-the Reporter subjoins the number of deaths stated in the New-York Bills of Mortality, for the month of June :-

Abcess, 2; Apoplexy, 3; Asthma, 1; Burn

ed, 1; Catarrh, 3; Childbed, 2; Colic, 1; Cholera Morbus, 1; Consumption, 37; Con-. vulsions, 12; Diarrhoea. 1; Dropsy, 7; Dropsy in the Head, 6; Dropsy in the chest, 2; Drowned, 2; Dysentery, 1; Erysipelas, 1; Fever, 1; Bilious Fever, 1; Inflammatory Fever. 1; Remittent Fever, 2; Typhous Fever, 14; Gout, 2; Hæmorrhage, 1; Hives, 1; Inflammation of the Brain, 3; Inflammation of the Chest, 8; Inflammation of the liver, 2; Inflammation of the bowels, 3; Insanity, 1; Jaundice, 1; Marasmus, 2; Mortification, 1; Old age. 8; Palsy, 2; Pleurisy, 2; Quiusy, 1; Rheumatism. 1; Scalded, 1; Scirrhus, 1; Scirrhus of the liver, 1; Spasms, 1; Sprue, 1; Still-born, 15; Sudden Death, 1; Tabes mesenterica, 3; Teething, 1; Vomiting of blood, 1; Worms, 2; Unknown, 1; Casualty, 1; Suicide, 2; Total of deaths. 180.

Of this number there died 47 of and under the age of 1 year; 8 between 1 and 2 years; 6 between 2 and 5; 6 between 5 and 10; 10 between 10 and 20; 21 between 20 and 30; 26 between 30 and 40; 24 between 40 and 50; 14 between 50 and 60; 9 between 60 and 70; 7 between 70 and 80; 2 between 80 and 90; and 1 between 90 and.


JACOB DYCKMAN, M.D. New-York, June 30th, 1917.



COMMISSION was executed on Mon

way, that his insanity was first distovered. Signor T. arrived in this country about the end of the year 1815. His disease

A at Tammany Hall, gradually bold of him,

in the city of New-York, under a writ from the court of Chancery, de lunatico inquirendo, on Don Martin Thompson, Minister from the patriots of Buenos Ayres to the United States. The commissioners were Robert Bogardus, Esq. James Campbell, Esq. Hon. Samuel L. Mitchill, M. D. and Archibald Bruce, M. D. From the testimony of the witnesses examined, the Commissioners and the Jury impannelled to try the question, were fully satisfied of Don Martin's utter mental incapacity. It appears that he never was a man of strong understanding, and apprehension and anxiety easily undermined and subverted his reasoning faculties. His attention to his pecuniary interests has not, however, in any degree diminished since his derangement. On the contrary, solicitude on this subject, was probably one of the causes of the aberration of his mind, and still retains its ascendant. He has a considerable sum deposited in the Mechanics' bank in this city; but upon this be is very reluctant to infringe, whilst he has an irresistible propensity to increase his store, by appropriating whatever he can lay hold of. It was by his extravagances in this

since the middle of May last, he has been an absolute lunatic. He seems to have suffered a complete prostration of intellect, and is sinking into idiocy. He is confined in the hospital.

The Count Regnaud St. Jean d'Angely has lately exhibited another singular instance of insanity, in New York, though of a very different kind. His delirium was accompanied with a wonderful exaltation of mind. He conceived magnificent projects. He bought estates, ordered expensive improvements, contracted for ships, &c. and gave in payment draughts upon any bank whose printed checks were offered him. He seriously entertained the idea of invading France with a fleet of steam boats, and it is said, had actually bespoken saddles for a corps of cavalry which he intended to embark as a part of his expedition. He suffered some alarm, however, from an idea which had taken possession of him, that the Bourbons had suborned persons to poison him, and that the detention of Madame, his wife, was a part of the scheme of the conspira ey that sought his life. He was several

times confined in the hospital, and as often discharged at the request of his friends. A week or two since, he sailed for Holland in great glee, making no secret of his design of dethroning Louis the 18th, and restoring the Bonapartean dynasty.

From the New (London) Monthly Magazine.

A traveller, who has made some observations on the state of society in Edinburgh, gives us the following particulars respecting some of the most distinguished literary characters of that city:


Professor Playfair. who. I believe, goes as frequently into company as any young man that lives according to the fashion, is often to be seen in the corner of a crowded drawing. room. He is now about 60 years of age, and has nothing remarkable in his appearance, excepting a very intelligent, gray eye. He was at first in the church, but resigned his living and obtained a professor's chair Be sides his criticisms in the Edinburgh Review, chiefly on mathematical works and travels, he published some years since an explanation of Hutton's geological system, which was very favourably received."

He is styled the D'Alembert of Edinburgh, and not without reason, though as great a compliment is thus paid to D'Alembert as to him. What is particularly pleasing in Playfair, is a peculiar simplicity and frankness of manner; and it is truly gratifying to witness the mildness and modesty which character. ize the demeanour of this worthy scholar and philosopher. Playfair is a bachelor, and his unmarried sister at present lives with



In another corner-probably the Poet's Corner-you may occasionally find Walter Scott, though he is not a frequent visiter of these places. I should imagine that there is scarce ly any other person in the profane world who is so much talked of as Walter Scott, and but few travellers come to Edinburgh with out inquiring whether he be visible. In a small dark room where one of the courts is held, he is to be seen every morning in term time, seated at a small table with the acts of the court before him. He is a short, broadshouldered. and rather robust man, with light hair, eyes between blue and gray. broad nose, round face, with an almost sleepy look, dress ed in a shabby black gown, his lame leg concealed under the table, and the other extended in such a way as never leg. whether lame or sound, ought to be:-a man. forsooth, to whom you would swear that heaven had given a good-natured. honest soul. not over burdened with intellect-a jolly, loyal subject, who is fond of port and porter, pays his

taxes without grumbling, and can sing: God save the King. Not a poetic feature, nor a ray of genius in his face, except a somewhat animated eye, distinguishes the bust of the author of the Lay of the Last Minstrel, from the stupid, vacant, and unlettered loon.

Mr Scott is about 47 years old, and is descended from an obscure family in Lotbian. In his infancy, as he himself relates, the old people took him upon their knees, called him Little Watty, and told him all sorts of old stories and legends, while his brothers were abroad at work, from which he was exempted on account of his lameness. Some of the philosophers who attach a moral to all their fables, will probably make the discovery that the world owed one more great poet to the circumstance that Walter Scott was born with one leg shorter than the other. Well! e'en let them if they will!-Scott has been some time married to a Guernsey lady. a natural daughter of the late Duke of Devonshire, with whom he is said to have received a portion of 10.000l. She was born in the island, and spoke wretched broken English. To her virtues belong an ungovernable fury against all the unlucky wights who censure her husband's works. It is reported, that when his Marmion was criticised in the Edinburgh Review, she could scarcely be restrained from pulling the ears of the editor when she met him some time after at a dinner party.

Mr. Scott is blest with some other good things that rarely fall to the lot of a poet. He is sheriff-depute of a county, commits offenders to gaol and sends them to the gallows with great ability. He is also a clerk of the abovementioned court. These two places produce him from 800l. to 1,000 per annum.

Though a great number of travellers bave letters of recommendation to Mr. Scott, yet his parties are not numerous; he confines himself to a chosen few of the ministerial side, and is warmly attached to the king and the church. His manners are agreeable, untainted with vanity, and the only affectation to be perceived in him is, that he is solicitous not to appear as a poet. He is very lively and full of anecdote; and though not brilliant in company, is always cheerful and unassuming.


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ris, among the most celebrated persons of two minutes. From various other parts of their time. Hence the conversation of Mrs. Alison is peculiarly interesting. The company too that visits at their house, is the best and most select of all classes in Edinburgh.


the quagmire round the large globes or bubbles, there were occasionally small quantities of mud shot up like rockets to the height of twenty or thirty feet, and accompanied by smoke. This was in parts where the mud was of too stiff a consistency to rise in globes or bubbles. The mud at all the places we came near was cold on the surface, but we were told it was warm beneath. The water which drains from the mud is collected by the Javanese, and by being exposed in the hollows of split bamboos to the rays of the sun, deposits crystals of salt. The salt thus made is reserved exclusively for the Emperor of Solo. In dry weather it yields thirty dudjins of one hundred catties each, every month, but in wet or cloudy weather less.

By T. S. Goad, Esq. of the East India Service. Having received an extraordinary account of a natural phenomenon in the Plains of Grobogan, fifty pals or miles NE of Solo, a party, of which I was one, set off from Solo on the 8th of September, 1815, to examine it. On approaching the village of Kuhoo, we saw, between two trees in a plain, an appear ance like the surf breaking over rocks, with a strong spray falling leeward. The spot In the afternoon we rode to a place in t was completely surrounded by huts for the forest called Ramsam, to view a salt lake, i manufacture of salt, and at a distance looked mud hillock, and various boiling or rather like a large village. Alighting, we went to bubbling pools. The lake was about half & the Bludugs, as the Javanese call them. They mile in circumference, of a dirty looking are situated in the village of Kuhoo, and by water, boiling up all over in gurgling bodies, Europeans are called by that name. We but more particularly in the centre, which found them to be on an elevated plain of appeared like a strong spring; the water was mud, about two miles in circumference, in quite cold, and tasted bitter, salt, and sour, the centre of which immense bodies of salt and had an offensive smell. About thirty mud were thrown up to the height of from yards from the lake stood the mud hillock, ten to fifteen feet, in the form of large globes, which was about fifteen feet high from the which, bursting, emitted volumes of dense level of the earth. The diameter of its bas white smoke. The large globes or bubbles, was about twenty-five yards, and its top of which there were two, continued throw about eight feet, and in form an exact cont. ing up and bursting seven or eight times in a The top is open, and the interior keeps conminute by the watch. At times they throw stantly working and heaving up mud in gloup two or three tons of mud. We got to lee bular forms, like the Bludugs. The hillock ward of the smoke, and found it to smell like is entirely formed of mud which has flowed the washing of a gun-barrel. As the globes out of the top; every rise of the mud was burst, they threw the mud out from the cen- accompanied by a rumbling noise from the tre, with a pretty loud noise, occasioned by bottom of the hillock, which was distinctly the falling of the mud upon that which sur- heard for some seconds before the bubbles rounded it, and of which the plain is com- burst. The outside of the hillock was quite posed. It was difficult and dangerous to ap- firm. We stood on the edge of the opening proach the large globes or bubbles, as the and sounded it, and found it to be eleven ground was all a quagmire, except where fathoms deep. The mud was more liquid the surface of the mud had become harden- than at the Bludugs, and no smoke was emited by the sun; upon this we approached ted from the lake, hillock, or pools. cautiously to within fifty yards of the largest Close to the foot of the hillock was a small bubble, or mud-pudding, as it might very pool of the same water as the lake, which approperly be called. for it was of the consis- peared exactly like a pot of water boiling tency of a custard-pudding, and of very con- violently; it was shallow, except in the censiderable diameter; here and there, where the foot accidentally rested on a spot not sufficiently hardened to bear, it sunk, to the no small distress of the walker.

tre, into which we thrust a stick twelve feet long, but found no bottom. The hole not being perpendicular we could not sound it with a line.

We also got close to a small globe or bub- About two hundred yards from the lake, ble, (the plain was full of them of different si- were several large pools or springs, two of zes) and observed it closely for some time. which were eight and ten feet in diameter. It appeared to heave and swell, and when They were like the small pool, but boiled the internal air had raised it to some height, more violently, and smelt excessively. The it burst and fell down in concentric circles, ground around them was hot to the feet, and in which shape it remained quiet until a suffi- the air which issued from them quite hot, so cient quantity of air was again formed inter- that it was most probably inflammable; but nally to raise and burst another bubble. This we did not ascertain this. We heard the continued at intervals from about one-half to boiling thirty yards before we came to the

pools, resembling in noise a water-fall. The pools did not overflow; of course the bubbling was occasioned by the rising of air alone. The water of one of the pools appeared to contain a mixture of earth and time, and from the taste, to be combined with al kali. The water of the Bludugs and the lake is used medicinally by the Javanese, and cattle drinking of the water are poisoned.British Annual Register. for 1816.


supposed to stand, when, apparently frightened at the noise of his own gun. be sank down on his knees and begged for mercy: during this time the expression of his face was inimitable, and, at the conclusion, the whole of the spectators burst into a shout of admiration.

In another representation, he imitated the overstrained politeness of an Amharic courtier, paying a first visit to a superior. On coming in, he fell on his face and kissed the ground, paying most abject compliments to the chief, and, on being invited to sit down, From Salt's Voyage to Abyssinia. placed himself with well-feigned humility As I am now upon the holiday sports of the close to the threshold of the door: shortly Abyssinians, it may not be amiss to give some afterwards, on the supposition of a question account of this man. Totte Máze, for such being asked him by the chief, be arose, and was his name, was one of the cleverest mi- still carrying on the farce, prostrated himself mics I have ever seen, the command which the second time, and gave an answer couchhe possessed over his features almost equalling ed in very polite and artful phrases, adthat which was displayed on the boards of vancing cautiously at the same time into the our own' theatres by Suet; an orator to whom middle of the room. In this manner he conhe bore considerable resemblance. One of tinued to take advantage of the attentions his chief acquirements consisted in the singular art of making other people (particularly strangers, who had not been apprized of his intention) imitate the contortions of his own features, a power which I repeatedly saw him exercise with success, and which, on one occasion, drew me into the same kind of ridiculous situation, without my being conscious of the changes in my countenance, until I was roused by a friendly bint from the Ras, who let me into the secret of what he was about. He afterwards performed, at the Ras's request, some finished pieces of acting that evinced very extraordinary native ta


paid to him, gradually stealing along, till he got close to the side of the chief, when he assumed an extraordinary degree of familiarity, talked loudly, and, to complete the ridiculous effect of the whole scene, affectedly shoved his nose almost in contact with the other's face. This species of satire afforded great delight to the Tigrians; as they pretend on all occasions to despise the submissive and effeminate manners of the people of Amhara, whom they invariably describe, as "possessing smooth tongues and no hearts."

In addition to his other representations, Totte Máze gave a most admirable imitation of the mincing step and coquettish manners of the women of Ambara, and of their extreme affectation in answering a few of the most common questions. In all these representations, the tones of his voice were so perfectly adapted to the different characters, and his action so thoroughly appropriate, that it gave me very unexpected gratification.

One of these consisted in the imitation of the behaviour of a chief in battle, who had not been remarkable for his courage. At first he came in very pompously; calling out in an overbearing manner to his soldiers, and vaunting what he would do when the enemy approached. He then mimicked the sound of The following instance may be related, as horns at a distance, and the low beating of a drum. At hearing this, he represented the a specimen of the wit usually practised by chief, as beginning to be a little cautious, and the jesters of this country; who, like the to ask questions of those around him, whe- fools of old times, exercise their ingenuity ther they thought the enemy were strong. upon persons of every description, without This alarm he continued to heighten in pro regard to rank or station. He had, one day, portion as the enemy advanced, until at last so much offended the Ras by some liberties he depicted the hero as nearly overcome by that he had taken with him, that he ordered his fears; the musket trembling in his hand, him never again to set foot upon his carpet, his heart panting, and his eyes completely (which, it may be noticed, extends about fixed, while, without being conscious of it, half way down the room.) On the following his legs began to make a very prudent re- day, however. to the great surprise of the treat. This part of his acting excited among company, the jester made his appearance, the spectators its due share of contempt, mounted on the back of one of his attendwhen dexterously laying hold of the circum- ants, in which ludicrous situation he adstance, he affected to be ashamed of his vanced close up to the Ras, and with a very cowardice, mustered up his whole stock of whimsical expression of features, cried out, courage, and advanced, firing his matchlock "you can't say that I am on your carpet The Ras. who, like most of his at the same moment in a direction exactly now."

contrary to that in which the enemy was countrymen, delights in humour, could not

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