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has been brought before Parliament, by Mr. Bennett, for abolishing the practice of sweeping chimneys by means of climbing boys; and it is anticipated that this inhuman and unjustifiable practice will be forbidden by law. This paternal measure will be aided by the introduction into general use of a new-invented machine for cleansing chimneys, which answers its purpose admirably. It has been stated in a former number of this Magazine, that Spain had applied to England for assistance in her efforts to quell her revolted colonies. In regard to these colonies, England conducts with, much caution. She must certainly wish them success in their struggle for independence, yet her government forbears to interfere, although to take part with either the mother country or the provinces would furnish employment for her maEine, at this time so desirable. The following short extract from a speech of Jord Castlereagh's in the House of Commons, may throw some light on this subject. His lordship says, on the subject of South America, I have to say, that whenever a question shall be raised on the policy of this country towards that, I am convinced the House will be satisfied that nothing has been done for which the government ought to reproach themselves. Commerce has sustained no injury in that quarter from the measures that have been adopted, and it is difficult to show how greater facility for the introduction of British goods could by possibility be afforded. The fact is, with regard to South America this country has nothing to desire. At present some interruptions exists, owing to the war which disturbs that part of the world and to the absence of all settled government, but these are evils which cannot be corrected by Parliament."


In Ireland, the price of provisions, by the most recent information, was falling, and the sufferings of the poor were likely to be removed. This was ascribed to the fair prospect of an abundant harvest in all kinds of produce.

Died.] In London, on the 8th of July, of paralysis, Mr. Ponsonby, M. P. a conspicuous leader of the opposition. Mr. Ponsonby was an Irishman and educated a lawyer. He was called to the Irish Bar in 1780, and was afterwards sent to the Irish Parliament. During the administration of Lord Grenville, he was made Chancellor of Ireland. Of his character, while a member of the Imperial Parliament, one of the English papers thus speaks. All men of all par


ties may well deplore the loss of such a man. He gave dignity to the party of which he was the leader, by the talents he displayed in his public, and by the virtues he exhibited in his private character. Opposed as we have always been to the line of politics which he pursued, we should be ashamed of ourselves if we withheld our acknowledgment of the sincere conviction upon which he alway acted. Hence he was not one of those who "to party gave up what was meant for mankind." One of the principal features of his character was liberality.— Knowing that he acted from his conviction of what was right, he never failed to allow the same merit to others, however opposite their opinions and their conduct. And therefore we never heard from him that coarseness of invective, arrogance of censure, or meanness of suspicion, which have been too observable in others.


It is rumoured that negotiations are on foot between the French government and the Allied Powers, to procure the removal from France, within the present year, of a second fifth of the army of occupa tion; the crops throughout the kingdom are said to be abundant; the enterprise of the people seems to be directed toward the improvement of manufactures and the extension of pacific relations, and the general political condition of France, though reduced, appears tranquil. The negotiations with the court of Rome on the affairs of the French church are said to be definitely concluded. Archbishop Talleyrand Perigord, Duke of Reims, is appointed to the See of Paris.

The French Consul General at Amsterdam has given notice, according to orders from government, that no vessel coming from foreign countries will be admitted in Senegal or in the dependencies of that country.

On the anniversary of the return of Louis XVIII. to Paris, his majesty reviewed 13 legions of the Parisian National Guards. The streets through which he passed were lined with the military, and the white flag and other appropriate emblems were displayed from the windows. The number of men under arms was estimated at 36,000. At night the city was illuminated.

A steam-boat has been invented in France by a Mr. Humphrey, on a principle which renders explosions impossible. This vessel plies between Berlin and Charlottenburgh. A fine steamboat, also, called the Dutchess of Berry, was launched at Rouen, on St,

Louis's day, in August. It is sal she is not inferior to the best American steamboats.

[Died. At Paris, the Baroness De Stael, after a long and painful sickness, aged 53 years. She was the daughter of the celebrated financier, Neckar, and Susan Curchod, the lady with whom the historian Gibbon became enamoured, during his residence in Switzerland, when a young man.


Spain is earnestly endeavouring to procure aid of the great European powers, to subdue her colonies to obedience. Report says that the aid of Russia is to be obtained by the cession of California and Minorca. Application has been made to the British government to furnish naval aid, and to prevent her subjects from going to the assistance of the Revolutionists. It is stated that a force of 6000 men are to be sent to South America from Old Spain, and that this force is to be raised by taking from each regiment of the line 11 men.

General Lacy, and four other officers of high rank, have been condemned to death by a council of war, and the senence has been executed. General Milans, and some others, have been condemned par contumace. It is stated, however, that a general amnesty is expected in favour of all proscribed Spaniards.

On the 30th of May a steam boat was launched on the Guadalquiver, the first ever built in Spain.


By a decree of the Neapolitan Government, corn and seeds may be imported, free of duty, into the kingdom of Naples, for eight ensuing years.

The port of Ponte Lago Securo, situated on the Po, near Ferrara, in the Papal territory, is declared a free port; and the free ports in the Roman States are, now, Ancona, Ponte Lago Securo, and, during the fair in Italy, which lasts about twenty-five days, Sinigalia.

The health of the Pope seems to be feeble. He lately returned from his residence at the castle of Gandolfo to Rome, where his welcome was unanimous. He was attended by a large escort, in which were Maria Louisa, the Infante of Spain and his young son, the Princess of Wales, and the Prince of Saxe Gotha.

It is stated that the King of Sardinia has made reimbursements to England for expenses in the war, to the amount of five millions, and that an English frigate had arrived at Leghorn for the purpose

of receiving the money. The harvest in Italy has been abundant.


Dreadful ravages have been committed in Switzerland by inundations. Houses and bridges have been swept away: fields have been devastated, and large tracts of country laid under water. The loss of property and the distress have been great and manifold.


Joseph Constant Roorh, editor of the Antwerp Mercury, and M. Conders, of the same city, have been accused of having provoked the people to revolt by articles in said journal, and have been cited before the Special Court for trial. The Spanish consul in Amsterdam has given notice, that the importation of foreign soap into the peninsula and the neighbouring islands, is prohibited. Amsterdam is crowded with Swiss and German emigrants, who are represented as being in the most wretched situation. The government employs as many of them as it can on the works of the Helder, but the women and children are destitute. Many have perished with hunger.

Mr. Gallatin, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary from the United States of America, to the court of France, has arrived at Brussels, from Ghent and Paris. His stay is of some duration, and some negotiation of consequence is supposed to be on foot.


The minister of the cities of Lubec, Frankfort, Bremen and Hamburgh, has submitted a memorial to the Diet on the subject of the Barbary pirates, and a commission has been appointed by the Diet 'to prepare an opinion on the most efficient means of securing the German navigation against the piracies of the Barbary corsairs, with a view to the report to be made to the courts and constituents of the members of the Diet.'

The Diet of Germany has issued letters of notification to the European powers, to the grand Seignior, and to the United States, announcing, that the Germanic Confederation proposes to treat with the several states as an European power. The last sittings of the Diet have been confidential; but it is reported that they were upon the subject of the internal organization of the confederation. On the 7th July, in a full session of the Diet, the Prince of Hesse-Hombourg, the reigning Landgrave, was admitted, by an unanimous vote, into the Germanic confederation.

As the 99th article of the act of the

Congress of Vienna stood, relative to the dutchies of Parma and Placentia, Spain would not sign the act. By a convention, concluded at Paris afterwards, between the courts mentioned in that article, viz. Austria, Russia, France, Spain, England, and Prussia, it is agreed, that the dutchies, after the death of the present Dutchess Maria Louisa, shall return to the late Queen of Etruria and her lineal male descendants, except the districts on the right bank of the Po, surrounded by the territories of Austria. In default of male heirs, Austria and Sardinia will exercise their reversionary right to the dutchies. The Arch Dutchess Maria Louisa, shall be put in possession of the principality of Lucca, and shall receive the arrears of the annuity of 500,000 franks, which was settled on her by the act of Congress, as well as the principality of Lucca. Austria has obtained the right of maintaining a permanent garrison in the important fortress of Placentia. In consequence of this convention, Spain fully acceded to the act of Congress.

The King of Bavaria has issued an ordinance on the subject of lotteries. He has not prohibited them, but has forbidden all advertisements of them, calculated to entice the unwary, and also all hawking about of tickets; children, also, are forbidden to buy tickets, and no Jews are hereafter to be collectors. Some accounts state, that there is so great a scarcity in Saxony as to amount to a famine, though in other parts of Germany the prices of provisions are falling, and the prospect of an abundant harvest promising.


The Prince Royal of Sweden and his son Oscar, were expected in Christiana, in the latter end of July, when prince Oscar was to be installed Viceroy of Norway, by the especial order of the King. It was not decided whether the Viceroy would fix his residence at Christiana or not. Prince Oscar having come of age, has taken his seat next his majesty in the Council of State. He was introduced by the Crown Prince, his father, and was addressed by the King in a very appropriate and touching speech.


Alexander continues active in the paternal administration of his government. He has issued a decree in favour of dissenters from the Greek church, (the established church in Russia.) He forbids all persecution; and remarks, "the doctrine of the Redeemer, who came into the world to save the sinner, cannot be

spread by restraint and punishment. True faith can only take root, with the blessing of God, by conviction, instruction, mildness, and, above all, by good example." The Emperor has also sent four young men to England, to learn the new method of instruction, (the Lancastrian, doubtless,) that they may be put at the head of seminaries on their return. The Scottish emigrants in Poland, are settled in Russian Poland; they have several privileges, and, among others, exemption from military conscription. The district where they are located is called Scotia, and a Presbyterian clergyman is settled among them.

An Imperial commercial bank has been established at St. Petersburgh. Thirty millions of roubles, of the capital of the crown, are placed at the disposal of the bank The bank is allowed to take money-1st, on interest-2d, in deposite. The bank gives loans on Russian goods, according to the principles of the discount office, and accepts bills, taking the per centage according to the course of commercial operations. Half the directors to consist of public officers, and half of merchants. The bank to be opened on the 1st of January, 1818. The integrity of the loans intrusted to the bank is guaranteed by the imperial word.

The marriage of the Grand Duke Nicholas with the Princess Charlotte of Prussia was to take place at Petersburgh in the beginning of July.

The population of St. Petersburgh is computed at about 285,000 persons, including the military, of which it is estimated that about 35,000 are foreigners. In 1794 the number of inhabitants in this city was supposed to amount to 114,000 Russians and 16,000 strangers; and in 1792 to 198,000 natives and $2,000 strangers.

Several ships of war were launched in May, at Casan, a city on the Wolga, communicating with the Caspian Sea.


The Aga of the Janissaries is said tə have been apprehended as the head of a conspiracy, and put to death. The Grand Seignior is apparently determined to destroy the formidable power of that celebrated body, though he will probably find the undertaking difficult and hazardous.

The state of health in Constantinople this season is said to be good, and the arrival of some transports from Egypt with rice, coffee, and other productions of that country, has removed all apprehension of scarcity,



The forces of the East India Company have been engaged in the reduction of one of their voited dependencies. By a treaty of 1803 certain territories on the right bank of the Jumna were ceded to the Company, and in this ceded district was fort Hattras, in possession of Thakor Dyaram, who was allowed to retain it and keep up a large military establishment, on the supposition that when be found himself protected in his rights and secure he would voluntarily disband his retainers and suffer the fort to go to decay. But he took advantage of his situation to strengthen himself, and having in several instances evaded and resisted the constituted authorities, he was attacked and his fort blown about his ears. Fort Hattras is represented as having been a very strong place; the ditch was 120 feet wide, on an average, and 80 feet deep.

Accounts from Java state that much vexatious delay has taken place in the transfer of the island and dependencies of the King of the Netherlands, though the negotiation has at length been completed. An attempt to make the people work on the roads and clear the drains is said to have caused an insurrection, which was not subdued until several hundred lives were lost.

Trial by jury was introduced into the island of Ceylon in 1811, and has been attended with the happiest effects on the administration of justice; and more recently vaccination has been brought into extensive use. The number of persons inoculated in the year 1816 is estimated at 20,000. In Penang, in the month of January, 1577 dogs were killed. AFRICA.


It is reported that war has been declared between Tunis and Algiers. The Bey of Tunis recently caused a captain of a corsair to be hung with the rope of the flag of an English vessel which he had captured unlawfully. The Bey has refused the consul of the United States of America an audience, and compelled him to quit Tunis. In consequence, the American squadron under Commodore Chauncey is expected shortly to proceed to that place.


The Bashaw of Tripoli has presented to the Prince Regent of England some remains, (such as were moveable,) from Lebyda, the site of old Carthage. It is

also stated that the Bashaw has offered protection, as far as his authority extends, to any European who is willing to attempt the journey from Tripoli to Tombuctoo. This, however, is not much, as the most perilous part of the route is beyond his territory, across the great desert, exposed to moving sands, want of water, and the attacks of the wandering Arabs.




The royalists, as stated in our last number, have captured the island of Margarita from the patriots, but it was after a severe contest. General Morillo, of the royalists, immediately after taking possession, sent off to Laguira for as large a number of surgeons as could be obtained, but only one, it is represented, would go. The war is said to be carried on with the most bitter animosity, the prisoners being treated with great cruelty or put to death at the caprice of the commander.


General Mina maintains his success, and gathers strength by degrees; he seems to conduct with much caution and energy. It is asserted that the Marquis de Moncatda, one of the most influential men in Mexico, has taken the side of the patriots at the head of 10,000 men.


gor, seems at last to have failed, and the The enterprise of Sir George M'Gregeneral himself has resigned in favour of one Colonel Irwin, late member of Congress from the state of Pennsylvania. An attack was expected daily, by the last accounts, from Governor Coppinger. General M'Gregor and his wife have left Amelia, and with him have gone almost all the officers of ability and character originally attached to the expedition. The place, if held, is likely to become a mere nest of bucaniers.


[blocks in formation]

sures are taken to carry the order into British Government since the treaty of effect.


It is stated that Mr. Tyler, agent for the United States of America, was cordially received by the public authorities at Cape Henry, but he was not received by Christophe, because his papers retained the old names of Cape Francois and St. Domingo, instead of employing the new appellations of Cape Henry and Hayti.

The Lancastrian mode of teaching has been adopted in this kingdom, and schools have been established, supported by government, and the subject of education seems to have been taken up in an enlightened way, eminently auspicious of success. A decree has passed for the sale of estates which have become public property. They are to be sold free of encumbrance, and their names are to be changed. Christophe appears to make use of every means in his power, (and he devises them with much sagacity) to awaken in his people a sense of national dignity and an attachment to independent government, as well by taking advantage of wholesome prejudices as by the dissemination of knowledge and a rigid enforcement of the laws.

Died.] At the Waters of Port-a-Piment, Prince John, nephew to the king, Grand Marshal, Grand Admiral, Grand Cross of the Royal and Military Order of St. Henry, aged 37 years. His funeral obsequies were celebrated with great pomp. He is represented as having been a man of talents and great courage. His last words are said to have been, "Let the Haytians combat with their last breath for liberty and independence, and be rather all exterminated than return under the yoke of their oppressors." His body was embalmed and sent to Gonaives.



By a decision of Judge Wallace of the Admiralty Court, twenty American fishing vessels carried into Halifax, last June, by his Majesty's ship Dee, captain Chamhers, are restored to the owners, upon their paying costs. An appeal, however, is expected to be made by the captors, the owners meanwhile taking their vessels on bonds to abide the issue. The grounds of the decree were that, although the treaty of 1783 was annulled by the last war between the United States and Great Britain, the former thereby losing all privileges in regard to the fisheries secured by that treaty, yet as there had been no specific notification from the

Ghent for the Judge to resort to, he could not undertake to condemn the property of individuals who were ignorant of the intentions of government,and who had only continued, by sufferance, to make use of privileges originally sanctioned by treaty. Besides it did not appear that they were catching fish or trading with the inhabitants, but merely seeking shelter from the weather, or some fresh water; and furthermore, there is no penalty specified by statute, as there is, in all cases where foreigners are seized for unlawful traffic; and having no law to guide him, either in the shape of proclamation, orders in council, statute, or any thing else, the Judge decreed restitution on payment of costs as above stated.


The great cause between Lord Selkirk and the Northwest Company is to be tried soon in Upper Canada. The dispute has been already so far adjusted as to permit the fur trade to take its usual course by the St. Lawrence.

The number of emigrants from Britain and Ireland into the Canadas the present year, is estimated at nothing short. of 4000.


The President of the U. S. has returned to the seat of government from his tour of observation through the northern and middle states. He was received on his arrival with the most respectful cordiality, and attended by a large escort of his fellow citizens from the place of meeting on the boundary of the District of Columbia, through Georgetown to the mansion rebuilt and furnished for the residence of

the Chief Magistrate of the Union in the city of Washington.

Two Courts Martial have been convened for the trial of Col. Wharton of the Marines, one composed of officers of the navy, and the other of officers of the army, and both have declared themselves incompetent.

A third court has been constituted, into which two marine officers have been introduced. This is considered competent to try the colonel, and the trial has commenced in the city of Washington. As this question is now for the first time decided in this country, the publication of the decision is interesting.

The Navigation Act, passed during the last session of Congress takes effect on the first of October. Amongst other provisions, it enacts, that coasting vessels passing from one state to another, (unless it be an adjoining state, or on a navigable

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