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on the above account, says, the appearances intellect of our people, and hence it affords it describes are by no means unfrequent, at sea; and adds,

"I have also observed this phenomenon in Holland and the north of Germany, 'where the churches and spires are very lofty, and generally covered with copper or lead (perfect conductors,) and where, in hot and dark nights, those fiery points and brushes frequently appear, sometimes only on the conductors and weathercocks, but also often at other projecting and elevated points of the building; and I should not at all be astonished to find the same to be the case here in a dark night, at the approach of, and during, a heavy thunder storm."

He tells us that this electrical phenomenon is termed by the French seamen, feu saint elme.


From the period that spots have appeared on the sun, phenomena have continued to multiply themselves. Without mentioning the disorder of the season and temperature, the sudden melting of the eternal snows of Tyrol, of Switzerland, and of Jura, the unexpected Spring, which has already clad those Countries with verdure, and even brought back the nightingales to their bowers, we cannot refrain from pointing out as remarkable occurrences:-1st, The irregularities and extraordinary contradictions of barometers. 2dly, The deviations of the needle. 3dly, The tide, which, according to intelligence from Italy, is now felt for the first time in the Adriatic; and, we may add, the northern

lights, which have blazed over the French metropolis for a whole fortnight, in a manner attended with peculiarities never before ob served. Let us also rank among the phenomena of the times, the silence of the learned on all these subjects.-French paper.

important information as to our general national condition and character. Thomas Moore's new poem is eagerly expected, and the booksellers, we believe, hold themselves prepared to give two or three thousand pounds for it.-Madame D'Arblay (late Miss Burney) is now living in France; she can declare, we apprehend, that for her last novel, which was not her best, she did not receive less than fifteen hundred pounds. Mr. Coleridge's caprice of Christabel procured him, we are assured, a bank note for one hundred pounds. The copy-right of the Rejected Addresses, and of a few parodies of Horace, was purchased for one thousand pounds of the authors, and sixteen thousand copies, at least, have been sold. Lord Byron's poetical works have procured one person or another a sum that may fairly be described as forming a considerable fortune. Mr. Southey has amassed a large and most valuable library, and lives in comfort and great respectability, solely by his literary exertions. The Edinburgh Review sells nearly twelve thousand copies four times a year—it is a splendid property to its editor and publishers, while forty, fifty, sixty, and a hundred pounds are given for each of the Essays of which it is composed."

There are now published in this State, ninety Newspapers, including six published eight are printed daily, eight semi-weekly, semi-weekly from daily oflices. Of these, and the residue once a week.

From the (British) Philosophical Magazine,


for December, 1816.

Dr. Wilkinson lately presented to the Bath Philosophical Society, a letter he had receiv ed from a clergyman in Suffolk, relative to two lizards being discovered by the rever

From the European Magazine, for Dec. 1816. end gentleman in a chalk rock.


The clergyman in his letter says, “A pit having been opened in the summer of 1814, "A French journal states that letters in at Elden, Suffolk, for the purpose of raising England are without encouragement, public chalk, I deemed it a favourable opportunity or private. Now it is well known, that a for procuring specimens of fossils; and, acliving writer of poetry has received a sum cordingly, commissioned the men employed, for his productions which it would startle a to search for and reserve whatever appeared Frenchman to name. We believe that we curious. In this search I sometimes assisted, may safely state that his gains for one year, and had the good fortune to be present at the by mere literature, have amounted to six discovery of two lizards imbedded in the sothousand pounds. In England, we know lid chalk, fifty-two feet below the surface. nothing of government encouragement of The following is the result of my observaliterature, with the exception of the Laure- tions:-So completely devoid of life did the ate's shabby two hundred a year, we keep lizards appear, on their first exposure to the the government to its proper business, and air, that I actually considered them in a fossil leave the remuneration of our writers to the state: judge then of my surprise, when, on booksellers, who very wisely buy nothing my attempting to take them up, I perceived that will not sell. What they can afford to them move! I immediately placed them in give, therefore, and do give to our authors, the sun, the heat of which soon restored is good and faithful proof of the means and them to animation. In this state I carried

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them home, and immerged one in water, is regularly changed, thrice a week, and kept keeping the other in a dry place. You may, in a room, at a distance from the fire. In perhaps, consider it worthy your observa- fair and frosty weather it lies motionless, and tion, that the mouths of the lizards were rolled up in a spiral form at the bottom of closed up with a glutinous substance. This the glass, but prior to rain or snow, it creeps obstruction seemed to cause them great in- up to the top, where, if the rain will be convenience, which was evident from the heavy, or of some continuance, it remains a agitation perceptible in their throats, and considerable time; if trifling, it quickly defrom the frequent distention of their jaws, scends; should the rain or snow be likely to or rather, around their jaws and head; in- be accompanied with wind, it darts about deed, they seemed in a state little short of with amazing celerity, and seldom ceases suffocation. The newt which had been im- until it begins to blow bard. If a storm of merged in water, after many violent strug- thunder and lightning be approaching, it is gles, was at length enabled to open its mouth: exceedingly agitated, and expresses its feelthis afforded instant relief, and it evidently ings in violent convulsive starts, at the top or derived much satisfaction and comfort from bottom of the glass. It is remarkable that, its new element. The other lizard, notwith- however fine and serene the weather may standing its repeated endeavours, was unable be, and when not the least indication of a to open its mouth, and it died in the course change appears, either from the sky, the baof the night, probably from being debarred rometer, or any other cause whatever, yet the use of its proper element. The remain- if the animal ever quit the water, or move in ing lizard continued alive in the water tor a desultory manner, so certainly, and I have several weeks, during which it appeared to never once been deceived, will the coinciincrease in size. It disliked confinement; dent results occur in 36, 24, or even in 12 and after many attempts, at length, to my hours, though its motions, as I have before great mortification, effected its escape, nor stated, chiefly depend on the fall and duracould I ever after find it." tion of the wet, and the strength of the wind, as in many cases I have known it give above a week's warning.

On the Horse Leech, as a Prognosticator of the

weather. By James Stockton.

Mr. S. after noticing the opinions that have long been entertained, that certain animals have an instinctive intimation of approaching changes in the weather, which they ex hibit by various signs, and adverting to the hints, on this subject, in the Georgics of Virgil, where it is observed that cows are un commonly affected before rain, proceeds,

"But that (animal) to which I have chiefly confined my notice, and that, in fact, which appears, from a long series of regular and diligent observations, best entitled to notice, is the horse leech, and it is the intention of this article to record a few remarks on its peculiarities, as exhibited by one kept in a farge phial covered with a piece of linen rag, three parts full of clear spring water, which


Professor Silliman, of Yale College, in a letter to the editor of the Daily Advertiser of this city, has sufficiently proved that the honour of inventing the chemical blow-pipe, which by uniting a stream of oxygen and bydrogen gases,produces so intense a heat as to fuse immediately the most refractory substances; and the experiments with which have,recently, excited so much attention in Europe, is due to our countryman, Mr. Robert Hare, of Philadelphia, who made the discovery in 1801, and communicated it in 1802, to the Chemical Society of Philadelphia. The experiments with this apparatus have since been pursued without intermission, by Mr. Hare and Professor Silliman, and have been pub. licly exhibited by the latter, for years, in his Academical Lectures.




No. II........VOL. I.

JUNE, 1817.

ART. I. An Extract from a Journal kept on board H. M. S. Bellerophon, Captain F. L. Maitland, from Saturday, July 15, 1815, to Monday, August 7, 1815; being the period during which Napoleon Bonaparte was on board that ship. By Lieutenant John Bowerbank, R. N. (late of the Bellerophon.)

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T has been the fortune of this generation to witness, if not the greatest political revolutions that ever agitated the world, at least, the greatest number of political vicissitudes that were ever crowded into so narrow a compass. The spasms of the convulsion, which bas so lately shaken Europe to its centre, and which threatened, at one moment the dissolution of civilized society, have indeed subsided, but the seeds of the disease are still lurking in the morbid systems of its governments. The virus of rebellion may, perhaps, be expelled by alteratives, but can never be extirpated by CAUTERY.

power, and the subversion of his Tita-
nian projects of ambition. Reason has
not yet accustomed herself to regard as
a man, whom imagination is so reluctant
to relinquish as a hero. We still view
him in fancy, as the sun 'shorn of his
beams,' and almost wait for the instant
when he shall emerge from the eclipse,
and dazzle again with his effulgence.
From the mutability of the past we are
ready to argue the instability of the
present; and, as the probable has been
so far exceeded by experience, it seems
hardly an extravagant stride, in antici-
pation, to overstep possibility.

To whatever it may be ascribed, it Among the prodigies of these porten- is undeniable that Bonaparte is still an tous times, the elevation of an obscure object of general interest;-the causes Corsican to the throne of France, and are probably various, but the effect is the virtual dominion of the continent, the same. The hopes of some, the fears may be esteemed not the least wonder- of others, are alive to his fate; whilst ful; though surprise at the rapidity of the philosopher finds a field for curious his rise has been lost in astonishment at speculation in the study of his characthe suddenness of his fall, and admira- ter. To gratify this craving for information of the splendour of his victories is tion in every thing that concerns this absorbed in the contemplation of the extraordinary man, we shall exhibit magnitude of his defeat. We have two portraits of him, in this number, scarcely recovered from our amaze- limned by different hands. The Jourment at the precipitation of Bonaparte nal of Lieutenant Bowerbank, which from the pernicious height' of his we shall make the subject of this article, VOL. 1.-No. 11. L

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is a manly and unadorned statement them ranked. When they were about of his observations on the conduct of to leave the cabin, he said to them in Bonaparte, whilst on board the Belle- French, "Well, gentlemen, you have the rophon; in which ship he took refuge honour of belonging to the bravest and in his hopeless flight from Waterloo most fortunate nation in the world." and Paris. This narrative bears inter- Having arranged his dress, he shortly nal evidence of veracity. We have se- afterwards came upon deck; I had then lected those parts of it that relate im- an opportunity of viewing him more mediately to Bonaparte, and shall offer, attentively. without comment, what appears to be written with frankness.


Napoleon Bonaparte is about five feet seven inches high, rather corpulent, Saturday, July 15, 1815. but remarkably well made. His hair Early in the morning, the Bellero- is very black, cut close; whiskers shaved phon being then at anchor in Basque off; large eye-brows; grey eyes, (the Roads, about four miles distant from the most piercing I ever saw;) rather full French squadron, a brig, under a flag of face; dark, but peculiar complexion; truce, was discovered working out. At his nose and mouth proportionate, six A. M. the boats of the Bellerophon broad shoulders, and apparently strongwere despatched to her, and shortly ly built. Upon the whole he is a goodafter, on their quitting her, the crew of looking man, and, when young, must the brig cheered, shouting "Vive l'Em- have been handsome. He appears about pereur." At seven, the barge with Bo- forty-five or forty-six, his real age, and naparte and several officers came along greatly resembles the different prints I side. Marshal Bertrand first came on have seen of him in London. His walk board, informing captain Maitland that is a march, or (as far as a sailor may be the Emperor was in the boat;-Napo- allowed to judge) very like one; and leon immediately followed. He bowed to complete the portrait, I must add low, and said in French, "Sir, I am that, in walking, he generally carries come on board, and I claim the protection his hands in the pockets of his pantaof your Prince and of your laws." These loons, or folded behind his back. Whilst words were delivered with a dignified on the quarter deck he asked several air-then bowing to the officers, he was questions of the officers, took particular conducted to the cabin by captain Mait- notice of the sights on the guns, begged land. The marines of the ship were the boatswain might be sent to him, of drawn up under arms, but did not pay whom he made some inquiries respectany honours. Bonaparte was dressed ing the ship and his length of service. in a short green surtout, military boots, The honest fellow, surprised at the unand a plain cocked hat. There came expectedness of the message, and his with him in the boat, lieutenants-gene- sudden introduction to one of whom he ral count Bertrand, grand marshal of the had heard so much, to our very great palace; count Moutholon-Semonville, amusement was determined to have the and Baron L'Allemand, two of his aids- first word; and therefore, with cap in de-camp; Savary, duke of Rovigo, mi- hand, a scrape of the foot, and a head nister of police; the countesses Per- almost bowed to the ground, in true trand and Moutholon-Semonville, with sailor-like style saluted him with “I four children. He had scarcely been hope your honour's well." Shortly afterfive minutes on board before he sent ward, visiting the other decks, Napohis compliments, and requested that the leon's inquiries were renewed, particuofficers of the ship might be introduced larly respecting the marines. Noticing to him. This was done by captain an old serjeant who had been reduced Maitland. He bowed severally to each, to the ranks for bad behaviour, he and smilingly, inquired how each of asked why that man was not better pro


He wore a plain

vided for, as he saw that he was an old some gold buckles. soldier? The reason was told him. He cocked hat with the tricoloured cocksoon after retired to the cabin, the after part of which he occupied. Those of the officers were resigned to the ladies and generals who accompanied him.

The Superb had now arrived, and Admiral Hotham came on board. Dinner was served up at five o'clock. The ship's boats were at this time employed in bringing Bonaparte's baggage and the remainder of his suit on board. After dinner he came upon deck for about an hour, inquired the names of several ropes, asked how the wind was, and remarked it was not fair for England. He speaks French and Italian remarkably well, but does not appear to understand a word of English. About half past seven he retired for the night. He appeared during the whole of this day very cheerful, frequently playing with the children, &c.

'Sunday, July 16.

'Bonaparte rose between six and seven o'clock this morning, and shortly afterwards had coffee brought to him. About ten he appeared on deck; at half-past, with the ladies and his officers, he accompanied captain Maitland on board the Superb to breakfast. Admiral Hotham attended him round the decks, and at his request introduced the officers of the ship to him. I understand he expressed himself highly pleased with the Superb. Her yards were manned on his going on board, and, on his return, the same compliment was paid him by the Bellerophon. His gratification was very visible; he bowed and smiled on all around him. He was this day dressed in a green uniform coat with red edging, red collar and cuffs, very short waisted, the lappels buttoned back-two gold epauletts-the star and cross of the Legion of Honour, with the insignia of the orders of the Iron Crown and the Reunion on his left breast-waistcoat and small-clothes of white kerseymere, with silk stockings, shoes, and hand

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Monday, July 17.

All this day the wind continued foul with very light airs. Bonaparte rose soon after six, and had coffee brought to him. Breakfast was carried in about eleven, during which the conversation turned upon Egypt. Tapping captain Maitland on the head, he said, "Had it not been for you English, 1 should long ere this have been Emperor of the east; but wherever there is water to float a ship, you are sure to be.

Tuesday, July 18.

During the last twenty-four hours we have had very light winds and frequent calms. Napoleon made his appearance about half-past five in the afternoon. The whole of his officers remained uncovered during his stay on deck. His spirits appeared entirely gone. He was anxious about the wind, which continued contrary, and muttered "Il faut avoir patience."* At a quarter past six dinner was sent up, to which I was invited. Napoleon took his seat in the middle of the table, with captain Maitland on his right hand. The whole dinner was dressed in the French style, and served upon silver. Nothing was carved upon the table: the servants removing each dish for the purpose. Napoleon was very melancholy; he merely inquired (addressing himself to captain Maitland and me) if the beef was good in England, and whether we had there plenty of vegetables? He, however, made a very hearty dinner. of the dishes, a cup of very strong coffee was served to each. It was poured out by a servant of Napoleon's. Whilst filling his master's cup, the poor fellow's hand slipped, and part of the coffee was spilt upon Bonaparte, who said nothing--but gave such a look full in the man's face, as not only con

On the removal

*We must be patient.

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