1 A LIST OF ANCIENT TRANSLATIONS FROM CLASSICK AUTHORS. HOMER. TEN Bookes of the Iliades into English out of French, by ARTHUR HALL, Esq. London, imprinted by Ralph Newberie, 4to * 1581 The Shield of Achilles, from the 18th Book of Homer, by GEORGE CHAPMAN, 4to. London 1596 * In the first volume of the books of entries belonging to the Stationers-Company is the following: "Henry Bynneman.] Nov. 1580, lycensed unto him under the wardens' hands tenne bookes of the Iliades of Homer." Again, Nov. 14, 1608, "Seven bookes of Homer's Iliades translated into English by Geo. Chapman." Again, April 8, 1611, "A booke called Homer's Iliades in Eng lishe, containing 24 Bookes." Again, Nov. 2, 1614, Homer's Odisses, 24 bookes, translated by George Chapman." Seven Seven Books of the Iliades, by ditto, 4to*. Lond. 1596 Ditto 1598 Fifteen Books of Ditto, thin folio The whole Works of Homer, by ditto, printed for Nath. Butter. An anonymous correspondent informs me that he has in his possession "a volume containing twelve Books of the Iliad by Chapman; and after them some Sonnets; but the title-page is so mutilated, that neither the date nor printer's name re 1600 main" no date. The Crowne of all Homer's Works, Batrachomymachia, &c. thin folio, printed by John Bill no date t. The Strange, Wonderfull, and Bloudy Battell between Frogs and Mise; paraphrastically done into English Heroycall Verse, by W. F. (i. e. WILLIAM FOWLDES) 4to. 1603 HESIOD. The Georgics of Hesiod, by G. CHAPMAN, 4to. 1618 MUSÆUS. Marloe's Hero and Leander, with the first Book of Lucan, 4to. 1600 * Meres, in his Second part of Wit's Commonwealth, 1598, says, that Chapman is " of good note for his inchoate Homer." + In the first volume of the entries of the StationersCompany is the following: "T. Purfoote.] The Battell of the Frogges and Myce, and certain orations of Isocrates, Jan. 4th, 1579." There There must have been a former Edition*, as a second Part was published by Henry Petowe 1598 Musaus's Poem of Hero and Leander, imitated by CHRIS TOPHER MARLOW, and finished by GEORGE CHAPMAN, 8vo. London 1606 EURIPIDES. Jocasta, a Tragedy, from the Phœnissa of Euripides, by GEORGE GASCOIGNE, and Mr. FRANCIS KINWELMERSHE, 4to. London 1556 * This translation, or at least Marlow's part in it, must have been published before 1599, being twice mentioned in Nash's Lenten Stuff, &c. which bears that date. "Leander and Hero, of whom divine Museus sung, and a diviner muse than him, Kit Marlow." Again, "She sprung after him, and so resigned up her priesthood, and left worke for Musœus and Kit Marlow." Among the entries at Stationers-Hall I find the following made by John Wolfe in 1593, Sept. 8th, "A booke entitled Hero and Leander, being an amorous poem devised by Christopher Marlow." At the same time, "Lucan's first booke of the famous Cyvill Warr betwixt Pompey and Cæsar. Englished by Christopher Marlow." Again, in 1597, "A booke in English called Hero and Leander." Again, April 1598, "The seconde Part of Hero and Leander, by Henry Petowe." Andrew Harris entered it, Again, in 1600, "Hero and Leander by Marlowe." In 1614 an entire translation of Lucan was published by Sir Arthur Gorges, and entered as such on the same books, PLATO. PLATO. Axiochus, a Dialogue, attributed to Plato, by ED MUND SPENSER, 4to. * 1592 DEMOSTHENES. The Three Orations of Demosthenes, chiefe Orator among the Grecians, in Favour of the Olynthians, with those his fower against Philip of Macedon, &c. by THOMAS WYLSON, Doctor of the Civill Lawes, 4to. 1570 ISOCRATES. Isocrates's sage Admonition to Demonicus, by R. NUTTHALL, 8vo. London 1557, 12mo. and 1585 Isocrates's Doctrinal of Princes, by SYR THOMAS ELLIOT, London, 8vo. 1534 Isocrates's Orations, entitled Evagoras, by JEREMIAH WOLFE, 8vo. 1581 Three Orations of moral Instructions, one to Demonicus, and two to Nicocles, King of Salamis, translated from Isocrates, by THOMAS FORREST, 4to. 1580 LUCIAN. Necromantia, a Dialog of the Poete Lucyen between Menippus and Philonides, for his Fantesye faynyd for a mery Pastyme, in English Verse and Latin Prose. * This book was entered in May 1592, at Stationers Hall. Toxaris, Toxaris, or the Friendship of Lucian, by A. Ο. Lond. 8vo. 1565 HERODOTUS. The Famous Hystory of Herodotus *, in nine Bookes, &c. by B. R. London 1584 N. B. This Piece contains only the two first Books, viz. the Clio and Euterpe. The Translator says in his Preface, "As these speede, so the rest will follow. 4to. THUCYDIDES. The Hystory writtone by Thucydides, &c. translated out of the Frenche of Claude de Seyssell, Bishop of Marseilles, into the Englishe language, by Тно. NICOLLS, Citizeine and Goldsmyth of London, fol. 1550†. POLYBIUS. Hystories of the most famous and worthy Cronographer, Polybius, by CHRISTOPHER WATSON, 8vo. 1568 This Work consists of extracts only. * Among the entries in the books at Stationers-Hall this appears to be one. "John Denham.] The famous Historye of Herodotus in Englyshe, June 13, 1581." + On the Stationers' books in 1607 either this or some other translation is entered, called "The History of Thucidides the Athenian, translated into English.” DIODORUS |