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The following INSTRUMENT is copied from the Original in the Herald's Office: It is marked G. 13. p. 349.

[There is also a MANUSCRIPT in the Herald's Office*, marked W. 2. p. 276; where Notice is taken of this Coat; and that the Person, to whom it was granted, had borne Magistracy at Stratford upon Avon.]

To all and singuler noble and gentlemen of all estats and degrees, bearing arms, to whom these presents shall come, Willam Dethick, Garter Principall King of Arms of England, and Willam Camden, alias Clarencieulx King of Arms for the south, east, and west parts of this realme, sendethe greeting. Know ye, that in all nations and kingdoms the record and


It appears by other ancient MSS. in the Herald's Office, that John Shakspere was a Justice of the Peace, had been Bailiff and chief officer of the town of Stratford upon Avon, and possessed "lands and tenements of good wealth and substance, equal to 500l.”

The family of Ardern, into which he had married, was one of the most ancient and respectable in the county of Warwick. F. T.



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