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(1) Tell the story of any one of the following episodes :(a) The Southampton Conspiracy, (b) Jack Cade's Insurrection, (c) Lambert Simnel's Rising.

(2) Write a short life of either (a) Margaret of Anjou, or (6) Warwick the Kingmaker.

(3) Give an account of the reign of either Henry V. or Richard III.

(4) Mention not more than half-a-dozen members of the Royal Family (ie., of Edward III.'s descendants) who came to violent ends during this period. State very briefly the circumstances of each death.

(5) Show some acquaintance with Shakespeare's historical plays dealing with the fifteenth century.

(6) Where are the following places, and how do they come into the history of this period?-Agincourt, Barnet, Blackheath, Bosworth, Orleans, Pequini, St. Albans, Stoke, Towton, Troyes.

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Tho' niggard throats of Manchester may bawl, What England was shall her true sons forget? We are not cotton spinners all.



(1) What do you understand by the terms: -watershed, lagoon, latitude, peninsula, gulf ?

(2) Name the countries bordering on the Mediterranean Sea, and give two seaports in each.

Describe the situations of:-Calcutta, Pekin, Aden, Goa, Smyrna.

(3) Give an account of the ways in which volcanoes are formed. Where are the chief volcanic regions of the world?

(4) Whence do we get our principal supplies of:-cotton, sugar, rice, gold, timber? To which of our ports would ships bringing these things come?

(5) In what countries are the following:-Himalayas, Niagara, Blue Alps, Amazon, Hecla ?

(6) Write a short account of the uses of rivers.


(1) Translate into French :-
(a) The 25th of March, 1901.

(b) Have you seen the apples I have bought?

(c) He sings worse than you, because he has a worse voice. (d) These Scotch cakes are very good. Take some. (2) Give the second person singular of the imperfect subjunctive of avoir, of the imperfect indicative of finir, and of the conditional of pouvoir.

(3) Write the feminine of-Pempereur, épais, malin, le maître, and the singular of-dieux, travaux, lesquelles and les yeux.

(4) Translate into English the following passages from "Seulette." (The page references are to Hachette's edition.) (a) p. 23, II. 14-23; (b) p. 38, 11. 23-30; and (c) p. 44, 11. 21-28. (5) Parse " ouverte" and "fit" in 11. 15 and 21 of 4 (a). Write in the plural "je me sentis de nouveau heureuse," and give the present infinitive of "faisait." 4 (b).

What peculiarity is there about the word "mangeait"? Illustrate by comparison with another verb of the same person and tense occurring in 4 (c).


The Editors do not hold themselves responsible for the opinions expressed in letters which appear in these columns. As a rule, a letter criticising any article or review printed in THE SCHOOL WORLD will be submitted to the contributor before publication, so that the criticism and reply may appear together.

The Heuristic Method of Teaching Science.

IN the recent expression of experience of the Heuristic Method by several science masters in THE SCHOOL WOrld, Mr. H. E. Hadley alone has drawn up any serious indictment against it, and I venture to examine his statement of three sources of difficulty which, in his opinion, the elementary student must face in his application of the method.

(1) "The time at the student's disposal is so limited." Mr. Hadley implies that but little ground can therefore be traversed. May I refer to the letter of "A. H. F." in the October issue, which admirably points out that on theoretical grounds this is no objection, since even a little genuine heuristic work has been proved to give "a power of seeing things, an alertness and adaptability in turning to fresh matter, which makes the great gaps in methodic knowledge of comparatively little importance." As Professor Miall has said, the method is a live one.

At the same time, I admit that certain examination syllabuses do make this, on practical grounds, a real objection in

the way of the application of the method by some science masters; these syllabuses and the examiners who man them do form the last line of entrenchments which reformers need to assault and carry.

(2) "His accuracy of work is nearly always too uncertain to allow the experimental results to be taken as a convincing proof of scientific laws." When Mr. Hadley penned these words, I fancy he wrote rather as a physicist than as a chemist. Much of the work of the young chemist is not directed towards establishing "laws." He is, for instance, occupied with the study of combustion, and is unexpectedly led to the discovery that account must be taken of the air, and he finds that the air is not a simple substance-a very important fact, but not a law. Experience has established again and again that the accuracy of work of the average boy is quite sufficient to enable him to work out such a problem. Or he may be occupied with the composition of water, or the change of chalk into lime. Again and again have average boys achieved success in such problems, and acquired habits of enquiry which we may well believe will persist throughout life.

But law, as well as fact, can be established or verified by boys. Take the Law of the Conservation of Mass. I have seen a class of boys, working in pairs, carry out Scheele's experiment on the combustion of phosphorus in air enclosed in a round-bottomed flask, an experiment which I have heard described as entirely unsuitable for boys. The change in weight and the volume of air which had disappeared were determined. When the boys had all completed the necessary measurements, they were gathered together, and their results written upon the blackboard as follows, and discussed, and the mean result calculated :

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This comparison and discussion of results is of the utmost importance, and it is here that experience of the master in higher work, preferably in original research, is of great value. Instead of each boy repeating the experiment a number of times, as the researcher will do, he compares his own result with those obtained by his comrades, and the mean result is generally surprisingly near its theoretical value, just as it was in the above experiment, when the boys satisfied themselves that only one-fifth of the air disappeared, and that there was no annihilation of material in the change. In my experience there is rarely need to affirm that "results ought to have been so and so."

(3) "Sooner or later it is found that a deduction can only be arrived at by assuming some fact which the student has not yet proved." Mr. Hadley here overlooks the fact that the scientific method includes deductive methods as well as inductive. This has already been admirably stated by Dr. E. Howard Tripp in THE SCHOOL WORLD for October. It is true that John Dalton refused to accept the results of others; but this was to his loss. Lavoisier, on the other hand, was quick to avail himself of the work of Priestley, and the modern investigator is bound to assume many facts which he has not proved. From the historical standpoint there is every reason that the student should, within limits, assume some of the results of others, and compare his own results with those obtained by his fellows engaged upon the same problem.

And here it may be added that the Heuristic Method includes the aid of working hypotheses. For instance, when boys innocent of chemistry first study the phenomenon of combustion, and consider, for example, what occurs when a strip of magnesium ribbon is burnt, those who can offer any suggestion will generally take a phlogistic view, and their theory of the escape of something from the burning metal and also from other combustible substances will serve as a valuable working hypothesis. I recall a class of twenty-eight boys, not one of whom suggested that the air had any part in the combustion of magnesium, and they were greatly surprised to find subsequently a gain in weight after the metal had been burnt. (It is perhaps worth remarking that in asking for explanations or suggestions it is usually advisable to ask boys to write these down on slips of paper. Older boys are less ready to appear foolish, it may be, before their comrades, and, moreover, some minds work more slowly than others, and require time and quiet to frame an intelligible answer.)

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Mr. Hadley also takes objection to the young student using such "obsolete terms as "Inflammable Air" and "Fire Air." My own experience leads me to an exactly opposite opinion. The words oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen are technical terms which suggest no ideas to those who do not know the grounds on which they were introduced a hundred years ago, and owing to a certain similarity between them, one name is apt to be confused with and interchanged for another. Ask a few educated ladies, who have no special knowledge of chemistry, to write down the chief gases in the atmosphere, and the odds are half of them will instance hydrogen. I tested on this point a Form of thirtytwo boys (average age 131), who had attended one or two lectures on respiration, and possessed some odds and ends of chemical knowledge; seven of them included hydrogen, while three omitted oxygen, and twelve left out nitrogen. In another Junior Form five boys out of twenty-seven instanced "carbolic acid" in place of carbonic acid. On theoretical grounds also strong objection can be taken to the term oxygen, and the genius of Davy and others was, as a matter of history, needed to combat the errors which it introduced. In my opinion, it is to be regretted that Fire Air is not to-day the popular name of the gas.

"A. H. F." (loc. cit.) has rightly emphasised the need of attention to style in science work. And, further, difficulties must be faced and not slurred over, or much of the value of the heuristic work as discipline will vanish. Is there not an instance of just this in Mr. C. M. Stuart's " Study of Common Salt," in the December issue of THE SCHOOL WORLD, when, after trying the action of a solution of "salt gas

upon zinc and the discovery of the liberation of hydrogen, it is triumphantly exclaimed, "We have therefore learnt that salt gas contains hydrogen." The mere observation of the escape of hydrogen of course proves nothing of the kind; nor is it easily proved that chlorine does not contain oxygen (cf. Davy's researches).

Let the words of Lessing be remembered which have been quoted' by Prof. H. E. Armstrong: "If the Almighty were in one hand to offer me truth and in the other the search after truth, I would humbly but firmly choose the search after truth." BEVAN LEAN.

Ackworth School, near Pontefract.

Examination Answers in English History.

THE following paragraphs put into narrative form a series of answers received in a recent public examination to a question asking for a list of the dominions William and Mary were de

1 Before a Conference at the Health Exhibition, 1884.

sired to administer in 1688. It is unnecessary to comment upon such replies.

"On the Continent of Europe, we owned the Netherlands, otherwise known as the kingdoms of Holland and Belgium, in virtue of the well-known law that whatever countries may be under the rule of a person who is called to the British crown instantly became the property of their insular subjects. Besides, we had already acquired those territories, as well as Sweden, by forming with them the Triple Alliance of 1668." "France was ours by ancient prescription, and if evidence were wanting for this fact, we might refer to the titles borne universally at that time by our sovereigns. In special, we had possessed, since Plantagenet times, Normandy, Anjou, Maine, Touraine, and Aquitaine. Some have alleged that we had lost Calais in the reign of Mary Tudor, but it appears that it was restored to us shortly after for a sum of money. Spain and Portugal had also devolved upon the British crown by virtue of two marriages, those, namely, of Henry VIII. with Catherine of Aragon, and of Charles II. with Catherine of Braganza Italy, too, and Austria owned our sway, while parts, if not the whole of Germany obeyed the commands of the English sovereign. Hanover and the Palatinate, at least, were ours by the marriage of James I.'s daughter Elizabeth and of her daughter Sophia. Many of these possessions, of course, had needed conquest to enforce, and even the North Foreland was ours only by right of conquest from the Dutch."

"In Asia our dominion was owing simply to conquest. In this way we owned India and the Malay Peninsula, China and Japan. Australia, too, was already ours. Tasmania, New Zealand, and the great Pacific Archipelago were British colonies, having been acquired mainly by Sir Francis Drake in his famous voyage round the world in Elizabeth's reign.

"Africa was already under our control. Not to mention the western coast, which we had exploited for slaves, Cape Colony had already been acquired from the Dutch in consequence of our desire for the welfare of the aborigines, and the Transvaal, the Congo territories, Madagascar and Egypt had been conquered. All that remained for the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to do was to develop the resources of these vast acquisitions."

"As the Eastern World had been acquired for us by the discoveries of Vasco da Gama, so Columbus had equally discovered the New World for our benefit. North, Central, and South America were ours, in spite of Spain and the Pope. From the Arctic circle, where Davis and Frobisher Straits were British colonies, to the straits of Magellan, all were in our possession, and either actually colonised or under our control." EXAMINER.

Mercator's Projection and the Central Cylindrical Projection.

IN a review of the "London School Atlas" in the February number of THE SCHOOL WORLD, Dr. H. R. Mill remarks that I seem to "confuse the Central Cylindrical Projection with the arbitrary system of Mercator." In justice to myself will you allow me to offer the following explanation?

The Central Cylindrical and Mercator's Projections are so often confused in English books that in my introductory chapter to the London School Atlas I took special pains to distinguish them, and this distinction was clearly drawn in the final proof as I passed it for the press. On receiving the Atlas I was much concerned to find that in several instances unauthorised changes and re-arrangements had been made, and that, in particular, the foot note on page 9 was so worded as to confuse Mercator's Projection with the Central Cylindrical. The changes in question were presumably made by some person

in the employment of the London School Atlas Company, and were without any authority from me, or, so far as I can gather, from Mr. Arnold-Forster, who was in South Africa at the time. On reading the published version I immediately wrote to Mr. Arnold-Forster protesting against the liberties which had been taken with my final proof, and I am very glad that Dr. Mill, by calling attention to the matter, has given me the opportunity of repeating my protest publicly and repudiating any responsibility for perpetrating a common error. A. J. HERBERtson.

Oxford, February 7th.

The Social Position of Assistant-Masters.

I SHOULD be much obliged if you could grant me a little space for a growl on a topic which should interest a vast number of your readers. I refer to the social position of the average assistant-master, who is a university man. All of us who are graduates are, at all events nominally, gentlemen; most of us, too, are gentlemen by birth as well as by education. Yet how are we received in society? Your readers all know what sort of position we occupy, and how, being after all gregarious animals, we are pushed down the social scale and have to choose between associating with our social inferiors or leading a solitary existence cut off from the society of our fellow-men, and-worse still-from the humanising influence of ladies' society. I speak feelingly and with knowledge.

For many years I have been a master in various private and grammar schools, and I have never made the acquaintance of any single person, unless it chanced that I had personal introductions from outside sources. Of course I could have got into several sets, sets in which my colleagues have been content (?) to move. But many of them too, I feel sure, have only socially sunk from the necessities of the case. Why should this be so? For this state of things must have a very bad effect on the younger members of the profession, especially in the matter of feminine companionship. I have known many cases in which assistant-masters have taken to drink or bad company from sheer disgust. Surely this state of things might be remedied? And any alteration must come from the parents of the pupils. They should make it their duty to call on those masters who are most intimately associated with their sons. Were I a parent, I should certainly like to make the acquaintance of the class-master to whose care the education of my son was entrusted.

But this is putting the matter on a somewhat different ground from what I had in mind when I started this letter; it is putting it on the ground of expediency on the part of the parents. What I originally meant to contend for was our right to be considered as members of the society of the professional classes, such society as that in which doctors, solicitors and clergymen move. Personally, I think I have a right to a social equality with the average curate. Like him, I am a 'Varsity man, and my income, though small enough, is better than the majority of curates command. Yet when a fresh clergyman comes to a parish everyone calls. But a schoolmaster can be two years in

a town without a solitary soul-even the clergyman of the church he may attend-calling on him. It is easy enough for people to drop him if he prove an undesirable acquaintance, but surely he should be given the chance. Of all classes of professional men, it is, perhaps, the schoolmaster who requires the relaxation of congenial society in his free hours. Doomed to the study of books and boys all day, his chief recreation lies in the social circle, and I think that if parents would only realise how the efficiency of masters depends on their general happiness, they would endeavour to do their part in enlivening their existence.



No. 13. English Essays written to Skeleton Provided.

WE offer four prizes, one each for the best essay in each class, on the lines shown below. The competitor's age must correspond with the restriction mentioned after the title of the subject. The prize in each division will be books to the published value of half-a-guinea, which must be chosen from the catalogues of Messrs. Macmillan & Co., Ltd.

The rules for the competition are as follows:

(i.) Every packet of essays sent by the teacher of a Form, or separate essay sent by a private student, must be accompanied by a coupon (p. 6.)

(ii.) No essay received after Saturday, March 16th, 1901, will be examined.

(iii.) The decision of the Editors, which will be published, if possible, in the April, 1901, number, to be final.

(iv.) The competitor's age must be stated on every essay, which must also be endorsed by the teacher or other responsible person, certifying it to be the unaided work of the competitor.

(v.) Replies should be addressed to the Editors, THE SCHOOL WORLD, St. Martin's Street, London, W.C.

(vi.) The following are the skeletons upon which the essays should be prepared :—


(1) Mention some dangerous occupations, say what the dangers are, and give a sympathetic account of the sufferings of the workpeople.

(2) Divide these occupations into two groups-(a) where remedies are possible, (b) where remedies are not possible.

(3) What is, or what should be, the attitude of the Government, of employers, of workpeople, and of the public towards the occupations in both groups?

(4) Consider the chief obstacles to a better state of things. (5) What about wages, pensions to widows and children, compensation for injuries?

(6) Conclude with a hopeful outlook for the better protection of the workpeople, and the gradual diminution of such occupations.

MODERN MANNERS (Girls over 15).

(1) Contrast the manners of modern men and women with the manners of their ancestors at the beginning of the 19th century, and manage the contrast in such a way as to lead up to the conclusion that the older type of manners is preferable. (2) Question, however, if this is really a sound conclusion. (3) We may admit that a certain amount of ceremony has disappeared, and perhaps it will be profitable to enquire into the causes of this disappearance.

(4) Among these causes will be (a) advanced education of woman and her competition with man; (6) abolition of duelling; (c) increased intelligence and prosperity of the working classes. Show how these things have diminished ceremony.

(5) But these things are in themselves good; and, since we have them, ought we to regret the loss of some ceremony in manners?

(6) Again, enquire what is the chief characteristic of the period (19th century) during which our manners are said to have deteriorated. Is it not a desire to be just to all and kind to the weak?

(7) Collect evidence to show the existence of the spirit of justice and kindness-(a) legislation concerning slavery, corn laws, labour, franchise, capital punishment, education, cruelty to animals; (b) charitable institutions; (c) questions still unsettled-old-age pensions, suffrage, and university degrees for women. This part of the essay must be made as strong as possible in view of the general conclusion.

(8) General conclusion. Is it likely that an age with such a spirit has degenerated in the essentials of politeness? Certainly


A KNIGHT OF THE ROAD (Boys under 15).

(1) Lead up to the particular incident you are going to relate by making some general remarks on the dangers and inconveniences of English travelling in the 18th century.

(2) The scene and the time--a wild moor on a winter's night. (3) Describe the highwayman waiting, masked, on horseback. Make him as interesting as you can, and suggest a motive for his intended crime.

(4) The travellers. These may be passengers in a public coach, people in a private carriage, farmers on horseback, or what you like.

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This essay should be written in a free style, like that of a private letter. Avoid too many details; otherwise you will a feeling of confusion in the reader. Thus, don't enumerate all the guests, but choose a few who strike you as worthy of notice. In the same way, give a general view of the decorations, with a mention of the most attractive only. In regard to the amusements, describe as racily as you can those which you enjoyed. Take care to leave some telling incident for the end of the essay.

The School World.

A Monthly Magazine of Educational Work and Progress

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