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addition to the township already reserved for Additional that purpose by law, in the western district of in the westthe territory of Orleans, and which shall be lo- ern district. cated south of Red river, another entire town. ship shall be located by the secretary of the treasury north of Red river, for the use of a seminary of learning, and also an entire township in the territory of Louisiana, for the support of a seminary of learning within the said. territory.

Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the surveyor general shall cause such of the public lands in the territory of Louisiana as the President of the United States shall direct, to be surveyed and divided in the same manner and under the same regulations and limitation as to expenses, as is provided by law in relation to the lands of the United States, north west of the river Ohio, and above the `mouth of Kentucky river.

Lands in the

territory of Louisiana to

be surveyed, &c.

A Land office to be opened, at such place as the Pre

sident may designate for disposing of

in Louisiana,

Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That for the disposal of the lands of the United States, lying in the territory of Louisiana, a land of fice shall be established, which shall be kept at such place as the President of the United States may direct; and a register and receiver of public monies shall be appointed for said public lands office, who shall give security in the same &c. &c. manner, in the same sums, and whose compensations, emoluments, duties and authority, shall in every respect be the same, in relation to the lands which shall be disposed of at their office, as are or may be provided for by law, in relation to the register and receiver of public monies in the several offices established for the disposal of the lands of the United States, north west of the river Ohio and above the mouth of Kentucky river.

Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States be, and he

Lands may sale, &c. &c.

be offered for

is hereby authorised, whenever he shall think proper, to direct so much of the public lands lying in the territory of Louisiana, as shall have been surveyed in conformity with the ninth section of this act, to be offered for sale. All such lands shall, with the exception of the section "number sixteen," which shall be reserved in each township for the support of schools within the same, with exception also of a tract reserved for the support of a seminary of learning, as provided for by the eighth section of this act, and with the exception also of the salt springs, and lead mines, and lands contiguous thereto, which, by the direction of the President of the United States, may be reserved for the future disposal of the said States, shall be offered for sale to the highest bidder, under the direction of the register of the land office, and the receiver of public monies, and of the principal deputy surveyor, and on such day or days as shall, by public proclamation of the President of the United States, be designated for that purpose. The sales shall remain open for three weeks, and no longer. The lands shall be sold for a price not less than that which has been or may be fixed by law for the public lands, north-west of the river Ohio, and above the mouth of Kentucky river. And shall in every other respect be sold in tracts of the same size, on the same terms and conditions, as have been or may be by law provided for the lands sold in the state of Ohio. The superintendents of the said public sales shall each receive six dollars for each day's attendance on the said sales. All the lands which have been thus offered for sale, at public sale, remaining unsold at the closing of the public sales, may be disposed of at private sale by the register of the land office, for the same price which is or

may be prescribed by law for the sale of pub-
lic lands in the state of Ohio: Provided how.. Proviso.
ever, That till after the decision of Congress
thereon, no tract of land shall be offered for
sale, the claim to which has been in due time
and according to law presented to the récorder
of land titles in the district of Louisiana, and
filed in his office, for the purpose of being in-
vestigated by the commissioners appointed for
ascertaining the rights of persons claiming
lands in the territory of Louisiana. And pa-
tents shall be obtained for all lands sold in
the territory of Louisiana, in the same man-
ner and on the same terms as is or may be
provided, by law, for land sold in the state of

of New Orjacent common to be

leans to ad


Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That Claim of the the claim of the corporation of the city of corporation New Orleans, to the common adjacent thereto, and within six hundred yards from the fortifications of the same, as confirmed by the act, entitled "An act respecting claims to lands in the territories of Orleans and Louisiana,' shall be deemed valid, although the relinquishment of the said corporation to any claim beyond the said distance of six hundred yards, was not made till after the expiration of the period of six months prescribed by the act last mentioned.

Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That Navigable all the navigable rivers and waters in the ter- rivers, &c. to ritories of Orleans and Louisiana, shall be, and remain public forever remain public highways.


Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That Specific apa sum not exceeding forty thousand dollars propriation be, and the same is hereby appropriated, for the purpose of carrying this act into effect,


which sum shall be paid out of unappropriated monies in the treasury.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Vice President of the United States, and
President of the Senate.

February, 15, 1811.




AN ACT concerning the Bank of Alexandria.

BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the corporation heretofore created by the name and style of the President, Directors and Company of the Bank of Alexandria, by an act of the legislature of the commonwealth of Virginia, passed in the year seventeen hundred and ninety-two, entitled "An act for establishing a bank in the town of Alexandria;" the capital stock of which said bank hath been increased to five hundred thousand dollars; and which said corporation was, by an act of the said commonwealth, passed in the year eighteen hundred and one, continued until the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and eleven,

of Alexan

be, and the said corporation shall, by the Corporation name and style aforesaid, be further continued dria Bank from the fourth day of March next, until the continued. fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, subject to the regulations pre. scribed by and made in the manner provided by this act.


Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Powers of said corporation shall, by the name and style the corpora. of the President, Directors and Company of the Bank of Alexandria, be capable in law to hold, have and purchase, receive, posses, enjoy and retain to them and their successors, lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels and effects, of what kind, nature or quality soever; and the same to grant, demise, alien or dispose of; and, by the name aforesaid, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in any court of record, within the United States; and may do and execute every other matter and thing by the name a foresaid, that they are authorised to do by virtue of this act: Provided always, That the Proviso lands, tenements and hereditaments, which it shall be lawful for the President, Directors and Company to hold, shall be only such as shall be requisite for their immediate accommodation, in relation to the convenient transacting their business, and such as shall have been bona fide mortgaged to them by way of security, or conveyed to them in satisfaction for debts previously contracted in the course of their dealings: Provided also, That the Pre- Proviso. sident and Directors shall not purchase any goods, chattels or effects, unless such as are sold by virtue of an execution, upon judgments obtained by them, except such articles as may be necessary for them in transacting the business of the bank; but it shall be lawful for

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