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AN ACT making appropriations for the support of government for the year one thousand eight

hundred and eleven.

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E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That for propriations. the expenditure of the civil list in the present year, including the contingent expenses of the several departments and offices; for the com pensation of the several loan officers and their clerks, and for books and stationery for the same; for the payment of annuities and grants; for the support of the mint establishment; for the expense of intercourse with foreign nations; for the support of light houses, beacons, buoys and public piers; for defraying the expenses of surveying the pub. lic lands; and for satisfying certain miscel laneous claims, the following sums be, and the same are hereby respectively appropriated, that is to say:

For compensation granted by law to the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, their officers and attendants, estimated for a session of four months and a half continuance, two hundred and one thousand four hundred and twenty-five dollars:

For the expense of fire-wood, stationery, printing and all other contingent expenses of the two houses of Congress, thirty-four thousand dollars:

For all contingent expenses of the library of Congress, and for the librarian's allowance for the year one thousand eight hundred and eleven, eight hundred dollars :

For repairing the roof and fitting up a room in the west side of the north wing of the

capitol for the library of Congress, six hundred dollars:

For compensation to the President and Vice-President of the United States, thirty thousand dollars :

For compensation to the secretary of state, clerks and persons employed in that department, including the sum of one thousand four hundred and seventy-eight dollars in addition to the sum allowed by the act of the twentyfirst of April, one thousand eight hundred and six, fourteen thousand and thirty-eight dollars :

For the incidental and contingent expenses of the said department, one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars :

For printing and distributing the laws of the third session of the eleventh Congress, and printing the laws in newspapers, five

thousand five hundred dollars:

For compensation to the secretary of the treasury, clerks and persons employed in his office, including the sum of one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, for clerk hire, in addition to the sum allowed by the act of the twenty-first of April, one thousand eight hundred and six, sixteen thousand seven hundred dollars:

For expense of translating foreign languages, allowance to the person employed in transmitting passports and sea letters, and for stationery and printing in the office of the secretary of the treasury, one thousand dollars:

For compensation to the comptroller of the treasury, clerks and persons employed in his office, including the sum of one thousand six hundred and thirty-nine dollars, for compen sation to his clerks, in addition to the sum allowed by the act of the twenty-first of April, one thousand eight hundred and six, fourteen thousand six hundred and sixteen dollars:

Specific ap propriations.

Specific appropriations.

For expense of stationery, printing and incidental and contingent expenses of the comptroller's office, five hundred dollars :

For compensation to the auditor of the treasury, clerks and persons employed in his office, twelve thousand two hundred and twenty-one dollars:

For expense of stationery, printing and incidental and contingent expenses of the auditor's office, five hundred dollars:

For compensation to the treasurer, clerks and persons employed in his office, six thousand two hundred and twenty-seven dollars and forty-five cents :

For expense of stationery, printing and incidental and contingent expenses in the treasurer's office, three hundred dollars :

For compensation to the register of the treasury, clerks and persons employed in his office, sixteen thousand fifty two-dollars and

two cents:

For compensation to the messenger of the register's office, for stamping and arranging ship's registers, ninety dollars:

For expense of stationery, printing and all other incidental and contingent expenses in the register's office, including books for the public stocks, and for the arrangement of the marine records, two thousand eight hundred dollars:


For fuel and other contingent and incidenexpenses of the treasury department, four thousand dollars:

For the purchase of books, maps and charts for the use of the treasury department, four hundred dollars:

For compensation to a superintendent, employed to secure the buildings and records of

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the treasury department, during the year one Specific ap thousand eight hundred and eleven, including propriations. the expense of two watchmen, the repairs of two fire engines, buckets, lanterns and other incidental and contingent expenses, one thousand one hundred dollars.

For defraying the expense of stating and printing the public accounts for the year one thousand eight hundred and eleven, one thousand two hundred dollars:

For compensation to the secretary of the *commissioners of the sinking fund, two hundred and fifty dollars:

For compensation to the secretary of war, clerks and persons employed in his office, eleven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars :

For expense of fuel, stationery, printing and other contingent expenses of the office of the secretary of war, one thousand dollars :

For compensation to the accountant of the war department, clerks and persons employed in his office, ten thousand nine hundred and ten dollars:

For contingent expenses in the office of the accountant of the war department, one thousand dollars:

For compensation to the clerks employed in the pay-master's office, three thousand four hundred dollars:

For contingent expenses in the said office, two hundred dollars:

For compensation to the purveyor of public supplies, clerks and persons employed in his office, and for expense of stationery, store rent and fuel for said office, including the sum of five hundred dollars for compensation to clerks, in addition to the sum allowed by the act of the twenty-first of April, one thou

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Specific ap- sand eight hundred and six, five thousand one propriations. hundred dollars:

For compensation of additional clerks in the office of the superintendent of Indian trade, eight hundred dollars:

For compensation to the secretary of the navy, clerks and persons employed in his office, nine thousand eight hundred and ten dollars:

For expense of stationery, fuel, printing and other contingent expenses in the said office, two thousand dollars:

For compensation to the accountant of the navy, clerks and persons employed in his of fice, ten thousand four hundred and ten dollars :

For contingent expenses in the office of the accountant of the navy, one thousand dollars :

For compensation to the post-master general, assistant post-master general, clerks and persons employed in the post-master general's office, including the sum of two thousand seven hundred and forty-five dollars for compensation to clerks in addition to the sum allowed by the act of the twenty-first of April, one thousand eight hundred and six, and the sum of eight hundred and fifty-seven dollars for deficiencies in the appropriation of the year one thousand eight hundred and ten, nineteen thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven dollars and seventy-eight cents:

For the expense of fuel, house rent for the messenger, candles, stationery, chests, &c. incident to the post-master general's office, two thousand five hundred dollars :

For compensation to the several loan officers, thirteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars:

For compensation to the clerks of the com

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