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"The fundamental objection to the proposed (Democratic) plan to guarantee deposits in national banks is that it puts a premium on reckless banking. It would promote speculation at the expense of his fellow-banker, and that ultimately means at the expense of the depositors."-At Hot Springs, Va., August 25, 1908.

"Never in the history of this country has there been an Administration that has passed more measures directly in the interest of the laboring classes than has the present Republican Administration."-At Athens, Ohio, August 29, 1908.

"I believe that equal justice to all men and the fair and impartial enforcement of these (the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth) amendments are in keeping with the real American spirit of fair play." From Address of Acceptance, July 28, 1908.

"Evils are to be suppressed by definite and practical measures-not by oratory or denunciation." -At Greensboro, N. C., July 9, 1906.

"The present business system of the country rests on the protective tariff and any attempt to change it to a free trade basis will certainly lead to disaster."-At Columbus, Ohio, August 19, 1907.

"I would favor a provision allowing the defendant in contempt proceedings to challenge the judge issuing the injunction and to call for the designation of another judge to hear the issue."-At Cooper Union, N. Y., January 10, 1908.

"The President should always be near the people in thought and as near them in person as his position will permit. Once convinced that he has divined and is carrying out their real wish, neither elated by any ephemeral outburst of applause nar diverted by an outburst of censure, he must pro ceed unwaveringly, always by lawful methods, to ment of the popular will."-Fro ception of the Presidency," in Co

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