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poffeffion of the Greek colonies. This river joins J.C. 1709. the Borifthenes fome miles lower, and falls along with it into the Black Sea.


• On the other fide of the Bogh, towards the Charles 28 fouth, ftands the little town of Oczacow, a frontier of the Turkish empire. The inhabitants, seeing a body of foldiers coming towards them, refufed to carry them over to Oczacow, without an order from Mehemet bafhaw, governor of the town. The king sent an exprefs to this governor, demanding a passage; but the Turk, not knowing what to do, in a country where one falfe ftep often costs a man his life, durft not venture to take any thing upon himself, without having firft obtained permiffion of the feraskier of the province, who refided at Bender in Beffarabia. Whilft they were waiting for this permiffion, the Ruffians, who had made the king's army prifoners, had paffed the Borifthenes, and were approaching to take the monarch himself. At last, the bafhaw of Oczacow fent word to the king, that he would furnish him with one fmall bark, to transport himfelf and two or three of his retinue. In this extremity the Swedes took by force what they could not obtain by gentle means: fome of them went to the further fide in a fkiff, feized on fome boats, and brought them to the hither fide of the river. This faved them; for the mafters of the Turkish barks, fearing they fhould lofe fuch a favorable occafion of getting a good freight, came in crowds to offer their fervice. At that very inftant


J.C. 1709. arrived the favorable answer of the ferafkier of Heg.1121. Bender; and the king had the mortification to fee five hundred of his men feized by the enemy, whose insulting bravadoes he even heard. The bafhaw of Oczacow, by means of an interpreter, asked his pardon for the delays which had occafioned the capture of these five hundred men, and humbly intreated him not to complain of it to the grand feignior. Charles promised him that he would not; but at the fame time gave him a fevere reprimand, as if he had been speaking to one of his own fubjects. The ferafkier of the province sent forthwith an aga to compliment the king, and to offer him a magnificent tent, with provisions, baggage, waggons, and all the conveniencies, officers, and attendants, neceffary to conduct him to Bender in a splendid manner; for it is the custom of the Turks, not only to defray the expences of ambassadors to the place of their refidence, but likewife to fupply, with great liberality, the neceffities of those princes who take refuge among them during the time of their stay.

The king of Sweden wrote to Achmet III. as foon as he arrived in his territories. The letter is dated the 13th of July 1709. Several copies of it were spread abroad, all of which are now looked upon as fpurious; but of all thofe I have feen, there is not one but what fufficiently marks the natural haughtiness of the author, and is more fuitable to his courage than his fituation. The fultan did not return an answer till towards the end



of September. The pride of the Ottoman Porte I.C. 1709. made Charles XII. fenfible what a mighty difference there was between a Turkish emperor, and a king of part of Scandanavia, a vanquished and fugitive Chriftian. For the reft, all these letters, which kings very rarely write themselves, are but vain formalities, which neither ferve to discover the characters of fovereigns, nor the state of their affairs.

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Though Charles XII. was in reality no better Intrigues than a prisoner honorably treated in Turkey, he feraglio. yet conceived the defign of arming the Ottoman empire against his enemies. He flattered himfelf that he should be able to reduce Poland, and fubdue Ruffia. He had an envoy at Conftantinople; but the person that ferved him moft effectually in his vaft projects was count Poniatowski, who went to Conftantinople without a commiffion, and foon made himself neceffary to the king, agreeable to the Porte, and at last dangerous even to the grand viziers.*

'One of those who feconded his defigns with the greatest activity was the physician Fonseca, a Portuguese Jew, fettled at Conftantinople, a man of knowledge and address, well qualified for the management of business, and perhaps the only philofopher of his nation. His profeffion procured him a free access to the Ottoman Porte, and often gained him the confidence of the viziers. I knew

* It was from this nobleman I received, not only the remarks that have been printed, and which the chaplain Norberg has made ufe of, but likewife feveral manufcripts concerning this hiftory. VOLTAIRE.

J.C.1709. I knew him very well at Paris, and he confirmed to Heg.1121.

me all the particulars I am going to relate. Count Poniatowski has informed me, both by letters and perfonally, that he had the address to convey letters to the valid fultaness, the mother of the reigning emperor, who had formerly been ill used by her fon, but now began to recover her influence in the feraglio, A Jewefs, who was often admitted to this princess, was unceasingly relating to her the exploits of the king of Sweden, and charmed her ear by these recitals. The fultanefs, moved by that fecret inclination with which most women feel themselves infpired in favor of extraordinary men, even without having feen them, openly espoused this prince's caufe in the feraglio. She called him by no other name than that of her lion. And when will you, (would fhe fometimes fay to the fultan her fon,) when will you affift my lion to devour the czar? She even difpenfed with the rules of the feraglio fo far, as to write feveral letters with her own hand to count Poniatowski, in whofe hands they ftill are at the time of my writing this hiftory.*


The valid fultanefs wrote likewife twice to the king of Sweden. The following is, a translation of her letters, fuch as it has been found in the king of France's repofitory of foreign affairs, in the hand writing of Mr. Brue, first druggerman to the French embassy.

"My most powerful and magnificent fon, whom I love more than my foul, after having greeted you and inquired after your noble health, which I with good and perfect, if you ask after mine, it is likewife in a good state. You know that I am strongly prepoffeffed in your favor. The letter which you fent has been remitted to my moft happy emperor. He is informed of


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Meanwhile the king was honorably conducted J.C. 1705. to Bender through the defert which was formerly called the wilderness of the Getæ. The Turks took care that nothing fhould be wanting on the road to render the journey agreeable. A great many Poles, Swedes, and Coffacks, who had efcaped from the Mufcovites, came by different ways to increase his train on the road. By the time he reached Bender, he had eighteen hundred men, who were all maintained and lodged, both they and their horfes, at the expence of the grand feignior.

'The king chose to encamp near Bender, rather than lodge in the town. The feraskier Juffuf bafhaw caused a magnificent tent to be erected for




all the outrages that have been done you, and the deviche his mother is working for you night and day. My most happy emperor has replied in thefe terms: If it pleafe God, I will fee that be obtain bis defires, even beyond bis expectations. It is very certain that in a little time he will overcome all kis enewies. So don't liften to nor believe what your enemies may fay. My foul, the eyes of my head, don't be chagrined. The derviche has received the depofite which you have intrufted to her care; it has given her great pleasure. In a little time you shall begin your journey. As my most powerful emperor does not let any one know his fecrets, take care not to divulge yours. Sarai is incomparable; he has done every thing in her power."


The other letter from the valid sultaness to the king of Sweden.

My most powerful, most happy, and most honorable fon the king of Sweden, after having offered prayers as pearls and greetings to your majefty, you know, that, by the permiffion of God, I have charged myself with your affairs, and they will be fettled to your wifhes, as my most formidable and invincible emperor is well acquainted with all the wrongs that have been done you. The letters that have been written are fallen into his hands. Don't be under any uneafinefs, nor listen to what your enemies fay. Thus far the principal ones have been overcome, and thofe that remain will meet their deferts one after another. In ten days or a fort'night


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