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Solyman, the fon of Orcan, his conquefts, I. 15; his death,


Solyman, the fon of Bajazet I., makes his efcape from the battle of Angora, I. 49; reigns in Europe, 55; takes to drinking, 56; is dethroned and put to death, 62. Solyman I., his love of juftice, I. 285, 321; faithful to his word, 317; religious, II. 116; regulates the finances I. 321; his fanguinary` difpofition, 345; takes Rhodes, 314; makes war in Hungary, 287, 327, 344, 345, 350; II. 7, 20,, 118, 120; in Perfia, I. 355; II. 24; fends a fleet and army to befiege Malta, II. 81; intrigues of his wives, I. 354; marries Roxalana, II. 22; has his fon put to death, 53; dies, 124.

Solyman II., his character, III. 366; dies, 395. Solyman, ftops the progrefs of the Poles, III. 346; is made grand vizier, 347; the army rebels against him, 358; his death, 361.

Sophi, a title taken by the kings

of Perfia, I. 232. Soranzo, ambaffador from Ve

nice to the Porte, III. 100. Spahis, cavalry, their origin, I. II; their arms, 34; mutiny, II. 237; III. 117. Stampalia, taken by the Turks, II. 2.

Stanislaus I., king of Poland,

comes into Turkey, IV. 192. Staremberg (count), defends Vienna against the Turks, III. 308.

Stephen, defpot of Moldavia,

defeats the Turks, I. 37. Stephen, king of Hungary, deprived of all his dominions

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Tachmas, king of Perfia, goes to war with the Turks, I. 356; caufes his brother to be put to death, II. 25, 26. Talleman, ambaffador from the emperor of the Weft to the Porte, IV. 362. Tamerlane, his conquefts in Afia,

1.45; defeats Bajazet I., 4 Tarabolus Ali, grand vizier, IV.

21, 24; is put to death, 29. Tartars, of Crimea, feudatories of the Turkish emperor, I. 171.

Tauris, taken, I. 355, 358; IV.

286, 309; (battle of), I.

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Terfkins, governor of Agria, delivered to the Turks by his garrifon, II. 225. Thaim, a penfion from the pub. lic treasury.

Thamas (Shah), vainly endeavours to fuccour his father, Shah Huffein, IV. 261; with the affiftance of Nadir afcends the Perfian throne, 297; concludes a peace with the Turks, 344; is imprisoned by Nadir, 347: Thamas (Kouli-khan), replaces Shah Thamas on the throne, IV. 297; caufes himself to be declared regent, 347. Themins, Jee Money. Theffalonica, taken by the Turks, I. 31, 91.

Timars, military benefices, their establishment, I. 25, 26. Titul, taken by the Imperialists,

III. 372.

Tockay, taken, III. 341; IV.


Toledo (don Garcia, of), takes

Pennon de Velez, II. 75. Toleration of religions, its good

effects, III. 387. Tomorri (Paul), bishop, is killed at the battle of Mohatz, I. 328, 331. Tomfa, waywode of Moldavia, II. 306.

Topal Oman, grand vizier, IV. 344 governs well, 345; is depofed, 347; is killed in a battle against the Perfians, 355

Topggis, matroffes.

Topachis, officers of the janiffaries.

Tott (baron), negotiates at the
Porte, IV. 354, 364.
Tourbane, mother to Mahomet

IV., III. 126, 139, 148. Tranfylvania, tributary to the Turks, II. 1733 becomes a

part of the Western empire, 212, 221, 229, 264, 307; III. 357

Trebizond, conquered by the
Turks, I. 159.

Trefme (De), at the fiege of Can-
dia, III. 218.
Trevisano, is unable to defend
Friuli, I. 223.

Tripoli, in Syria, furrenders to the Turks, I. 270. Tripoli, in Africa, given to the knights of Malta, I. 370; who lofes it, II. 37; a republic established there, II. 50; III. 249.7 Trogrudbek, ufurps the authority of the caliphs, I. lxix. Trofki, envoy from Poland to the Turks, efcapes death, III. 307, 320. Tumambei, foudan of Egypt, is hung, I. 271, 280. Tunis, revolutions of that king

dom, I. 364, 367; II. 178; is formed into a republic, 182.

Turks, their origin, I. lxii; u

furp the authority of the caliphs, lxvi. See Ottomans. Turpofchi, grand vizier, is depofed, IV. 11; his difinterestedness, 13.

Tufcany, inutility of the council held there to endeavour to unite the Greek and Latin churches, I. 99, 120. Tufcany (the duke of), goes to war with the Turks, II. 311.

U- -V

Vaccia, ceded to the emperor of the Weft, II. 264. Valette (John), grand mafter of Malta, defends that island against the Turks, II. 78. Valette (chevalier), killed at the fiege of Malta, II. 104.

3 L2


Valid fultanefs, the mother of the reigning fultan, her authority, IV. 107. See Curdifca, Kiofem, Tourhane, Zulema.

Valier (Gafpard), furrenders Tri'poli to the Turks, II. 44. Valona, infult offered that port, III. 69; taken by the Turks, 395.

Vantelet, fee Lahaye. Varna (battle of), I. 100. Venetians, their wars with the Turks, I. 69, 91, 219, 223; II. 134; III. 102, 334; IV. 214; nature of their commerce, I. 224. Vefperin, taken by the Auftrians, II. 118.

Veterani, commands in Hungary, III. 390, 391; IV. 33. Vicegrad, taken, II. 7, 20; III. 336, 340, 341.

Viden, taken by the Turks, III.

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France to the Porte, III.345, 353,357; mediator of a peace between the emperors of the Eaft and Weft, 363; renews the treaties between France and the Porte, 407.

pointed by the rebels, III. 359; IV. 85. Uladislaus, defends Poland against the Turks, II. 337. Ulema, the body of Mahometan clergy, none of them can be put to death, II. 245; infulted by Othman II., 349; taxes laid on them, III. 355; encourage the rebellion, 362. See Mufti, Zadi. Uruena (the count of), defends Croia, I. 111.

Ufzum Assan, king of Perfia, goes

to war with the Turks, I. 167. Vus (Albert de), infulted, though ambaffador from the emperor of the Weft, II. 131; breaks his heart in confequence, ib.


Walachia, puts itfelf under the

Austrian power, II. 212; re. turns to the Ottomans, 229. See Brancovan, Mauro Cordato.

Walid I, caliph, I. xlviii. Waradin, taken by the Impe, rialifts, IV. 12.

Wine, forbidden the Mahometans, I. xv.

Witnees (falfe), empaled, IV.


Women, their fituation in Turkey, I. xiv, lviii, 169; their intrigues, 96.


Villiers (L'ifle Adam), capitulates Year of the Mahometans, I.

in Rhodes, I. 314.

Viner, effendi, II. 330, 347. Viziers, of the arched roof, or of the bench, counfellors of ftate. Viziers (grand), prime minifters, caufe of their power and of their fall, II. 292; one ap


Zadi, effendi, conducts a rebellion without appearing to have any hand in it, IV. 322; is made cadilefkier, 331.

Zaid Mirza, king of Perfia, III. 20; defends his kingdom against the Turks, 30, 50. Zalufki, ambaffador from Poland, III. 275, 277.

Zane, the Venetian admiral, II. 141.

Zapoli, fee John.

Zengifkhan, conquefts of his defcendants, I. lxxi, 2. Zenta (battle of), IV. 48.

Zizim, rebels against his brother Bajazet II., I. 188; retires to Rhodes, 193, 195 goes into France, 197; his death, 212; fate of his family, 321.

Zuluema, the mother of Solyman I., her intrigues, I. 354, 361. Zuniga (Alvar de), conducts Zizim to Rhodes, I. 196,




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215, line 20.

219, line 12.

241, line 30.


For perfuaded, read perfuaded.
For with, read upon.

For covetuous, read covetous.

264, in the margin. For 1145, read 1135.

272, towards the bottom of the margin. For 1723, read 1724.
273, in the margin. For 1131, read 1136.
309, line 24. For murmurs, read murmuring.
311, line 18. For encreafed, read increased."
313, line 23. Put a comma after Patrona.

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& 1146.

371, line 23. For difadvantageous, read advantageous.
For established, read establishes.

414, line 8-9.

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56, line 2 from the bottom. For voluntary, read voluntarily.

66, line 20. For reclaim, read claim.

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170, line 4.

For fuden, read fudden.

175, line 22.

176, line 26.

181, line 27. 228, line 2. 250, line


284, line 3.
299, line 2.

311, line 15.

For tolerable, read tolerably.
For on, read in.

For entrusted, read intrufted.
For croud, read crowd.
For mastiffs, read dogs.
For encreafe, read increase.
For where, read were.

For encreafed, read increased.

350, in the margin. For 1520, read 1530.

375, line 10. For Aguftin, read Augustin.

[For the rest of the errata, fee the end of the first volume.]


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