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rafed by the central adminiftrations, at times when they were rmed with all the rigour of the laws refpecting emigration.

A great number more have further been fuppofed innocent by he committee established in virtue of your decree of the 7th Venofe, year 8th.

After thefe different claffes of individuals inferibed on the general ift, or on the fupplement, there will remain those who had the prejudices of birth and of titles to defend; others who are known o have carried arms against their country, or ferved foreign powers; others, in fine, who have not petitioned during the days. fixed by your decrees.

Such, Citizens Confuls, are the claffes of individuals who form the general lift of emigrants.

In order to reduce this lift to real emigrants, I fhall propofe to you, in the annexed plan of a decree, the views and the means which have been fuggefted to me by the labours of the committee of the Council of State, charged by you to turn their attention to this fubject.


FOUCHE, Minifter of general Police.

Extracts of the Registers of the Confuls of the Republic, Sitting of the 20th October 1800.

THE Confuls of the republic, upon the report of the Minifter of Police, decree as follows:

Title I. Of the infcription which ought to be ftruck out of the lift of emigrants.

Art. 1. The perfons hereafter defcribed fhall be ftruck out of the lift of emigrants.

First, Those who have been definitively erafed by the Executive Council, the Committee of Legislation of the National Convention, the Legislative Body, and the Executive Directory.

Secondly, The individuals provifionally erafed by the local adminiftrations, from the month of April 1792 to the 21ft of March 1795, from the 22d of October 1796 to the 20th of May 1797, and from the 22d of September 1798 to the 4th of December 1799.

Thirdly, Perfons of the following defcription, labourers, workmen, artifans, and all others exercifing a mechanic profeffion, fervants, the wives and children of all the perfons above mentioned.

Fourthly, The individuals collectively infcribed without any individual denomination; fuch are comprised under the general head of heirs or children of a perfon mentioned; nevertheless this decree does not go to the erafure of thofe individuals who may have been infcribed diftin&tly from the collective infcription.


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Fifthly, All wives except thofe, first, whofe hufbands are in th the fituation defcribed in Article III. paragraphs 1, 2, and 3; : and fecondly, thofe who have emigrated and abandoned their husbands.

Sixthly, The individuals who were under the age of fixteen on the 25th of December 1799.

Seventhly, The knights of Malta, who were in that island when it capitulated.

Eighthly, The individuals who left France before the 14th of July 1789.

Ninthly, The names of the individuals put to death by judg ments of revolutionary tribunals.

Tenthly, The ecclefiaftics who were fentenced to deportation, and who left France in obedience to the law.

Eleventhly, The individuals erafed by the report of the committee of the 26th of February, and not put on the lift again on the revision of that report.

Art. 2. The erafures which fhall be made by virtue of the preceding article, are declared null and void, if they arise from any falfe application of the article. The agents of government are to profecute the question on this head before the civil tribunals; and the individual, if it fhall be fo determined, fhall be replaced on the lift, provided that the acts done by him in the intermediate time, whether with the republic or with individuals, shall not be affected by fuch judgment.

Title II. Of those to be kept on the lift.

Art. 3. The following defcription fhall be,

Firft, Those who have borne arms against France.

Secondly, Those who after the departure of the ci-devant French princes have continued to form part of their civil or military establishment.

Thirdly, Those who have accepted from the ci-devant French princes, or from the powers at war with France, the place of minifters, ambaffadors, negotiators, and agents.

Fourthly, Those who have been kept on the lift by government after the report of the committee established in confequence of the order of the 26th of February 1800.

Fifthly, Those who have not made their claims before the 25th December 1799, as indicated in the law of the 2d March 1800, founded on the report of the 26th February, unless. they fhall come within the cafes pointed out in the preceding title.

Art. 4. The nullity pronounced by the 2d article is applicable to the erafures which thall be made in contravention of the preceding article.

Title III. relates to the mode in which the regulations of the two preceding titles fhall be carried into execution.


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Title IV. directs the precautions to be adopted with refpect to those who return. They are to take the oath of fidelity to the conftitution. The individual who fhall be ftruck out of the lift in confequence of the prefent order, fhall be placed under the control of government during the continuance of the war, and one year after a general peace. The women whofe names are struck out though their hufbands are kept on the lift, may, if they difturb the public tranquillity, be driven out of the French territories.

In Execution of the Confular Decrce of the 20th of October, in the prefent Year, relative to the Perfons infcribed on the Lift of Emigrants, the Prefect of the Department of the Seine decrees:

ART. 1. There fhall be opened a regiftry to the fecretaryship of the prefecture, to receive the promises of fidelity to the conftitution, which fhall be made by the citizens definitively erafed from the lift of emigrants; and another regiftry for the perfons not yet erafed, and who fhall folicit their erafure.

2. Reckoning from the 29th of October, the day of the promulgation of the decree of the Confuls, until the 18th of November inclufive, the citizens definitively erafed from the lift of emigrants by the Executive Council, the Committee of Legiflation of the National Convention, the National Convention, the Legislative Body, the Executive Directory, and the First Conful, fhall be received at the fecretaryfhip of the prefecture every day, from two to four o'clock,' to take before the fecretary general the promife of fidelity to the conftitution.

3. Before the making of this promife, they fhall be obliged to present to the secretary general a formal copy of the decree which pronounces their erafure.

4. The citizens erafed provifionally by local administrations, and those not yet erafed, who folicit their erafure, and who wish to conform to the terms of the 17th article of the Confular decree, fhall be received daily, without diftinction, at the fame hour.

5. The perfons above defcribed fhall feverally fign, upon their proper registry, the promife of fidelity to the constitution; and a copy of it shall then be delivered to them, figned by the fecretary general.


Note tranfmitted by the Swedish Miniftry to the Minifter of hi Catholic Majefly at Stockholm, in Anfwer to the Reprefentation the Spanish Court, dated St. Ildefonso, September 17, 1800.

HIS IS Swedish Majefty has understood with the utmoft -oncern, the violence used by fome officers of the Englift navy, towards a merchant-fhip from Swedish Pomerania, by employing




the fame in an hoftile enterprise against two frigates in the Road of Barcelona.

He perfectly accords with his Catholic Majesty with respect to the light in which this new abufe of power is to be confidered, and the common dánger which fuch examples muft occafion both to neutral and belligerent powers. His Majesty will therefore immediately make remonstrances to the court of London, to which he is equally induced by his friendly connexions with the Spanish court, and the violation of the neutrality of his flag.

In thefe remonftrances, which will have for their firft object the rights of the Swedish flag and of Swedith fubjects, his Catholic Majesty will certainly admit it to be right that the King should confider himself as the principal party; but while he attends to his own interests, he will not neglect thofe of Spain. Juftice requires that what has been obtained in an unjustifiable manner shall be reftored. His Majefty will demand, but without answering for the confequence of this meafure. He will, when it fhall be time, make confidential communications to the Spanish court, with refpect to the difpofitions which the English government fhall manifeft on the fubject; but the juftice of his Catholic Majesty will undoubtedly leave to him the free choice of the forms and means to be employed in this negotiation, nor attempt to limit any precife time or mode of restoration. Spain and all Europe is aquainted with the long procefs which Sweden has carried on in London on the fubject of restoration, and there can be no reason to expect that speedier juftice will be done in a cause which requires reftitution to be made to an enemy.

In the mean time his Swedish Majefty cannot confider himself as liable to any kind of refponfibility with refpect to an affair to the causes of which he was an entire ftranger. According to the tatement of the Spanish court itself, it was, under the circumftances with which it took place, not fuppofed that the Swedish government and nation were involved in it. It would be much to be lamented, fhould the injuftice of a third power be able to break connexions which feveral direct difcuffions during the war have not altered. Unfortunate events of this nature have frequently taken place, and fome as if they were peculiar to the Spanish ports. A Swedifh fhip which was taken in the harbour of Paffage itfelf, a fecond Swede plundered and entirely destroyed by the French in Alicant, and feveral others taken by the French privators at the entrance of the harbour of Malaga, have occafioned his wedish Majefty to make friendly reprefentations and remonftrance to the court of Spain, to procure refpect and fecurity to the trade of his kingdom. His Majefty would have been happy to have on the fame energy with which it now makes complaints; but the fruitleffnefs of his remonftrances never induced

him to pass the bounds of that moderation and candour, which fhould be cultivated by friendly courts, and to which his Majefty trufts the court of Spain will return, when it fhall have carefully inquired into the true caufes of the different accidents which have occafionally taken place in its ports.

The underligned, chancellor of the court, has the honour to make the prefent reprefentations to the Chevalier de la Huerta, envoy extraordinary from his Catholic Majefty, as an answer to his communication of the 17th of September, and avails himself with pleasure of the opportunity to exprefs his efteem, &c. F. VON EHRENHEIM.


Drottningholm, Oct. 22, 1800.

Milan, October 23.

Convention agreed upon between the Imperial Colonel Siegenthal, and the French General of Brigade Clement, before the latter took pofSeffion of Leghorn.

1. THE Imperial troops intrufted with the defence of Leghorn, their commandant and major, as well as the Tuscan troops of the line garrifoned in that city, in confideration of their being allied troops, fhall march out with their horfes, arms, baggage, and every thing belonging to them, fuch as artillery and ammunition of all kinds, unmolefted, to join, their corps by the way of Siena, Arezzo, and Cortona.

2. The fick fhall follow them, immediately on being recovered.

3. The independency of the Tufcan government at Leghorn fhall be refpected, and fhall not undergo any change; the public functionaries fhall be retained, and the penfioners continue in the enjoyment of their pensions.

4. The volunteer corps, armed in defence of Tufcany, shall be refpected; and, in cafe they fhall not be deemed neceffary any longer, they are to be honourably and peaceably difmiffed; no individual of thefe corps, nor those who command them, fhall be molested.

5. The inhabitants of the city and diftrict of Leghorn fhall in no manner be called to an account for their political opinions.

6. Thofe of the inhabitants who thall be inclined to quit the city and Grand Dutchy, may do it without being molefted, and fhall obta th neceffary paffports.

7. The Auftrian merchant-veffels in the roads and harbour, and all Auftrian property in general, fhall be refpected and fecure. SIEGENTHAL, Colonel.


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