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Corn-Mr. Pitt moves to introduce
a bill to continue the importation
of foreign corn, duty free, 57-
Debate on taking into confidera-
tion the high price of corn, 66-
Mr. Pitt moves for a bounty to
be allowed on the importation of
corn, 248-Debate refpecting
the importation of it, 250-Bill
for preventing the obstruction to
a free paffage of grain, read a
first and fecond time, 349-De-
bate on the motion for an affocia
tion of the members to diminish
the confumption of bread made
of wheat flour, &c. 724-The
Houfe in a Committee on the
eorn bounty bill, 740-Debate
on the Committee's Report to
permit bakers to make and fell
certain forts of bread, 783, 793
-Debate on the motion for a
Committee of the Houfe to con-
fider the high price of corn, 789
Cornwallis, Vice Admiral-Mr.

Dundas moves the thanks of the
Houfe to him for his conduct on
the 16th and 17th June 1795,



Dean of Faculty, See Hon. Henry
Distilleries-Debate refpecting the
working of them, and of the ma-
terials ufed, 159-Refpecting the
diftillation of molaffes, 696


Erskine, Hon, Henry-Correfpon-
dence refpecting the election of
the Dean of Faculty of Edin-
brugh, 689


Gardner, Sir Alan the thanks of
the Houfe communicated to him by
Mr. Speaker for his conduct on
the 23d of June 1795, with Sir
A. G.'s reply, 65


Horfes-Debates on the bill f
granting duties on them, 735,
792, 793
Hotham, Admiral-his answer to
the vote of thanks of the House
for his conduct on the 14th of
March 1795, 63


King's (The) fpeech, on the
ing of Parliament, 2-Meflage
from the Lords defiring a con-
ference in confequence of the in-
fult offered to the King in his
way to and from Parliament, 52,
54-Copy of the addrefs to the
King on that occafion, with His
Majefty's answer, 61-The
King's answer to the addrefs of
thanks for his fpeech, 62-Bill
for the fecurity of his perfon read
a fir time, 160-The fame read
a fecond time, 255-Meffage
from the King that Colonel Caw-
thorne was under arreft in order
to be tried by a Court Martial,
435-Debate on the motion that
the Speaker do leave the chair,
on the bill for the better fecurity
of the King's perfon, 443-The
King's meffage refpecting the
fale of Dutch prizes, 593-Ditto
to make provifion for any extra-
ordinary expence which may be
incurred for the fervice of the
enfuing year, 624-Ditto ref-
pecting the landing of foreign
troops, 624-Debate on the
third reading of the bill for the
fecurity of the King's perfon,698

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Labour, price of, Sre Poor
Loan-Debate refpecting it, 608-
Petition of Mr. Morgan and
others, refpecting it, 589-De-
bate on the fame, 591-Debate
on Mr. W. Smith's motion for a

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[blocks in formation]

Seditious Meetings-Mr. Pitt
moves to take into confideration
His Majesty's proclamation a-
gainst them, 11-His motion
for the first reading of the bill to
prevent them, 151-Debate on
Mr. Sheridan's motion for aCom-
mittee "to inquire into the exif-
tence and extent of the danger
of feditious meetings," 167-
Debate on the motion for the fe-
cond reading of the bill to prevent
feditious meetings, 194, 320
Debate on the motion for the
Houfe to go into a Committee
on the bill, 358, 435-Debate
on the motion to take into confi-
deration the Committee's Report
on the feditious meeting bill,
489-Debate on the third read-
ing of the bill, 527-Debate on
Mr. Pitt's motion to agree to the
amendments made in the bill by
the Lords, 762-Mr. Speaker
moves to make a special entry in
the Journals of the reafons for

concurring in the amendment,


Seymour, Lord Hugh—the thanks
of the Houfe communicated to
him by Mr. Speaker for his con-
duct, on the 23d June 1795, with
his Lordship's reply, 656
Supply-the Houfein a Committee
of, 108, 261


Taxes, See Budget
Thoughts on the Government-
Debate refpecting a pamphlet of
that title, 287-the debate re-
fumed, 400
Report of the Committee appoint-
ed to inquire who was the author
of it, 480-Debate on the fame,
592-The fecond Report of the
Committee on the fame, 732-
Debate refpecting it, 740
Tobacco and Snuff-Debate on the
Report for granting duties on
them, 737
Treaties-of defenfive alliance be-
tween His Britannic Majefty and
the Emperor of Germany, fign-
ed at Vienna, May 20, 1795, 83;
of defenfive alliance between His
Britannic Majefty and the Em-
prefs of Ruffia, figned at Peterf-
burgh, Feb. 18 1795, 86-of
amity, commerce, and naviga-
tion, between His Britannic Ma-
jefty and the United States of
America, figned at London, Nov.
19 1794, 90


Waste Lands, motion for a Com-
mittee to take the fame into con-
fideration, 734-Form of the
affociation, 735-Motion of Sir
J. Sinclair refpecting their culti-
vation, 795
Ways and Means for 1796,-Re-
port of the Committee of, 625-
Debate on the fame, 632


то THE




ABBOT, Mr. 553

Adair, Mr. Serjeant, 299, 312,
330, 426, 438, 439, 593
Addington, Mr. 375
Amyatt, Mr. 429

Anderfon, Mr. Alderman, 155,
156, 432, 434, 478, 577
Anftruther, Mr. 208, 473, 491
Arden, Sir R. P. (Mafter of the
Rolls) 307, 308, 312, 426, 468,
517, 592

Arden, Lord, 108, 109

[blocks in formation]

Canning, Mr. 152, 291
Carew, Mr. 793
Church, Mr. 327
Coke, Mr. 357, 646, 648
Courtenay, Mr. 150, 269, 294,
418, 441, 581, 688, 737, 738,
760, 780
Crefpigny, Mr. 432, 319, 520

Attorney General-See Sir J. Curtis, Mr. Alderman, (the Lord



Baker, Mr. 428, 473

Mayor), 576, 780

Curwen, Mr. 78, 131, 150, 154,

171, 192, 319, 358, 578, 632,

Banks, Mr. 729

Barham, Mr. 305, 471, 472

Baring, Sir F. 80, 252, 255, 594,

620, 637, 644, 790

Baffet, Sir F. 189, 240.

[blocks in formation]

Belgrave, Lord, 283, 284, 505, Dolbein, Sir W. 426, 439, 760

[blocks in formation]

Burdon, Mr. 297, 578, 587, 650,

Douglafs, Mr. Sylvefter, 753, 780
Duncombe, Mr. 151, 158, 525
Dundas, Mr. Charles, 348, 730
Dundas, Mr. Secretary, 55, 59,
62, 82, 109, 110, 143, 147, 151,
156, 226, 476, 478, 479, 506,
510, 513, 528, 571, 580, 593,
646, 647, 651, 680, 686, 687,

695, 729, 748, 749, 764, 776, Harley, Mr. Alderman, 516

779, 780


Eaft, Mr. 635, 730
Edwards, Mr. 495, 496
Egerton, Mr. 525

Erskine, Hon. T. 199, 298, 309,
327, 344, 409, 443, 464, 475,
476, 478, 479, 688, 696


Fitzpatrick, General, 265, 266,

271, 401

Fox, Mr. 24, 51, 52, 53, 54, 58,
70, 79, 82, 115, 143, 145, 178,
182, 191, 230, 240, 246, 248,
252, 255, 255, 282, 283, 293,
299, 305, 306, 307, 313, 320,
330, 332, 336, 353, 356, 388,
424, 429, 430, 434, 435, 442,
459, 462, 464, 474, 477, 479,
489, 491, 493, 495, 496, 510,
516, 520, 522, 524, 525, 560,
577, 583, 586, 589, 591, 592,
615, 620, 623, 624, 639, 640,
645, 648, 668, 697, 710, 722,
723, 758, 762, 764, 765, 774)

Francis, Mr. 356, 517, 737, 783,

Frederick, Sir John, 431, 523


Gardner, Sir Alan, 65
Grant, Mr. 380

Grey, Mr. 141, 144, 147, 156,
266, 292, 302, 317, 320, 326,

Harriton, Mr. 156, 214, 365, 698,
Hippifley, Mr. 518, 519, 520
Honeywood, Mr. 256, 271, 347,
351, 352, 428, 697, 699, 730
Hood, Lord, 245

Huffey, Mr. 58, 77, 78, 81, 82,
158, 159, 249, 251, 255, 401,
591, 621, 640, 696, 697, 732
737 740, 789


Jekyll, Mr. 56, 168, 296, 440,
443, 622, 636, 650, 707, 753
Jenkinfon, Hon. Mr. 15, 266, 501,
795, 758

Jodd rell, Mr. 82, 735, 792
Joliffe, Mr. 648, 788


Knatchbull, Sir E. 350, 352, 353,


Lambton, Mr. 149, 151, 152,
156, 251, 291, 305, 376
Lechmere, Mr. 69, 251, 349, 739,

Le Mefurier, Mr. Alderman, 343,

Lemon, Sir W. 376
Lewes, Sir W. 340, 788

Lufhington, Mr. Alderman, 130,
155, 265, 329, 639, 644


The give

341, 441, 492, 508, 575, 579, Macleod, General, 151, 194, 258,
580, 588, 593, 637, 644, 659,

Grofvenor, Colonel, 504, 506


Halhed, Mr. 123

Hammett, Sir B. 329, 338, 344
Hardinge, Mr. 302, 315, 422, 529

259, 261, 264, 266, 267, 268,
296, 355, 401, 442, 443, 472,
499, 501, 686, 687, 688
Mainwaring, Mr. 246, 327, 346,
438, 492, 517, 518
Major, Mr. H. 635, 644
Martin, Mr. 137, 291, 583, 587,
732, 739, 757, 789

Mafter of the Rolls-See Sir R. P.

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