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trict, we recommend to every law-abiding and order-loving citizen of Kanzas Territory not to attend said election, but rely on the returns already made to sustain the claims of those returned heretofore to their seats in each house."

The governor, notwithstanding, did order a new election in six of the contested districts, which called forth the fury of the Missouri papers. Of the articles published, the following from the Brunswicker is a choice specimen :

“We learn, just as we go to press, that Reeder has refused to give certificates to four of the Councilmen and thirteen members of the House. He has ordered an election to fill their places on the 22d of May. This infernal scoundrel will have to be hemped yet."

The pro-slavery party took no interest in the May election, having determined not to recognize it, except in the Leavenworth district, where they re-elected their candidates by Missouri votes. In all the other districts free-state men were elected. But upon the assembling of the Legislature their seats were refused them, and given to those elected on the 30th of March. There was but one free-state member whose seat could not be

deprived him upon any pretence whatever, and this he voluntarily resigned, leaving the entire assembly of the same political complexion.

The Kansas Legislative Assembly, elected by Missouri votes, convened, agreeably to the order of Governor Reeder, at Pawnee City, near Fort Riley, in the interior of the territory, on the 2d of July, 1855. On the 4th, an act was passed to remove the seat of government to Shawnee Mission, near the Missouri border. This bill was vetoed by Governor Reeder, but was subsequently adopted by a two-third majority, and became a law.

This body was in session less than fifty working days; but in looking over the published records of the amount of labor it performed, it might be regarded as the most industrious legislative assembly that ever had an existence. Besides its journals, embracing two good sized duodecimo volumes of several hundred pages, it discussed and adopted laws filling more than a thousand octavo pages. How this was accomplished would be a mystery to the uninitiated; for it would have required all the time occupied by the meetings to read. at a rapid rate. even a part of the enactments; but the mystcry is revealed when it is understood that the Missouri code was adopted without the laborious formality of reading, with the simple


41 instructions to the clerks to substitute the name of "Kan-` sas Territory" wherever the "State of Missouri" occurred. There were, however, some additions made that never could have received the sanction of a Missouri Legislature. These were test and election laws, so odious that even the Kansas officials, corrupt as they were, did not attempt their enforcement, and hence remained dead letters upon the statute book. The person claiming to be the author of these laws says he wrote them when under the evil influence of bad whiskey, and that they passed the Houses when the other members were in about the same condition as he was when they were written and presented. This was as rational an explanation as could have been given for their conception and adoption.

The Legislature adjourned on the 30th of August, having fixed the permanent seat of government at Lecompton. This was about as inaccessible and inconvenient a place as could have been chosen in the territory; but, as it is maliciously affirmed, that the members received from the town company liberal grants of town lots as the price of their votes, they could afford to travel somewhat out of the ordinary way, and suffer a few trifling discomforts, especially as the public welfare was thus to be promoted.


Removal of Governor Reeder.-Secretary Woodson.-Assumption of power by the Legislature.-Office-holders all pro-slavery men.-Free-state mass meetings and conventions.-Elections for delegate to Congress.-Freestate Constitution adopted.-Dr. Charles Robinson elected governor. Meetings of the State Legislature.-Arrest of Robinson and others for high treason. The Topeka Legislature dispersed by Col. Sumner.

GOVERNOR REEDER made a visit to Washington in the spring of 1855, leaving Kansas on the 19th of April, to consult with the administration on the affairs of the territory. When about to take his departure for the west, on the 11th of June following, he received a letter from Secretary Marcy, charging him with irregular proceedings, in the purchase of Indian lands. The governor replied to this letter, after he had again reached Kansas, explaining the circumstances in question, and showing that the charge had no foundation other than in the fact that

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he was one of a company who had proposed to purchase a portion of the Kaw lands, provided the sanction of the government could be obtained, otherwise the purchase was of no avail. Although this pretended speculation was the ostensible ground for his removal, of which he received official information on the 31st of July, it was evident that other reasons, not made public, had influenced the action of the administration. He did not please the southern wing of the Democratic party, and the leading pro-slavery men clamored for his dismissal. From these he had suffered every possible annoyance, even to having been assaulted and beaten in his own office by Gen. B. F. Stringfellow, for having, as was alleged, spoken unfavorably, when in the east, of border ruffianism. The Legislative Assembly also sent a memorial to Washington, preferring charges against him, which were not received until after his removal. The speculation in the half-breed lands, therefore, while it furnished a pretext, was not the real cause for the removal of Reeder.

The secretary of the territory, Daniel Woodson, was, agreeably to a provision in the organic law, acting governor, from the 31st of July, until Wilson Shannon, the successor to Reeder, arrived in the territory on the 1st of September. Woodson was all that the pro-slavery party desired. There was nothing in which he was not willing and ready to do their bidding. He was emphatically a man after their own heart. And so well pleased were they with his soundness and pliancy, that petitions were forwarded to Washington, to obtain for him the appointment of governor. There was no possible reason to fear that he would be guilty of the commission of any act that would favor the free-state people, or that would not have for its chief object the advancement of the pro-slavery cause.


Previous to the removal of Reeder, the Legislative Assembly had passed enactments stripping the governor of almost every vestige of power, attempting even to deprive him of the privileges granted by the organic act. They arrogated to themselves the appointment of all the territorial officers, an selected none but persons of their own class, and those who were known to be of the most ultra character. In this they had strictly followed the policy of the administration, all whose appointments were of the same description; so that, after the removal of Reeder, there was but one man, and he the postmaster at Lawrence, who held an office, either under the federal government, or by appointment of the legislature,



or through their agents, who was not in favor of introducing slavery into the territory, and through any means by which it could be effected.

The free-state settlers, believing themselves the subjects of a cruel persecution; feeling they could not obtain any sympathy from the general government; and knowing they might look in vain for justice at the hands of the territorial officers, held mass meetings and conventions, to discuss with each other the subject of their grievances. At one of these meetings, a resolution was passed, requesting "all bona fide citizens of Kansas Territory, of whatever political views or predilections, to consult together, in their respective election districts," and elect "delegates to assemble in convention, at the town of Topeka, on the 19th day of September, 1855, then and there to consider and determine upon all subjects of public interest, and particularly upon that having reference to the speedy formation of a state constitution, with an intention of immediate application to be admitted as a state into the Union of the United States of America.”

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A convention, numerously attended, was held at Big Springs, on the 5th of September, at which it was resolved, that the Legislative Assembly had been fraudulently elected; "that its laws had no validity or binding force; and that every freeman was at liberty, consistently with his obligations as a citizen and a man, to defy and resist them." A resolution was also passed denunciatory of the judiciary, for entering "into a partisan contest, and, by extra-judicial decision, giving opinions in violation of all propriety." It was further resolved to endure and submit to the laws of the spurious legislature no longer than the best interests of the territory require, as the least of two evils;" and to "resist them to a bloody issue as soon as it could be ascertained that peaceable remedies should fail, and forcible resistance furnish any reasonable prospect of success;" and, in the mean time, the resolution read, " we recommend to our friends throughout the territory, the organization and discipline of volunteer companies, and the procurement and preparation of arms." They especially repudiated the election law, determined not to meet on the day appointed for election, but resolved themselves to "fix upon a day for the purpose of electing a delegate to Congress."

Agreeably to this last resolve, the 9th day of October was set apart for the election of a delegate to Congress, at which

election Governor Reeder received two thousand eight hundred and sixteen free-state votes, the pro-slavery party taking no part in the election. This party had already held an election on the first of the month, when Whitfield received over three thousand votes, more than eight hundred of them, as before, polled by invaders from the neighboring state. The free-state people kept away from the polls on that occasion.

Both Whitfield and Reeder presented themselves in Washington, and claimed their seats as delegates. After a careful investigation of the circumstances, both were rejected, though each received his mileage.

At the same time the free-state election for delegate to Congress was held, delegates to form a constitutional convention were also elected. This convention assembled at Topeka, on the 23d of October, 1855, at which a state constitution was adopted, the important feature of which is, that "slavery shall not exist in the state."

This Constitution was submitted to the people for ratification, on the 15th December, 1855, when it received a respectable popular vote. At some of the election districts, disturbances were created, and at Leavenworth, the poll-books were seized and destroyed. But as a general thing, the election was permitted to go off even more quietly than could, under the agitated condition of the territory, have been reasonably expected.

Just one week after this December election, a caucus meeting was held in Lawrence to nominate a free-state ticket for state officers under the Topeka Constitution. At this meeting, Dr. Charles Robinson, received the nomination for governor, who with the other candidates then nominated, was subsequently elected.

The newly elected State Legislature, assembled at Topeka on the 1st of March, 1856, and proceeded to organize a state government. Dr. Robinson took the oath of office and delivered his inaugural address. A committee was appointed to frame a code of laws for the future state, during the adjournment of the Legislature. Andrew H. Reeder and James H. Lane were elected United States Senators, to take their seats when the new state should be admitted into the Union. After the transaction of this, and other important business, the Legislature adjourned until the following 4th of July.

Sheriff Samuel J. Jones, whose name must necessarily figure somewhat in these pages, as a prominent agitator in all

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