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nents only along the Atlantic. The es made settlements along the Hudare Bay, respectively.

the eighteenth century, the Swedes ed by the Dutch, who in turn had glish. And in 1756 began the great ance and England for the possession alley. England won, and the existEates as we know and love it became


Revolutionary War fall naturally es, the remote and the immediate. ses.-Among the underlying causes mentioned the following:

the colonies. They were separated untry by a great ocean, which then as wide as it does now. Cominfrequent that the authorities in cep track of what was going on in vernment could flourish unchecked And so far away and so differently the people in England were the peohat the former could not appreciate latter.

the crime was alleged to have been committed; of habeas corpus; of established rules of evid indeed, of nearly all the rights mentioned in amendments to the constitution of the Un Their ancestors had, in the war between Cr Charles I., laid down their lives to establish t that taxes can be laid only by the people representatives. The colonists themselve compelled to face difficulties incident to li country, and had developed the power to ac ently in matters pertaining to their indiv And in the management of their several com they had gained considerable experience mental affairs. With such ancestry and such they would not tamely endure being impose

3. The character of the king. On the deat Anne without an heir, George I., elector o had become king of England, and he had ceeded by his son, George II. To both of England was really a foreign country, of wh tions, and of whose language even, they were ignorant. As a consequence, their personal England was small. When, in 1760, young ascended the throne, he resolved to be king well as in name. This determination, which to, coupled with his unfamiliarity with Eng


sts of England." Money had been rises, and in the effort to secure a y unjust commercial restrictions e colonists.

-Among the immediate causes of ir may be mentioned:

! Indian War. In the first place, e union of the colonies. Several ad failed; there were too many While by far the greater number English, there were many Dutch in e Swedes remained in Delaware. h themselves differed radically in South having been royalists, while sympathized with Cromwell and e serious than these politial differrences in religion. The old Euro

echo here, and the catholics of palians of Virginia, the puritans of otists of Rhode Island, the lutherans e quakers of Pennsylvania, all had er. Travel, which does so much to free it from prejudice, was both s. The French and Indian War, from all the colonies, was of great down intercolonial animosities.

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protection of England necessary to the colo

In the third place, this war gave the color perience in military affairs and a confidence i powers which emboldened them to dare ope:

And in the fourth place, this war produce which led to the taxation which was the most cause of the outbreak.

Various tyrannical acts of the king. given explicitly in the Declaration of Indepe

Some Pertinent Questions.

Name a country in the world's history that ever colonies representation in its home parliament body. Name one that does it today. Why do t this country desire to become states?

Name some country, other than England. which given birth to the United States. Prove your pro The Duc de Choiseul, the French minister who treaty whereby France yielded to England he American soil, remarked after doing it, "That is th of the end of English power in America." W mean? Upon what did he base his opinion? Wh help the Americans in the Revolutionary War?

What is meant, in speaking of the colonies, b ince? Charter government? Proprietary governm What experience in law making did the col Where and when did the first representative America convene? Find in the Declaration of I an expression complaining of non-representatio ment.

To the patriotic and far sighted men who ha form a union of the colonies, did the religious



y Period.-The nation was born that time until the adoption of leration in 1781 the people of the on their governmental affairs by "clothed with undefined powers

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, speaking "in the name and by good people of these colonies," 1 of independence; it had entered h France; and it had prosecuted successful issue, before it had rearrant for its acts. Its acts were , and had their authority in the of a majority of the people. Durrevolutionary war, the people of argely "held together by their


But these were pre-eminently a good order. This is shown in part rm of the declaration of indepen

o idea of allowing themselves to





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