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two questions proposed at the beginning i Government is the organization of societ public works, to establish justice, and to pr common defense.

The term government is also applied to persons into whose hands is committed the of public affairs.

To show that government is a necessit us imagine a company of several hundred and children, who have left their former count of the tyranny of the government. have they been treated, that they have their misery to the thing called governme resolve that they will have none in thei They discover an island in the ocean, which to have been occupied, and which appeal land." Here they resolve to settle.

They help each other in building the housfrom the forest the wood that he needs f graze the cattle in a common meadow; the mon field and all share in the harvest. E goes well. But mutterings begin to be found that some are unwilling to do their work. It becomes manifest to the though munity of property must be given up ownership be introduced, or else that the c

be established. A visit from her island would show the utility common defense.

ems a necessary consequence of

ve the general government and e latter acting chiefly through or obvious reasons, the common general government. For reamost of the work of public lishing justice is entrusted to


proceed to study, beginning at

nment be necessary if man were this organization of society called


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Necessity.-Now instead of a company island to found new homes, let us think of to a new part of a state.

Like the people on the island, they will bridges, and schools; and they will desire the local peace. Hence they, too, will need as a political body.

Size. Since these people are going to m periods to agree upon the amounts to public improvements and to select officers their wishes, the territory covered by the should not be very large. It should be of that every one entitled to do so can reach meeting, take part in the work thereof, home the same day, even if he has no team.

Basis.-Will anything be found alrea facilitate matters? Yes. Those parts of t to settlement will be found surveyed into These squares are called in

miles square.

s.-A town is in some respects like n sue and be sued. It can borrow or rent property needed for public an sell property for which it has cause a town can do these things it is called a corporation, and such rporate powers.

it "the town" can do these things, that the people of the town as a > them, through the proper officers. -The town needs one or more perts corporate capacity and to have interests.

or more than one? Why? How many

ansaction should be recorded, and ve a recording officer or secretary.

g officer in this town called? What is cer would naturally be the custodian of

to build bridges and to carry on and the town needs some one to ublic funds.

called? Who occupies that position in e prevented from misappropriating the e people?

ms "congressional township" and "civil town

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the statement at the bottom of the list careful form an opinion of a person who would answer untruthfully for the purpose of lowering his taxes

The immediate care of the roads will d attention of one or more officers.

How many in this town? What are such off Name them.

Differences about property of small valu arise, and to go far from home to have t would involve too much expense of time a hence the necessity of local officers of just officers are needed also because petty acts ness are liable to occur.

How many justices of the peace are there in Why that number? What is the extent of their

The arrest of criminals, the serving of le and the carrying out of the decisions of jus peace, make it necessary to have one or officers.

What are such officers called? How many in Why? Look up the history of this office; it is int

The public schools of the town may b either by a town board of trustees, who l the school-houses, engage all of the teacher vide necessary material for all of the sch town; or the town may be divided into d

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